Amber Quotes in The Hills Have Eyes II (2007)


Amber Quotes:

  • Amber: Who was that guy?

    Napoleon: Shitman the Barbarian, I have no idea!

  • Napoleon: [bursting out of the portable toilet with his pants down, hysterical and screaming] Fuck!

    Amber: What?

    Napoleon: There's a hand in the shitter!

  • Crank: [referring to Hansel] You trust that guy?

    Amber: He hid us from them. He didn't give us up.

    Napoleon: We don't have any choice, we have to trust him.

    Crank: Bullshit! God knows where he's taking us.

    Delmar: To be honest with you, I'm not sure God knows anything about this place.

  • Amber: Justin! I love you!

    Justin: I lov...

    White Goodman: [hits Justin in the face with a Dodgeball] Joanie loves Chachi!

  • Amber: Ms. Stoeger, my plastic surgeon doesn't want me doing any activity where balls fly at my nose.

    Dionne: Well, there goes your social life.

  • Amber: Was I the only one listening?I thought it reeked.

    Cher: No I believe that's your designer imposter perfume.

  • Amber: She could be a farmer in those clothes.

  • Amber: [makes W with her hands] Whatever.

  • Kate King: [after Amber suggests getting a friend to sleep with Mark] We are not hiring a hooker to sleep with my husband!

    Amber: She's not a hooker, she's just a slut.

  • Strip Club DJ: And now looking hot and ignoring doctor's orders, let's welcome Amber.

    [Amber comes on stage in a neck brace]

    Kenny: What the fuck happened to her?

    Amber: Fuck you, Kenny!

    Strip Club Patron: Hey, what's up, RoboCop?

  • [Stifler's brother shows off two girls he picked up]

    Stifler: Brilliant. You found Lesbians.


    Stifler: Good luck trying to break through that force field.

    Danielle: Lesbians?

    Amber: We never said that.

    Stifler: What?

    Amber: We never said that.

    Stifler: Oh... Oh, man. I will do anything... ANYTHING to sleep with you, chicks, okay? I'll grab every guy's ass in this room. I'll caress it even. I'll even shave some ass if they need it!

    [sounds of revulsion from young men at party]

    Stifler: Oh, yeah! You heard me! I will kiss everybody here! Dudes, chicks, everybody! Because I am comfortable with my sexuality!

  • [over the radio]

    Stifler's brother: Steve the copwatch thing is horse shit. Man this sucks.

    Danielle: Who is it out there?

    Stifler's brother: It's the Stifmeister baby.

    Amber: Is that so?

  • Brandy Klark: Don't you have a dick to suck?

    Amber: Several! Unlike you, fucktard!

    Brandy Klark: Cluck you!

    Amber: Cluck? Say fuck, like a normal person.

  • [Judge Klark walks in and finds Amber and Willy having sex]

    Judge Klark: Get off my house and out of my daughter!

    Amber: Dad, gross!

    Judge Klark: You know what I mean!

  • Amber: What have you done to me?

    Guiseppe: What you needed doing to you. Don't you like it?

    Amber: It's okay.

  • [complaining to her husband]

    Amber: I did not fly all the way from New York City to wherever the fuck we are to get on that!

    Tony: How many vacations have you enjoyed? You wanted to try something new.

    Amber: New? Tell me, how new does that look? It's got a fucking chimney, Anthony!

  • Tony: Would you show my wife the gym.

    Guiseppe: Wait here!(takes out an exercise bike) YOUR GYM MADAM!!

    Amber: ANTHONY!!!

  • [trying to entice Amber into the water]

    Tony: Oh, come on in. It's clean as a whistle.

    Amber: Depends on who's been blowing in the whistle, doesn't it?

  • [to Guiseppe, while adrift at sea]

    Amber: I can't believe you came all the way out here without a fucking cell phone!

  • [Telephone conversation]

    Amber: Who is this?

    Andre: I am Andre le Pate. I have big balls! And my ass breathes fire!

  • Amber: I brought a surprise for Jenny.

    Katie: What?

    Amber: A whole bag of dildos!

    Ross: No one said the script was award-worthy.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: He was a good pilot, but...

    Amber: Did he get as messed up as you? All the shit on your neck?

    Lamb Mannerheim: He lucked out.

    Amber: Not a scratch, huh?

    Lamb Mannerheim: No, he died.

  • Lamb Mannerheim: This, this is so much worse than home.

    Amber: [laughs] Nothing's worse than home. Trust me, I'm scared for life.

  • Pat: I know what it is.

    Amber: What what is?

    Pat: My "desert-island band."

    Amber: Tell somebody who gives a shit.

  • Pat: This... is a nightmare.

    [last lines]

    Darcy: For us all.

    Amber: Please tell me those stupid fucking words are his last!

  • Amber: Let's just say the people who hurt me weren't white

  • Amber: Hand me that mirror, you incompetent bimbo!

  • Lidia: You didn't even go on into Lipnicki's property. I'm the one who got everything. And quit nigger-lippin' my smoke. Give it here.

    Elvadine: Excuuuuse me? What the hell you just say?

    Lidia: Give me my smoke. What?

    Elvadine: You know what. Girl, you'd better get outta my face.

    Lidia: You call your friends that.

    Elvadine: How I calls my kin ain't none of your business.

    Amber: Ooh-ooh, it's a fight! What'd I miss?

    Lidia: I'm sorry.

    Amber: What's she sorry fo'?

    Elvadine: I think you have somethin' that belongs to me - my mood ring.

    Lidia: Where's my pooka shell necklace?

    Elvadine: I'll see who gets it!

    Lidia: Look, I said I was sorry.

    Elvadine: My mama said I don't hafta hang out with nobody who degrades me that-a-way, even if they is my best girl.

    Elvadine: But I'm gonna let it go this time. But you're on probation, and don't think I'm gonna forget about it neither. Now put your eyes back in your head and let's go.

  • Amber: You guys wanted that up there, then why didn't ya ask me?

    Stu: Put that thing up there.

    Amber: That the way you ask me? Ain't you not heard the word please?

    Stu: Please?

    Amber: Move outta my way, lightweight.

  • Jack: [shot of house and voiceover of Jack panicked] Principal Jenkins is not gonna let this thing go until Casey names names, all right?

    Amber: She won't, Jack. *I* know her, okay? She's not gonna...

    Jack: Wait! You don't know anything, all right?

    Amber: [sullen] Right.

    [Jack takes out his gun and starts polishing it]

    Amber: What are you-what are you gonna do?

    Jack: I got this from a black market gun dealer last year when I stopped him for a 505. Forensics will trace it back to him.

    [Amber turns in distress]

    Amber: [aghast] We can't just kill her, Jack!

    Jack: Oh, we can't?

    Amber: No!

    Jack: [yells] You know what happens if she talks, Amber? Kylie and Taylor, they're gonna get away with a slap on the wrist. You and me - they're gonna send us away to jail for a long time. Do you wanna go to jail?

    Amber: No.

    Jack: [yells louder] Do you?

    Amber: No!

    Jack: [Comes over and roughly takes her face in his hands] I need you to be really strong right now. Can you do that?

    [she nods in his hands]

    Jack: I need you to do everything that I say, down to the letter. Okay?

    Amber: [falling to Jack's charm] Okay.

    [he gives her a long kiss on her forehead and embraces her]

  • Holly Benson: [camera lowering down on city as Holly talks] So, how would you feel about transferring to Van Westerly?

    Casey Benson: Oh, my God, not that place. Jeremy's girlfriend. Ugh!

    Holly Benson: [stirring food] Well, that's what the district recommended.

    [Casey becomes suspicious]

    Casey Benson: The district? Who did you talk to?

    Holly Benson: Well, I spoke with Principal Jenkins.

    Casey Benson: [slightly panicked] Oh my God, Mom, you talked to her? What did you tell her? Please tell me you didn't mention anything!

    Holly Benson: Casey, honey, she asked me a lot of questions and I gave her very vague answers,

    [Casey sighs in distress]

    Holly Benson: and I also told her that you weren't interested in discussing any of the details.

    Casey Benson: Mom!

    Holly Benson: I had to give her a reason.

    Casey Benson: Did anybody see you?

    Holly Benson: What do you mean?

    Casey Benson: I mean, was anybody there besides Ms. Jenkins?

    [doorbell rings]

    Holly Benson: I'll get that.

    Casey Benson: [on edge] No. I got it.

    [she walks to the door while her mom relaxes, and Amber is bouncing in the window]

    Casey Benson: Amber?

    Amber: Casey, I need to talk to you about something!

    Casey Benson: About what?

    Amber: [panicked] I need your help!

    Casey Benson: Why?

    Amber: It's Jack. Something happened, and he went crazy! Come on, Casey, open up; I'm scared! Before somebody sees me out here!

    Holly Benson: Casey, who is it?

    [now at the door]

    Casey Benson: [looks to her mom] Um, it's my friend, Amber.

    Holly Benson: Okay.

    [Amber is let in]

    Holly Benson: Hi, is everything okay?

    Amber: No, no, it's not.

    [Jack makes his way in after Amber and cocks the gun and Amber closes the door]

    Holly Benson: Go, honey, run!

    [Jack's plan commences with Amber as an accomplice]

  • [last lines]

    Joshua: [voiceover] I learned to say "I'm sorry" and "thank you" and how to keep my fists to myself, but the best lesson I learned...

    Amber: Help me up.

    Joshua: [voiceover] First you kiss the hand and then you kiss the girl.

  • Joshua: [noting her school uniform] That's a nice outfit, by the way.

    Amber: Thank you. It's required.

    Joshua: Thank God. I was beginning to think your grandma dressed you.

  • Amber: If only you were a couple years older.

    Joshua: Yeah, it's funny, you know, I was just thinking if only YOU were a couple years YOUNGER.

  • Joshua: Yeah, he's cool, but, uh, I DO think, that after all my efforts, that I, uh, deserve a kiss.

    Amber: Whoo! Slow down! Ha-ha. A kiss for the con man who punched my brother.

    Joshua: Yeah.

    Amber: Hnn.

    Joshua: That sounds reasonable. It's an idea.

    Amber: I have an idea.

    Joshua: What?

    Amber: How about you kiss my butt when I beat you down the beach?

    Joshua: What do I get if I win?

    Amber: Nothing, and you'll like it!

  • Amber: [wondering about Joshua's flippant attitude over Anne-Marie] Have you ever taken art history?

    Joshua: Not really.

    Amber: All right, well, I'll tell you this - tons of artists would KILL to have a conversation with her, talk to her about her life, her art...

    Joshua: Yeah, she is a piece of work.

  • Amber: [Thayer peeks around the corner of the bathroom doorway and taps on the wall] What are you doing in here?

    Thayer: Did I scare you?

    Amber: Yes.

    [Thayer walks in toward her]

    Amber: Alright, I gotta go.

    Thayer: No.

    Amber: No, look, what are you doing? Somebody could come in here.

    Thayer: What am I doing? That's a really good question - I don't really know the answer to it... It feels like, a misrepresentation.

    Amber: A what?

    Thayer: I was at the beach today and I saw you. And it was the same girl from before, and it all came back to me.

    Amber: That's funny. Because I was on the beach today and I saw a guy in a dress talking about living forever.

    [Takes the white flower from behind his ear]

    Amber: You've lost your mind.

    Thayer: Yes I have.

    Amber: I have to go.

    Thayer: [Bangs his hands on the stall behind her, cornering her against the wall, and leans in] I want this to end right now, Amber! Right now.

    Amber: What do you want me to do?

    Thayer: I want you to write it down.

    Amber: What?

    Thayer: Write it down.

    Amber: Thayer, if you're talking about the notebook, that's gone. It's gone... That was a long time ago...

    Thayer: No, no it wasn't...

    Amber: Yes it was, it was a long time ago...

    Thayer: No it wasn't! It was only five seconds ago! Right? One! Two!...

    [Begins whispering as Amber repeatedly murmurs, "No..."]

    Thayer: three, four, five.

    [He embraces her and Amber begins crying into his chest]

    Amber: [Begins trying to push him away] Look, I'm sorry, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I've done for you - Things are different now - I can't just...

    Thayer: That's not what I'm talking about! - You know that! - That's not what I'm talking about!

    [Amber begins crying]

    Thayer: Look at me. Look at me!

    [Tilts her head up, but Amber keeps her eyes closed]

    Thayer: Hey, just say it. Say it. Say it right now.

    Amber: [Finally looks at him] I don't know what you're talking about.

    [Thayer lets her go]

  • Amber: In science, we worked for a week dissecting a fetal pig. The whole class was sickened, but Thayer seemed unemotional about it. Sometimes he even enjoyed doing things we weren't assigned, like skinning the eyelids off the little pig and digging out its eyeballs.

  • Clay: I guess I wasn't destined for greatness.

    Amber: I think the world has enough greatness. Not enough goodness. That's my theory.

  • Amber: Buy me flowers. Make me a card. I don't need you to make me your community service project. I need you to dance with me. That was okay, wasn't it?

    Clay: Yes.

    Amber: Clay, I know it's in you. I know it. Flatter me. Excite me. Sweep me off my feet. Tell me I'm the most attractive woman you've ever seen even if you don't really mean it. I don't care.

    Clay: Lie to you?

    Amber: Exactly. A normal date.

    Clay: I've wasted a lot of words. I don't want to waste any more.

    Amber: On me. Oh you're scoring all kinds of points.

    Clay: It's not about scoring points.

    Amber: I'm sorry. That's right. It's about red-yellow-green.

  • Amber: Maybe love doesn't have to be perfect, just to be worth it.

  • Amber: You don't believe that there's a right person out there for each of us? A soul mate?

    Clay: I don't believe that our job is in looking. It's in becoming. Once you are the right person... when you're ready... you know? Then hopefully, God willing...

  • Clay: There was... something. A sense. Like a voice but...

    Amber: You hear voices?

    Clay: No, not like real... Wait.

    Amber: What?

    Clay: Shhh. There it is again. A whisper. It's telling me... it's telling me something about you!

    Amber: I'm serious. Tell me more about all of this.

    Clay: I can't explain it. Still. Even now. It's not easy to put into words without sounding like a crazy person.

    Aunt Zella: Ask her to go to church with ya sometime.

    Clay: Thank you, Aunt Zella.

    Amber: You go to church?

    Clay: Not much anymore. I did.

    Aunt Zella: The people there weren't perfect, so he felt out of place.

  • Amber: Is that what made you change?

    Clay: It wasn't one big thing. It was more like a lot of small things that added up. And that book didn't help much. Sometimes I wish I'd never opened it at all.

    Amber: Why?

    Clay: Once I read it for myself, I couldn't make fun of it anymore. Maybe someone else could, but I couldn't. I felt accountable for the first time in my life.

  • Amber: When the jar is full, I know I have enough.

    Clay: For what?

    Amber: To get far enough away if I need to. Make a fresh start. Go where the wind takes me. Follow the warm fuzzies.

    Clay: Life isn't just warm fuzzies.

    Amber: It isn't just rules either, religiouso... And besides, it's how I ended up here. I hit empty on County Line Road."

    Clay: You're kidding me. You just packed your car full of everything you owned and started driving until you ran out of gas?

  • Amber: He's trying to scare me off.

    Lisa: He's so good at that.

  • Clay: Old things have passed away; behold all things become new.

    Amber: That's in there?

  • Amber: I'm not going to live back there anymore, Clay. And I'm not going to tell you a bunch of bad things about him to try to make myself feel less responsible. I can't blame him for my decision. And you can't either. But this is who I am.

  • Clay: "It's easier to keep holidays than commandments," Benjamin Franklin.

    Amber: That's true. I definitely prefer holidays.

    Amber: "Our lives begin to end the moment we remain silent about things that matter"

    Clay: Who said that?

    Amber: Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Amber: [Repeated lines] Hey there, Stress Boy.

    Clay: Hey there, Pretty Girl.

  • Clay: [Opening lines; voice-over] I thought I would always be alone.

    Amber: [Voice-over] Why?

    Clay: [Voice-over] It's what I deserve.

    Amber: [Voice-over] Oh, that's a bunch of hooey.


  • Amber: Why are you doing this?

    Driver: It keeps me fit.

    Amber: But I didn't do anything wrong.

    Driver: Then I guess you're just unlucky.

  • Jack: I am getting tired of people and things grabbing me from behind!

    Amber: [smiling lasciviously] Well, I'm sorry; next time I promise to grab you in the front.

  • Amber: I told you, we're all gonna die.

  • Amber: Aunt Angie, I'm having such a great time. And pot here, is so cheap!

    Supermodel: You mean, pots and pans! Yes, that's because they are made by infants.

  • Amber: So anyway. Now that I have conquered my current job, what should I do next? I am thinking feminist or astronaut. Probably go with feminist, I'm afraid of heights.

    Mason: Ah, what does a feminist do?

    Amber: Mostly just bitches about stuff.

  • Mason: [after being walked home under Amber's umbrella in a torrential downpour] I live here.

    Amber: Ah, well, gee Mason.

    [pretending to be him]

    Amber: Thank you for walking me home. Perhaps you would like to have some coffee or something. Or look at my art.

    [after no response]

    Amber: Right. Well, I'll see you later.

    Mason: Thank you... for the umbrella.

    Amber: Oh yeah, of course.


    Amber: These things are rare in this town, you know. But if you look really hard you can usually find one. Probably shouldn't get mine wet.

  • Amber: So, are we gonna talk about it?

    Mason: What? No, I just can't figure out what color to use for the shadow of your arm.

    Amber: So, we're not gonna talk about it. Okay... So, why didn't you use the blue?

    Mason: Because it'll pull focus from your eyes.

    Amber: What about the orange?

    Mason: Too close to the tan in your slip.

    Amber: Does it matter?

    Mason: Yes. It's all about contrast. To accentuate some parts, you have to hide others.

    Amber: So they can't be noticed?

    Mason: So they won't... draw attention.

  • Amber: So, Mason. How come I never got to see your lifeline?

    Mason: You never asked again.

    Amber: Maybe I should've.

  • Amber: Listen, I had this idea, for, um... for one of the sketches...

    Mason: No.

    Amber: What?

    Mason: I just... I'm halfway through this pose.

    Amber: Come on, Mason. I'm the one that's gonna have to do all these poses that you come up with...

    Mason: You're not the artist.

  • Amber: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

  • Amber: Every life is worth saving.

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Characters on The Hills Have Eyes II (2007)