Felix Barbossa Quotes in Deep Cover (1992)


Felix Barbossa Quotes:

  • Felix Barbossa: It's a good thing he never went to jail, Gopher, because if he came out, he'd have an asshole big enough to swallow a watermelon.

  • John Hull: [Narrating] Taft's partner Heranandez was a dirty cop, He needed a bust to look clean, so Barbosa decided to...

    Hernandez: You going to make me wait? I'm telling Taft that I got people working, I need some busts or they're going to start wondering about me.

    Gopher: They're already wondering.

    Felix Barbossa: Relax man, I told you to come here. You can have Gopher if you want.

    Felix Barbossa: How about a lawyer?

    Gopher: Felix, what?

    Hernandez: Lawyers are great, Jewish even better, but I need some Spades. Politicians like dark faces so they can scare the suburbs into voting Republican.

    Felix Barbossa: Lawyers and spades? I got the trifecta, two dealers and a girl who does the wash, two niggers and a kike, all Democrats.

    Hernandez: You're my man.

  • Felix Barbossa: You oughta kill a man sometime, David. It's... it's liberating.

  • Felix Barbossa: [after beating Eddie to death with a pool cue] So, John, what do you think?

    John Hull: I think you made your point.

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