Crank Quotes in The Hills Have Eyes II (2007)


Crank Quotes:

  • Insurgent: America's mothers suck cocks!

    Crank: What the fuck did you say?

    Insurgent: Your American mothers suck cocks!

    Crank: America's number one, bitch!

  • Crank: [referring to Hansel] You trust that guy?

    Amber: He hid us from them. He didn't give us up.

    Napoleon: We don't have any choice, we have to trust him.

    Crank: Bullshit! God knows where he's taking us.

    Delmar: To be honest with you, I'm not sure God knows anything about this place.

  • Mickey: Aw, Crank, you're taking all the fun out of the afterlife.

    Crank: Shove the afterlife up your ass.

  • Stump: [climbing out the truck] Whoa, leg's asleep!

    Crank: Dick's asleep.

    Mickey: Wanna wake it up?

    Crank: Nah, that's your daddy's job.

  • Madame Gasket: Who are these losers?

    Fender: We, sir...

    Madame Gasket: I'm a woman.

    Crank: Ouch.

    Fender: [Scottish accent] We've come to rescue our friend, you evil bag of bolts, and you shall be defeated by the very outmodes that you scorn and detest!

    Crank: 'Cause there's seven of us and only one of...

    [hundreds of minions appear from behind Madame Gasket]

    Fender: Let's see, there's seven of us and... eight? Nine?

    Crank: Did you count that one?

    Fender: I think so. Will you all quit moving around? It's so frustrating! I think I counted one of you twice!

  • Crank: [Mr. Copperbottom is playing badly] Well there goes our happy ending.

    Fender: Yo, it's a fusion of jazz and funk. It's called junk.

  • Rodney Copperbottom: Hey Fender.

    [Rodney does arm farts]

    Fender: Yeah Baby, let 'er rip!

    [Rodney and Fender are doing arm farts]

    Crank: What are you guys, 3 years old? This is how a man does it.

    [Crank does arm farts]

    Piper: You guys are SO gross! Besides, this is how you do it.

    [Piper does arm farts]

    Aunt Fanny: Hey kids, get a load of this...

    [does BIG farts; Everyone is grossed out]

    Piper: Aunt Fanny, we were using our arms!

    Crank: Ugh, light a match!

    Lamppost: Lady... please... see a doctor...

    Lamppost: [the lamppost passes out]

  • Crank: Never try, never fail. Those are the words I live by.

  • Piper: Did I miss the butt wuppin'?

    PiperCrankFenderRodney CopperbottomLugCappy: [surrounded by menacing machines, everyone freeze, staring and then move again] No.

    Crank: Actually, you're a little early.

  • Piper: Am I too late for the butt-whooping?

    Crank: Actually your a bit early.

    Piper: Great!

  • Lug: Hey, Fender, have you lost weight?

    Crank: Lost weight? Look at... will you look at... He's a head in a basket!

  • Crank: Oh, man! This is my third oil change today. Something's wrong with me.

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