Sanitary quotes:

  • I've always found it very sanitary to be broke. -- Orson Welles
  • I do not shake hands from a sanitary standpoint. -- Victoria Woodhull
  • We need to always be vigilant on the sanitary issues. -- Mike Johanns
  • HUD's mission is to provide decency and sanitary housing for low and moderate income people in this country. -- Alphonso Jackson
  • The sanitary and mechanical age we are now entering makes up for the mercy it grants to our sense of smell by the ferocity with which it assails our sense of hearing. -- Havelock Ellis
  • The health of the people is of supreme importance. All measures looking to their protection against the spread of contagious diseases and to the increase of our sanitary knowledge for such purposes deserve attention of Congress. -- Chester A. Arthur
  • One of the great advantages of cremation - apart from all sanitary conditions - lies in the swift restoration to Mother Nature of the material elements composing the physical and astral corpses, brought about by the burning. -- Annie Besant
  • We control health and pathogenicity by complex multi-speciated relationships through symbiosis and synergy. Portable shelters for livestock, along with electric fencing, insure hygienic and sanitary housing and lounging areas, not to mention clean air, sunshine, and exercise. -- Joel Salatin
  • I get mad at the New York-based environmentalists because if you were truly environmentalists you wouldn't have a storm surge system and a sanitary system hooked together here that requires you to close your beaches 10 times a year. -- Aubrey McClendon
  • Bakers get excited over aprons. I love the soft cotton ones with pockets like my gramma and mom wore. They always kept a hankie tucked in one pocket, which wasn't sanitary, but was comforting to the child who needed a tear or nose wiped. -- Regina Brett
  • Dying in the sanitary environment of a hospital is a relatively new concept. In the late 19th century, dying at a hospital was reserved for people who had nothing and no one. Given the choice, a person wanted to die at home in their bed, surrounded by friends and family. -- Caitlin Doughty
  • Florence Nightingale was an amazing figure. She created the American Red Cross. She saw the suffering from bad health conditions on the battlefield and in the military hospitals, and she fought like crazy to change the conditions; to make sure that the doctors washed their hands and practiced sanitary measures. She put herself at great risks. -- Sharon Lawrence
  • Sex should be friendly. Otherwise stick to mechanical toys; it's more sanitary. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • Now, it is a good sanitary principle, that what is curative is preventive ... -- Anna Brownell Jameson
  • Conquer land like Napoleon, military bomb fest We want sanitary food, planetary conquest -- U-God
  • Arnold Palmer is the biggest crowd pleaser since the invention of the portable sanitary facility. -- Bob Hope
  • They bright whiten all this sepulchre with powdered chloride of lime. It's a perfectly sanitary war. -- David Jones
  • When I got out of high school they retired my jersey, but it was for hygiene and sanitary reasons. -- George Carlin
  • I'd grown up thinking that a [sanitary toilet] was my right, when in fact it's a privilege - 2.5 billion people worldwide have no adequate toilet. -- Rose George
  • The great danger of humane punishment is that people will come to accept state murder as something sanitary. I don't think bureaucracy should ever be entrusted with that kind of power. -- Jerry Brown
  • City planning finds its validation in the intuitive recognition that a burgeoning market society can not be trusted to produce spontaneously a habitable, sanitary, or even efficient city, much less a beautiful one. -- Murray Bookchin
  • I will go to France, to Yugoslavia, to China and continue my profession. 'As sanitary engineer?' No, Monsieur. As adventurer. I will see all the peoples and all the countries in the world. -- Bruce Chatwin