Brainwashing quotes:

  • The professional study of economics has become ideological brainwashing. It is a defense of the excesses of the capitalist system. -- David Korten
  • Before high school ended, I started applying to college. It really wasn't even a choice because of the brainwashing of my parents. -- Tatyana Ali
  • And I managed to arrange to get some research support and to stay in Hong Kong for another year and a half, interviewing people coming out of China, both Westerners and Chinese. And that was my first real research study on thought reform or so-called brainwashing. -- Robert Jay Lifton
  • African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative. So it's just brainwashing and people not being open-minded, pure and simple. -- Herman Cain
  • The line between education and brainwashing is paper thin -- Yana Toboso
  • The family that prays brainwashing their children. -- Albert Einstein
  • You can't come to a new point of view until you realize what your brainwashing has been. -- Morton T. Kelsey
  • In brainwashing communism deceit lies manipulation marxism socialism truth A lie told often enough becomes the truth. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. It really is public brainwashing and misinformation. -- Robert Kane Pappas
  • Human society as a whole is a vast brainwashing machine whose semantic rules and sex roles create a social robot. -- Robert Anton Wilson
  • All you have to do to educate a child is leave him alone and teach him to read. The rest is brainwashing. -- Ellen Gilchrist
  • It is no coincidence that one cardinal rule in brainwashing is to remove from the victim all photographs of himself and people he has known. -- A. D. Coleman
  • During my training I was trained in Psycho-politics. This was the art of capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health. -- Kenneth Goff
  • The challenge of this age is to resist and conquer in each of our own beings the racist brainwashing that is still active in our minds. -- Wyatt Tee Walker
  • Good advertising can make people buy your product even if it sucks ... A dollar spent on brainwashing is more cost-effective than a dollar spent on product improvement. -- Scott Adams
  • Television is by nature the dominator drug par excellence. Control of content, uniformity of content, repeatability of content make it inevitably a tool of coersion, brainwashing, and manipulation. -- Terence McKenna
  • Teachers may think they are stuffing minds, but all they are ever affecting is the memory. Nothing can ever be forced into anyone's mind except by brainwashing, which is the very opposite of genuine teaching. -- Mortimer Adler
  • The foundation of individual rights is the assumption that people have wants and needs and are authorities on what those wants and needs are. If people's stated desires were just some kind of erasable inscription or reprogrammable brainwashing, any atrocity could be justified. -- Steven Pinker
  • Brainwashing, thought Mrs. Pollifax contemptuously, and suddenly realized that she was not afraid. She had endured other crises without losing her dignity--births, widowhood, illnesses--and she was experienced enough to know now that everything worthwhile took time and loneliness, perhaps even one's death as well. -- Dorothy Gilman
  • The advance planning and sense stimuli employed to capture a $10 million cigarette or soap market are nothing compared to the brainwashing and propaganda blitzes used to ensure control of the largest cash market in the world: the Executive Branch of the United States Government. -- Phyllis Schlafly
  • It's a big culture of mind control too, MK-Ultra mind control rules in Hollywood. If you don't know that, google it and look into it. It's really hard for artists to find their voice in the media. It's levels of brainwashing and mind control. -- Roseanne Barr
  • Schools in amerika are interested in brainwashing people with amerikanism, giving them a little bit of education, and training them in skills needed to fill the positions the capitalist system requires. As long as we expect amerika's schools to educate us, we will remain ignorant. -- Assata Shakur
  • The most dramatic instances of directed behavior change and "mind control" are not the consequence of exotic forms of influence, such as hypnosis, psychotropic drugs, or "brainwashing," but rather the systematic manipulation of the most mundane aspects of human nature over time in confining settings. -- Philip Zimbardo
  • What Women's Lib might achieve if their 'consciousness raising' - or in plain English, brainwashing- campaign succeeds is a society whose members have identical roles but are perpetually at war with themselves; a society of males made neurotic by suppressed masculinity, of females made miserable by having masculine roles thrust upon them that contradict their feminine impulses. -- Arianna Huffington
  • For those who stubbornly seek freedom, there can be no more urgent task than to come to understand the mechanisms and practices of indoctrination. These are easy to perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less so in the system of 'brainwashing under freedom' to which we are subjected and which all too often we serve as willing or unwitting instruments. -- Noam Chomsky
  • The way brainwashing works is subtle and takes a long time. -- Sean Durkin
  • What is terrifying is the ability, through mass brainwashing or propaganda, to change normal human instinct, which does not necessarily contain very much hatred. -- Antony Beevor
  • Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing. -- Harry J. Anslinger
  • Corporate advertising is simply expensive lying dressed up as brainwashing -- Dean Cavanagh
  • We need to be aware of all different forms of brainwashing and radicalization. -- Clarissa Ward
  • The conformist is not born. He is made. I believe the brainwashing process begins in the schools and colleges. -- J. Paul Getty
  • The excrement bubbles, the century slime decays, and the brainwashing government lackeys would have us say it's under control. -- Jethro Tull
  • You talk about 'Obama is going to herd us into FEMA brainwashing camps.' Maybe your brain needs a little washing. -- Bill Maher
  • In brainwashing and the eliciting of confessions, the physiological importance of inducing a sense of guilt and conflict can hardly be over emphasized. -- William Sargant
  • Ads push the principle of noise all the way to the plateau of persuasion. They are quite in accord with the procedures of brainwashing. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Because everyone who try a-go to church, and they were trying to teach but they weren't teaching, they was brainwashing. Since I would never call that teaching.. -- Peter Tosh
  • I don't engage in brainwashing, I don't dictate forms of lifestyle, I don't perform mass marriages or even singular marriages. I don't tell people what to believe. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • The key to breaking the Taliban taboo against women and the cultural brainwashing that the Taliban imposed upon many Afghans is to get women back into the workforce. -- Ahmed Rashid