Humorists quotes:

  • Humorists can never start to take themselves seriously. It's literary suicide. -- Erma Bombeck
  • Great humorists are great insulters. -- Dick Cavett
  • There are people who can talk sensibly about a controversial issue; they're called humorists. -- Cullen Hightower
  • I've always been very upfront about the way I write, and I've always used the tools humorists use, such as exaggeration. -- David Sedaris
  • Humorists are using Twitter to tell jokes in an interesting way. It doesn't have to be profound, and it doesn't have to be earth-shaking, but it is transformative. -- James Gleick
  • Many of the writers who have inspired me most are outside the genre: Humorists like Robert Benchley and James Thurber, screenwriters like Ben Hecht and William Goldman, and journalists/columnists like H.L. Mencken, Mike Royko and Molly Ivins. -- John Scalzi
  • Humorists always sit at the children's table. -- Woody Allen
  • Humorists of the 'mere' sort cannot survive. Humor is only a fragrance, a decoration. -- Mark Twain
  • Humorists are always pessimists. They're reactionaries: because they see that every golden cloud has a black lining. -- Christina Stead
  • Humorists are not humorous twenty-four hours a day. In fact, when you get to know them well, they are often not humorous at all. They tend to be hypersensitive, taut, neurotic creatures driven by God know what obscure compulsion to earn their living the hard way. -- Margaret Halsey
  • This is the big reason most humorists fail. Drunks don't read books. -- Garrison Keillor
  • I'm a classic example of all humorists - only funny when I'm working. -- Peter Sellers
  • It's easy being a humorist when you've got the whole government working for you. -- Will Rogers
  • God is a great humorist. He just has a slow audience to work with. -- Garrison Keillor
  • But I'm a humorist. I'm not a reporter, I never pretended to be a reporter. -- David Sedaris
  • Someone who makes you laugh is a comedian. Someone who makes you think and then laugh is a humorist. -- George Burns
  • You've got to be (an) optimist to be a Democrat, and you've got to be a humorist to stay one -- Will Rogers
  • The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself. -- James Thurber
  • The satirist shoots to kill while the humorist brings his prey back alive and eventually releases him again for another chance. -- Peter De Vries
  • I've never made up events, but I've always been a big exaggerator. It's written on my humorist license that I'm allowed to do that. -- David Sedaris
  • Humor has to surprise us; otherwise, it isn't funny. It's a death knell for a writer to be labeled a humorist because then it's not a surprise anymore. -- Garrison Keillor
  • In my more pompous moments I like to think of myself as a writer rather than a humorist, but I suppose that's merely the vanity of advancing age. -- S. J. Perelman
  • I think that all comics or humorists, or whatever we are, ask questions. That's what we're supposed to do. But I not only ask the questions, I offer solutions. -- Roseanne Barr
  • All great humorists are sad.... I cannot help seeing beyond the tinsel of humour, and recognising the pitiful basis of jest--the world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind. -- H. P. Lovecraft
  • I think that you are only obliged to be a humorist from the age of 18 until you turn 30. Past the age of 30 I don't think there is any obligation to be clever at all. -- Garrison Keillor
  • You are not angry with people when you laugh at them. Humour teaches tolerance, and the humorist, with a smile and perhaps a sigh, is more likely to shrug his shoulders than to condemn. -- W. Somerset Maugham
  • Humor is, I think, the subtlest and chanciest of literary forms. It is surely not accidental that there are a thousand novelists, essayists, poets or journalists for each humorist. It is a long, long time between James Thurbers. -- Leo Rosten
  • Professional humorists and cartoonists have to go through a stage in which they have to kill their own internal editor just so they can get stuff out. So whether they believe it or not, they need me on the other end to do that editing for them. -- Robert Mankoff
  • Walking companions, like heroes, are difficult to pluck out of the crowd of acquaintances. Good dispositions, ready wit, friendly conversation serve well enough by the fireside but they prove insufficient in the field. For there you need transcendentalists-nothing less; you need poets, sages, humorists and natural philosophers. -- Brooks Atkinson
  • The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people - that is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their true nature. -- James Thurber
  • The American humorist sat on his couch suffering thoughts of her, trying to figure out how to win back her affections, wondering what had happened between them or just tumbling head-over-heels down into romantic oblivion where the image of a remembered kiss provokes bottomless despair and makes death seem like the right idea.He experienced the basics of love ended. -- Richard Brautigan
  • I don't want to be classed as a humorist. It makes me feel guilty. I've never read a good tough quotable female humorist, and I never was one myself. I couldn't do it. A "smartcracker" they called me, and that makes me sick and unhappy. There's a hell of a distance between wisecracking and wit. Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words. -- Dorothy Parker
  • City wits, country humorists. -- Mason Cooley
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  • There are very few humorists who have written first-rate humor after they've become elderly. -- Richard Armour
  • If you don't count some of Jehovah's injunctions, there are no humorists in the Bible. -- Mordecai Richler
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  • This is not an easy time for humorists because the government is far funnier than we are. -- Art Buchwald
  • Think of what would happen to us... if there were no humorists; life would be one long Congressional Record. -- Thomas Lansing Masson
  • It is the will of God that we must have critics and missionaries and congressmen and humorists, and we must bear the burden -- Mark Twain
  • The difficulty with humorists is that they will mix what they believe with what they don't; whichever seems likelier to win an effect. -- John Updike
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  • I go in for what is known in the trade as 'light writing' and those who do that - humorists they are sometimes called - are looked down upon by the intelligentsia and sneered at. -- P. G. Wodehouse