Spectacle quotes:

  • Spectacle is the sun that never sets over the empire of modern passivity -- Guy Debord
  • None of the activity stolen by work can be regained by submitting to what work has produced. - The Society of The Spectacle -- Guy Debord
  • To witness two lovers is a spectacle for the gods. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Life is not a spectacle or a feast; it is a predicament. -- George Santayana
  • An ambassador is not simply an agent; he is also a spectacle. -- Walter Bagehot
  • A forest of these trees is a spectacle too much for one man to see. -- David Douglas
  • The Venus transit is not a spectacle the way a total solar eclipse is a spectacle. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • I love movies with spectacle but spectacle can be a performance, it doesn't have to be a creature. -- J. J. Abrams
  • Peace, plenty, and contentment reign throughout our borders, and our beloved country presents a sublime moral spectacle to the world. -- James K. Polk
  • There is not a more repulsive spectacle than on old man who will not forsake the world, which has already forsaken him. -- T. S. Eliot
  • As for the level of spectacle of the two disciplines, I leave it to the people who watch the races to comment. -- Valentino Rossi
  • There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves. -- Tom Wolfe
  • It was a Sunday afternoon, wet and cheerless; and a duller spectacle this earth of ours has not to show than a rainy Sunday in London. -- Thomas de Quincey
  • What spectacle can be more edifying or more seasonable, than that of Liberty and Learning, each leaning on the other for their mutual and surest support? -- James Madison
  • There is one spectacle grander than the sea, that is the sky; there is one spectacle grander than the sky, that is the interior of the soul. -- Victor Hugo
  • I like to say magic is the world's second oldest profession, a mystical and often awe-inspiring spectacle that, throughout the ages, has blended superstition, trickery and religion. -- Criss Angel
  • The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. -- John F. Kennedy
  • Each culture has its own form of staged combat, evolved from its particular method of street fighting and cleaned up for presentation as a spectacle, e.g. savate, Cornish wrestling, karate, kung-fu. -- David Mamet
  • You cannot see the Grand Canyon in one view, as if it were a changeless spectacle from which a curtain might be lifted, but to see it, you have to toil from month to month through its labyrinths. -- John Wesley Powell
  • Sunrise offered a very beautiful spectacle; the water was quite unruffled, but the motion communicated by the tides was so great that, although there was not a breath of air stirring, the sea heaved slowly with a grand and majestic motion. -- George Grey
  • But I am a blasted tree; the bolt has entered my soul; and I felt then that I should survive to exhibit what I shall soon cease to be - a miserable spectacle of wrecked humanity, pitiable to others and intolerable to myself. -- Mary Shelley
  • I loved old black and white movies, especially the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musicals. I loved everything about them - the songs, the music, the romance and the spectacle. They were real class and I knew that I wanted to be in that world. -- Sharon Stone
  • If there's one thing that I love as an entertainer, it's a spectacle. We all have looked up to either Michael Jackson or Madonna or Janet Jackson or anyone of those things. When I was in *N SYNC, I would watch any concert video ever and really drink it all in. -- JC Chasez
  • Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humphries famously lasted 72 days, and was reported in the tabloids as being all about the big bucks paid by magazines for the bridal photos: it is a spectacle of a bride-to-be as entrepreneur, not as romantic heroine; the groom, in this scenario, is nothing but a prop. -- Naomi Wolf
  • For me, the reason why people go to a mountaintop or go to the edge of the ocean is to look at something larger than themselves. That feeling of awe, of going to a cathedral, it's all about feeling lost in something bigger than oneself. To me, that's the definition of spectacle. -- Diane Paulus
  • I had never been to a fashion show before going to the Burberry show last month. It was an extraordinary spectacle. I was incredibly green and had no idea what an undertaking it is. I also have a new respect for models because they are so close to the front row and must be so self-conscious. -- Eddie Redmayne
  • Knowing' is one of those movies where you're going to get the spectacle, and you're going to have the entertainment in the grand science fiction tradition. But also, it will perhaps stimulate some discussion to help you sort out on your own where you might choose to go in terms of your own needs. Now, I say that without preaching. -- Nicolas Cage
  • The truth--a hideous spectacle! -- Conrad Aiken
  • Treat your friend as a spectacle. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Space--as landscape, terrain, spectacle, experience--has vanished. -- Rebecca Solnit
  • Perestroika is nothing but a spectacle organized from above. -- Alexander Zinoviev
  • It's a true image, born of a false spectacle. -- Jean Genet
  • A simile committing suicide is always a depressing spectacle. -- Oscar Wilde
  • Answers? Forget answers. The spectacle is all in the questions. -- Rebecca Goldstein
  • Our society is not one of spectacle but of surveillance. -- Michel Foucault
  • Politics as battle has given way to politics as spectacle. -- Ronald Steel
  • My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • I know people like spectacle, but I'm interested in moving people. -- Estelle
  • After all who doesn't wish to make a spectacle of their loneliness -- Nicole Krauss
  • There is one spectacle grander than the sea, That is the sky. -- Victor Hugo
  • The spectacle is capital accumulated to the point where it becomes image. -- Guy Debord
  • A man screaming is not a dancing bear. Life is not a spectacle. -- Aime Cesaire
  • The Hunger Games has epic spectacle, yearning romance and suspense that won't quit! -- Peter Travers
  • Wise is the man who contents himself with the spectacle of the world. -- Ricardo Reis
  • i've always wanted, basically, to do research in the form of a spectacle. -- Jean-Luc Godard
  • How much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty? -- Bertrand Russell
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  • It was too nerve-wracking, a shocking spectacle, like seeing an old, calm friend go insane. -- John Steinbeck
  • A blaspheming Frenchman is a spectacle more pleasing to the Lord than a praying Englishman. -- Heinrich Heine
  • New york provides not only a continuing excitation but also a spectacle that is continuing." -- E. B. White
  • new york provides not only a continuing excitation but also a spectacle that is continuing. -- E. B. White
  • What every college must do is hold up before the young the spectacle of greatness. -- Henry Steele Commager
  • Since the handling of arms is a beautiful spectacle, it is delightful to young men. -- Niccolo Machiavelli
  • I don't want a huge wedding. I don't want it to be some huge spectacle. -- Kristin Cavallari
  • If your job is to leaven ordinary lives with elevating spectacle, be elevating or be gone. -- George Will
  • The spectacle is at the same time the mirage of self in the mirror of things. -- Paul Ricoeur
  • The whole drama of the world is such tragedy that I am weary of the spectacle. -- John Adams
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  • What I hated even more than the conflict was the lurid spectacle of a world of unreason. -- Ellen Glasgow
  • There is not in earth a spectacle more worthy than a great man superior to his sufferings. -- Joseph Addison
  • American journalists and politicians made a perfect spectacle of themselves in discussing the Abu Ghraib prison controversy. -- Tony Snow
  • I want people to go to the movies. I am the man of the spectacle. I'm playing. -- Roman Polanski
  • The Opera is obviously the first draft of a fine spectacle; it suggests the idea of one. -- Jean de la Bruyere
  • How beautiful was the spectacle of nature not yet touched by the often perverse wisdom of man! -- Umberto Eco
  • Only a f-kin imbecile would think they un-correctable, cause you're susceptible to becoming more than a spectacle. -- Immortal Technique
  • There is virtue in virtuosity, especially today, when it protects us from the tedious spectacle of ineptitude. -- Robert Hughes
  • The spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images. -- Guy Debord
  • Cricket is first and foremost a dramatic spectacle. It belongs with theatre, ballet, opera and the dance. -- C. L. R. James
  • I was completely unprepared for the public spectacle my private life became, and didn't like it a bit. -- Harrison Ford
  • Sport provides the spectacle, the metaphor, the religious ritual, the putty to fill the cracks in countless lives. -- Phillip Adams
  • You throw a person in the river and then make a spectacle of jumping in to save them. -- Ann Patchett
  • When you're spending $200 million on a movie, you need to make $400 million to break even. It's a spectacle. -- Joe Carnahan
  • There will be no propriety in the spectacle of an elegant interior approached by a low mean entrance. -- Marcus Vitruvius Pollio
  • We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality. -- Thomas B. Macaulay
  • Movies started out as an extension of a magic trick, so making a spectacle is part of the game. -- Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
  • The market-driven spectacle of war demands a culture of conformity, quiet intellectuals and a largely passive republic of consumers. -- Henry Giroux
  • Ender's Game' has fabulous opportunities for spectacle, where appropriate, but there's also a tremendous central character. It's a balance. -- Gavin Hood
  • It is in man's heart that the life of nature's spectacle exists; to see it, one must feel it. -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • it is the certainty of being punished and not the horrifying spectacle of public punishment that must discourage crime -- Michel Foucault
  • You had to make an appointment to see her. But it was just a crazy spectacle, people filing past. -- Eddie Campbell
  • As long as my body holds out, I'll be grooving when I'm 70, and not some sort of horrible spectacle. -- Nick Lowe
  • We have seen this complete right wing takeover of modern liberalism, and it is an ugly spectacle to behold. -- Kevin Rudd
  • He will essentially follow the language of the spectacle, for it is the only one he is familiar with. -- Guy Debord
  • The elements that unite to make the Grand Canyon the most sublime spectacle in nature are multifarious and exceedingly diverse. -- John Wesley Powell
  • ...nothing could be more pleasant than to live in solitude, enjoy the spectacle of nature, and occasionally read some book... ... -- Nikolai Gogol
  • Along with currency manipulation, the New Deal introduced to Americans the spectacle of Fascist dictation to business, labor, and agriculture. -- Herbert Hoover
  • [T]he obverse of facile emotion in the 14th century was a general insensitivity to the spectacle of pain and death. -- Barbara Tuchman
  • If a man has no vices, he is in great danger of making vices about his virtues, and there's a spectacle. -- Thornton Wilder
  • I guess I've always been quite interested in the Situationists' ideas about urbanism and spectacle and how we move through life. -- Rirkrit Tiravanija
  • It's impossible not to be taken in by the spectacle of oneself, which is the biggest sin of the culture right now. -- Michael Tolkin
  • Without the truth of the people, politics degenerates into mere spectacle and democracy declines, leaving demagoguery and cynicism to fill the void. -- Jerry Brown
  • A real dog, beloved and therefore pampered by his mistress, is a lamentable spectacle. He suffers from fatty degeneration of his moral being. -- Agnes Repplier
  • Many people are embarrassed to create in public. It feels unseemly to them, like kissing in plain view... Make a spectacle of yourself. -- Eric Maisel
  • Every genius is a great child; he gazes out at the world as something strange, a spectacle, and therefore with purely objective interest -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • You are always concentrated on the inner thing. The moment one becomes aware of the crowd, performs for the crowd, it is spectacle. -- Jean Cocteau
  • Our football belongs to the working class and has the size, nobility and generosity to allow everyone to enjoy it as a spectacle. -- Cesar Luis Menotti
  • Modern capitalism, organising the reduction of all social life to a spectacle, cannot offer any spectacle other than that of our own alienation. -- Attila Kotanyi
  • The occupational hazard of making a spectacle of yourself, over the long haul, is that at some point you buy a ticket too. -- Thomas McGuane
  • Charlie Chaplin, too, through spectacle, contraband certain ideas, put them through, ideas that even today are not being expressed by great statesmen and politicians. -- Sergio Leone
  • Oh son, watch the illusory spectacle! All birth and death is projected by delusion, not existing in reality. I am beyond coming and going. -- Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro
  • A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • There is a spectacle more grand than the sea; it is heaven; there is a spectacle more grand than heaven; it is the conscience. -- Victor Hugo
  • He walked with long, ungraceful strides, enormous feet adding to the spectacle, and he sat a horse as if leaning into a strong wind. -- James I. Robertson, Jr.
  • The spectacle of the sky overwhelms me. I'm overwhelmed when I see, in an immense sky, the crescent of the moon or the sun. -- Joan Miro
  • What cannot be borne in reality, becomes a source of pleasure when it is transposed into the visual and somatic fiction of the dramatic spectacle. -- Claude Calame
  • The spectacle of a field of battle after the combat, is sufficient to inspire Princes with the love of peace, and the horror of war. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • A zoo is a good place to make a spectacle of yourself, as the people around you have creepier, more photogenic things to look at. -- David Sedaris
  • As well as being a vulgar producer of her own spectacle, and an embarrassment to her family, Cindy Sheehan is at best a shifty fantasist. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • Death and burial were a public spectacle. Shakespeare may have seen for himself the gravediggers at St Ann's, Soho, playing skittles with skulls and bones. -- Catharine Arnold
  • Addiction is the dominant form of a culture that suffers from a superficial spectacle and celebrity-connectivity at its center. It's a form of spiritual emptiness. -- Cornel West
  • Utopia would seem to offer the spectacle of one of those rare phenomena whose concept is indistinguishable from its reality, whose ontology coincides with its representation. -- Fredric Jameson
  • The moral spectacle of capitalism still offends, as does American capitalism's implacable insistence that the market determine value even in the political, intellectual, and artistic spheres. -- William Pfaff
  • If you put together all the ingredients that naturally attract children - sex, violence, revenge, spectacle and vigorous noise - what you have is grand opera. -- Judith Martin
  • If you're doing a big spectacle film, you've got to be mindful of large masses. Even then, you've got to be responsible only to your storytelling. -- Guillermo del Toro
  • In terms of big spectacle, I thought 'Captain America 2' was phenomenal. I really loved that movie, and it was a great movie as a stand-alone. -- Joe Carnahan
  • First in violence, deepest in dirt, lawless, unlovely, ill-smelling, irreverent, new; an overgrown gawk of a - village, the "tough" among cities, a spectacle for the nation. -- Lincoln Steffens
  • Elections are an enduring spectacle of free India, and have provided foreign journalists with the opportunity to remind the world that India remains the world's largest democracy. -- Shashi Tharoor
  • We have more to learn today from the spectacle of a great man at a great moment than from any number of monographs on ancient wage levels. -- C. V. Wedgwood
  • The spectacle of insensitivity that is the gun lobby and its outspoken, out-of-their-mind apparatchiks, is the apotheosis of what the Republican Party has allowed itself to become. -- Steven Weber
  • There is an expectation with a superhero film that there is spectacle and action but there also has to be heart. Striking that balance is really important. -- Charles Roven