Age and knowledge quotes:

  • If you are fortunate in life, age and knowledge breed compassion. -- Ronnie Musgrove
  • If you are fortunate in life, age and knowledge breed compassion. And as I have gotten older, I came to understand, that a person's sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with their ability to be a good parent. -- Ronnie Musgrove
  • There's no such thing is aging, but maturing and knowledge. It's beautiful, I call that beauty. -- Celine Dion
  • We live in an age of instant knowledge. And there's almost a sense of entitlement to that. -- J. J. Abrams
  • Hackerspaces are the digital-age equivalent of English Enlightenment coffee houses. They are places open to all, indifferent to social status, and where ideas and knowledge hold primary value. -- Heather Brooke
  • Our working hypothesis is that the status of knowledge is altered as societies enter what is known as the postindustrial age and cultures enter what is known as the postmodern age. -- Jean-Francois Lyotard
  • We are approaching a new age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill... it demands a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress. -- Li Ka-shing
  • If repression has indeed been the fundamental link between power, knowledge, and sexuality since the classical age, it stands to reason that we will not be able to free ourselves from it except at a considerable cost. -- Michel Foucault
  • I feel like I've reached an age where I can relax a little bit with the knowledge of what I've been through, take all that experience and use it. I love the challenge of trying to get back to where I've been, and beyond it. -- Cathy Freeman
  • I think the future of this planet depends on humans, not technology, and we already have the knowledge - we're kind of at the endgame with knowledge. But we're nowhere near the endgame when it comes to our perception. We still have one foot in the dark ages. -- Graham Hawkes
  • Knowledge is the parent of knowledge. He who possesses most of the information of his age will not quietly submit to neglect its current acquisitions, but will go on improving as long as means and opportunities offer; while he who finds himself ignorant of most things, is only too apt to shrink from a labour which becomes Herculean. -- James Fenimore Cooper
  • Adulthood is not an age, but a stage of knowledge of self. -- John Fowles
  • Seeking knowledge at an Young age is like engraving on a stone. -- Hasan of Basra
  • It is the greatest truth of our age: Information is not knowledge. -- Caleb Carr
  • The period before the dawn of knowledge is called the age of darkness. -- Wasif Ali Wasif
  • Ours is an age that's often obsessed with knowledge at the expense of wisdom. -- Mal Fletcher
  • I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it. -- Frederick Douglass
  • The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it. -- Doris Day
  • There was never an age in which useless knowledge was more important than in our own. -- C. E. M. Joad
  • The age we live in is a busy age; in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection. -- Jeremy Bentham
  • We the people have no excuse for starry-eyed sycophantic group-think in the Information Age. Knowledge is but a fingertip away. -- Tiffany Madison
  • We the people have no excuse for starry-eyed sycophantic group-think in the Information Age. Knowledge is but a fingertip away." -- Tiffany Madison
  • We were nearly one of the last to realize that in the age of information science the most expensive asset is knowledge. -- Mikhail Gorbachev
  • In the electronic age, books, words and reading are not likely to remain sufficiently authoritative and central to knowledge to justify literature. -- Bill Vaughan
  • We live in an age of knowledge, with the great god Google, that we can refer to at any time on any subject. -- Roger Housden
  • Making things difficult for the reader is less an attack on the reader than it is on the age and its facile knowledge-market. -- Don DeLillo
  • At the age of 19, you always think you are prepared for everything and you think you have the knowledge of what?s coming ahead. -- Princess Diana
  • In the Age of Aquarius, the depression and stress on mankind will tear up people who do not have the technical knowledge of self. -- Harbhajan Singh Yogi
  • When intelligent and sensible people despise knowledge in their old age, it is only because they have asked too much of it and of themselves. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • When women age into their power, no wind can upset them, no hand turn aside their knowledge, no fact can deflect their point of view. -- Louise Erdrich
  • The height of ability consists in a thorough knowledge of the real value of things, and of the genius of the age in which we live. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • I've got no problems with my age. I rejoice in the knowledge I have accrued and savor the greatest moments, because I know how fast it goes. -- Mariska Hargitay
  • Someday our piecing together of knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas we shall either go mad or flee into the safety of a new dark age. -- H. P. Lovecraft
  • The young knowledge worker whose job is too small to challenge and test his abilities either leaves or declines rapidly into premature middle age, soured, cynical, unproductive. -- Peter Drucker
  • It may be an information age, but... It takes more work to earn more money to be overwhelmed by more information that does not equal knowledge or wisdom. -- Stephanie Mills
  • Another thing he told his customers was that one of the great accounting unknowns of the modern age was how to value knowledge. It was an exciting field. -- Jane Smiley
  • I've reached the age of self-knowledge, so I don't know anything. People who claim that they know something are responsible for most of the fuss in the world. -- Wislawa Szymborska
  • Coming age is the age of knowledge. However rich, poor or powerful a country be, if they want to move ahead, only knowledge can lead them to that path. -- Narendra Modi
  • We live in an age where everyone is so opinionated about everything in general in life, especially their expertise or their personal knowledge of anything that they're commenting on. -- Vince Staples