Definition of state quotes:

  • There is no question that Taiwan is a state in any political science definition of a state. -- William Kirby
  • To pursue a goal which is by definition unattainable is to condemn oneself to a state of perpetual unhappiness. -- Emile Durkheim
  • But the best definition of it is to say that heaven is that state where we will always be with Jesus, and where nothing will separate us from Him any more. -- William Barclay
  • Forty-five States, as the gentleman just said, have determined by people that were elected by the people of that State that marriage is the definition of one man and one woman. -- Randy Neugebauer
  • I honestly don't know what criteria makes someone right-wing or left-wing anymore. The boundaries of those definitions seem to be in a state of flux. I'm not socialist, I know that. -- Gary Numan
  • As most doctors will tell you, cleansing is ridiculous. You know what's been around longer than that state-of-the-art juicer? Your kidneys. And your liver. Still, the cleanse has recalibrated my definition of a splurge. -- Sloane Crosley
  • While 45 of the 50 States have either a State constitutional amendment or a statute that preserves the current definition of marriage, left-wing activist judges and officials at the local levels have struck down State laws protecting marriage. -- John Boehner
  • As a former resident with strong personal and ministry ties to the North Star State, I pray that the good people of Minnesota will show their support for God's definition of marriage, between a man and a woman. -- Billy Graham
  • And this is the Anarchistic definition of the State: the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area. -- Benjamin Tucker
  • The state of female artists is very good. But the very definition of art has been biased in that 'art' was what men did in a European tradition and 'crafts' were what women and natives did. But it's actually all the same. -- Gloria Steinem
  • I've given birth to five babies and I breastfed every single one of these babies. To think that government has to go out and buy my breast pump for my babies. You wanna talk about the nanny state? I think we just got the new definition of a nanny. -- Michele Bachmann
  • Benito Mussolini created the word 'fascism.' He defined it as 'the merging of the state and the corporation.' He also said a more accurate word would be 'corporatism.' This was the definition in Webster's up until 1987 when a corporation bought Webster's and changed it to exclude any mention of corporations. -- Adam McKay
  • The definition of fascism is The marriage of corporation and state -- Benito Mussolini
  • The definition of a security state is one that prioritizes security over all other considerations. -- Edward Snowden
  • There is no question that Taiwan is a state in any political science definition of a state. -- William Kirby
  • I would prefer every [American] state keep the definition of marriage that's prevailed in Western civilization for a couple thousand years. -- Gary Bauer
  • The natural condition of the modern conservative movement is to always be in a state of revolution. Conservatives are, by definition, uncomfortable with power. -- Craig Shirley
  • I'll give you an exact definition. When the happiness of another person becomes as essential to yourself as your own, then the state of love exists. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • Syria is a terrorist state by any definition and is so classified by the State Department. I happen to think Iran is too. Iraq, Iran, Syria, they're all involved. -- Alexander Haig