Kay Hamilton Quotes in Stage Door (1937)


Kay Hamilton Quotes:

  • Jean Maitland: Hey Kay! why didn't you ay hello to me?

    Kay Hamilton: I'm sorry, I didn't see you.

    Jean Maitland: Well, you couldn't help but hear me.

  • Judy Canfield: Well, at least you know there is such an animal. What'd he look like?

    Kay Hamilton: Like any other animal. He had on pants, tie and collar.

  • Jean Maitland: What's the matter?

    Kay Hamilton: Oh, it's just one of those days. Let's sit down and have a good cry.

    Jean Maitland: All right. You can cry on my shoulder. I'm gonna go bathe anyhow.

  • Kay Hamilton: Oh, Jean, I've got to get that part in "Enchanted April." It's been my whole life! It's me. No one else can play that part! It belongs to me! Oh, Jean, I've got to get that part! I've got to!

  • Terry Randall: I'm beginning to feel that there's something definitely wrong with me.

    Kay Hamilton: You're different, that's all.

    Terry Randall: Well, now, why? I eat the same food. I sleep in the same kind of bed. I've even got a crease across my back from that lumpy mattress. And I'm doing my best to pick up their slang. Though, I'm not so hot. How's that? Not so hot!

  • Kay Hamilton: Do you have appointments too?

    Judy Canfield: We're waiting for Randall. If she doesn't crack Powell's office by two o'clock, she's buying us lunch.

    Eve: We're starting off with caviar. Oh, not that small sturgeon kind; but, nice big whale caviar.

  • Kay Hamilton: Isn't there enough heartache in the theater without our hating each other?

  • Kay Hamilton: Here, you sit down and I'll get you some tea.

    Terry Randall: The condemned woman drank her hearty supper.

    Kay Hamilton: I felt the same way. I felt like running and hiding from everyone. But, after that opening speech, there's a thrill you'll never forget. It's a thrill that only comes once.

    Terry Randall: Thrill? I can't make out whether it's a thrill or agony.

    Kay Hamilton: It's both.

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