Enforced quotes:

  • Enforced religion breeds precisely what it most fears: rebellion against religion, cynicism about religion, skepticism about its claims, and, as a consequence, indifference at best or outright antipathy at worst. -- Langdon Brown Gilkey
  • There should be no element of slavery in learning. Enforced exercise does no harm to the body, but enforced learning will not stay in the mind. So avoid compulsion, and let your children's lessons take the form of play. -- Plato
  • Faith... must be enforced by reason... when faith becomes blind it dies. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced. -- Frank Zappa
  • Old ways of thinking die hard, particularly when they were weaned by legally enforced monopolies. -- Mitch Kapor
  • I favor the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and it must be enforced at gunpoint if necessary. -- Ronald Reagan
  • A system in which we may have an enforced rest from legislation for two years is not bad. -- William Howard Taft
  • It's heartbreaking to see so many people trapped in a web of enforced idleness, deep debt, and gnawing self-doubt. -- William J. Clinton
  • Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. -- Albert Einstein
  • Because cap and trade is enforced through the selling and trading of permits, it actually perpetuates the pollution it is supposed to eliminate. -- James Hansen
  • Ours is the century of enforced travel of disappearances. The century of people helplessly seeing others, who were close to them, disappear over the horizon. -- John Berger
  • In the Middle East, it is clear that peace will never be reached without solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A two-state solution must be found and enforced. -- Ahmed Zewail
  • After all, enforced national bilingualism in this country isn't mere policy. It has attained the status of a religion. It's a dogma which one is supposed to accept without question. -- Stephen Harper
  • If we want corporations to act differently, we have to force them to do so through laws that are fully enforced and through penalties higher than the economic benefits of thwarting the laws. -- Robert Reich
  • Even the striving for equality by means of a directed economy can result only in an officially enforced inequality - an authoritarian determination of the status of each individual in the new hierarchical order. -- Friedrich August von Hayek
  • I am happy to say that everyone that I have met in my life, I have gained something from them; be it negative or positive, it has enforced and reinforced my life in some aspect. -- Walter Payton
  • Quite simply, federal laws already on the books aimed at stopping the flow of illegal immigration must be enforced. Furthermore, states must be given the resources necessary to confront the problem, which includes strengthening the border patrol. -- Allen West
  • My friendships and relationships in the conservative world are not predicated on political correctness and enforced conformity of thought. They are based, instead, on mutual respect, honesty and understanding - concepts many modern liberals should consider revisiting. -- Tammy Bruce
  • This Government has found occasion to express, in a friendly spirit, but with much earnestness, to the Government of the Czar, its serious concern because of the harsh measures now being enforced against the Hebrews in Russia. -- Benjamin Harrison
  • People are increasingly frustrated that decisions taken further and further away from them mean their living standards are slashed through enforced austerity or their taxes are used to bail out governments on the other side of the continent. -- David Cameron
  • Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. -- Frederick Douglass
  • Christian values were important at home. Cleanliness. Don't steal. Don't lie. Those were the rules, and they were strictly enforced. Especially the stealing and lying. When you broke the rules, you got a beating. I always broke the rules a lot. -- Jimmy Cliff
  • The real difference between the United States and other nations lies not in the words of the preamble to the Constitution, but in the fact that the substantive clauses of that Constitution are enforced by individuals independent of and not beholden to the elected branches. -- Harold H. Greene
  • The law is an adroit mixture of customs that are beneficial to society, and could be followed even if no law existed, and others that are of advantage to a ruling minority, but harmful to the masses of men, and can be enforced on them only by terror. -- Peter Kropotkin
  • So we want an Islamic state where Islamic law is not just in the books but enforced, and enforced with determination. There is no space and no room for democratic consultation. The Shariah is set and fixed, so why do we need to discuss it anymore? Just implement it! -- Abu Bakar Bashir
  • Often, economists spend their energies squabbling with one another, but arguably the more important contrast is between our broadly liberal economic worldview and the various alternatives - common around the globe - that postulate natural hierarchies of religion, ethnicity, caste and gender, often enforced by law and strict custom. -- Tyler Cowen
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  • State constitutions typically provide that the state first has to service its debt, then make it pension payments, and then pay for services. What we don't know is whether that order will be enforced. And ultimately, the busted state is going to be looking to the federal government for a bailout. Think Greece, but on a much bigger scale. -- Eugene Fama
  • In the New World, happiness is enforced. -- Peter Porter
  • Laws without enforced consequences are merely suggestions. -- Ron Brackin
  • Laws can never be enforced unless fear supports them. -- Sophocles
  • Immigration should be enforced in a proportional and humane manner. -- Roger Mahony
  • Many lovers have been divorced By having what is free enforced. -- Robert Frost
  • Laws that do not embody public opinion can never be enforced. -- Elbert Hubbard
  • We would like UN resolutions to be enforced, including on Iraq. -- Jean-Pierre Raffarin
  • The guilt of enforced crimes lies on those who impose them. -- Seneca the Younger
  • I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity. -- Bob Dylan
  • It's a myth that the border can't be enforced. It can be enforced. -- Dianne Feinstein
  • The laws can't be enforced against the man who is the laws' master. -- Benvenuto Cellini
  • We must send a message that visa expiration dates will be strongly enforced. -- Donald Trump
  • The concept of free competition enforced by law is a grotesque contradiction in terms. -- Ayn Rand
  • Life is a succession of lessons enforced by immediate reward, or, oftener, by immediate chastisement. -- Ernest Dimnet
  • Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, . . . neither persons nor property will be safe. -- Frederick Douglass
  • Teachers are the agents through which knowledge and skills are communicated and rules of conduct enforced. -- John Dewey
  • There's something about being afraid, about being small, about enforced humility that draws me to climbing. -- Jon Krakauer
  • In nature, no organic substance is synthesized unless there is provision for its degradation; recycling is enforced. -- Barry Commoner
  • Whatever is enforced by command is more imputed to him who exacts than to him who performs. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • The mice which helplessly find themselves between the cats teeth acquire no merit from their enforced sacrifice. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Trust cannot be bought or commanded, inherited or enforced. To maintain it, leaders must continually earn it. -- Max de Pree
  • Trouble looms when monogamy is no longer a free expression of loyalty but a form of enforced compliance. -- Esther Perel
  • 'Rights' are granted; 'duties' are enforced. To speak of rights and duties is to think in terms of authority. -- Laurance Labadie
  • This divineness had that in it which, though commanding worship, at the same time enforced a certain nameless terror. -- Herman Melville
  • Study the Constitution. Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures, and enforced in courts of justice. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • Rights' are granted; 'duties' are enforced. To speak of rights and duties is to think in terms of authority. -- Laurance Labadie
  • Colonialism. The enforced spread of the rule of reason. But who is going to spread it among the colonizers? -- Anthony Burgess
  • It seems to me that any law that is not enforced and can't be enforced weakens all other laws. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • America's highest economic need is higher ethical standards -- enforced by strict laws and upheld by responsible business leaders. -- George W. Bush
  • It is an axiom, enforced by all the experience of the ages, that they who rule industrially will rule politically. -- Aneurin Bevan
  • We owe most of our great inventions and most of the achievements of genius to idleness either enforced or voluntary. -- Agatha Christie
  • German businessmen are overwhelmed by the high cost of doing business. Inflexible rules, enforced by a burgeoning bureaucracy, discourage entrepreneurship. -- Suzanne Fields
  • If we would be pure, if we would save Hinduism, we must rid ourselves of this poison of enforced widowhood. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • ... enforced Christianity was the surest breeding ground for unbelief. Many men either became unbelievers or met unbelievers during their military service. -- Bill Cooke
  • Laws are to be enforced justly but firmly, with an iron hand. This is the case anywhere, even in a family. -- Abu Bakar Bashir
  • Mankind are apt to be strongly prejudiced in favor of whatever is countenanced by antiquity, enforced by authority, and recommended by custom. -- Robert Hall
  • Today's beauty ideal, strictly enforced by the media, is a person with the same level of body fat as a paper clip. -- Dave Barry
  • When any practice is proposed and enforced as a binding duty, we have a right to examine the grounds of the alleged obligation. -- Adoniram Judson
  • Most conduct is guided by norms rather than by laws. Norms are voluntary and are effective because they are enforced by peer pressure. -- Paul Collier
  • Complete prohibition of all chemical mind changers can be decreed, but cannot be enforced, and tends to create more evils than it cures. -- Aldous Huxley
  • The military world is characterized by the absence of freedom - in other words, a rigorous discipline-enforced inactivity, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery and drunkenness. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • I don't think I ate a green vegetable until I was 30. I didn't grow up with a mom who enforced that at all. -- Keri Russell
  • Reactionary: One who wants the rules enforced so nobody can take his pile away from him the way he got it from others. -- Evan Esar
  • It is impossible to tell whether prohibition is a good thing or a bad thing. It has never been enforced in this country. -- Fiorello H. La Guardia
  • In a Trump administration all immigration laws will be enforced, will be enforced. As with any law enforcement activity, we will set priorities. -- Donald Trump
  • Working hours are never long enough. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. -- Winston Churchill
  • I would argue that a majority of the horrors we face would not have happened if the accounting profession developed and enforced better accounting. -- Charlie Munger
  • USA corporations are legally regulated by laws which their managers know are rarely enforced. This criminal activity is what the USA government calls: Deregulation. -- Steven Magee
  • Prohibition cannot be enforced for the simple reason that the majority of American people do not want it enforced and are resisting its enforcement. -- Fiorello H. La Guardia
  • A genuine free enterprise system, without state-enforced artificial scarcities, artificial property rights or subsidies, would be like dynamite at the foundations of corporate power. -- Kevin Carson
  • Forget all you know or think you know; Abandon power and enforced decree. Inward, where the deepest rivers flow, Find the currents of eternity.... -- Wayland Drew
  • I used to say that interviewing others was perhaps the way I could stop talking and start listening. It's a kind of enforced silence. -- Errol Morris
  • Women have a lot of... attitudes enforced in us about our sense of attractiveness being bound up in long, flowing, Hollywood kind of hair. -- Natalie Dormer
  • The clearer the rules and the limits enforced by parents, the higher the child's self-esteem. The more freedom the child had, the lower his self-esteem. -- Martin Seligman
  • I believe the best test of our integrity and honesty is when we personally enforce in our own lives that which ultimately cannot be enforced. -- David A. Bednar
  • You won't get cooperation out of a hierarchical system. You get enforced directions from the top, and nothing I know of can run like that. -- Bill Mollison
  • The Sabbath, as now recognized and enforced, is one of the main pillars of Priestcraft and Superstition, and the stronghold of a merely ceremonial Religion. -- William Lloyd Garrison
  • To be sure, nothing is more important to the integrity of the universities . . . than a rigorously enforced divorce from war-oriented research and all connected enterprises. -- Hannah Arendt
  • The precision provided (or enforced) by programming languages and their execution can identify lacunas, ambiguities, and other areas of potential confusion in conventional [mathematical] notation. -- Kenneth E. Iverson
  • You are yoked with a lamb, That carries anger as the flint bears fire; Who, much enforced, shows a hasty spank, And straight is cold again. -- William Shakespeare
  • In speaking of natural rights, therefore, it is essential to remember that these alleged rights have no political force whatsoever, unless recognized and enforced by the state. -- Charles Edward Merriam
  • Clear limits should be set on how power is exercised in cyberspace by companies as well as governments through the democratic political process and enforced through law. -- Rebecca MacKinnon
  • For nearly as long as civilization has existed, patriarchy - enforced through the rights of the firstborn son - has been the organizing principle, with few exceptions. -- Hanna Rosin
  • I`m not as concerned about what Mr. [Jeff] Sessions expressed, except for the fact that he did say that, you know, these things would be enforced. -- Al Sharpton
  • I offer you the remedy of Free Love as an antidote for enforced lust, and the world will have to take it before the disease can be cured. -- Victoria Woodhull
  • Every constitution..., and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years [a generation]. If it be enforced longer, it is anact of force, and not of right. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Perl doesn't have an infatuation with enforced privacy. It would prefer that you stayed out of its living room because you weren't invited, not because it has a shotgun -- Larry Wall
  • [Obamacare] has to be enforced because nobody wants it. This is the nature of progressive government they don't care if it's not good for you. It's good for them. -- Greg Gutfeld
  • America faces an enemy who believes in enforced ignorance. And all that we stand for is the open mind, the generous spirit, the ideal of tolerance, freedom, education, opportunity. -- David McCullough
  • I didn't have a rigidly enforced religious parental pressure, but I did have a few years in my mid-teens of turning to religion, and it was very meaningful to me. -- Warren Beatty
  • Americans are possibly the dumbest people on the planet. ...We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing. -- Michael Moore
  • The most strongly enforced of all known taboos is the taboo against knowing who or what you really are behind the mask of your apparently separate, independent, and isolated ego. -- Alan Watts
  • The human soul is not framed for continued proximity, and the result of this enforced neighbourhood is often an appalling loneliness for which the rules of the game forbid assuagement. -- Iris Murdoch
  • Discipline is training that corrects and perfects our mental faculties or molds our moral character. Discipline is control gained by enforced obedience. It is the deliberate cultivation of inner order. -- Charles R. Swindoll
  • I was very lighthearted. This often the way when the abandonment of personal responsibility is enforced: neither wronged innocence or just guilt can seriously impair the sensation of freedom one has. -- Anthony Burgess
  • These 10 steps, if rigorously followed and enforced, will accomplish more in a matter of months than our politicians have accomplished on this issue in the last 50 years. It's going to happen. -- Donald Trump
  • Well, enforcement theater is OK if it's reality theater. In other words, obviously, you want to make it clear, you want to make people see that the law is being enforced. -- Mark Krikorian
  • Unity is the most important thing on the road to stamping out terror. You need global rules of law and order, and they have to be enforced. Start with that principle. -- Chris Matthews
  • If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence. -- Louis D. Brandeis
  • An enforced uniformity of religion throughout a nation or civil state, confounds the civil and religious, denies the principles of Christianity and civility, and that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. -- Roger Williams
  • A collection of short stories is generally thought to be a horrendous clinker; an enforced courtesy for the elderly writer who wants to display the trophies of his youth, along with his trout flies. -- John Cheever
  • The proper exegetical principle is this: Mosaic law is still to be enforced, by the church or the State or both, unless there is a specific injunction to the contrary in the New Testament. -- Gary North
  • Combat forces of the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Poland, and other countries enforced the demands of the United Nations, ended the rule of Saddam Hussein - and the people of Iraq are free. -- George W. Bush
  • There is the issue of security. Countless innocent American lives have been stolen because our politicians have failed in their duty to secure our borders and enforce our laws like they have to be enforced. -- Donald Trump
  • They who cannot be induced to fear for love will never be enforced to love for fear. Love opens the heart, fear shuts it; that encourages, this compels; and victory meets encouragement, but flees compulsion. -- Francis Quarles
  • Since strict obedience is demanded and harshly enforced, only the least talented, least articulate, least nuanced thinkers, least likely to take a stand against abuse, and the least courageous people thrive in the Church today. -- Kate Kelly
  • People should support equality because of their religion not despite it. These are the values that openness, inclusion, diversity promote. And they're directly opposed to the kind of enforced closet of certain interpretations of religion. -- Jay Michaelson