Hernandez Quotes in Deep Cover (1992)


Hernandez Quotes:

  • John Hull: [Narrating] Taft's partner Heranandez was a dirty cop, He needed a bust to look clean, so Barbosa decided to...

    Hernandez: You going to make me wait? I'm telling Taft that I got people working, I need some busts or they're going to start wondering about me.

    Gopher: They're already wondering.

    Felix Barbossa: Relax man, I told you to come here. You can have Gopher if you want.

    Felix Barbossa: How about a lawyer?

    Gopher: Felix, what?

    Hernandez: Lawyers are great, Jewish even better, but I need some Spades. Politicians like dark faces so they can scare the suburbs into voting Republican.

    Felix Barbossa: Lawyers and spades? I got the trifecta, two dealers and a girl who does the wash, two niggers and a kike, all Democrats.

    Hernandez: You're my man.

  • Hernandez: Captain Hornblower?

    [Hornblower nods]

    Hernandez: I am Don Jose Hernandez, Admiral in the service of El Supremo.

    Capt. Horatio Hornblower, R.N: El Supremo? That means The Almighty.

    Hernandez: El Supremo was formerly known to men as Don Julian Alvarado.

    Capt. Horatio Hornblower, R.N: Ha-hmm. Where is this Don Julian Alvarado?

    Hernandez: El Supremo is in his fortress.

  • El Supremo: Make known your needs to Admiral Hernandez.

    Capt. Horatio Hornblower, R.N: Aside from water, I shall need 200 bullocks, 500 pigs, 100 quintals of salt, 40 tons of flour, ten tons of sugar, five tons of tobacco, one ton of coffee, the juice of 40,000 limes and, um, are there any wines to be had here?

    Hernandez: We drink a spirit distilled from molasses which you probably do not know. We call it rum. Will that do?

    Capt. Horatio Hornblower, R.N: Ha-hmm. Well, if there's nothing better that will have to do. One hundred barrels.

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