Thinking different quotes:

  • If you are not thinking differently, you are not exercising your freedom. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Being different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. -- Suzy Kassem
  • It's always about being yourself and not being ashamed of being different or thinking different. -- Marilyn Manson
  • People seem to forget that one reason they are now thinking differently is Freud's legacy itself. -- Peter Gay
  • Only you pick that crab. Nobody else take it. I already know this. Everyone else want best quality. You thinking different. -- Amy Tan
  • Apple is not thinking different anymore, they are getting worse by the day. They've become bottom-dollar and you can see that transition easily. -- Justin Vernon
  • Being different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. It honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget -- Suzy Kassem
  • Being different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. It honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget. -- Suzy Kassem
  • To change your circumstances, first start thinking differently. Do not passively accept unsatisfactory circumstances, but form a picture in your mind of circumstances as they should be. Believe and succeed. -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • You can change a person's life in an instant; put him in a movie, and you start thinking differently, you want to be in another movie. It's like an addiction almost. -- Dennis Farina
  • It's time to start thinking differently about money and debt and start the healing process - and the process toward wealth and freedom. 'Freedom from Bad Debt' can get you started. -- Robert Kiyosaki
  • The psychology of individual creativity is about at least three different things. First, creativity is about thinking differently. Second, creativity is about feeling differently. Third, creativity is about focusing, or committing, differently. -- Max McKeown
  • People say "the Americans" or "the United States," as if it was a kind of bloc. It's not. There's a lot of people thinking differently from other people in the U.S. This is very interesting to me and very important. -- Costa-Gavras
  • People.. especially people in positions of power.. have invested a tremendous amount of effort and time to get to where they are. They really don't want to hear that we're on the wrong path, that we've got to shift gears and start thinking differently. -- David Suzuki
  • Thinking differently is my strength. -- Carine Roitfeld
  • When you're speaking Spanish, you're thinking in a different way. -- Giancarlo Esposito
  • In the real life-process, willing, feeling, and thinking are only different aspects. -- Wilhelm Dilthey
  • Have an open mind - allow different ideas into your way of thinking. -- Peter Diamandis
  • When I was small, I was always thinking about different worlds in my head. -- Hideo Kojima
  • There are different rules for reading, for thinking, and for talking. Writing blends all three of them. -- Mason Cooley
  • If you get stuck, draw with a different pen. Change your tools; it may free your thinking. -- Paul Arden
  • I have a different way of thinking. I think synergistically. I'm not linear in thinking, I'm not very logical. -- Imelda Marcos
  • History speaks to artists. It changes the artist's thinking and is constantly reshaping it into different and unexpected images. -- Anselm Kiefer
  • When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking. -- Elayne Boosler
  • I love having different cultures around, but when the parent culture kind of dissipates, you're left thinking, 'Well, what's going on?' -- John Cleese
  • I've made mistakes before of doing different projects just based on my dreams, my hopes, my thing, and not really thinking about my customers. -- Tyra Banks
  • Man does not speak because he thinks; he thinks because he speaks. Or rather, speaking is no different than thinking: to speak is to think. -- Octavio Paz
  • My own way of thinking is very conservative, very linear and not particularly imaginative, but if I look for things in different places, sometimes things happen. -- Christopher Walken
  • Ultimately, you have to not worry about people thinking you should have played him differently. You're the one playing the part so it has to be yours. -- Ewan McGregor
  • Your idea of that dish has evolved, and if you're a cook, you can start thinking in different ways about it, maybe even a different way than I think about it. -- Thomas Keller
  • There are two ways to wake up. You can wake up thinking about what you know, or you wake up thinking and saying 'What can I learn?.' That's a very different approach. -- Tori Amos
  • When thinking through who to bring together to generate new ideas, it is more effective to combine specialists from very different and unrelated disciplines rather than a variety of people with different skills sets in the same field. -- Simon Mainwaring
  • Different people in different parts of the world can be thinking the same thoughts at the same time. It's an obsession of mine: that different people in different places are thinking the same thing but for different reasons. I try to make films which connect people. -- Krzysztof Kieslowski
  • Thinking very often resembles napping, but the intent is different. --Stephanie Plum -- Janet Evanovich
  • I want to be a mature artist with a different kind of thinking. -- Maria Callas
  • You have been thinking one way. Now you have to think a different way. -- Joseph Campbell
  • Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different. -- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
  • If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different, I'd rather be completely #$%^&^& mental. -- Angelina Jolie
  • Thinking is different from perceiving and is held to be in part imagination, in part judgment -- Aristotle
  • Some of it just involved thinking about, for example, the different kinds of science, what chemistry is. -- Lynne Rae Perkins
  • You have to change your thinking if you desire to have a future different from your present. -- Germany Kent
  • I grew up not really thinking I had a disability. I grew up thinking I had different shoes -- Oscar Pistorius
  • I like feeling a sense of unity with the crowd even though everybody might be thinking something different. -- Axl Rose
  • We have always been thinking about different ways to perform electronic music, i.e. music made with machines. -- Thomas Bangalter
  • I tend to have a very analytical mind, I'm constantly thinking about how things can be better or different. -- Andy Biersack
  • Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a different state of consciousness arises. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • It takes a different kind of thinking to solve a problem than the kind of thinking which produced the problem. -- Albert Einstein
  • We fool ourselves into thinking that the spreadsheets that capture our financial projections are something different than what they are. -- Scott D. Anthony
  • It's nothing short of a whole new brain... animated by a different form of thinking and a new approach to life. -- Daniel H. Pink
  • I never like to think of any character as being over. I'm always thinking of different ways of bringing them back. -- Chris Lilley
  • Thinking that everything must be bigger to matter is a problem. Small power emanates and disseminates in a very different way. -- Peter Buffett
  • The conscious act of thinking about one's thoughts in a different way changes the very brain circuits that do that thinking ... -- Sharon Begley
  • From my clinical experience, I consider that children and adults with Asperger's Syndrome have a different, not defective, way of thinking. -- Tony Attwood
  • Why settle for so little in life when you can have so much just by daring to be different in your thinking. -- Catherine Ponder
  • I'm always thinking about the next record. I've got like 20 different themes and then I'll scratch the themes. It's a learning process. -- Jason Mraz
  • People are always thinking that I'm the main character in my books, but each one has been different, and sometimes they've been men. -- Sue Miller
  • Fine dancing, I believe like virtue, must be its own reward. Those who are standing by are usually thinking of something very different. -- Jane Austen
  • You have to engage with people who are different from you and try to work with their thinking and their mind. That's a real challenge. -- Jeanette Winterson
  • Thinking that education is something different from discipling our children is a sure sign that we have been 'educated' by the state. Education is discipleship. -- R. C. Sproul, Jr.
  • I got to thinking about relationships and partial lobotomies. Two seemingly different ideas that might just be perfect together - like chocolate and peanut butter.... -- Sarah Jessica Parker
  • People aren't comfortable thinking of women as people. Like we're not people, we're women, and that means something completely different, especially when you have power. -- Jessica Valenti
  • Gonna change my way of thinking, make my self a different set of rules. Gonna put my good foot forward and stop being influenced by fools. -- Bob Dylan
  • With 'Delirium,' I had to spend time thinking about the political, social and religious structure of a different world. But it was a fun challenge. -- Lauren Oliver
  • Certainly the details of our life are unique. Spending time thinking of how I am different from someone else, however, does not tend to be very productive. -- Akhil Sharma
  • Thinking rationally is often different from "positive thinking," in that it is a realistic assessment of the situation, with a view towards rectifying the problem if possible. -- Albert Ellis
  • It's an obsession of mine, that different people, in different places, are thinking the same thing, but for different reasons. I try to make films which connect people. -- Krzysztof Kieslowski
  • Jacks are home runs. So are dongs, bombs, and big flies. Baseball people express their fondness for a thing by thinking up lots of different ways to say it. -- Michael Lewis
  • Bharat for Bhutan and Bhutan for Bharat. The colour of our passports may be different but our thinking is the same. India stands committed to Bhutan's happiness and progress. -- Narendra Modi