Favorites quotes:

  • Heaven Has No Favorites -- Erich Maria Remarque
  • I don't believe in 'greatest'. I believe in favorites. -- Steve Vai
  • My buildings are like my children, so I cannot have favorites. -- Cesar Pelli
  • Of the many guests we welcomed to the Mickey Mouse Club, my absolute favorites were the Lennon Sisters. -- Annette Funicello
  • I'm a big 'Goosebumps' fan - 'Revenge of the Lawn Gnomes.' My favorites are the pick-your-own-death ones. -- Tyler, The Creator
  • Notorious B.I.G. was one of my favorites. I started getting into hip-hop around the Bad Boy era. -- Big Sean
  • Fate is never too generous even to its favorites. Rarely do the gods grant a mortal more than one immortal deed. -- Stefan Zweig
  • I honestly don't read that much. Obviously I read chess books - in terms of favorites, Kasparov's 'My Great Predecessors' is pretty good. -- Magnus Carlsen
  • I eat the same foods almost every day. I have my favorites like Filipino beef broth, chicken soup with lots and lots of rice. -- Manny Pacquiao
  • Senorita was fun to sing, but I don't really have a favorite. When you write a bunch of songs, they're like your babies. You don't pick favorites. -- Justin Timberlake
  • Even including myself, my favorite author is Eileen Spinelli, who I happen to live with. She's a terrific writer and has written several of my all-time favorites. -- Jerry Spinelli
  • I don't think I've got the stuff that Broadway musicals are made of. But there are definitely many musicals that I enjoy. 'Hair' and 'Rent' might be my favorites. -- Sebastian Stan
  • 'Free Fallin' is a very good song. Maybe it would be one of my favorites if it hadn't become this huge anthem. But I'm grateful that people like it. -- Tom Petty
  • My best nutrition tip is to eat things you like that are low in calories and fat. Some of my favorites are chicken, rice, assorted veggies, egg white omelets, turkey sandwiches and protein shakes. -- Nate Holland
  • Adventure books are my personal favorites. 'The Endurance,' a story about Ernest Shackleton's legendary Antarctica expedition, or 'Into Thin Air,' Jon Krakauer's personal account of the 1996 disaster on Mt Everest, are two notables. -- Dean Karnazes
  • And it really is a good feeling to get up there and make that sound. I'm not stuck in a time warp, because I can use as many of the old songs as I want to, just the favorites. -- Dan Hicks
  • I have a huge span of fans, some who know all my radio songs and are familiar with my popular stuff and then some who have their own personal favorites. When I do my show, I try to take into consideration all those people. -- Wiz Khalifa
  • I would love to work with Quentin Tarantino - he's my number one. My ultimate. I would love to work with Paul Thomas Anderson, Alexander Payne - Pedro Almodovar wouldn't be too shabby. There are so many good directors, but those are some of my favorites. -- Kirsten Dunst
  • One of my favorites has always been 'Swap Meet.' One of the reasons why I like that is it's a song that's in a drop-D tuning, and of course, also being a guitar player, it's one of the songs that I really like the riff on it. -- Chad Channing
  • From food trucks to hot dog stands to county fair favorites, 'street food' has enjoyed a rich and storied history in American cuisine. However, street food has been around for thousands of years. In fact, street food is believed to have originated as far back as Ancient Rome. -- Homaro Cantu
  • I love 'White Christmas.' That's one of my favorites just because I love the music. I love the story, Bing Crosby. It's just one of my all time favorites. And it's hard to have a Christmas without seeing a little bit of Jimmy Stewart and angels running around town. -- Scott Bakula
  • I personally believe that the iPod is a frankly corrosive device because it encourages you to surround yourself with your favorites. The whole idea of a playlist is to surround yourself with your favorite things, and the interesting thing is that when you do that, they cease to be your favorites. -- Hugh Laurie
  • One of my favorites is one called 'Rory's Radio' that I wrote about my brother Jeff's best friend growing up - his name was Rory Dunigan. I dedicated my first record to my brother, who got killed in a car accident in 1999, and I really didn't have any songs on the first album about him, nothing on a personal note. -- Ashton Shepherd
  • I have two different categories of favorite films. One is the emotional favorites, which means these are generally films that I saw when I was a kid; anything you see in your formative years is more powerful, because it really stays with you forever. The second category is films that I saw while I was learning the craft of motion pictures. -- John Carpenter
  • My lectures, based on Islamic teachings, were on various subjects. Some of the titles were, 'The Intoxication of Life,' 'The Purpose of Life,' 'The Real Cause of Man's Distress,' 'The Journey to the Goal in Life,' and, one of my favorites, 'The Heart of Man.' They contained important insights that spoke to something deep inside me. -- Muhammad Ali
  • One of my earliest memories is of seeing my mother in her beach chair, reading a book under an umbrella by the water's edge while my sisters and I played beside her. Of all the life lessons she taught me, that is one of my favorites: to take time at a place I love, restore my spirit with books and the beach. -- Luanne Rice
  • I love KIND bars. My favorites are coconut and almond and the dark chocolate and sea salt because staying fueled helps keep me from getting sick or injured. Bananas have also made a great comeback in my life. My kids eat them all the time on the go, which has inspired my go-to pre-run morning meal of peanut butter and banana on toast. -- Summer Sanders
  • God has no favorites. -- Joseph Girzone
  • Death's favorites don't die. -- Holly Black
  • BSB are my personal favorites. -- Dr. Dre
  • In boxing, everybody has their favorites. -- Thomas Hearns
  • All my book are my favorites. -- Miguel Angel Ruiz
  • Lucky men are favorites of Heaven. -- John Dryden
  • Dior jeans are one of my favorites. -- Theophilus London
  • Experience is a teacher that knows no favorites. -- Napoleon Hill
  • Aries in his many fits knows no favorites. -- Homer
  • Fortune converts everything to the advantage of her favorites. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • there is undoubtedly something irritating about the favorites of fortune. -- Dorothy L. Sayers
  • Christopher Guest movies are my top of the line favorites. -- Nina Blackwood
  • "Centurion" is probably one of my favorites [of RZA Day ]. -- Earl Sweatshirt
  • My favorite favorites are people like Bunuel, Fellini and Charlie Chaplin. -- Alex Winter
  • When it comes to civilian deaths, violent hostilities play no favorites. -- John Conyers
  • One of my favorites to order in fancy restaurants is escargot. -- Kirsten Prout
  • That is the Roman way: to give favors to the favorites. -- Hans Kung
  • I've got my old favorites like The Eagles and Bon Jovi. -- Niall Horan
  • I'm all about scary movies! The 'Halloweentown' ones are my absolute favorites. -- Olivia Holt
  • Double Indemnity' is one of my all time favorites. That's my favorite. -- Alaina Huffman
  • I really don't have favorites; I'm just a fan of movies, period. -- Michael Clarke Duncan
  • I wear a lot of different things, personally. I don't have favorites. -- Russell Westbrook
  • Double Indemnity is one of my all time favorites. Thats my favorite. -- Alaina Huffman
  • I don't have a favorite drink. I don't do favorites of anything, practically. -- John Darnielle
  • I consciously try not to play favorites with my characters or my books. -- Tina St. John
  • My favorites growing up were always Billy Joel, Michael Jackson... and Placido Domingo. -- Josh Young
  • I can squat 405. I'm proud of that - that's one of my favorites. -- Bryce Harper
  • Motown's policy was to build one act at a time or their favorites. -- Brenda Holloway
  • Life is precious, fragile, fleeting - and Murphy's life was one of my favorites. -- Jim Butcher
  • False as the adulterate promises of favorites in power when poor men court them. -- Thomas Otway
  • I'm a big fan of Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty, they're my two favorites. -- Andrew Shue
  • The Way to Heaven has no favorites. It is always with the good man. -- Laozi
  • I don't have one movie that is my favorite, I have about 25-30 favorites. -- Jeff Bridges
  • Aquaman is one of the greatest characters at DC Comics and one of my favorites. -- Geoff Johns
  • Death has his favorites, like anyone. Those who are beloved of Death will not die. -- Holly Black
  • Batman Returns' was a huge movie and one of my favorites growing up. It's incredible. -- Robin Lord Taylor
  • I think my funny books are my favorites because I like to laugh so much. -- Dav Pilkey
  • Natalie Portman is one of my favorites, and Jodie Foster. Those two are amazing actresses. -- Alexa Vega
  • I seem to have a knack for picking movies that go on to be cult favorites. -- Kurt Russell
  • There are thousands of mantras. Everyone has favorites. I prefer three - Aum, Sring, and Kring. -- Frederick Lenz
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  • There are no favorites in my office. I treat them all with the same general inconsideration. -- Lyndon B. Johnson
  • I have a couple of all-time favorites: Donny Hathaway and Roberta Flack, Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. -- Lauryn Hill
  • Ski racing is probably the least guaranteed sport out there. It's really rare when the favorites win. -- Ted Ligety
  • There are some men who are fortune's favorites, and who, like cats, light forever on their legs. -- Charles Caleb Colton
  • I wanted to be Marv Albert or Bob Costas. Those were my favorites growing up. Still are! -- Dave Pasch
  • It is more difficult ... to rule the King's favorites than for the favorites to rule the King. -- Marjorie Bowen
  • I would love to work with Nickleback. I think they're an incredible band. One of my favorites. -- Joanna Noelle Levesque
  • I would love to work with Nickleback. I think they're an incredible band. One of my favorites. -- Joanna Noelle Levesque
  • We've got a lot of people that support, but The Runners are definitely one of my favorites. -- Ace Hood
  • And one of my favorites was Eddy Arnold of course. He just had that smooth, soulful voice. -- Little Milton
  • As a kid, I drew cartoon characters and comic book heroes. Spiderman and the X-Men were my favorites. -- Kadir Nelson
  • Topography displays no favorites; North's as near as West. More delicate than the historians' are the map-makers' colors. -- Elizabeth Bishop
  • All of the directors I've worked with I have loved and would work with again. I have no favorites. -- Judd Nelson
  • Those authors who appear sometimes to forget they are writers, and remember they are men, will be our favorites. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  • The favorites of fortune or of fame topple from their pedestals before our eyes without diverting us from ambition. -- Luc de Clapiers
  • If you take my entire golfing life, my favorites are the older courses, the more traditional and the more authentic. -- Trent Dilfer
  • The Man In High Castle' is one of Dick's most imaginative and captivating works, and certainly one of my favorites. -- Ridley Scott
  • People are like songs to me. About 60 seconds in, I'll know whether or not to add them to my 'favorites. -- Crystal Woods
  • I mean, movies are like your kids or your fingers and toes or something, it's pretty hard to pick favorites. -- Sydney Pollack
  • He was in a slow-motion mood-one of my favorites, though it meant i'd be driven crazy before we were done. -- Tammara Webber
  • I'm a romantic. The impressionists have always been my favorites. I like prettiness - beauty, or what I perceive as beauty. -- Paul Horn
  • I'm a big fan of skilled singers. Some of my favorites are Cee-Lo Green, Donny Hathaway, James Fauntleroy, and Kim Burrell. -- Seinabo Sey
  • I revisit old favorites like 'Buffy' and 'Battlestar Galactica' when I'm bored. I am obsessed with 'Scandal.' I love TV. -- Jessica Valenti
  • I love the Wikipedia link chain because it has led me into some strange articles. Wikipedia is one of my favorites. -- Veronica Roth
  • Theatre and opera were always the twin kingdoms that I felt I had to conquer, because they were my parents' favorites. -- Diane Paulus
  • 'The Wire's definitely one of them. 'The Sopranos' is one of my all-time favorites. Those are two big ones for me. -- Ben Bass
  • I love Some Enchanted Evening, and If I Loved You. And as I sing them more and more, I find new favorites. -- Bernadette Peters
  • Our house was awash in books, and my mother doled out her favorites like they were special treats - which they were. -- Hallie Ephron
  • What Doesn't Kill You' is a really great movie that was little seen but, I think, is one of my personal favorites. -- Mark Ruffalo
  • I'm a bit more of a suspense reader on the adult side, but my favorites were the ones I grew up reading. -- Jennifer Armentrout
  • Now I know why the Lord took his day off on Sunday. That must be the day he personally greets his favorites. -- Jason F. Wright
  • I love 'Some Enchanted Evening', and 'If I Loved You'. And as I sing them more and more, I find new favorites. -- Bernadette Peters
  • I think the best music videos are the ones that have nothing to do with the song. Those are all my favorites. -- Donald Glover
  • I like all kinds of music but some of my all time favorites are P.I.L., Yoko Ono, T-Rex, and Anton Karas. -- Marcel Dzama
  • John Mayer and Jack Johnson are two of my all-time favorites. I love Colbie Caillat and really cool, beach-y, guitar, acoustic type music. -- Halston Sage
  • I loved 'Paranormal Activity.' It was one of my favorites before. It was a tradition; my friends and I went every year. -- Kathryn Newton
  • God is looking for willing hearts... God has no favorites. You do not have to be special, but you have to be available. -- Winkie Pratney
  • The characters [of The Tempest] have always been favorites of mine. It is one of his meditations on art - what it does. -- Margaret Atwood
  • On the comedy side of what I love as a filmmaker are Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, and Eddie Murphy; those are my favorites. -- David Dobkin
  • Don Karnage-he's one of my all-time favorites. He's so brash and so bold and so arrogant-and he just doesn't know what he's doing. -- Jim Cummings
  • I have two favorites: Reading Kierkegaard while listening to Mozart's Piano Concerto 9 in E Flat Major, and reading early Bazooka Joe comics in Hebrew. -- Gene Weingarten
  • I love 'Husbands and Wives,' Woody Allen's movie. It's like one of my all-time favorites. I could watch it over and over again. -- Zoe Lister-Jones
  • Carey Mulligan and Felicity Jones are two of my favorites. I'm not so much younger than them. I like that. It's kind of aspirational. -- Daisy Ridley
  • Well, Brief Encounter is certainly one of my top five favorites of all time. I looked at Brief Encounter very closely, to be honest. -- Adrian Lyne
  • The current transgender movement is composed of a great number of factions, divided by those old favorites of class, race, age, language, region, and nationality. -- Kate Bornstein
  • My favorite designers are, Chloe, D&G, Christian Louboutin and Marc Jacobs. I change my style from day to day, so I have many favorites. -- Candice Swanepoel
  • You don't have favorites among your offspring, and you don't among the artists you're involved with, but clearly among my most favorite was Patti Smith. -- Clive Davis
  • Preston Sturges is one of my favorites. I learned about dialogue and timing from him - louder, faster, funnier. But I do love Mel Brooks. -- Clara Mamet
  • Many species of wit are quite mechanical; these are the favorites of witlings, whose fame in words scarce outlives the remembrance of their funeral ceremonies. -- Johann Georg Ritter von Zimmermann
  • I really like Alan Jackson, in Country Music. I think he's really very, very talented along with George Jones, and Merle Haggard, the same old favorites. -- Tanya Tucker
  • Well, there are some who claim I'm more of one nation than another, but that's not true, Eddie. I'm of all nations, I play no favorites. -- Harry Segall
  • I watched a lot of pot movies before we did this [Pineapple Express]. My favorites were always the characters in movies that weren't necessarily in stoner movies. -- Seth Rogen