Revulsion quotes:

  • The mark of our time is its revulsion against imposed patterns. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • I do feel visceral revulsion at the burka because for me it is a symbol of the oppression of women. -- Richard Dawkins
  • My feelings of revulsion and foreboding about nuclear weapons had not changed an iota since 1945, and they have never left me. Since I was 14, the overriding objective of my life has been to prevent the occurrence of nuclear war. -- Daniel Ellsberg
  • The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me. -- Valeria Lukyanova
  • The nature of democracy is such that when there's - there'll be revulsion, obviously, towards - that's never going to happen again. -- Warren Buffett
  • We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • When we think of his lone effort to live and its bleak reward, the mind turns to the myth "for His mercy endureth forever," with confiding revulsion. -- Emily Dickinson
  • I think most writers can't really think about their work without a kind of revulsion. And I think that's probably why we keep going back and trying again, trying to do better each time. -- Paul Auster
  • religion is perhaps its own worst enemy. For religion, masquerading under the guise of archaic creeds, and impossible literalisms, and ecclesiasticism indifferent to human needs, has brought about an inevitable and in many respects wholesome revulsion. -- Georgia Harkness
  • Almost everybody wore a curious limpidity of expression, like newborn babies or souls just after death. Dazed but curiously dignified.... after a criseof hysterical revulsion and tiredness, I passed beyondand became entered by a rather sublime feeling. -- Elizabeth Bowen
  • No matter how hard we try words simply cannot express the horror, the shock, and the revulsion we all feel over what took place in this nation on Tuesday morning. September 11 will go down in our history as a day to remember. -- Billy Graham
  • Language and, presumably, literature are more ancient and inevitable, more durable than any form of social organization. The revulsion, irony, or indifference often expressed by literature toward the state is essentially the reaction of the permanent-better yet, the infinite-against the temporary, against the finite. -- Joseph Brodsky
  • Given that a few days ago we had a terrible accident, a tragic terrorist attack in Barajas, in Madrid, I would like to propose to you that we show our complete condemnation, our most intense revulsion, and that we show profound solidarity with the victims. -- Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
  • Boxing is an American sport - a 'so-called sport' to many - in which images of incalculable beauty and violence, desperation and ingenuity, are routinely entwined; the sport that evokes the most extreme reactions - loathing, revulsion, righteous indigation; a fierce and often inexplicable loyalty. -- Joyce Carol Oates
  • My feeling about fiction, regardless of the genre, is that it is meant to be a representation of life. I want my books to give a whole spectrum of experiences to my readers. Not just fear or terror or revulsion, but excitement, laughter, pain, sorrow, desire, etc. -- Richard Laymon
  • I shall not, as far as I am concerned, try to pass myself off as a Christian in your presence. I share with you the same revulsion from evil. But I do not share your hope, and I continue to struggle against this universe in which children suffer and die. -- Albert Camus
  • I shall speak of how melancholy and utopia preclude one another. How they fertilize one another... of the revulsion that follows one insight and precedes the next... of superabundance and surfeit. Of stasis in progress. And of myself, for whom melancholy and utopia are heads and tails of the same coin. -- Gunter Grass
  • On the BSkyB bid, Rupert Murdoch is now in town in London seeking to sort things out. I would simply say to him, look how people feel about this. Look how the country has reacted with revulsion to the revelations. So do the decent and sensible thing and reconsider, think again, about your bid for BSkyB. -- Nick Clegg
  • But it is a blessed provision of nature that at times like these, as soon as a man's mercury has got down to a certain point there comes a revulsion, and he rallies. Hope springs up, and cheerfulness along with it, and then he is in good shape to do something for himself, if anything can be done. -- Mark Twain
  • Consider the wave of revulsion that floods the average person when he or she hears of the practice of human sacrifice by the Aztecs and other so-called primitive peoples. How savage and barbaric such practices seem. But when a Christian or Jew comes across human sacrifice in the Bible (see Jephthah's immolation of his daughter in Judges 11:30-40), is he or she repulsed? -- Steve Allen
  • The one thing I cannot stand is when I do interviews, when I interview people, and I listen to the tapes and I hear myself talking and sort of stumble and stammer, or I hear the horrible sound of my own voice, or God forbid I see myself on video, there is that complete revulsion with seeing how I occur in the world. -- Chuck Palahniuk
  • [S]ervants of darkness had no lasting joy in their service. In all of them the will for darkness was a perversion of the will for the light. In all but a few maniacs the satisfaction of the will for darkness was at all times countered by a revulsion which the unhappy spirit either dared not confess even to itself, or else rejected as cowardly and evil. -- Olaf Stapledon
  • I wanted to make the violence beautiful in order to heighten our revulsion. -- Edward Hall
  • Horror by definition is the emotion of pure revulsion. Terror of the same standard, is that of fearful anticipation. -- Dario Argento
  • Anytime you work with materials that are deep parts of yourself, you feel revulsion at showing things about yourself that you don't want people to know. -- Janet Fitch
  • Someday, I have no doubt, the dead from today's wars will be seen with a similar sense of sorrow at needless loss and folly as those millions of men who lie in the cemeteries of France and Belgium - and tens of millions of Americans will feel a similar revulsion for the politicians and generals who were so spendthrift with others' lives. -- Adam Hochschild
  • Generally, the greater the stigma or revulsion, the better the bargain. -- Seth Klarman
  • You must learn to overcome your very natural and appropriate revulsion for your own work. -- William Gibson
  • There are few things that so touch us with instinctive revulsion as a breach of decorum. -- Thorstein Veblen
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  • True revolution comes from true revulsion; when things get bad enough the kitten will kill the lion. -- Charles Bukowski
  • For me war has become a flat, black depression without highlights, a revulsion of the mind and an exhaustion of the spirit. -- Ernie Pyle
  • " she gave me a look that deftly combined tenderness with revulsion. To this day the memory of that look still visits me like a Jehovah's Witness: uninvited and tireless. -- Steve Toltz
  • The most important thing a writer can have [is] the ability to live with the constant loneliness and a strong sense of revulsion for the banalities of everyday socializing. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • You can't breathe for sheer revulsion when you keep finding the bodies of women with bamboo poles thrust up their vaginas. Even old women over 70 are constantly being raped. -- John Rabe
  • I'm not alone in having obese people in my circle and in my family. I have loved morbidly obese people, and I don't approach obesity with revulsion or judgment but with empathy and compassion. -- Lori Lansens