Price of life quotes:

  • With the price of life these days, you've got to get everything for free you can. -- Carl Rogers
  • death was the price of life. -- Mary Renault
  • From love one can only escape at the price of life itself; and no lessening of sorrow is worth exile from that stream of all things human and divine. -- Freya Stark
  • The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living? -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • I think there's a terrible price to be paid when your exterior life is not an honest reflection of your interior life. -- Gene Robinson
  • The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price, peace-at-any-price, safety-first instead of duty-first, the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • It is true that I have had heartache and tragedy in my life. These are things none of us avoids. Suffering is the price of being alive. -- Judy Collins
  • Like so many women, I was living out the unlived life of my mother - so I wouldn't be her. But the price I paid was that I distanced myself internally. -- Gloria Steinem
  • The definition of success to me is not necessarily a price tag, not fame, but having a good life, and being able to say I did the right thing at the end of the day. -- Jeremy Luke
  • When food prices surge, poor families suddenly find themselves unable to afford enough nutritious food. If this happens during the first thousand days of a child's life, the damage to his or her body and mind can be permanent. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • Jesus paid a tremendous price for us so we could have abundant life. He willingly took all of our sin on Himself and gave His life on the cross so we could be forgiven and have new life in Him. -- Joyce Meyer
  • In the world I've known most of my life, old stories quickly lose their power over capital markets and get replaced by new surprises. That which everyone fixates on gets priced into the stock market quickly and can't drag on. -- Kenneth Fisher
  • Say not that honor is the child of boldness, nor believe thou that the hazard of life alone can pay the price of it: it is not to the action that it is due, but to the manner of performing it. -- Akhenaton
  • When Bryan Price taught me how to throw a changeup, he made me see myself. All my life, I've been the equivalent of a fastball pitcher - trying to use blazing speed and brute force to wow the people around me. -- Eric Liu
  • Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! -- Patrick Henry
  • Mother goddesses are just as silly a notion as father gods. If a revival of the myths of these cults gives woman emotional satisfaction, it does so at the price of obscuring the real conditions of life. This is why they were invented in the first place. -- Angela Carter
  • For women who have children, the economic difficulty of sustaining a life as an artist maybe makes it impossible. There's no maternity leave, there's no pension. -- Elizabeth Price
  • I really hate sitcoms on television with canned laughter and stuff. What really makes me laugh is the real-life stuff. I've got a dry sense of humor. -- Katie Price
  • My middle name should be 'Drama,' but I love it. I think everyone should have some kind of stress in their life; otherwise, it's boring isn't it? -- Katie Price
  • Work used to be the No. 1 important thing to me. Everything revolved around it, and to have a new perspective and have something else, my family, not just being a mom but being a part of an incredible family of my own, it makes me have a different perspective on life that I think is richer. -- Lindsay Price
  • As you know, I'm a black girl out of the projects of New York City, raised in a single parent home because my parents divorced very very young... welfare and homeless at four and then again at 16 and just not having the things or the necessary tools that society would say I needed to have in order to be any kind of success in life. -- Kelly Price
  • Everything in life has its price. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Mistakes are the price of an interesting life. -- Sophia Loren
  • You pay a price for everything in life. -- Chris Evert
  • Pain is the price you pay for resisting life. -- Phil McGraw
  • Life will pay any price you ask of it. -- Tony Robbins
  • Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace. -- Amelia Earhart
  • Death is not too great a price for a life fully lived. -- Willi Unsoeld
  • The price we pay for the complexity of life is too high. -- Jean Baudrillard
  • NOTHING which life has to offer is worth the price of worry -- Napoleon Hill
  • Anxiety and depression are the price you pay for a well-lived life. -- George Vaillant
  • Death is the price we pay for life, so make it worth it. -- Joe De Sena
  • I would love to kiss you. The price of kissing is your life. -- Rumi
  • For precocity some great price is always demanded sooner or later in life. -- Margaret Fuller
  • The goal is the same: life itself; and the price is the same; life itself. -- James Agee
  • I like to think the price I paid by being open about my private life helped. -- Jeanette Winterson
  • Dignity has no price ... when someone starts making small concessions, in the end life loses all meaning. -- Jose Saramago
  • Will we ever understand the price of ambition, or ever apply our heart to life with submission? -- Francisco Leon
  • Where life had no value, death, sometimes, had its price. That is why the bounty killers appeared. -- Sergio Leone
  • Despair is the price one pays for self-awareness. Look deeply into life, and you'll always find despair. -- Irvin D. Yalom
  • If you want spiritual life you have to pay the price. The price is the four regulative principles. -- Bhakti Charu Swami
  • Some people prefer the finer things in life, I'm alright just hanging out with the ghost of Vincent Price -- Wednesday 13
  • There's a terrible price to pay for stress in your life - it really takes a hit on your heart. -- Leeza Gibbons
  • Theres a terrible price to pay for stress in your life - it really takes a hit on your heart. -- Leeza Gibbons
  • ATLANTA NIGHTS not only changed my life, it changed my mind. An astonishing read, worth it at half the price. -- Robin Wayne Bailey
  • One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought -- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
  • Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them. -- Stephen Covey
  • Happiness is not a life without pain, but rather a life in which the pain is traded for a worthy price. -- Orson Scott Card
  • Life is a toy made of glass; it appears to be of inestimable price, but in reality it is very cheap. -- Pietro Aretino
  • This much have I learned: A man's life weighs more than glory, and a price paid in blood is a heavy reckoning. -- Lloyd Alexander
  • I think there's a terrible price to be paid when your exterior life is not an honest reflection of your interior life, -- Gene Robinson
  • Fully to surrender to love can be terrifying. But it is the price life asks in exchange for the possibility of ecstasy. -- Nathaniel Branden
  • Life is both pain and pleasure. If this is the price you must pay for the hours you enjoy, is it too much? -- Christopher Paolini
  • I took one Draught of Life - I'll tell you what I paid - Precisely an existence - The market price, they said. -- Emily Dickinson
  • One has to look at my life story to see what I've done. I've paid a heavy price that many people don't realize. -- Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
  • Although human life is priceless, we always act as if something had an even greater price than life... but what is that something? -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Everything comes at a price. Everthing in your life. The question you have to ask yourself is, what price are you willing to pay? -- Paullina Simons
  • Invisible airwaves crackle with life Bright antennae bristle with the energy Emotional feedback on a timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price, almost free -- Geddy Lee
  • Much of my experience of life has cost me a great price and I wish to use it for strengthening and comforting other souls. -- Elizabeth Prentiss
  • For there is a price ticket on everything that puts a whizz into life, and adventure follows the rule. It's distressing, but there you are. -- Leslie Charteris
  • Everything in life has a price on it - there ain't a damn thing free in America, and football has got a price on it. -- Earl Campbell
  • I will do my best to reduce the price of oil to expand the life span of oil at least for two decades or three decades. -- Ahmed Zaki Yamani
  • Life is like waiting in line at the grocery store. You wait, you slowly move forward, you pay the price, then you exit unsatisfied and broke. -- Erin McCarthy
  • If you ruin your life, you will pay the price of rehabilitating yourself ... We are not punished for our sins, but by them. Liberty means responsibility. -- Mike Cloud
  • Sometimes it felt as if all happiness came at a price. You could never, ever, have perfection. Life gave you beauty so you could bear the pain. -- Ann Aguirre
  • If you expect to continue to purchase stocks throughout your life, you should welcome price declines as a way to add stocks more cheaply to your portfolio. -- Warren Buffett
  • Life is such an effort, Child. It's a war that is renewed each day, and its moments of joy are brief parentheses for which you pay a cruel price. -- Oriana Fallaci
  • You have to pay the price. You will find that everything in life exacts a price, and you will have to decide whether the price is worth the prize. -- Sam Nunn
  • One's days were too brief to take the burden of another's errors on one's shoulders. Each man lived his own life and paid his own price for living it. -- Oscar Wilde