Fritz Robinson Quotes in Swiss Family Robinson (1960)


Fritz Robinson Quotes:

  • Ernst Robinson: Fritz! Listen! Do you think when we get to New Guinea, *if* we ever do, there'll be any girls our age?

    Fritz Robinson: By the time we get to New Guinea, we won't care *what* age they are!

  • Roberta 'Bertie': Do you read a lot, Fritz?

    Ernst Robinson: Who, him? He practically doesn't ever read at all!

    Fritz Robinson: Never really needed to. Sooner or later, Ernst tells me everything he knows.

  • Roberta 'Bertie': Do you like the sea, Fritz?

    Fritz Robinson: I like things you can depend on. The sea, you can never be sure of it.

    Roberta 'Bertie': Well, that's the fun of it. Not being sure of things.

  • Fritz Robinson: What's that?

    Father Robinson: That? Oh, that's a quarantine flag. Warning that there's Black Death aboard.

    Ernst Robinson: How did you know that?

    Father Robinson: Well *I* do a bit of reading, too, you know.

  • Ernst Robinson: What are you doing?

    Fritz Robinson: I'll just take charge of the pistol for a while. I seem to remember it being appropriated before, when someone wanted to go back to the beach.

    Ernst Robinson: You give me back my pistol!

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