Saloons quotes:

  • Saloons provide moments of genuine ecstasy - but only if your soul is at peace and the rest of your life bears contemplating. Otherwise, they are palaces of misery. -- Wilfrid Sheed
  • The saloon is a liar. It promises good cheer and sends sorrow. -- Billy Sunday
  • If I had to live my life over, I'd live over a saloon. -- W. C. Fields
  • I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon. -- Billy Sunday
  • If I had my life to live over again, I'd live over a saloon. -- W. C. Fields
  • I challenge you to show me where the saloon has ever helped business, education, church, morals or anything we hold dear. -- Billy Sunday
  • If I were hungry and friendless today, I would rather take my chances with a saloon-keeper than with the average preacher. -- Eugene V. Debs
  • The man who votes for the saloon is pulling on the same rope with the devil, whether he knows it or not. -- Billy Sunday
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  • God Almighty never intended that the devil should triumph over the Church. He never intended that the saloons should walk rough-shod over Christianity. -- Billy Sunday
  • What about the poor salesman who is calling into the office from the corner saloon instead of the home sickbed he claims he is in? -- Malcolm Forbes
  • I ask especially that no state shall, by law or otherwise, authorize the return of the saloon, either in its old form or in some modern guise. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Fortune knocks at every man's door once in a life, but in a good many cases the man is in a neighboring saloon and does not hear her. -- Mark Twain
  • I felt invincible. My strength was that of a giant. God was certainly standing by me. I smashed five saloons with rocks before I ever took a hatchet. -- Carry Nation
  • The hot hall full of painted girls and American soldiers is a saloon in some Western film. This noise drenches us, wakens us to do something else. It shows us a lost path. -- Jean Cocteau
  • In one dancing saloon I saw the only rational method of art criticism I have ever come across. Over the piano was printed a notice: 'Please do not shoot the pianist. He is doing his best.' -- Oscar Wilde
  • At Kansas City, Kansas, before the saloons were closed, they were getting ready to build an addition to the jail. Now the doors swing idly on the hinges and there is nobody to lock in the jails. -- Billy Sunday
  • men will have to resign themselves to the fact that the old-time saloon, for men only, will never again exist. Once a woman has felt a brass rail under her instep, there can be no more needlepoint footstools for her. -- Alice-Leone Moats
  • And now, in honour of the 150th anniversary of Beethoven's death, I would like to play 'Clear the Saloon', er, 'Clair de Lune', by Debussy. I don't play Beethoven so well, but I play Debussy very badly, and Beethoven would have liked that. -- Victor Borge
  • I thought it might be fun to set my books in Nevada, which is in the West and still pretty Wild. You can still gamble, carry a loaded pistol, and go into a silver-mine, and they still have saloons with swinging doors, boardwalks, and horses. -- Caroline Lawrence
  • Sometimes I need to reject the music proposed for my songs because the musicians misunderstand that the Fanny Crosby who once wrote for the people in the saloons has merely changed the lyrics. Oh my no. The church must never sing it's songs to the melodies of the world. -- Fanny Crosby
  • I busted out of the place in a hurry and went to a saloon and drank beer and said that for the rest of my life I'd never take a job in a place where you couldn't throw cigarette butts on the floor. I was hooked on this writing for newspapers and magazines. -- Jimmy Breslin
  • Freedom in every sense but primarily political sense, a rise in repression that stems from a repression of sexuality. It's AIDS, it's herpes, it's this, it's that. Ask any saloon owner what's happened to social life in America and they'll tell you it's a different world and these people are strongly misinformed by the media, peer pressure. -- Jack Nicholson
  • There are a million boys growing up in the United States who have never seen a saloon, and who will never know the handicap of liquor and this excellent condition will go on spreading over the country when the wet press and the paid propogandists of booze are forgotten. The abolition of the commercialized liquor trade in this country is as final as the abolition of slavery. -- Henry Ford
  • Let there be dancing in the streets, drinking in the saloons, and necking in the parlor. -- Groucho Marx
  • Everything I do on stage, I made up in saloons. I started doing it in front of people, and that became my performance. I never had writers. -- Don Rickles
  • I felt invincible. My strength was that of a giant. God was certainly standing by me. I smashed five saloons with rocks before I ever took a hatchet. -- Carry Nation
  • As a personal matter I don't give a damn where mosques, churches, temples or other religious shrines and symbols are built as long as they don't tear down decent saloons in the process. -- Bob Higgins
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  • In our day we went from - we went into saloons. We couldn't cross over like you can today, get a television series and all of a sudden you're a major movie star, you know. -- Don Rickles