Michael Longstreet Quotes in Carnage (2011)


Michael Longstreet Quotes:

  • Nancy Cowan: [reaching for the scotch bottle] Let's get out of here, Alan. These people are monsters.

    Alan Cowan: Stop it, Nancy.

    Nancy Cowan: No, no, no. I want to drink some more. I- I wanna get drunk off my ass! This- this bitch throws my bag against the ceiling, nobody lifts a finger. I wanna be blind drunk.

    Alan Cowan: You're drunk enough.

    Nancy Cowan: How can you let her call our son a criminal? We come over here to work things out with them and they, they insult us, they browbeat us, they lecture us about being good citizens of the world! I am glad our son kicked the shit out of your son and I wipe my ass with your human rights!

    Michael Longstreet: Wow! Get a couple of drinks in her and BAM!, her true self comes out.

  • Michael Longstreet: What happened to your sense of humor?

    Penelope Longstreet: I don't have a sense of humor and I don't want one!

  • Michael Longstreet: You're so wonderful. You're the best and the brightest!

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