Incessant quotes:

  • How incessant and great are the ills with which a prolonged old age is replete. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Permanent success cannot be achieved except by incessant intellectual labour, always inspired by the ideal. -- Sarah Bernhardt
  • The longest absence is less perilous to love than the terrible trials of incessant proximity. -- Edna St. Vincent Millay
  • The human brain can soften as a result of incessant listening to music with an intent to commit prose. -- Donal Henahan
  • I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself than this incessant business. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • I defied the machinery to make me its slave. Its incessant discords could not drown the music of my thoughts if I would let them fly high enough. -- Lucy Larcom
  • Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage, or squirrels in a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labor, and incessant anxiety, but never reach the top. -- Robert Burton
  • The scientific perspective of the world, especially the living world, inexorably impresses on us a dynamic picture of the world of entities and structures involved in continuous and incessant change and in process without ceasing. -- Arthur Peacocke
  • But that incessant drive to be out there in the literary universe that was important to me when I was in my twenties, like going to a Paris Review party or whatever, that seems totally irrelevant now. -- Rick Moody
  • It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear. -- Douglas MacArthur
  • Labor is work that leaves no trace behind it when it is finished, or if it does, as in the case of the tilled field, this product of human activity requires still more labor, incessant, tireless labor, to maintain its identity as a 'work' of man. -- Mary McCarthy
  • Incessant company is as bad as solitary confinement. -- Virginia Woolf
  • Washington is nicknamed "The Evergreen State" because it sounds better than "The Incessant Nagging Drizzle State." -- Dave Barry
  • Incessant smiling is one of the deadly tools used by someone whose intent is to make others cry. -- Michael Bassey Johnson
  • Incessant falls teach men to reform, and distress rouses their strength. Life springs from calamity, and death from ease. -- Mencius
  • And if by prayer Incessant I could hope to change the will Of Him who all things can, I would not cease To weary Him with my assiduous cries. -- John Milton
  • Writing is an incessant process of discovery. -- Robert Hass
  • No marriage can stand up under the strain of incessant. -- Johnny Weissmuller
  • No marriage can stand up under the strain of incessant association. -- Johnny Weissmuller
  • What is the world, O soldiers? It is I, I, this incessant snow, This northern sky. -- Walter de La Mare
  • There is an incessant influx of novelty into the world, and yet we tolerate incredible dullness. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Persecution in intellectual countries produces a superficial conformity, but also underneath an intense, incessant, implacable doubt. -- Walter Bagehot
  • The habit of begging, that plague of tourist resorts, is an incessant nuisance on the Alhambra hill. -- Katharine Lee Bates
  • What's happened is that an incessant, an insidious insurgency has repeatedly attacked the key infrastructure targets, reducing outputs. -- Stuart Bowen
  • Our country is now geared to an arms economy bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and an incessant propaganda of fear. -- Douglas MacArthur
  • How vainly men themselves amaze, / To win the palm, the oak, or bays; / And their incessant labours see / Crowned from some single herb or tree. -- Andrew Marvell
  • In order to understand the interrelation of truth and falsehood in life, a man must understand falsehood in himself, the constant incessant lies he tells himself. -- G. I. Gurdjieff
  • We live with incessant music, all the time. It's like some weird musical purgatory, there is absolutely no rest for the ears, no space to absorb and reflect. -- James Blake
  • Like dogs in a wheel, birds in a cage, or squirrels in a chain, ambitious men still climb and climb, with great labor, and incessant anxiety, but never reach the top. -- Robert Burton
  • In New York, just standing still on the sidewalk is a weird feeling. You have this incessant need to do things. Los Angeles is about kicking back, relaxing, your inner child, peace. -- Esai Morales
  • The simplicity and uniformity of rural occupations, and their incessant practice, preclude any anxieties and agitations of hope and fear, to which employments of a more precarious and casual nature are subject. -- William Falconer
  • My dog has the intellectual capacity of a lime wedge, yet even he possesses an elaborate set of assumptions, based on his ability to control my behavior through a combination of slavish devotion and incessant howling. -- Martha Beck
  • Any person, brought into the presence of this fact, stops for a few moments and remains pensive and silent; and then generally leaves, carrying with him forever a sharper, keener sense of our incessant motion through space. -- Leon Foucault
  • Political correctness is as exploitable as any other progressive ideal, but its aim is to stifle the incessant noise of those who flap their careless lips without a thought about those they might offend and why that might be important. -- Marcus Brigstocke
  • The assault on our body image, the hypersexualization of girls and women and subsequent degradation of our sexuality as we walk through the decades, and the general incessant objectification is what this conversation allegedly about my face is really about. -- Ashley Judd
  • The value of 'Made in Italy' must necessarily be up-to-date. This is the philosophy that Italia Independent has embraced. We decided from the outset to do away with stereotypes and attune ourselves to the extreme pace, to the incessant metamorphoses of the globalized world. -- Lapo Elkann
  • Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don't realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it, so it is considered normal. This incessant mental noise prevents you from finding that realm of inner stillness that is inseparable from Being. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • Paris presents one incessant round of amusement & dissipation but very little, I believe - even for its inhabitants of that society - which interests the heart. Every day, you may see something new, magnificent & beautiful; every night, you may see a spectacle which astonishes & enchants the imagination. -- John Marshall
  • Faith in God is the gift that takes us beyond our limited self, with all its incessant demands. It opens us to a life that stretches us, enlightens us, and often springs surprises upon us. Such faith, like love, sees that which is invisible and lives by it. -- Vincent Nichols
  • There is no absolute up or down, as Aristotle taught; no absolute position in space; but the position of a body is relative to that of other bodies. Everywhere there is incessant relative change in position throughout the universe, and the observer is always at the center of things. -- Giordano Bruno
  • The young watch television twenty-four hours a day, they don't read and they rarely listen. This incessant bombardment of images has developed a hypertrophied eye condition that's turning them into a race of mutants. They should pass a law for a total reeducation of the young, making children visit the Galleria Borghese on a daily basis. -- Federico Fellini
  • In the life of a man, his time is but a moment, his being an incessant flux, his sense a dim rushlight, his body a prey of worms, his soul an unquiet eddy, his fortune dark, his fame doubtful. In short, all that is body is as coursing waters, all that is of the soul as dreams and vapors. -- Marcus Aurelius
  • When we hear about rent control or gun control, we may think about rent or guns but the word that really matters is 'control.' That is what the political left is all about, as you can see by the incessant creation of new restrictions in places where they are strongly entrenched in power, such as San Francisco or New York. -- Thomas Sowell
  • I silently smiled at my incessant good fortune. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Life proceeds amid an incessant network of signals. -- George Steiner
  • But with what incessant and grievous ills is old age surrounded! -- Juvenal
  • Rash and incessant scolding runs into custom and renders itself despised. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • Whom conscience, ne'er asleep, Wounds with incessant strokes, not loud, but deep. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • Fasting is futile unless it is accompanied by an incessant longing for self-restraint. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • History is a record of the incessant struggle of humanity against ignorance and oppression. -- Helen Keller
  • There must be labor, incessant and constant, if there is to be a harvest. -- Gordon B. Hinckley
  • The mark of genius is an incessant activity of mind. Genius is a spiritual greed. -- V. S. Pritchett
  • That incessant envy wherewith the common rate of mankind pursues all superior natures to their own. -- Jonathan Swift
  • The art of living rightly is like all arts; it must be learned and practiced with incessant care. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Prayer is innocence's friend; and willingly flieth incessant 'twist the earth and the sky, the carrier-pigeon of heaven. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • the 'total overpaintings' developed... through incessant reworking. The original motif peeped through the edges. Gradually it vanished completely. -- Arnulf Rainer
  • The imbalances in the climate have been brought on by the incessant push for more and more immediate wealth. -- Jayni Chase
  • Like billowing clouds, Like the incessant gurgle of the brook The longing of the spirit can never be stilled. -- Hildegard of Bingen
  • Freedom is like a man who kills himself Each night, an incessant butcher, whose knife Grows sharp in blood. -- Wallace Stevens
  • Don't be a cynic and disconsolate preacher. Don't bewail and moan. Omit the negative propositions. Challenge us with incessant affirmatives. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • In a modern society people can live without hope only when kept dazed and out of breath by incessant hustling. -- Eric Hoffer
  • The longing for order is at the same time a longing for death, because life is an incessant disruption of order. -- Milan Kundera
  • I am progressing very slowly, for nature reveals herself to me in very complex forms; and the progress needed is incessant. -- Paul Cezanne
  • The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- Friedrich August von Hayek
  • The incessant perpetuation of collective fantasies makes people crave the truth and nothing but the truth - reality is the fastest American commodity. -- Aleksandar Hemon
  • It was Autumn, and incessant Piped the quails from shocks and sheaves, And, like living coals, the apples Burned among the withering leaves. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • ... the greatest menace to our capacity for contemplation is the incessant fabrication of tawdry empty stimuli which kill the receptivity of the soul. -- Josef Pieper
  • To persons of spirit like ourselves the only happy marriage is that which is based on a firm foundation of almost incessant quarrelling. -- P. G. Wodehouse
  • We go in withering July To ply the hard incessant hoe; Panting beneath the brazen sky We sweat and grumble, but we go. -- Ruth Pitter
  • Everybody who is not awake spiritually is totally identified with and run by their thinking mind - the incessant voice in the head. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • Music drives me insane, the incessant presence of music in my life. It informs how I see the world; it drives me crazy -- Matthew Healy
  • The mind is a mill which can incessant turn, 'til its mere operation focus the stress inward and the stones grind themselves to dust. -- David Mamet
  • To be still means to empty yourself from the incessant flow of thoughts and create a state of consciousness that is open and receptive. -- John Daido Loori
  • How do you know that the incessant progress of science will not compel scientists to consider that life has existed during eternity, and not matter? -- Louis Pasteur
  • MANICHEISM, n. The ancient Persian doctrine of an incessant warfare between Good and Evil. When Good gave up the fight the Persians joined the victorious Opposition. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • I sadly want a reform in the construction of children. Nature's only idea seems to be to make them machines for the production of incessant noise. -- Wilkie Collins
  • What we sometimes see as annoying, incessant questions from a child may be a plea for recognition. Maybe they do not need an answer as much as attention. -- Rand Olson
  • The incessant witless repetition of advertisers' moron-fodder has become so much a part of life that, if we are not careful, we forget to be insulted by it. -- The London Times 1886
  • My principle anguish and the source of all my joys and sorrows from my youth onward has been the incessant, merciless battle between the spirit and the flesh. -- Nikos Kazantzakis
  • The incessant driving of the pen over paper causes intense fatigue of the hand and the whole arm because of the continuous ... strain on the muscles and tendons. -- Bernardino Ramazzini
  • Mindfulness, as defined by the Buddha, means awareness of incessant change, of arising and vanishing, inside of your own body, which is the ultimate reality of your own life. -- Paul Fleischman
  • Our very walking is an incessant falling; a falling and a catching of ourselves before we come actually to the pavement. It is emblematic of all things a man does. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • Ye come and go incessant; we remain Safe in the hallowed quiets of the past; Be reverent, ye who flit and are forgot, Of faith so nobly realized as this. -- James Russell Lowell
  • Death and loss, they plague you. So do memories. Like the Mississippi's incessant slap against the levees, they creep up with deceptive sweetness before grabbing your heart and pulling it under. -- Karen White
  • The history of mankind interests us only as it exhibits a steady gain of truth and right, in the incessant conflict which it records between the material and the moral nature. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Sometimes the hardest part of my job is the incessant reminder of the fact we're all trying so assiduously to ignore: we are here temporarily ... life is only ours on loan. -- Sue Grafton
  • It is when we are trapped in incessant streams of compulsive thinking that the universe really disintegrates for us, and we lose the ability to sense the interconnectedness of all that exists. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • To admire Satan [in Paradise Lost] is to give one's vote not only for a world of misery, but also for a world of lies and propaganda, of wishful thinking, of incessant autobiography. -- C. S. Lewis
  • Mathematics does not grow through a monotonous increase of the number of indubitably established theorems but through the incessant improvement of guesses by speculation and criticism, by the logic of proofs and refutations. -- Imre Lakatos
  • The incessant anxiety and strain of some is a well-nigh incurable form of disease. We are made to exaggerate the importance of what we do; and yet how much is not done by us! -- Henry David Thoreau
  • It is, after all, only common sense to realize that, but for the fact that economic life is a process of incessant internal change, the business cycle, as we know it, would not exist. -- Joseph A. Schumpeter
  • Be informed here and now that incessant prayers does not finger God to open the Windows of heaven. What God wants to see Is your passion towards success and your giving drive...nothing else! -- Michael Bassey Johnson
  • The dancer's trembling heart must bring everything into harmony, from the tips of her shoes to the flutter of her eyelashes, from the ruffles of her dress to the incessant play of her fingers. -- Federico Garcia Lorca
  • If ever this free people, if this Government itself is ever utterly demoralized, it will come from this incessant human wriggle and struggle for office, which is but a way to live without work. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • Allow me to translate, Twitchtip said, not even bothering to move. "She said if you don't stop your incessant babble, that big rat sitting in the boat next to you will rip your head off. -- Suzanne Collins