Scandal quotes:

  • Scandal dies sooner of itself, than we could kill it. -- Benjamin Rush
  • Scandal is an importunate wasp, against which we must make no movement unless we are quite sure that we can kill it; otherwise it will return to the attack more furious than ever. -- Nicolas Chamfort
  • Scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. -- Oscar Wilde
  • Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. -- Henry Fielding
  • Scandal begins when the police put a stop to it. -- Karl Kraus
  • You find out who your real friends are when you're involved in a scandal. -- Elizabeth Taylor
  • Scandal is the sport of its authors, the dread of fools, and the contempt of the wise. -- William Benton Clulow
  • Greatest scandal waits on greatest state. -- William Shakespeare
  • Old maids sweeten their tea with scandal. -- Josh Billings
  • Dead scandals form good subjects for dissection. -- Lord Byron
  • There's a lust in man, no charm can tame, of loudly publishing our neighbor's shame. -- Juvenal
  • It is the public scandal that offends; to sin in secret is no sin at all. -- Moliere
  • You know That I do fawn on men, and hug them hard, And after scandal them. -- William Shakespeare
  • I have Dalinian thought: the one thing the world will never have enough of is the outrageous. -- Salvador Dali
  • The mind conscious of innocence despises false reports: but we are a set always ready to believe a scandal. -- Ovid
  • In the case of scandal, as in that of robbery, the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. -- Lord Chesterfield
  • One should never make one's entrance with a scandal. One should reserve that to give an interest to one's old age. -- Oscar Wilde
  • The mightier man, the mightier is the thing That makes him honored or begets him hate; For greatest scandal waits on greatest state. -- William Shakespeare
  • I have my disagreements with President Obama, but President Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration, not only he himself, but the people around him. He's chosen people who have been pretty scandal-free. -- Mark Shields
  • Queen Mary had a way of interrupting tattle about elopements, duels, and play debts, by asking the tattlers, very quietly yet significantly, whether they had ever read her favorite sermon--Dr. Tillotson on Evil Speaking. -- Thomas B. Macaulay
  • No one loves to tell of scandal except to him who loves to hear it. Learn, then, to rebuke and check the detracting tongue by showing that you do not listen to it with pleasure. -- St. Jerome
  • When I go to Rome, I fast on Saturday, but in Milan I do not. Do you also follow the custom of whatever church you attend, if you do not want to give or receive scandal. -- Saint Ambrose
  • Nor do they trust their tongue alone, but speak a language of their own; can read a nod, a shrug, a look, far better than a printed book; convey a libel in a frown, and wink a reputation down. -- Jonathan Swift
  • The improbability of a malicious story serves but to help forward the currency of it, because it increases the scandal. So that, in such instances, the world is like the pious St. Austin, who said he believed some things because they were absurd and impossible. -- Laurence Sterne
  • Mistakes, scandals, and failures no longer signal catastrophe. The crucial thing is that they be made credible, and that the public be made aware of the efforts being expended in that direction. The marketing immunity of governments is similar to that of the major brands of washing powder. -- Jean Baudrillard
  • Scandal is only human. -- Jerry Saltz
  • CALUMNUS, n. A graduate of the School for Scandal. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • My favorite cast member of Scandal is Josh Malina. -- Darby Stanchfield
  • My favorite cast member of 'Scandal' is Josh Malina. -- Darby Stanchfield
  • Scandal breeds hatred; hatred begets division; division makes faction, and faction brings ruin. -- Francis Quarles
  • Scandal has a thousand stringers; good news doesn't know the editor's phone number. -- William Raspberry
  • Scandal has made wine and popcorn seem like a viable, even healthful, meal. -- Lena Dunham
  • I love 'Scandal.' It's my favorite show - it's really - the only one I really watch. -- Jane Velez-Mitchell
  • Let's redefine scandal. Scandal is not who's dating who. Scandal is 1.2 million people living in tents in Haiti. -- Olivia Wilde
  • What Was She Thinking? Notes on a Scandal' was thrilling in its light, deceptive tone, its subtle but irresistible momentum. -- Cathleen Schine
  • I revisit old favorites like 'Buffy' and 'Battlestar Galactica' when I'm bored. I am obsessed with 'Scandal.' I love TV. -- Jessica Valenti
  • Scandals never stop an administration unless the media wants them to stop an administration, which means that no scandal is ever gonna stop Obama. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • Scandal is great entertainment because it allows people to feel contempt, a moral emotion that gives feeling of moral superiority while asking nothing in return. -- Jonathan Haidt
  • To converse with Scandal is to play at Losing Loadum, you must lose a good name to him, before you can win it for yourself. -- William Congreve
  • Audiences have become so much more sophisticated, and they're looking for different eyes and different ways to tell a story. And 'Scandal' certainly gives us the freedom to take those chances. -- Tom Verica
  • When a television show like 'Scandal' becomes the biggest show in recent history, suddenly advertisers and networks want to jump on that. And what it's showing is that people want to see diversity. -- Jussie Smollett
  • Yes, I was hired by Universal because they needed a comedy director. They had seen Scandal and liked it. I saw an opportunity even in those comedies to begin my project of American films. -- Douglas Sirk
  • God bless ABC. They are my knights in shining armor. I love their content. Just as a person, I'm a huge fan of 'Scandal,' I still love 'Grey's Anatomy,' and 'Resurrection' looks amazing. -- Jaime Ray Newman
  • I recently got into 'Scandal.' I'm obsessed. It's so good. I want to know Olivia Pope. I want to dress like her; I want to be friends with her. I wish she were real! -- Ross Mathews
  • I actually started, as a result of 'Scandal,' instead of wearing a bathrobe, wearing sweaters around at home in my leisure. And my poor husband was very confused! I said, 'It's what Olivia Pope does'. -- Betsy Beers
  • I like that show 'Ray Donovan' - I'm obsessed with that. He's in Hollywood, he's some kind of a fixer, but he's also kind of a thug. And 'Scandal,' the D.C. one with Kerry Washington. -- Kim Gordon
  • My wife and I have our date nights. We love the Showtime shows like 'Shameless,' 'Homeland' and 'House of Lies.' And of course, 'Scandal' is high on the list; you've got to do 'Scandal.' -- Glynn Turman
  • I do a lot of shows I've actually never seen, and I hadn't seen 'Castle' or 'Scandal,' but it's fun to just go into someone's world for eight days and do your thing, and then leave. -- Patrick Fischler
  • I was quite shocked at the tone I took and the judgements I had of the relationship that she embarked on, you know, sex with a minor. But it's the stuff of great drama [in Notes On A Scandal]. -- Cate Blanchett
  • Remember how he handled the Iran-contra Never Ending Scandal from Hell? He went on national television, the President of the United States, and said it wasn't his fault, because he was not aware, at the time, of what his foreign policy was. -- Dave Barry
  • Maybe this is my morality coming in again but it was important to me that the actor [ in Notes On A Scandal] was above the age of consent. Although really, what's the difference between 15 and 16? It's the law, yeah, but he's very mature. -- Cate Blanchett
  • Scandal often does as much harm to the listeners as to those who devise it, even if it were to do no other harm than disturb the mind, as it does, and give rise to temptations to speak or write about it to others. -- Vincent de Paul
  • I'm like one of the tallest ones on 'Scandal.' If I'm wearing my four-inch Abby Whelan high heels, I hover over everybody. I literally have a lower pair of high heels that I wear when I do one of the scenes with the guys. -- Darby Stanchfield
  • A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings. -- Thomas Fuller
  • Pointing fingers, trying to catch each other in scandal does not bring honor to this House. -- Mark Foley
  • I hope there's a tinge of disgrace about me. Hopefully, there's one good scandal left in me yet. -- Diana Rigg
  • As so often happens with Washington scandals, it isn't the original scandal that gets people in the most trouble - it's the attempted cover-up. -- Tom Petri
  • We must stop criminalizing mental illness. It's a national tragedy and scandal that the L.A. County Jail is the biggest psychiatric facility in the United States. -- Elyn Saks
  • In light of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, critics are arguing that abuses of Iraqi prisoners are being produced by a climate of disregard for the laws of war. -- John Yoo
  • People here in Los Angeles are disgusted now about a sex scandal involving Arnold Schwarzenegger. Apparently for seven years, he carried on a sexual relationship with his own wife. -- Craig Kilborn
  • The source known as Deep Throat provided a kind of road map through the scandal. His one consistent message was that the Watergate burglary was just the tip of the iceberg. -- Bob Woodward
  • Acting has been gentrified. It's become part of the bourgeoisie. But there was a time when it would be a great scandal if you announced you were going to be an actor. -- Julian Sands
  • The trouble with progress is that it tends to happen slowly and quietly. It's not necessarily going to shout about itself, or make the nightly news like a disaster or a scandal would. -- Aaron Koblin
  • When public men indulge themselves in abuse, when they deny others a fair trial, when they resort to innuendo and insinuation, to libel, scandal, and suspicion, then our democratic society is outraged, and democracy is baffled. -- J. William Fulbright
  • When I go to Rome, I fast on Saturday, but in Milan I do not. Do you also follow the custom of whatever church you attend, if you do not want to give or receive scandal. -- Saint Ambrose
  • These days there is a lot of poverty in the world, and that's a scandal when we have so many riches and resources to give to everyone. We all have to think about how we can become a little poorer. -- Pope Francis
  • Vice President Dick Cheney reportedly has been disturbed over what he sees as the erosion of presidential powers since the Watergate scandal and has urged Bush to take a stronger stand against what Cheney sees as congressional intrusions into the executive branch. -- Helen Thomas
  • I think what happens when there's a scandal in your life, the things you depended on are taken away from you, and so you value what you have. I had two very nice little boys, so sweet, and a very good husband. -- Kimberly Quinn
  • The UN Commission on Human Rights, whose membership in recent years has included countries - such as Libya and Sudan - which have deplorable human rights records, and the recent Oil-for-Food scandal, are just a few examples of why reform is so imperative. -- John Linder
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  • Most of the evil of the world comes about not out of evil motives, but somebody saying 'get with the program, be a team player;' this is what we saw at Enron, this is what we saw in the Nixon administration with their scandal. -- Philip Zimbardo
  • If the Olympic Games ever served a true altruistic purpose, they have long since outlived it. Yeah, the pursuit of athletic excellence, sportsmanship and international goodwill is plenty noble. But the modern Olympics are at best a vehicle for agitprop; at worst, a scandal magnet. -- John Ridley
  • Sometimes negative news does come out, but it is often exaggerated and manipulated to spread scandal. Journalists sometimes risk becoming ill from coprophilia and thus fomenting coprophagia: which is a sin that taints all men and women, that is, the tendency to focus on the negative rather than the positive aspects. -- Pope Francis
  • I saw a guy being really abusive to his girlfriend. She was asking people to help, but no one would. When he grabbed her, I tried to separate them, but he turned on me. I punched him and knocked him down. It wasn't a scandal; I was just doing what anybody should. -- Timothy Hutton
  • The job of uncovering the global food waste scandal started for me when I was 15 years old. I bought some pigs. I was living in Sussex. And I started to feed them in the most traditional and environmentally friendly way. I went to my school kitchen, and I said, 'Give me the scraps that my school friends have turned their noses up at.' -- Tristram Stuart
  • Silence kills scandal. -- Mason Cooley
  • Any truth creates a scandal. -- Marguerite Yourcenar
  • Longevity conquers scandal every time. -- Shelby Foote
  • Nothing moves more quickly than scandal. -- Livy
  • Curiosity engenders both science and scandal. -- Mason Cooley
  • Starlet sex scandal. Giant squid involved. -- Margaret Atwood
  • The media is Obama's scandal condom. -- Greg Gutfeld
  • No scandal about Queen Elizabeth, I hope? -- Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  • Happy is he who causes a scandal -- Salvador Dali
  • Suspense, murder, revenge, scandal; a delicious cocktail party. -- Kat Kaelin
  • Love is a scandal of the personal sort. -- Anton Chekhov
  • The French were mystified about the Watergate scandal. -- Pierre Salinger
  • Virtue consisted in avoiding scandal and venereal disease. -- Robert Cecil
  • Virtue consists in avoiding scandal and venereal disease. -- Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury
  • The complacency of Christians is the scandal of Christianity. -- Aiden Wilson Tozer
  • It always takes a scandal to bring about reform. -- Sal Albanese
  • (Man,) the glory and the scandal of the universe. -- Blaise Pascal
  • In fighting scandal, the key is not to overreact. -- Dick Morris
  • To most women art is a form of scandal. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • I've dodged bullets but there's no scandal in my life. -- Hector Elizondo
  • No two things the same, the equals sign a scandal. -- John Banville
  • If hours did not hang heavy, what would become of scandal? -- George Bancroft
  • Any time there's a scandal, we always try and get involved. -- Larry Flynt
  • Everything's a scandal. Dying's a scandal. But we all do it. -- Don DeLillo
  • ... nothing satisfies the craving of most women so much as scandal. -- Emma Goldman
  • Induction is the glory of science and the scandal of philosophy. -- C. D. Broad
  • The surest method against scandal is live it down in well-doing. -- Herman Boerhaave
  • Jesus didn't care about the scandal. He cared about the scandalous. -- Judah Smith
  • Abortion is a worse moral scandal than priests sexually abusing young people. -- George Pell
  • Man is a paradoxical being-the constant glory and scandal of this world. -- Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
  • In London, love and scandal are considered the best sweeteners of tea. -- John Osborne
  • Poverty is a scandal of our times because it CAN be changed. -- Catherine Marshall
  • Death is a scandal. The machine is functioning, we are all hostages -- Elias Canetti
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  • The problem of pain meets its match in the scandal of grace. -- Philip Yancey
  • It's better to live down a scandal than to ruin one's life. -- Anton Chekhov
  • The business pages of American newspapers should not read like a scandal sheet. -- George W. Bush
  • There is no scandal like rags, nor any crime so shameful as poverty. -- George Farquhar
  • The reality is that it is mainly a Republican scandal for several reasons. -- Larry Noble
  • Every one who repeats it adds something to the scandal. [The rolling snow-ball.] -- Ovid
  • Breasts are a scandal because they shatter the border between motherhood and sexuality -- Iris Marion Young
  • Breasts are a scandal because they shatter the border between motherhood and sexuality. -- Iris Marion Young
  • It is better that the truth be known than that scandal be covered up. -- Saint Augustine
  • We know that second terms have historically been marred by hubris and by scandal. -- David Gergen
  • Anyone who's lived their life to the fullest extent has a scandal buried somewhere. -- Rob Lowe