Hanging on quotes:

  • Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. -- William James
  • Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. -- William Feather
  • Luck consists largely of hanging on by your fingernails until things start to go your way. -- Aaron Allston
  • When you launch in a rocket, you're not really flying that rocket. You're just sort of hanging on. -- Michael P. Anderson
  • Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin. -- Denise McCluggage
  • Now I'm a blithering oaf hanging on to the coatsleeves of commerciality. -- Robert Plant
  • Behold the crucifix; what does it symbolize? Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree. -- Anton Szandor LaVey
  • A small silence came between us, as precise as a picture hanging on the wall. -- Jean Stafford
  • Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • The problem with hanging on to the '60s is that everyone thought they would go on forever. -- Grace Slick
  • If there is a gun hanging on the wall in the first act, it must fire in the last. -- Anton Chekhov
  • I've been scared and I've liked not hanging on to stuff where I know that I'm in my comfort zone. -- Robert Plant
  • Quit hanging on to the handrails . . . Let go. Surrender. Go for the ride of your life. Do it every day. -- Melody Beattie
  • I think it gets boring (for the audience) for the lead singer to have a guitar hanging on them all the time -- Lita Ford
  • I think it gets boring (for the audience) for the lead singer to have a guitar hanging on them all the time. -- Lita Ford
  • People need each other and think it is love. There's no hanging on to, or fencing in, of the other one when one loves. -- Lester Levenson
  • All musicians start out with ideals but hanging on to them in the face of media scrutiny takes real integrity. Tougher still is to live up to the ideals of your dedicated fans. -- Billy Bragg
  • Remember that, in the end, the customer doesn't know, or care, if you are small or large as an organization - she or he only focuses on the garment hanging on the rail in the store. -- Giorgio Armani
  • I didn't have a lot of communication with Elvis. You had to go through a barricade to get to Elvis. It was people hanging on every word, and I felt very uncomfortable a lot of times. -- Mac Davis
  • Mindfulness does not mean pushing oneself toward something or hanging on to something. It means allowing oneself to be there in the very moment of what is happening in the living process - and then letting go. -- Chogyam Trungpa
  • Part of the charm of basketball lies in the fact that it's a simple game to understand. Players race up and down a fairly small area indoors and stuff the ball into a ring with Madonna's dress hanging on it. -- Dan Jenkins
  • Pushing forty? She's hanging on for dear life. -- Ivy Compton-Burnett
  • I would rather be lying in a bed than changing one. -- Usain Bolt
  • Clouds are like boogers hanging on the nostrils of the moon. -- Robin Williams
  • The smiling portrait of you is still hanging on my frowning wall. -- Jimi Hendrix
  • The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go. -- Shannon L. Alder
  • God's plan makes you sing about resurrection when your hanging on a cross. -- Rod Parsley
  • Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • The memory fades, and I'm left hanging on to the ghosts of his words. -- Marie Lu
  • Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one's mind. -- W. Somerset Maugham
  • My guitars, Cadillacs, and hillbilly music Is the only thing that keeps me hanging on. -- Dwight Yoakam
  • I was tired of hanging on, taking the torn pieces to make something whole with them. -- Sarah Dessen
  • A timeline is a linear representation of cause and effect, changing one event alters all that follow. -- J.W. Lord
  • Life is an ocean, and most everyone's hanging on to some kind of dream to keep afloat. -- Tim Tharp
  • Always leave a sinking ship. There's no virtue in hanging on to losers. And stocks don't have feelings. -- Nancy Dunnan
  • I have let things slip, a thirty-year~old cargo boat Stubbornly hanging on to my name and address. -- Sylvia Plath
  • I couldn't stand here, hanging on, when the very thing I held disappeared more with each passing day. -- Becca Fitzpatrick
  • It's a little too late. I'm a little too gone. A little too tired of just hanging on. -- Wiz Khalifa
  • I'll leave you with one that I have hanging on my office wall, compliments of Nike: Impossible is nothing. -- Muhammad Ali
  • Life is a rollercoaster ride and I don't intend on being the one screaming and hanging on for dear life. -- Logan Lerman
  • The creative act is not hanging on, but yielding to a new creative movement. Awe is what moves us forward. -- Joseph Campbell
  • The taste for pleasure attaches us to the present. The concern with our salvation leaves us hanging on the future. -- Charles Baudelaire
  • Enlightenment does not mean getting rid of anything. It means changing one's frame of reference so that all things become enlightening. -- Mark Epstein
  • Man is a natural polygamist: he always has one woman leading him by the nose, and another hanging on to his coattails. -- H. L. Mencken
  • When you're scared, when you're hanging on, when life is hurting you, then you're going to see what you're really made of. -- Sylvester Stallone
  • In the choice between changing ones mind and proving there's no need to do so, most people get busy on the proof. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
  • I'm one of those people who thinks that changing one's hair is the only part of the body that you can change at will. -- Hillary Clinton
  • Well, it's not just money. I consider myself establishment right now. I'm borderline establishment, I'm hanging on by my toenails - but I'm establishment. -- Dennis Hopper
  • I find it a bit sad that there is no photo of me hanging on the walls in the Berlin Museum at Checkpoint Charlie. -- David Hasselhoff
  • I find it a bit sad that there is no photo of me hanging on the walls in the Berlin Museum at Checkpoint Charlie, -- David Hasselhoff
  • She has been hanging on to the hope of him for so long that she doesn't realize there isn't anything left to hope for. -- David Levithan
  • This was the life I was going to be living, everybody separated from everybody else, hanging on for a moment only to be washed away. -- Janet Fitch
  • Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
  • My mom used to tell me, I can't use this phrase on the radio - but basically don't be one of those dudes hanging on the corner. -- Ta-Nehisi Coates
  • A strategist is one who helps people relax into their creative skills. People won't rally unless an idea is beautiful... Everyone is hanging on every word... Amazing. -- Pier Giorgio Di Cicco
  • Don't settle for comfortable misery, a sad state where you're hanging on to what is most predictable and familiar at the risk of letting exciting opportunities pass you by. -- Dan Miller
  • The student ends up lusting after time with the teacher, hanging on her every word, and forgetting that this is about him or her, the student, not the teacher. -- Zoketsu Norman Fischer
  • Sail on ship of state, sail on, I union, strong and great! Humanity with all its fears, with all its hopes of future years, is hanging on thy fate! -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • The only constant in our marriage is the edge of the cliff we're hanging on to, killing time until we tire ourselves out and give in to our inevitable collapse. -- Elizabeth Flock
  • I'm thankful for all of my opportunities. But I'm not trying to have a career where I am hanging on one of Dr. Drew's rehab shows. I can go home. -- Tone Bell
  • If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today -- Joyce Chapman
  • Even as kids reach adolescence, they need more than ever for us to watch over them. Adolescence is not about letting go. It's about hanging on during a very bumpy ride. -- Ron Taffel
  • Rincewind gave his fingers a long shocked stare, as one might regard a gun that has been hanging on the wall for decades and has suddenly gone off and perforated the cat. -- Terry Pratchett
  • As long as the mind is there, your body and your world are there. Your world is mind-made, subjective, enclosed within the mind, fragmentary, temporary, personal, hanging on the thread of memory. -- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
  • Life ... is a burden. The day about to begin is an oppressive weight.... The erect penis is heavy, even heavier the hanging one. Even the most tender breast has to be dragged along. -- Jean Améry
  • My key to victory was that I always went out way too fast. Too fast erases every other race strategy out there. Everyone is hanging on for dear life or they give up. -- Gerry Lindgren
  • The test of an abstract picture, for me, is not my first reaction to it, but how long I can stand it hanging on the wall of a room where I am living. -- Bill Vaughan
  • Show us not the aim without the way. For ends and means on earth are so entangled That changing one, you change the other too; Each different path brings other ends in view -- Arthur Koestler
  • There's not much in the way of written-down arrangements - just things that Gerry and I have worked out, from playing spontaneously together and hanging on to whatever seems to fall in right. -- Chuck Mangione
  • Can anyone alter fate? All of us combined... or one great figure... or someone strategically placed, who happens to be in the right spot. Chance. Accident. And our lives, our world, hanging on it. -- Philip K. Dick
  • We've never managed, either one of us, to get all the way into life. We're hanging on to the outside for all we're worth, convinced we're going to fall off at the next bump. -- Paul Bowles
  • At the very center of our culture is a crucified man, a tortured man hanging on a cross of wood. You have an image of violence at the very center of our spiritual investigation. -- Leonard Cohen
  • I'm so overwhelmed." "? Nick "Most of us are, Nick. Even though we look calm and peaceful on the outside, most of us are barely hanging on by our fingernails." "? Caleb -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • Two-thirds of all preachers, doctors and lawyers are hanging on to the coat tails of progress, shouting, whoa! while a good many of the rest are busy strewing banana peels along the line of march. -- Elbert Hubbard
  • sounds of life and movement, people getting ready and people giving up, the sound of hope and the sound of hanging on, and behind them all, the quiet, deadly ticking of a thousand hungry clocks... -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • Sometimes it's hard to start, but once it gets going, once you reach the tipping point - usually between chapter seven and nine - then it's like hanging onto a large snowball as it hurtles downhill. -- Kerry Greenwood
  • I don't have my diploma from the University of Nebraska hanging on my office wall, and I don't have my diploma from Columbia up there either-but I do have my Dale Carnegie graduation certificate proudly displayed. -- Warren Buffett
  • On the floor, and hanging on to the bar, squatted an old man, immobile as an object. His years had reduced and polished him as water does a stone or the generations of men do a sentence. -- Jorge Luis Borges
  • Before the final rat has eaten the last gram of you, Rapture will have returned. I will lead a paradeWho was that," they'll say, as they point to the sad shape hanging on my wall, "who was that?" -- Andrew Ryan
  • I lie on the floor, washed by nothing and hanging on. I cry at night. I am afraid of hearing voices, or a voice. I have come to the edge, of the land. I could get pushed over. -- Margaret Atwood
  • You know, bud, I don't know you from Adam, but that's my baby sister you're hanging on to. So I'm thinking the wisest course of action for you is to let her go and introduce yourself. Pronto. (Rain) -- Sherrilyn Kenyon
  • If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there. -- Anton Chekhov
  • She didn't dare to look up, but she could feel their frightened eyes hanging onto her as she hauled the words in and breathed them out. A voice played the notes inside her. This, it said, is your accordion. -- Markus Zusak
  • At times it seemed unfair that I should be paid for my work; for driving out in the early morning with the fields glittering under the first pale sunshine and the wisps of mist still hanging on the high tops. -- James Herriot
  • There are women in my closet, hanging on the hangers. a different woman for each suit, each dress, each pair of shoes. I hoard clothes. My makeup spills from the bathroom drawers, and there are different women for different lipsticks. -- Marya Hornbacher
  • In order to become a success, a business doesn't just have to do well, it has to to better than its competitors. Being number one isn't just about bragging rights. Often it means the difference between prospering and merely hanging on. -- Mitt Romney
  • Lance Armstrong has a 17th-century, 15-foot Spanish fresco of the crucifixion hanging on the wall of his Austin mansion. This doesn't mean - and some of you Armstrong acolytes might want to sit down for this - that Lance is Jesus. -- Stephen Rodrick
  • I took Al Unser out on a Hobie the day before he became the first auto racer to go 200 mph around a closed-circuit track. We were only going about 18 mph, and you should have seen him hanging on for dear life. -- Hobart Alter
  • You can't appreciate home till you've left it, money till it's spent, your wife till she's joined a woman's club, nor Old Glory till you see it hanging on a broomstick on the shanty of a consul in a foreign town. -- O. Henry
  • When you're scared, you're still hanging on to life. When you're ready to die, you let it go. A sort of emptying out occurs, a giving up on the world that seems oddly familiar even if you've never done it before. -- Sebastian Junger
  • Andy says, I don't understand how they can give loans to people who want to spend two weeks lying on the sand at the goddam Jersey shore and then turn down a woman with three kids hanging on by her fingernails. -- Frank McCourt
  • I have some good books of Bach keyboard music transcribed for guitar, and there's always a nylon-string guitar hanging on the wall in my house and a bunch of classical guitar books to grab. I kind of do that just for fun. -- Rivers Cuomo
  • Besides, it doesn't matter if it's real. It never does with dreams. They aren't anything anyway but lifesavers to cling to so you don't drown. Life is an ocean, and most everyone's hanging on to some kind of dream to keep afloat. -- Tim Tharp
  • When the painting is hanging on your wall for a long time, you don't notice it. You get tired of it, even if it's a Picasso. When the next generation inherits the painting, they sell it. I don't want to be sold. -- Julio Iglesias
  • What is most amusing and can happen only in India is that the most posh and big households that I've seen in Mumbai, the 'big city', will have their balconies and windows festooned with rows of baniyans and tauliyas hanging on them. -- Kailash Kher
  • There are two subjects, indeed, which I shall claim a right to further as long as I breathe: the public education, and the sub-division of counties into wards. I consider the continuance of republican government as absolutely hanging on these two hooks. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • The closing of our earthly eyes is such a simple event. The shedding of the physical body does not solve the fundamental problems of enlightenment, just as changing ones clothes has nothing to do with the deep questions of life and destiny. -- Andre Luiz Moreira
  • The greatest films ever made in our history were cut on film, and I'm tenaciously hanging on to the process. I just love going into an editing room and smelling the photochemistry and seeing my editor wearing mini-strands of film around his neck. -- Steven Spielberg
  • Have you been called to go out on a limb for God? You can bet it won't be easy. Limb-climbing has never been easy. Ask Joseph. Or, better yet, ask Jesus. He knows better than anyone the cost of hanging on a tree. -- Max Lucado
  • February is a suitable month for dying. Everything around is dead, the trees black and frozen so that the appearance of green shoots two months hence seems preposterous, the ground hard and cold, the snow dirty, the winter hateful, hanging on too long. -- Anna Quindlen
  • People lead complicated lives and aren't hanging on your every word or the company mission statement. You have to become a broken record of your expectations of the organization and show people why it is relevant and how it works in specific ways. -- Douglas Conant
  • I got my first real bass guitar in my hands when I was 14 - a 1957 Fender Precision, which is still hanging on the wall in my front room. I loved the heaviness of it and the feel of the wood. I still do. -- Suzi Quatro
  • What is perfection in love? Love your enemies in such a way that you would desire to make them your brothers ... For so did He love, Who hanging on the Cross, said "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) -- Saint Augustine
  • In 1998, in Laramie, Wyoming, two guys beat up Matthew Shepard and left him on the side of the road hanging on the fence to die. They killed him, because Matthew Shepard was gay. They killed him, because Matthew Shepard was gay? They killed him. -- Christopher Titus
  • Ambiguity around ambiguity is forgivable in an unpublished poet and expected of an arts student on the pull: for a professional comedian demoting himself to the role of 'thinker', with stadiums full of young people hanging on his every word, it won't really do. -- Robert Webb
  • A plaque hanging on the wall of my home invites me to remember where I came from-each day. It reads, "No matter if a tree grows to more than a thousand feet in height, each leaf, each day, must return to its roots for nourishment." -- Mary Ellen W. Smoot
  • As I look around, I get this sinking feeling that we're off track, that there's something sick in the soul of our country. I examine the fruit that's hanging on the tree of America, and I can see that it's rotting. And that concerns me deeply. -- Kirk Cameron
  • The Geometer has the special privilege to carry out, by abstraction, all constructions by means of the intellect. Who, then, would wish to prevent me from freely considering figures hanging on a balance imagined to be at an infinite distance beyond the confines of the world? -- Evangelista Torricelli
  • The cat, covered in dust and standing on its hind legs, bowed to Margarita. Round its neck it was now wearing a made-up white bow tie on an elastic band, with a pair of ladies' mother-of-pearl binoculars hanging on a cord. It had also gilded its whiskers. -- Mikhail Bulgakov
  • The cat, covered in dust and standing on its hind legs, bowed to Margarita. Round its neck it was now wearing a made-up white bow tie on an elastic band, with a pair of ladies' mother-of-pearl binoculars hanging on a cord. It had also gilded its whiskers." -- Mikhail Bulgakov
  • In the theater, I've found that, in general, reaction and laughter come easier at an evening performance, when the audience is more inclined to forget its troubles. Matinee customers must enter the theatre in a more matter-of-fact frame of mind, hanging on tightly before they let themselves go. -- Beatrice Lillie
  • A physicist visits a colleague and notices a horseshoe hanging on the wall above the entrance. 'Do you really believe that a horseshoe brings luck?' he asks. 'No,' replies the colleague, 'but I've been told that it works even if you don't believe in it.' -- Niels Bohr
  • It's not like changing one word with my lyrics is going to make them more intelligible or relatable. I was always very misunderstood and taken as very pretentious and serious all the time. I would think, "Do you not see there's a lot of tongue-in-cheek and humor here?". -- Paul Banks
  • The period of financial distress is a gradual decline after the peak of a speculative bubble that precedes the final and massive panic and crash, driven by the insiders having exited but the sucker outsiders hanging on hoping for a revivial, but finally giving up in the final collapse. -- Charles P. Kindleberger
  • Growing up in a band is weird - you get stuck hanging on to what it is you think you are. But what I took into Depeche was that punk ethic, that you don't have to be accomplished to be a musician. If you've got ideas, you can do this. -- Dave Gahan
  • Education is hanging around until you've caught on. -- Robert Frost
  • You never get fans hanging out on movie sets. It just never happens. -- Billy Burke
  • There's something about just hanging around when it comes to success on the Internet. -- Evan Williams
  • It's always fun to put on bell bottoms and have your butt hanging out and hip huggers. -- Pam Grier
  • Evidence can vary depending on the circumstances, the weather, and how long it has been hanging around. -- Pat Brown