Interconnected quotes:

  • Every little action creates an effect: We are all interconnected. -- Yehuda Berg
  • Its not a global village, but we're in a highly interconnected globe. -- Howard Rheingold
  • All human beings are interconnected, one with all other elements in creation. -- Henry Reed
  • With its billions of interconnected neurons, whose interactions change from millisecond to millisecond, the human brain is an archetypal complex system. -- Miguel Nicolelis
  • True self is non-self, the awareness that the self is made only of non-self elements. There's no separation between self and other, and everything is interconnected. -- Nhat Hanh
  • Using taxes to punish the rich, in reality, punishes everyone because we are all interconnected. High taxes and excessive regulation and massive debt are not working. -- Rand Paul
  • This idea of how everything is interconnected, and the impermanence of things.. It sums up the human condition to me, and it helps me on my path. -- Jeff Bridges
  • The worst pandemic in modern history was the Spanish flu of 1918, which killed tens of millions of people. Today, with how interconnected the world is, it would spread faster. -- Bill Gates
  • If you look closely you can see that they are all interconnected, symbolic of a never-ending circle in which it is simply impossible for the dog to catch the rabbit. -- Kit Williams
  • There are plenty of problems in the world, many of them interconnected. But there is no problem which compares with this central, universal problem of saving the human race from extinction. -- John Foster Dulles
  • We are a profoundly interconnected species, as the global economic and ecological crises reveal in vivid and frightening detail. We must embrace the simple fact that we are dependent on and accountable to one another. -- Parker Palmer
  • Essentially, all expressions of human nature ever produced, from a caveman's paintings to Mozart's symphonies and Einstein's view of the universe, emerge from the same source: the relentless dynamic toil of large populations of interconnected neurons. -- Miguel Nicolelis
  • My philosophy comes from a worldview that looks at the world as one. It's a holistic view that sees the world as interconnected and interdependent and integrated in so many different ways, which informs my politics. -- Dennis Kucinich
  • The human brain now holds the key to our future. We have to recall the image of the planet from outer space: a single entity in which air, water, and continents are interconnected. That is our home. -- David Suzuki
  • The planet's biggest problems have to do with sustainability, environmental decline, global poverty, disease, conflict and so forth. Really, they're all interconnected - it's one big problem, which is that the way we're doing things can't go on. -- Alex Steffen
  • Advances in technology - hugely beneficial though they are - render us vulnerable in new ways. For instance, our interconnected world depends on elaborate networks: electric power grids, air traffic control, international finance, just-in-time delivery, and so forth. -- Martin Rees
  • I think we so often equate leadership with being experts - the leader is supposed to come in and fix things. But in this interconnected world we live in now, it's almost impossible for just one person to do that. -- Jacqueline Novogratz
  • In our interconnected world, novel technology could empower just one fanatic, or some weirdo with a mindset of those who now design computer viruses, to trigger some kind of disaster. Indeed, catastrophe could arise simply from technical misadventure - error rather than terror. -- Martin Rees
  • Octopuses have hundreds of suckers, each one equipped with its own ganglion with thousands of neurons. These 'mini-brains' are interconnected, making for a widely distributed nervous system. That is why a severed octopus arm may crawl on its own and even pick up food. -- Frans de Waal
  • War contributes greatly to global warming, which shouldn't surprise us. All those bombs going off, all those rockets, all those planes and helicopters. All that fuel of various kinds being used. It pollutes the air and water of this very fragile and interconnected planet. -- Alice Walker
  • True self is non-self, the awareness that the self is made only of non-self elements. There's no separation between self and other, and everything is interconnected. Once you are aware of that you are no longer caught in the idea that you are a separate entity. -- Thich Nhat Hanh
  • What I know now is that we're all interconnected and that's a really beautiful thing. We have links to everyone else in our lives and in the world. Different people have different journeys for different reasons. You can't judge, but you can celebrate that there are connections everywhere. -- Jane Seymour
  • I want to improve TSA's counterterrorism focus through intelligence and cutting edge technology, support the TSA workforce, and strengthen the agency's relationships with stakeholders and the traveling public. All of these priorities are interconnected and are vital to TSA's mission - and I would say, all of our collective mission. -- John Pistole
  • Vision connects you. But it also separates you. In my work, and my life, I feel a desire to merge. Not in terms of losing my own identity... but there's a feeling that life is interconnected, that there's life in stones and rocks and trees and dirt, like there is in us. -- Bill Viola
  • In art, at a certain level, there is no 'better than.' It's just about trying to operate for yourself on the most supreme level, artistically, that you can and hoping that people get it. Trusting that, just because of the way people are built and how interconnected we are, greatness will translate and symmetry will be recognised. -- Frank Ocean
  • We are beginning to see a fundamental outrage at the whole interconnected mess of a system: at energy companies who record massive profits, yet allow pensioners to struggle to stay warm in winter; at CEOs who can earn up to a 1,000 times the salary of their average worker; and soon, any day now, at those politicians who allowed this to happen. -- Noreena Hertz
  • We are interconnected. -- Desmond Tutu
  • All things are delicately interconnected. -- Jenny Holzer
  • Everything is alive... Everything is interconnected. -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • Understand how all things are interconnected, including you. -- Mehgan Heaney-Grier
  • Sometimes you wonder, in an interconnected universe, who's dreaming who? -- Grant Morrison
  • All minds are interconnected. Otherwise they could not understand each other. -- Lester Levenson
  • Freedom and responsibility aren't interconnected things. They are the same thing. -- Harry Browne
  • We call interconnected order beautiful. When interrupted, we call it chaos. -- Vanna Bonta
  • It turns out that all life is interconnected with all other life. -- Richard P. Feynman
  • My love resides between the spaces of the interconnected tissue in your heart. -- Truth Devour
  • Universal or quantum consciousness emphasizes that we are all interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. -- Gian Kumar
  • As the world is increasingly interconnected, everyone shares the responsibility of securing cyberspace. -- Newton Lee
  • We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. -- Amit Ray
  • Briefly, to program it requires an absolute understanding of how all 65,536 processors are interconnected. -- Philip Emeagwali
  • You do need people. You can't live without them. We're all interconnected in some way. -- Simon Beaufoy
  • Every measured thing is part of a web of variables more richly interconnected than we know. -- Garrett Hardin
  • The universe is a self-organizing, intelligent, creative, trial-and-error learning, participatory, interactive, non-locally interconnected and evolving system. -- Edgar Mitchell
  • We are all interconnected in a web of kindness from which it is impossible to separate ourself. -- Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
  • I hate the modern day the kids live in. I don't think it's very cool. Everyone's interconnected. -- Taika Waititi
  • We have about 100 million cells interconnected in our brains. They communicate with one another through electrical signals. -- Miguel Nicolelis
  • In a community all acts of individuals and of organizations are directly or indirectly interconnected and interdependent -- Chester Barnard
  • What the interconnected age in which we live allows us to do is instantly connect with each other. -- Heather Brooke
  • Today's global landscape is increasingly interconnected. China and the Middle East play critical roles towards international peace and security. -- Rick Larsen
  • Every creature and plant is part of her (mother nature's) amazing interconnected garden... The whole world is a garden. -- Costa Georgiadis
  • Work and life are an interconnected adventure, guided by the heart, winged with spirit, and nourished by the soul. -- Ron Rubin
  • US has to be able to rely on a safe and interconnected internet in order to compete with other countries. -- Edward Snowden
  • Live from the inside out. Your mind, body and spirit are interconnected. Nourish your soul with mental and physical wellness. -- Janet Taylor Spence
  • We all exist in an interconnected matrix of life, so the state of your mind and heart affects the whole. -- Narissa Doumani
  • Our lives are not all interconnected. That theory is a crock. Some people truly do not need to be here. -- Bret Easton Ellis
  • In our interconnected world, we must learn to feel enlarged, not threatened, by difference - that is what I have argued. -- Jonathan Sacks
  • We are all exist in an interconnected matrix of life, so the state of your mind and heart affects the whole. -- Narissa Doumani
  • The world is a place that is so interconnected that what happens in another part of the world will impact us. -- Anthony S. Fauci
  • There is no doubt that a woman's economic empowerment is very much interconnected to her health and the well being of her children. -- Helene D. Gayle
  • I think that the massive, overarching, interconnected systems of technology tend to make us a little insecure, somewhat pliable, and susceptible to half-beliefs. -- Don DeLillo
  • There are no philosophical problems, there is only a suite of interconnected linguistic cul de sacs created by language's inability to reflect the truth. -- Victor Pelevin
  • Tolerance, inter-cultural dialogue and respect for diversity are more essential than ever in a world where peoples are becoming more and more closely interconnected. -- Kofi Annan
  • Nations are becoming less relevant in a world where everyone and everything is interconnected. The connections that matter most are again becoming more personal. -- Robert Reich
  • The belief in the inevitability of war is a self-fulfilling prophecy... We need an alternative vision, to see the world as one, as interconnected. -- Dennis Kucinich
  • I think the relationship between print and film is symbiotic, it's more about evolving and complimenting your existing content. The two are very much interconnected. -- Rankin
  • The more time we spend interconnected via a myriad of devices, the less time we have left to develop true friendships in the real world. -- Alex Morritt
  • In fact, Western culture has spent decades drawing lines and boxes around interconnected phenomena. We've chunked the world into pieces rather than explored its webby nature. -- Margaret J. Wheatley
  • No country can be complacent in making sure that excessive debt of the household doesn't create excesses and weaknesses in the financial system. Everything is interconnected. -- Nouriel Roubini
  • To maintain any degree of sanity, we must believe that everything is interconnected on some level and to experience that level fully once in a while. -- Vironika Tugaleva
  • I think the American people recognize that the world has shrunk. That it's interconnected. That you're not going to put that genie back in the bottle. -- Barack Obama
  • It is a fallacy of the old schools to divide man into parcels, elements, thoughts, emotions, intuitions, etc. All human faculties consist of an interconnected whole. -- Alfred Korzybski
  • On the one hand, it's common sense it's hard to see someone you love get sick or die. People are interconnected and their health is, too. -- Bill Vaughan
  • If people see how we're all interconnected and connected with Nature, we wouldn't have an environmental crisis, we wouldn't have two dozen wars all over the world. -- Stanley Krippner
  • At XL we are continually focused on the rate of change, the increasingly interconnected world and the need to help our clients advance wherever their business occurs. -- Mike McGavick
  • The basic technical protocols that have enabled the Internet to work in such a globally interconnected way are developed and shared openly by a community of engineers. -- Rebecca MacKinnon
  • we are a small, interconnected world; that we are all safe or none of us are; that we are all well cared for or all at risk. -- Mary Pipher
  • This is our greatest challenge: learning to live in a crowded and interconnected world that is creating unprecedented pressures on human society and on the physical environment. -- Jeffrey Sachs
  • The process of globalization has now interconnected almost everything ranging from financial markets to transport networks to communication systems in a huge system that no one really understands. -- John L. Casti
  • We should be evolving into a new age of business with a worldview that maintains one simple proposition-that all of nature: humans, animals, earth, are interconnected and interdependent. -- Anita Roddick
  • Stories are webs, interconnected strand to strand, and you follow each story to the center, because the center is the end. Each person is a strand of the story. -- Neil Gaiman
  • Everything is interconnected. The moment you take philosophy, psychology, religion and business and look at the underlying commonalities, that's when you start looking at business in a different way. -- Jochen Zeitz
  • Meditation is for you to realise that the deepest nature of your existence is beyond thoughts and emotions, that it is incredibly vast and interconnected with all other beings. -- Tenzin Palmo
  • The language of [Catholic] mysticism - its repeated attempts to lay consciousness itself bare and speak all the intensely opposing yet interconnected parts of it that cannot be spoken. -- Helen Oyeyemi
  • Everything is interconnected. My interest is linked to everyone else's. Our survival and future are linked. Therefore the destruction of your so-called enemy is actually the destruction of your self. -- Dalai Lama
  • We are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we are so deeply interconnected with one another. -- Ram Dass
  • There are plenty of problems in the world, many of them interconnected. But there is no problem which compares with this central, universal problem of saving the human race from extinction -- John Foster Dulles
  • We live in an interconnected world, and you cannot prevent people from leaving. What you need to do is to create opportunities. At the same time, people are also coming back. -- Ashraf Ghani
  • Far from making me feel different and special, my [spiritual] experiences made me feel the same, ordinary, and interconnected. If I felt more spiritual, everyone else felt more spiritual as well. (276) -- Julia Cameron
  • Science and religion both teach that we are all interconnected, and thus interdependent. And at the very core, we are all One. But how do we live as if we know this? -- Ram Dass
  • While sticks and stones break bones, words can never hurt? Manifestly untrue. Politics everywhere are holistic, interconnected, and the rhetoric of right or left can produce toxic atmospheres in which lunacy thrives. -- Phillip Adams
  • All are interconnected...the environment; rights of the dying; care of caregivers; education and medical care for peoples of the Himalayas; prison work; those living on the margins of society, particularly kids. -- Joan Halifax
  • There is no true expertise in the humanities without knowing all of the humanities. Art is a vast, ancient interconnected web-work, a fabricated tradition. Over-concentration on any one point is a distortion. -- Camille Paglia
  • By this he meant that all events, therefore, all men, are interconnected in an unbreakable web. What man does, no matter how seemingly insignificant, vibrates through the strands and affects every man. -- Philip Jose Farmer
  • By this he meant that all events, therefore, all men, are interconnected in an unbreakable web. What man does, no matter how seemingly insignificant, vibrates through the strands and affects every man. -- Philip Jose Farmer
  • We are developing all sorts of technologies based on what we have learnt from birds, animals and soils. Pollination is worth £billions. But it also highlights how nature is so interconnected. -- Tony Juniper
  • Let me introduce the word 'hypertext' to mean a body of written or pictorial material interconnected in such a complex way that it could not conveniently be presented or represented on paper. -- Ted Nelson
  • At Microsoft, we're investing heavily in security because we want customers to be able to trust their computing experiences, so they can realize the full benefits of the interconnected world we live in. -- Steve Ballmer
  • The environment is in us, not outside of us. The trees are our lungs, the rivers our bloodstream. We are all interconnected, and what you do to the environment ultimately you do to yourself. -- Ian Somerhalder
  • I see the world in very fluid, contradictory, emerging, interconnected terms, and with that kind of circuitry I just don't feel the need to say what is going to happen or will not happen. -- Jerry Brown
  • There is a theory behind the culture of victimhood: It's called "intersectionality." This theory posits that racism, sexism, classism, ableism, etc. are interconnected, overlapping, and mutually reinforcing. Together they form a "matrix of oppression." -- Christina Hoff Sommers
  • In my reading and in my studies I always tried to achieve a harmony between faith, reason, and the heart. These are not separate areas, but are profoundly interconnected, each giving life to the other. -- Pope John Paul II
  • His (Christ's) appearance in our midst has made it undeniably clear that changing the human heart and changing human society are not separate tasks, but are as interconnected as the two beams of the cross. -- Henri Nouwen
  • The more we study the major problems of our time, the more we come to realise that they cannot be understood in isolation. They are systemic problems, which means that they are interconnected and interdependent. -- Fritjof Capra