Becca Fitzpatrick quotes:

  • My most noticeable physical trait is, hands down, my hair. It's big, unruly and curly, and you can spot it from a mile away... literally.

  • I had to lull Mom and Hank into believing I was in the right frame of mind to be taken into public. If I exited my bedroom foaming at the mouth and dressed in black LOVE SUCKS tee, my plan would never get off the ground.

  • I hung my fingertips on his waistband, tugging him closer. Patch buried his face in the curve of my shoulder, his hands flexing over my back. He gave a low groan. "I love you," he murmured into my hair. "I'm happier right now than I ever remember being.

  • I should probably confess that ice cream is my favorite food, and I eat it every night. When I go grocery shopping, I try to buy a new flavor, rather than reverting back to a favorite flavor. I'm on a mission to taste every flavor of ice cream out there!

  • My first job entailed spending a summer working in a cornfield in Nebraska.

  • I nibbled my lower lip. "If you could see into my past just by touching my back, you'd have a hard time resisting the temptation too." "I have a hard time keeping my hands off you without that added bonus.

  • I'll be firm," I promised Patch, adopting a no-nonsense expression. "No backing down." By now Patch was full-on grinning. He kissed me again, and I felt my mouth soften its resolve. "You look cute when you're trying to be tough," he said.

  • I learned that I was either crazy in love with you, or putting on the best performance of my life.' -Nora (PG 263)

  • I love you,Nora. Whatever happens, promise me you'll remember that. I don't care why you came into my life,only that you did. I don't remember all the things i did wrong. I remember what i did right, I remember you. You made my life meaningful. You made my life special.

  • Busted. I'm a monster. Jev is my deceptively harmless-and shockingly handsome-alter ego.

  • Here it comes," she said with an expression of pure bliss. "Drug rush ... any moment now ... the surge of warmth ... bye-bye, Mr. Pain..." "Vee-" "Knock, knock." "This is really important-" "Knock, knock." "It's about Elliot-" "Knock, knoooock," she said in a singsong voice. I sighed. "Who's there?" "Boo." "Boo who?" "Boo-hoo, somebody's crying, and it's not me!" She broke into hysterical laughter.

  • His finger flicked open a button on my cardigan-then two, three, four. It tumbled off my shoulders, leaving me in my camisole. He pushed up the hem, teasing and stroking his thumb across my stomach. My breath came in a sharp intake of air.

  • One more secret smile. One more shared laugh. One more electric kiss. Finding him was like finding someone I didn't know I was searching for.

  • I love you,Nora. Whatever happens, promise me you'll remember that. I don't care why you came into my life,only that you did. I don't remember all the things i did wrong. I remember what i did right, I remember you. You made my life meaningful. You made my life special."

  • You want a blood relative to lead your army? Get Marcie. She likes ordering people around. She'll be a natural.

  • I have a free couple of hours," I told him, walking toward my car, which was parked on the next block. "There's a very private, very secluded barn in Lookout Hill Park behind the carousel. I could be there in fifteen minutes." I heard the smile in his voice. "You want me bad.

  • When it comes to reflexes, I'm like a cat. I'm Catwoman. I'm invulnerable. The only reason he got a piece of me is because of the rain. Cats don't like water. It impairs us. It's our kryptonite.

  • When I watched Lifetime original movies, it took me a day or two to get over the idea that the cute boy next door is actually a serial killer.

  • Don't blame me. Tell your mom to move closer. Tell her there's this new club called civilization and you guys should join.

  • Father' is such an arbitary word. Douche bag, on the other hand...

  • Guess who has PE first hour? This is so unfair. I start the day off perspiring like an elephant in heat. Don't the people who make up our schedule understand body odor? Don't they understand frizzy hair? ~Vee

  • Did I really want to stay on this road longer, knowing it was only going to end in devastation?

  • You're crazy. You're impossible.' 'I'm crazy?' He tipped my chin up and planted a quick, rough kiss on my mouth. 'And I must be crazy for putting up with it.

  • That's really eco-friendly of you," Vee told Marcie. "Recycling Nora's old trash.

  • I personally believe Patch scared the pants off normal, and it took off running for the far side of the world.

  • Nothing makes me happy quite like a boatload of freshly fried fast food, smothered in good old MSG.

  • Sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can.

  • Being with you never felt wrong. It's the one thing I did right. You're the one thing I did right.

  • Hmm?' I looked away, flustered automatically using irritation to cover my discomfort up. 'What does 'hmm' have to do with anything? Could you ever use more that five words? All this grunting and minced words make you come across-- primal.' His smile tipped higher. 'Primal.' 'You're impossible.' 'Me Jev, you Nora.'-Nora & Patch (PG 226)"

  • You didn't tell me she was so soft on the eyes," he said to Patch, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He spoke with a heavy Irish accent."I didn't tell her how hard you are on them either,"Patch returned, his mouth at the relaxed stage just before a grin.

  • He tasted deeper, holding himself over me, and suddenly he was everywhere; his knee trapping my leg, his lips grazing warm, rough, sensuous. He splayed his hand at the small of my back, holding me tightly, driving me to sink my fingers deeper into him, clinging to him as if letting go would mean losing part of myself.

  • You dress to impress," I said approvingly. "No, Angel." He leaned in, his teeth softly grazing my ear. "I undress to impress.

  • Sure thing, Gumdrop. -Scott

  • Nora: What are you planning? Patch: I wouldn't call this planning. I'd call this throwing a Hail Mary with seconds left on the clock.

  • I had fun last night," I told Patch, flicking off my chin strap and handing over my helmet. "I'm officially on love with your sheets." "That the only thing you're in love with?" "Nope. Your mattress, too." Some smile crept into Patch's eyes. "My bed's an open invitation.

  • A feeling of violation swayed inside me, making me feel as if Id been shoved off a high platform without warning. I was falling, and I feared the sensation far more than hitting bottom. There was no end; just a constantsense of gravity having its way with me.

  • Science is an investigation," Coach said, sanding his hands together. "Science requires us to transform into spies." Put that way, science almost sounded fun. But I'd been in Coach's class long enough not to get my hopes up.

  • They say that when you're about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. They never tell you that when you watch someone you once loved dying, hovering between this life and the next, it's twice as painful, because you're reliving two lives that traveled one road together.

  • Keep in mind that people change, but the past doesn't.

  • But if I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you.

  • What good is a body if I can't have you?

  • If you can't feel, why did you kiss me?" Patch traced a finger along my collarbone, then headed south stopping at my heart. I felt it pounding through my skin. "Because I feel it here, in my heart," he said quietly.

  • You can call me Patch. No really. Call me.

  • Killer skirt, deadly legs.

  • Before I forget, here's your homework. Where do you want me to put it?" She pointed at the trash can. "Right there would be fine.

  • You should go," I breathed. "You should definitely go." "Go here?" His mouth was on my shoulder. "Or here?" It moved up my neck.

  • And anyway, the first three letters in the word diet should tell you what I want it to do.

  • I don't have 'five' you can borrow. My piggy bank is officially anorexic.

  • Cheshvan starts tonight," Rixon said, "What are you doing arsing around in a graveyard?" "Thinking." "Thinking?" "A process by which I use my brain to make a rational decision.

  • They said the moment I fell in love with you was the moment you'd leave.

  • I love you more than I think I should.

  • I missed you, Angel. Not one day went by that I didn't feel you missing from my life. You haunted me to the point that I began to believe Hank had gone back on his oath and killed you. I couldn't escape you and I didn't want to. You tortured me, but it was better than losing you.

  • I missed you, Angel. Not one day went by that I didn't feel you missing from my life.' -Patch (PG 274)

  • See, when you lie to me it hurts," Rixon said, swiping an imaginary tear. "I thought we had something special. I thought our joint eternal sentences of damnation were our bond.

  • Right now, Vee was the only person I could count on. She could be obnoxious,annoying, and lazy, but she never lied to me.

  • After a long day, my favorite way to unwind is by going running. Not exactly the most relaxing activity, granted, but I always imagine I'm sweating out all the things weighing on my mind.

  • There's nothing special about losing your virginity over a toilet.

  • Maggots squirming in your eyeholes...and your other orifices, might be carrying things a bit too far." "This is why I keep you around, Rixon. Always seeing things from the bright side.

  • One more thing. I sold the mustang. Too conspicuous. Don't get too excited, but I bought you a little something with the extra cash. I heard you've had your eye on a Volkswagen. The owner is dropping it by tomorrow. I paid for a full tank of gas, so make sure she delivers.

  • He felt warm and familiar. He felt solid and safe. I wanted to cling to his shirt, bury my face into the warm curve of his neck, and never let go.

  • Why did everyone think I needed a new boyfriend? I didn't need a new boyfriend. I'd had enough of boyfriends to last a lifetime. The only thing a boyfriend was good for was a shattered heart.

  • Have you finished your column for tomorrow's headline?" It was Vee. She came up beside me, jotting notes on the notepad she carried everywhere. "I'm thinking of writing mine on the injustice of seating charts. I got paired with a girl who said she just finished lice treatment this morning.

  • The sensible part of me wanted to dissect my emotions, overthinking and overcomplicating my reaction to Jev.

  • there's only one thing i know for certain anymore." he turned, his eyes a clear black. "that i would do anything for you, even if it means going against mu instincts or my very nature. i would lay down everything i possess, even my soul, for you. if that isn't love, it's the best i have.

  • Nice costume," he said. "Ditto. I can tell you put a lot of thought into yours." Amusement curled his mouth. "If you don't like it, I can take it off.

  • Every time you strip my sword, I owe you a kiss. How's that sound?" I bit my lip to keep from giggling. "That sounds really dirty." Patch waggled his brows. "Look whose mind just rolled into the gutter.

  • Ready?" Despite the grim mood, I smiled and cracked my knuckles. "Ready to wrestle with my gorgeous boyfriend? Oh, I'd say I'm ready for that." Amusement softened his eyes. "I'll try to control where I put my hands, but in the heat of things, who knows what could happen?" I added. Patch grinned. "Sounds promising.

  • Angel... I don't think you understand the lengths I would go to if it means keeping you here with me.' -Patch (PG 262)

  • Tacos." "Tacos?" I echoed. This seemed to amuse him. "Tomatoes, lettuce, cheese." "I know what a taco is!

  • You're mine, Angel," he murmured, brushing the words across my jawbone as I arched my neck higher, inviting him to kiss everywhere. "You have me forever.

  • Stay with me tonight. Let me hold you even if that's all it is. Let me keep you safe.

  • I could get you to smile like that, and without sales tax.

  • Your biggest dream? - Nora Grey Kiss you. - Patch Cipriano

  • I needed him like I'd never needed anyone.

  • His smile was sexy and warned of trouble, but I'd made up my mind that not all trouble was bad.

  • Call me Patch. I mean it. Call me.

  • She'll kill me if she finds you in here. Can you climb trees? Tell me you can climb a tree!" Patch grinned, "I can fly.

  • You don't happen to have a thousand dollars I can borrow?" "I don't have five you can borrow. My piggy bank is officialy anorexic.

  • Fine! I'll throw on some clothes. Turn around. I'm in my pj's" "I'm a guy. That's like asking a kid not to glance at the candy counter.

  • Her hair was strawberry blond, and she had the shape of a popsicle stick: turn her sideways and she practically disappeared.

  • Maybe Scotty the Potty turned into Scotty the Hottie. Have you thought about that?

  • Say 'provoking' again. Your mouth looks provocative when you do.

  • Thinking. A process by which I use my brain to make a rational decision.

  • I know you followed me. Don't look so surprised. It's called a rearview mirror.

  • If you need one more reason, I love you.

  • Does Patch have a restraining order against him?' he read. 'Is Patch a felon?' 'Give-me-that!' I hissed furiously. Patch gave a soft laugh, and I knew he'd seen the next question. 'Does Patch have a girlfriend?

  • My legs are falling asleep, I blurted. It wasn't atotal lie. I was experiencing tingling sensations allthrough my body, legs included.I could solve that. Patch's hands closed on myhips.

  • Tell me what's going on here. Why can I hear your voice inside my head and why did you say you came to school for me?I was tired of admiring your legs from a distance.

  • And here I thought they were called Peeping Toms. I didn't need to see him to know he wore a smileStop laughing, I said, my cheeks hot with humiliationGet me down.Jump.What?I'll catch you.Are you crazy? Go inside and open the window. Or get a ladder.I don't need a ladder. Jump. I'm not going to drop you.

  • You're a guardian angel now. I was still too much in awe to wrap my mind around it, but at the same time I felt amazement, curiosity...happinessI'm your guardian angel, he said.

  • I saw you, and I wanted to be close to you. I wanted you to let me in. I wanted to know you in a way no one else did. I wanted you, all of you.

  • You're a psychopath.""I prefer creative.

  • I feel you.

  • It isn't about love," Vee said. "It's about fun.

  • I couldn't stand here, hanging on, when the very thing I held disappeared more with each passing day.

  • Any happiness, no matter how brief, seemed better than the long, simmering torture of waking up day after day, knowing I could never have him.

  • -Do you want to posses my body?-"I want to do many things to your body but that's not one of them

  • I loved you long before you loved me. It's the only thing I have you beat at, and I'll bring it up every chance I get.

  • I need to brush my teeth. And I need a shower."He grinned, hopping off the bike. "Now that is an invitation.

  • Right now, I had everything I could ask for. It wasn't a long list, but it was a very satisfying one, starting with the love of my life back in my arms.

  • I would lay down everything I possess, even my soul, for you. If that isn't love, it's the best I have.

  • Everything had come into sharp focus : his smooth words, his black, glinting eyes, his broad experience with lies, seduction, women. I'd fallen in love with the devil.

  • The only thing a boyfriend was good for was a shattered heart.

  • The Archangel." I murmured. looking back over my shoulder at the ride, which had started its next ascent. "It means high-ranking angel." There was a definite smugness to his voice. "The higher up, the harder the fall.

  • You're a liar!" He turned around, his black eyes snapping. "I'm also a thief, a gambler, a cheat, and a murdered. But this happens to be one of the rare times when I'm telling the truth. Go home. Consider yourself lucky. You've got a chance to start fresh. Not everyone can say the same.

  • actions speak louder than words

  • Jev stroked his chin. "Do I look like a summer fling?

  • When I'm wasted, I can almost forget who I am," he said, his smile fading slightly. "I know I'm still there, but only barely. It's a good place to be." He tipped back the thermos, eyes on the dark sea straight ahead

  • This was it. Together. Forever. As we left it all behind, the sun warmed my back, lighting the way before us. I knew of no better omen.

  • He was abominable...and the most alluring, tortured soul I'd ever met.

  • Something doesn't look right," Vee said. "Is the tire supposed to look like that?" I banged my head against the nearest tree trunk. "So we've got a flat," Vee said. "What now?

  • He inclined his head at my dress. "What's the occasion?" "Homecoming," I said, twirling. "Like?" "Last I heard, Homecoming requires a date." "About that," i hedged. "I'm sort of...going with Scott. We both figure a high-school dance is the last place Hank will be patrolling." Patch smiled, but it was tight. "I take that back. If Hank wants to shoot Scott, he has my blessing.

  • I'm not leaving until you tell me why you followed me. I know I'm a fascinating guy, but this is starting to feel like an unhealthy obsession.

  • Writing can be a very solitary profession, and when deadlines are looming, it's tempting to glue myself to my desk, but I try to make sure I get out a few times a month with friends just so I don't forget what it means to be social.

  • reading a good book in silence is like eating chocolate for the rest of your life and never getting fat.

  • The higher up, the harder the fall.
