Jane Seymour quotes:

  • What I know now is that we're all interconnected and that's a really beautiful thing. We have links to everyone else in our lives and in the world. Different people have different journeys for different reasons. You can't judge, but you can celebrate that there are connections everywhere.

  • Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner security and strong character.

  • It's interesting because a lot of my 16-year-old kids' friends know me from 'Wedding Crashers,' and not so much Bond. My kids have a good laugh. I was 20 then. The look I had then was the look that a lot of their friends are assuming now. They think it's cool. What goes around comes around.

  • When I auditioned for 'Wedding Crashers,' the producers had never seen any of my other work except for Bond. I got 'Wedding Crashers' partly because I was a Bond girl.

  • I really love the independent movies and I just think that sometimes when they throw a lot of money into it and a lot of special effects and a lot of stunts that you lose the connection, the human connection and I personally love movies that are about the human connection.

  • It's interesting that whenever I meet some of the other Bond girls, I always have something in common, and it is an interesting sorority. We all share about our Bonds. 'Did your Bond do that?' 'Yes mine did!' So it is quite funny conversations. We may as well be in high school.

  • I spend my afternoons painting and working on my Open Hearts jewelry line for Kay Jewelers. I designed an image of a heart that isn't completely closed. My mom always told me to live with an open heart - when life gets tough, you should go out and help someone else.

  • After my divorce, painting took me out of panic mode and into a serene, calm place. I could absolutely lose myself.

  • You have to count on living every single day in a way you believe will make you feel good about your life - so that if it were over tomorrow, you'd be content with yourself.

  • I danced with the London Festival at Covent Garden. I'm a ballerina by trade; I'm a ballerina who sings by the way.

  • I'm not involved in the politics of religion, but I love what the message is.

  • Motherhood has relaxed me in many ways. You learn to deal with crisis. I've become a juggler, I suppose. It's all a big circus, and nobody who knows me believes I can manage, but sometimes I do.

  • I believe that there is some spiritual entity that's greater than us. I do not belong to any specific organized religion. I have always believed that, and I believe it even more so now. I believe that someone was listening to me, and someone is giving me an incredibly blessed life.

  • I had ordered long legs, but they never arrived. My eyes are weird too, one is gray and the other is green. I have a crooked smile and my nose looks like a ski slope. No, I would not win a Miss contest.

  • If somebody believes that a certain practice will get them to heaven, and then other people believe a different way of doing it, I think it's their choice.

  • In life, when stuff happens the instinct is to close off your heart. By leaving your heart open, it leaves room for someone else to come in.

  • People say women shouldn't have long hair over a certain age, but I've never done what everyone says.

  • I know that the purpose of life is to understand and be in the present moment with the people you love. It's just that simple.

  • Get over jet-lag quickly. I think a lot of people waste the first few days sleeping in the wrong time zone. Sometimes I take melatonin but at other times a glass of wine will do it.

  • I have many friends who do not believe in luck; they believe in blessings. Likewise, I do not believe in coincidences; I believe in miracles.

  • No, I chose the name Jane Seymour because I was doing my first film, 'Ode to Lovely War,' and one of the top agents in England spotted me dancing in the chorus. I was a singer and dancer in that movie with Maggie Smith, um, and he told me he couldn't sell me as Joyce Penelope Willomena Frankenburger.

  • Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life.

  • I've had two terrific relationships, but both ended in marriage.

  • I don't let the children watch TV on weeknights. They practice playing musical instruments instead. Both my sons play piano, drums and guitar, so my husband and I listen to them in the evening.

  • I spend as much time as I possibly can doing things for other people, if I can. If I see a need and I feel that I can help, I do it. I work a great deal in terms of charities and things.

  • My Open Hearts Family celebrates not only the traditional family but also extended families that we create from the people we open our hearts to as we journey through life.

  • I don't waste any time at all. I have no time at all for people who are being very negative or people who are very whiny or people who feel sorry for themselves. I tend to go to them and just say, you don't understand how incredible life is and how precious it is.

  • At the end of the day, I let myself have a glass of wine.

  • And I always think of life like a giant wave. You know, it rises and it crests and it flies, and it's just magnificent, and then it crashes. And for a lot of people, when it crashes, that's the end, and they go down the deep, dark hole of depression.

  • When I was growing up, my mother, who had been through a lot of terrible things in life, taught me that when life is tough your instinct is to close your heart. But if you can accept what happened and reach out to someone, there will always be someone less fortunate, or someone that can bring a solution and help your life.

  • You cannot do everything at once, so find people you trust to help you. And don't be afraid to say no.

  • Dr. Quinn' came along when I turned 40, so my career actually peaked then.

  • I think a lot of people get so obsessed with the wedding and the expense of the wedding that they miss out on what the real purpose is. It's not about a production number, it's about a meaningful moment between two people that's witnessed by people that they actually really know and care about.

  • I love doing comedy. Absolutely love it. After 'Wedding Crashers,' people suddenly realized that it was something I could do.

  • I wanted to be a serious actress rather than a pretty face.

  • Now that I've experienced ageism, I don't regard it as a bad thing. It's been a transition to something more exciting and maybe edgier.

  • Being creative is my idea of heaven. I'm just incredibly fortunate that I can do it in artwork. Watercolor is what I started out with. What I love about watercolor is that a lot of happy accidents occur.

  • I just did a film in which I had to be a dancer and I was able to do all kinds of extraordinary things. A lot of people turn 50 and talk about what they're not going to do anymore. I embarked on something that I'd wanted to do when I was 5.

  • A lot of actresses I've worked with recently have done so much Botox their faces don't look real anymore. If you freeze everything on your face, you can't emote.

  • When I started painting 17 years ago, I never imagined that anyone would look at my work or buy my pieces. But now I do about 14 exhibitions each year.

  • People always think that because of 'Dr. Quinn' that I just play nice family stuff. But the truth of the matter is that 'East of Eden' was a very successful thing for me in the past. I've played a lot of very evil people in my time.

  • People ask me how I keep my figure, and I tell them it's because I paint. When you're covered in paint, it's quite hard to put food in your mouth!

  • The family is inclusive of not just your genetic family, but the people that you meet along the way.

  • My father always told me, you can only be your own best. In other words, if you feel you've done your best, you've done well enough.

  • If your heart is open it can never stay broken.

  • If you want something badly enough, make an attempt. If you want to paint, get a brush and do it. If you want to sing, sing. A lot of people get scared. They're afraid to fail. Take that word out of your vocabulary. You don't "fail." You've "tried your best."

  • Behind every open heart is a story. Tell yours with my Open Heart collection. There are millions of reasons to give one, but the message is always the same: Keep your heart open and love will always find its way in.

  • The best gift you can give someone is a part of your soul.

  • Live each day the fullest you can, not guaranteeing therell be a tomorrow, not dwelling endlessly on yesterday.

  • I think the good thing about my face is it has always been expressive. With Botox that goes - not what you want as an actress.

  • One baby is a miracle. To be given two at once is a gift beyond words,

  • I find it interesting that 16-year-olds are having plastic surgery. People in their 40s used to think, 'I'm aging, I have to do something about it.' Now children are deciding they don't like the way they look.

  • An agent once told me that if I would lose my English accent, I would never stop working in America.

  • 'Dr. Quinn' came along when I turned 40, so my career actually peaked then.

  • Every once in a while I go off to do a movie or a television series and I take my art with me. I can stay in character when I paint.

  • I'm proud of my wrinkles. They give my face character. As an actress, you mess with that at your peril.

  • It's really not a question of how long you have on this earth; it's about what you do with it.

  • What I love about watercolor is that a lot of happy accidents occur.

  • People treat life as though it's the dress rehearsal for some big show. It's not. This is it.

  • The Open Hearts design was inspired by my Mom's advice that only when you keep your heart open can you best give and receive love. My hope is that the design will become a universal symbol of keeping an open heart - open to life's new experiences, open to allow something new and beautiful to come in.

  • I did all the Chef Boyardee commercials, in America, when I was young.

  • This is something I consider Enlightenment to be - and that is to give intellectual or spiritual understanding and to be free of ignorance, false beliefs or prejudice. Able to honor each person as they walk their own path and not infringe our own personal beliefs onto them but to accept what ever form that carries truth for them

  • Golf is like acting in that both require concentration and relaxation at the same time. In acting, you can't push emotion. You have to let it rise from you naturally. Same thing in golf. You have to have a plan and a focus; but then you need to just let it happen and enjoy the smooth movement of the swing.

  • Beauty is a radiance that orginates from within.

  • See the gift that change delivers.

  • We must teach the next generation to not just learn languages, but whole cultures and belief systems. We will then make more of an effort to understand people and their different cultures.
