Dakota Quotes in Formula 51 (2001)


Dakota Quotes:

  • The Lizard: I want McElroy kept alive.

    Dakota: I don't do alive, I do dead.

  • Dakota: How would you like to bite that in the butt, develop lockjaw, and be dragged to death?

  • Madeline Ashton: Oh, for Christ's sake, at least lie quickly!

    Dakota: I'm trying to!

  • Dakota: I'm completely alone.

    Girl at Dakota's: Dakota...

    Dakota: Actually... Completely isn't quite what I meant.

  • Dakota: They're back.

    Darwin: I hope they found something interesting.

    Dakota: They did.

  • Darwin: You're no different than anybody else.

    Viper: Oh is that right?

    Darwin: Yeah.

    Viper: You know, because I've never seen you haul shit. And I've never seen you get your fucking hands dirty.

    Dakota: Viper, we all know that he is very busy.

    Viper: Yeah, fucking you.

  • Ford: [after Neon tries to talk to Nova] Don't bother. She's retarded.

    [Dakota throws a book at Ford's head]

    Ford: Ow! You bitch! That hurt! Jesus.

    Dakota: Nova is not retarded. She just doesn't speak to anyone.

    Ford: That's retarded.

    [Dakota picks up another book]

  • Dakota: If they want dinner, they're gonna have to pay for it.

  • [last lines]

    Dakota: [voiceover] For better or for worse, this is our world. Not the end of life and not the beginning, either. Just different. We live in the light because society tells us to. But we are all children of the dark. Laws are the only thing that separate us from savagery. Because the beast is there, inside all of us, watching, waiting. When civilization is no longer there to protect us, when the beast is the only thing standing between us and death, we will absolutely fight tooth and nail to survive.

  • Dakota: Your family. What happened?

    Neon: We were living in a grocery store. Couple of the families from the neighborhood. We had aisles of food and supplies. There was about twenty of us. I'm not even sure when it started. People just started disappearing. We noticed it was like clockwork. Every night, they came and took one of us.

    Dakota: You didn't fight back?

    Neon: We tried. There was too many of them. They were too strong. The funny thing is they only ever took one at a time.

    Dakota: Why?

    Neon: I don't know. I think it was because dead bodies rot faster. They were keeping us alive for fresh meat.

    Dakota: Oh my god.

    Neon: Yeah. You wanna know what the worst part was? It wasn't watching my family and friends die, seeing them slaughtered in front of us. It was the waiting. Waiting for dark. They always come at night.

  • Dakota: You're one of them?

    Neon: Just think of me as a wolf in sheep's clothing. And that makes you the lambs led to slaughter.

  • Dakota: I'm gonna kill you.

    Neon: Not if I eat you first.

  • Abe Jones: How's the coffee, Dakota? Is it strong enough?

    Dakota: Drop a rock in it! If it don't sink, it's strong enough.

  • [Sam Bass and friends have just held up a stagecoach and removed only part of the money from the strong box]

    Joel Collins: Well, we could've had our ranch out of that box.

    Sam Bass: No, we couldn't, Joel. The way we did it, even if this thing comes out, people will know that we took back only what he stole from us. They'll be on our side.

    Dakota: Sure, we wouldn't want 'em to think we robbed this stage dishonestly.

  • Dakota: I'm going to perforate his mangy carcass!

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