Sextus Quotes in Stardust (2007)


Sextus Quotes:

  • [deleted scene - the ghosts of Secundus, Quartus, and Sextus are standing in the crater next to an unconcious Yvaine]

    Secundus: With all due respect to father, that window thing was a rotten trick!

    Sextus: Excuse me? At least you had a chance! Quartus murdered me while I was asleep!

    Quartus: How many times do I have to tell you? It was Septimus!

    [the ghost of Tertius, recently poisoned, appears]

    Quartus: [to Tertius] Don't speak - don't say a word! Let me guess; Septimus?

    Tertius: [nods]

    Sextus: Poison?

    Tertius: [shrugs, then notices the stone lying next to Yvaine] The stone!

    [tries to pick it up and fails]

    Tertius: I can touch it! I can feel it, I just can't *shift* it! It's like it's too heavy...

    [looks up at his brothers, tearfully]

    Tertius: You look like a bunch of FREAKS!

    Secundus: Hold on... there are five of us now! We could do it together!

    Quintus: We *tried* it before - it didn't work!

    Secundus: But Tertius wasn't here, there were only four of us! Come on!

    [all of them gather around the stone and grab it, attempting to lift it - unbeknownst to them, Yvaine sits up]

    TertiusSecundusQuartusSextusQuintus: Come on... yes, yes... come on!

    [all groan and give up]

    TertiusSecundusQuartusSextusQuintus: No...

    [Yvaine sees the stone and goes to pick it up]

    TertiusSecundusQuartusSextusQuintus: No, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no! N -

    [she picks it up]

    TertiusSecundusQuartusSextusQuintus: Awww...

    [Yvaine fastens it around her neck]

    TertiusSecundusQuartusSextusQuintus: No! Nononononono! Please! Aw.

    Quartus: [sighing] Well done, everyone.

    [all of them sigh and collapse - Tertius lies down in Quintus' lap]

    Quartus: No, you were right, though - it was definately better with five of us.


    Quartus: I mean, that's the closest we've come to actually *moving* anything!

    [Tertius, in Quintis' lap, looks irritated. Quintus looks down at him]

    Quintus: [soothingly] Shhh...

  • Sextus: You can break a man's skull, you can arrest him, you can throw him into a dungeon. But how do you control what's up here?

    [taps his head]

    Sextus: How do you fight an idea?

  • Sextus: There's this wild man in the desert named John who drowns people in water.

  • Centurion: There's a Jew outside. He wants to see the Tribune Messala.

    Messala: I assume he has a name.

    Centurion: [sneeringly] He says he's a prince, Prince Judah Ben-Hur.

    Messala: [loud and quickly] Then treat him like one!


    Messala: Tell him I'll join him.

    [the centurion starts to leave, and Messala shouts again]

    Messala: CENTURION!

    [Again quietly]

    Messala: This was his country before it was ours. Don't forget that.

    Centurion: Yes, Tribune.

    [the centurion then goes out]

    Sextus: That was very wise. This Judah Ben-Hur is the son of one of the wealthiest families in Judea.

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