Fear life quotes:

  • I have no fear of death. More important, I don't fear life. -- Steven Seagal
  • Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death. -- Erik Erikson
  • To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. -- Bertrand Russell
  • To fear love is to fear life.... -- Bertrand Russell
  • To fear retirement is to fear life. -- Ernie J Zelinski
  • self-possession is the ability to face without fear life in all its contradictions. -- Vivian Gornick
  • To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already 3-parts dead. -- Bertrand Russell
  • Those who hate to go to bed fear death; those who hate to get up fear life. -- W. H. Auden
  • You can't be afraid of people willing to hurt you, cause if you fear life, then you will never live -- Chester Bennington
  • We need not fear life, because God is the Ruler of all and we need not fear death, because He shares immortality with us. -- Ann Landers
  • fear life but don't die, your alone, everybody's alone, oh Cody Pomeray you can't win you can't lose all is ephemeral all is hurt -- Jack Kerouac
  • There are essentially three types of people: those who love life more than they fear it, those who fear life more than they love it, and those who have no clue what I'm talking about. -- Neel Burton
  • Alex: "You asked earlier why us humans fear death. I suppose it is the unknown - not knowing what awaits on the other side. But now I know, and I still fear it."The Darkness: "?"Alex: "But now I fear the living - in fact, I now fear life more than death! -- Scott Beadle
  • While there's life, there's fear. -- Mason Cooley
  • My biggest fear in life is fear. -- Sheryl Lee
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  • Just as courage imperils life, fear protects it. -- Leonardo da Vinci
  • My biggest fear in life is to be average. -- M. Night Shyamalan
  • My biggest fear in life is to be forgotten. -- Evita Peron
  • He that fears death loses the joys of life. -- Jan Hus
  • A life lived in fear is a life half lived. -- Baz Luhrmann
  • Less base the fear of death than fear of life. -- Edward Young
  • Fear has governed my life, if I think about it. -- Trent Reznor
  • Perhaps life is just that... a dream and a fear. -- Joseph Conrad
  • I believe that fear of life brings a greater fear of death. -- David Blaine
  • If something scares me, then I have to do it. My biggest fear in life is fear. -- Sheryl Lee
  • Mortality applies to every aspect of life. The fear of death is the driving fear of life. -- Nick Tosches
  • I've had a lot of fear in my life, from fear of flying to fear of making a speech in front of a lot of people. -- Chris Evert
  • The deepest fear we have, 'the fear beneath all fears,' is the fear of not measuring up, the fear of judgment. It's this fear that creates the stress and depression of everyday life. -- Tullian Tchividjian
  • Fear seems to have many causes. Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being hurt, and so on, but ultimately all fear is the ego's fear of death, of annihilation. To the ego, death is always just around the corner. In this mind-identified state, fear of death affects every aspect of your life. -- Eckhart Tolle
  • Life lends itself to fear. -- Denzel Whitaker
  • Life begins where fear ends. -- Rajneesh
  • Life is first boredom, then fear, -- Philip Larkin
  • Don't fear death, fear the un-lived life -- Natalie Babbitt
  • Never live life in fear of death -- Zayn Malik
  • Choose faith to live life rather than fear. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Fear of difference is fear of life itself. -- Mary Parker Follett
  • Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life. -- Naguib Mahfouz
  • I refuse to live my life in fear... -- Fela Kuti
  • Play the game of life, without any fear. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • I needed something--the distraction of another life--to alleviate fear. -- Bret Easton Ellis
  • The secret of life is to have no fear. -- Fela Kuti
  • Life must be live by faith rather than fear. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Life is a long pilgrimage from fear to love. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Fear doesn't prevent death, but it certainly prevents life. -- Darren Hardy
  • fear cannot exist when one is indifferent to life. -- Evadne Price
  • Fear is the killer of a great future life. -- Debasish Mridha
  • The greatest opportunities in life come with fear and risk. -- Miley Cyrus
  • You can't live life being afraid, because fear censors ambition. -- Erol Alkan
  • It must be poor life that achieves freedom from fear. -- Aldo Leopold
  • Life is brief. Always act out of love, never fear. -- Michael Lomenda
  • I do not cling to life sufficiently to fear death. -- Alexandre Dumas
  • The real malady is fear of life, not of death -- Naguib Mahfouz
  • Life is a fairytale of courage, fear, failure, persistence and triumph. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Everything we do in life is based on fear, especially love. -- Mel Brooks
  • Create your own fears; choose to fear living an average life. -- Ehab Atalla
  • The good life is not about avoiding fear. Just the opposite. -- Frances Moore Lappé
  • Why fear death? It is the most beautiful adventure in life. -- Charles Frohman
  • It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. -- Yann Martel
  • The fear of any adventure is the root of unfilled life. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • To waste a life with fear is, really, the scariest thing. -- Vironika Tugaleva
  • Do not fear death so much but rather the inadequate life. -- Bertolt Brecht
  • Those who fear death most are those who enjoy life least. -- Edward Abbey
  • Giving in to fear alters God's best plan for your life. -- Joyce Meyer
  • Do not fear the unknown, dare to be adventurous in life. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • I don't believe in fear - I live my life without regrets. -- Puff Daddy
  • Fear is a sneaky thief, stealing away precious moments of your life. -- Elizabeth Lesser
  • An inspired life is spontaneous. There is no fear; it is courageous. -- Debasish Mridha
  • When you choose to perceive Love over fear, life begins to flow. -- Gabrielle Bernstein
  • If you're living your life in fear, then you're just not living. -- Demi Lovato
  • Your life expands in proportion to your courage. Fear limits a leader. -- John C. Maxwell
  • As it turned out, my greatest fear in life had become expectations. -- Julie Murphy
  • Fear is one of the worst, and most limiting, emotions in life. -- Donna Brazile
  • It's better to get mugged than to live a life of fear. -- Freeman Dyson
  • I've accomplished enough in life so that I do not fear death. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • The fear of life is the favorite disease of the 20th century. -- William Lyon Phelps
  • I don't believe in fear - I live my life without regrets. -- Puff Daddy
  • As hope and fear alternate chase Our course through life's uncertain race. -- Walter Scott
  • I fear that a life of death has made me numb to both. -- Seth Grahame-Smith
  • Without fear and disease, my life would be like a boat without oars. -- Edvard Munch
  • Go for the life you dream and desire with boldness but without fear. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Entertainment alleviates the fear of life, but art vanquishes the fear of death -- Dean Cavanagh
  • Crime and the fear of crime have permeated the fabric of American life. -- Warren E. Burger
  • Though surely to avoid attachments for fear of loss is to avoid life. -- Lionel Shriver
  • Until we know that death is equal to life, we live in fear. -- Byron Katie
  • Let the fear go, and live your life with the power of love. -- Ralph Marston
  • Fear is the condom of life. It doesn't allow you to enjoy things. -- Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
  • You fuel your life with trust and love instead of fear and doubt. -- Jon Gordon
  • Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. -- Tecumseh
  • There is perhaps nothing so bad and so dangerous in life as fear. -- Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Just as courage is the danger of life, so is fear its safeguard. -- Leonardo da Vinci
  • To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. -- Joseph Chilton Pearce
  • Our worst fear isn't the end of life but the end of memories. -- Tom Rachman
  • Fear of life in one form or another is the great thing to exorcise. -- William James
  • If you don't enjoy your life, sorrow, sadness, suffering, fear, shame and guilt will. -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • Life is found in the dance between your deepest desire and your greatest fear. -- Tony Robbins
  • Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life. -- Donald Miller
  • While your life is the true expression of your faith, whom can you fear? -- Julia Ward Howe
  • The biggest fear of my life is living. My second biggest fear is dying. -- Marya Hornbacher
  • Work is life, you know, and without it, there's nothing but fear and insecurity. -- John Lennon
  • Yet though I must lose my life, fear shall never make me change colour. -- W.A. Neilson
  • Trusting fear, while fearing trust and happiness often creates a less than happy life. -- Bill Crawford
  • Life is the dance between what you desire most, and what you fear most -- Tony Robbins
  • I am actually a terrible coward. Fear is a constant fact of my life. -- Trevor McDonald
  • If you do not do the thing you fear, the fear controls your life. -- Brian Tracy
  • My whole life I've had the fear that I was going to be abandoned. -- Halle Berry
  • The meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder. -- Richard Bach
  • For your life to be great,your faith must be bigger than your fear. -- Robin Sharma
  • No person who is enthusiastic about his work has anything to fear from life. -- Samuel Goldwyn
  • Imagine what your life will look like when you have broken the bondage of fear. -- Bruce Wilkinson
  • Biblical wisdom means living a disciplined and prudent life in the fear of the Lord -- Kevin DeYoung
  • Fashion is like life. It needs fear and uncertainty if you are to move forward. -- Alber Elbaz
  • He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • I love the idea that horror and fear is a celebration of health and life. -- Penn Jillette
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  • Being too consumed in fear all the time will result in poor quality of life -- Marie de France
  • I think so many people live their whole life in fear and doubt and shame. -- Dolly Parton
  • Nothing steals God's glory more than worrying believers who are driven through life by fear -- Louie Giglio
  • The secret of life is to have no fear; it's the only way to function. -- Stokely Carmichael