Having vision quotes:

  • There is a big difference to someone being born with vision loss, to a kid having vision loss, to a senior having macular degeneration and losing their sight. -- Marla Runyan
  • Satisfying every vision that fans have is probably impossible. -- John Harrison
  • I have a vision, and I know I'm right. -- Lech Walesa
  • When your child is sick, you have tunnel vision. -- Nick Cassavetes
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  • There's just no vision. You have no ground, no vision. -- Jessi Colter
  • It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision. -- Helen Keller
  • You've got to have a vision. You've got to have a message. -- Scott Walker
  • I have these visions of myself being thirty, thirty-five, forty having a family. -- Nastassja Kinski
  • We need women leaders. But we need them to have a vision for something. -- Charlotte Bunch
  • I think Pedro understands the universe, the same vision I have, about relationships anyhow. -- Sonia Braga
  • You don't run for public office unless you have a specific vision. You are driven by ideas and a vision. -- Julie Nixon Eisenhower
  • Hardcore fans have a vision in their head, and if they look at your cosplay of it, you may not fit their vision. -- Yaya Han
  • I am not attracted to those politicians who are short on vision and only want to make money. I like those who have vision. -- Gautam Adani
  • If Caravaggio was a photographer today, I would love to work with him. I love his dark vision - I have a dark vision. -- Carine Roitfeld
  • To come to be you must have a vision of Being, a Dream, a Purpose, a Principle. You will become what your vision is. -- Peter Nivio Zarlenga
  • As an actor, you've got to have faith in the director's vision, that the director has a vision for this that is greater than the critics say. -- Cliff Curtis
  • I love being creative. I love acting, but I also love directing because you get to have a vision for the whole and bring that vision to fruition. -- Juliet Landau
  • I like to feel that all my best photographs had strong personal visions and that a photograph that doesn't have a personal vision or doesn't communicate emotion fails. -- Galen Rowell
  • In order to get somewhere in life, you need to have a vision. The vision brings you to the table. Without a vision, you just do what everybody else does and you are just there. -- Michael Schenker
  • In order to lead a country or a company, you've got to get everybody on the same page and you've got to be able to have a vision of where you're going. America can't have a vision of health care for everybody, green economy, regulations - can't have a bunch of piece-meal activities. It's got to have a vision. -- Jack Welch
  • Having just the vision's no solution, everything depends on execution -- Stephen Sondheim
  • Everything depends upon execution; having just a vision is no solution. -- Stephen Sondheim
  • To practice magic is to bear the responsibility for having a vision. -- Starhawk
  • There is a difference between having a vision and suffering from a hallucination. -- Peter R. Scholtes
  • The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. -- Helen Keller
  • Artistic vision is having the clarity to fall in love with what you see. -- Chogyam Trungpa
  • One of the liberating things about having a blog is the total vision it allows. -- Masha Tupitsyn
  • Having a vision for what you want is not enough...Vision without execution is hallucination -- Thomas A. Edison
  • What is worse than having no sight is being able to see but having no vision. -- Helen Keller
  • I believe in having a vision for the future but living each day at a time. -- Miranda Kerr
  • I believe in magic, and having a vision. The tough times made me a warrior. I work hard. -- Neon Hitch
  • Being first lady is not just about being the wife but really taking command and having true vision. -- Tyra Banks
  • Having a vision for your life allows you to live out of hope, rather than out of your fears. -- Stedman Graham
  • A powerful combination to ensure success is having the vision of an eagle and the heart of a lion. -- Robert G. Allen
  • To have a functioning body and not to use it is like having 20/20 vision and never opening your eyes. -- Bill Phillips
  • A single vision is more perfect than a committee vision because with everyone having their say, it becomes compromised. -- Karl Pilkington
  • Keeping people fired up starts with having a really clear vision for what the company is aiming to do. -- Nick Woodman
  • Uncle Brett had a definite vision that he was after, I don't think having a famous father affected him much. -- Kim Weston
  • Define the limits of your vision: Having this, you will not be poorer Than a man who rules a dukedom. -- Su Shi
  • I'm not someone who likes having a master plan for everything, but I do believe in a vision for your life. -- Matthew Hussey
  • Leadership is not only having a vision, but also having the courage, the discipline, and the resources to get you there. -- George Washington
  • True leadership isn't about having an idea. It's about having an idea and recruiting other people to execute on this vision. -- Leila Janah
  • Having purpose and vision during retirement is one of the most important determinants of mental, social, spiritual, and physical well-being in later life. -- Harold George Koenig
  • I always loved family holidays, and I had this vision and dream as a little girl of having a big family of my own. -- Brooke Burke
  • Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have. Without having a goal it's difficult to score. -- Paul Arden
  • I see in [George H. W.] Bush a striving to be Reagan-like in the sense of having a big vision, and eschewing small details. -- David E. Hoffman
  • Gear is the least important part of the equation. Having a vision and being able to articulate an idea visually are much more important. -- Paul Nicklen
  • Create a Vision Board .. pictures of what you want to attract .. every day look at it and get into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants. -- Rhonda Byrne
  • Now, having seen the differences between where you are and where you want to be, begin to change-consciously change-your thoughts, words, and actions to match your grandest vision. -- Neale Donald Walsch
  • Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential. -- Warren G. Bennis