Rand Olson quotes:

  • Expect to change yourself in order to change your life experience.

  • Medication, surgery, and medical tests are all focused on disease, not on health. Prevention is the act of moving away from the disease. Proactivity in health is seeking a high level of wellness and acting in a way that will create that reality in your life.

  • Among the most sacred gifts you can give your child is the gift of health. This gift is best given by example. Dr. Rand Olson

  • Journal writing is a wonderful pathway to self-awareness.

  • We seem to take notice of our body only when health is lacking. With that lack of recognition comes a lack of motivation and incentive to stretch.

  • Health is the ability to be fully and consciously aware of all that contributes to your life experience and to effectively exist in that environment. It then means you see yourself as you really are.

  • As we mature and develop awareness to match our potential, our ability to enjoy full health is realized. As we enjoy this fruit, we sow the seeds of greatness in our children.

  • If we focus our efforts on doing, we will always fall short of our real potential. We can do all the right things, but if we do not do them for the right reasons, they will never have the power to change our internal view of life.

  • Your children will stop paying attention to you when they have reached your age of emotional maturity. If your child is starting to tune you out, you need to go through a growth spurt of emotional and spiritual maturity. You can never chase a child to a higher awareness; you can only lead them.

  • What we sometimes see as annoying, incessant questions from a child may be a plea for recognition. Maybe they do not need an answer as much as attention.

  • To enjoy true, vibrant health, increased awareness, effort, and focus are required.

  • We rarely improve our habits and traits while floating on the placid pool of ease and comfort.

  • We seem to need the motivation of pain or discomfort to drive us from our current manner of thinking and being to a higher level of reality.

  • Health is not a physical accomplishment but the manifestation of our awareness of who we are and integrity in living out of that knowledge.

  • More of anything only makes us more of what we already are. If we are happy, it can bring more happiness. If we are depressed, it will make us more depressed.
