Redefining quotes:

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  • Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment. -- George W. Bush
  • MTV has always been about redefining itself. -- Martha Quinn
  • Society is constantly recalibrating, redefining what it considers to be moral and immoral. -- John Hurt
  • The FDA is redefining birth control as abortion. The FDA is setting the bar higher for this kind of drug. -- Patty Murray
  • Coming out is a means of redefining oneself, of claiming membership in a lifestyle and a social order with distinct values. Chief among these values is honesty. -- Lance Loud
  • President Bush has a record of cutting taxes, has provided a prescription drug benefit for seniors, has upheld the Second Amendment and remains committed to stopping liberal activists judges who are redefining marriage. -- Bill Shuster
  • We can learn the art of fierce compassion - redefining strength, deconstructing isolation and renewing a sense of community, practicing letting go of rigid us-vs.-them thinking - while cultivating power and clarity in response to difficult situations. -- Sharon Salzberg
  • Defining oneself is a revolutionary act, and, as described in her memoir, Janet Mock fiercely fought to free herself with exquisite bravery and sensitivity. Redefining Realness is full of hope, dreams, and determination. It is a true American girl story. -- Michaela Angela Davis
  • The activists will not stop in trying to impose their extreme views on the rest of us, and they have now plotted out a state-by-state strategy to increase the number of judicial decisions redefining marriage without the voice of the people being heard. -- Jim Bunning
  • Many women cut back what had to be done at home by redefining what the house, the marriage and, sometimes, what the child needs. One woman described a fairly common pattern: I do my half. I do half of his half, and the rest doesn't get done. -- Arlie Russell Hochschild
  • One of the redeeming things about being an athlete is redefining what is humanly possible. -- Lance Armstrong
  • We are redefining and we are restating our socialism in terms of the scientific revolution -- Harold Wilson
  • Marriage is the basic building block of civilization. We are redefining it at our own peril. -- Hank Hanegraaff
  • I'm against redefining marriage historically 5,000 years... because then it'll be re-defined. What if it's between a brother and a sister? -- Rick Warren
  • We are redefining terms and rewriting laws and removing fences everywhere you turn, and we seem to think we can do that with impunity. -- Ravi Zacharias
  • The American Dream is a phrase we'll have to wrestle with all of our lives. It means a lot of things to different people. I think we're redefining it now -- Rita Dove
  • Art is in the process of redefining our relationships to each other ... The creative minds are bubbling, bubbling, and I know the soup that's coming up next time is going to feed a lot more of us. -- Ruby Dee
  • Daniel Dennett is our best current philosopher. He is the next Bertrand Russell. Unlike traditional philosophers, Dan is a student of neuroscience, linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science, and psychology. He's redefining and reforming the role of the philosopher. -- Marvin Minsky
  • We also need to find a language capable of defending government as an element of the common good, one that does not define itself as both a punishing and corporate state. This is not merely a matter of redefining sovereignty, but also rethinking what is distinctive about the social state, social responsibility, and the common good. -- Henry Giroux
  • The Court is most vulnerable and comes nearest to illegitimacy when it deals with judge-made constitutional law having little or no cognizable roots in the language or design of the Constitution.... There should be, therefore, great resistance to ... redefining the category of rights deemed to be fundamental. Otherwise, the Judiciary necessarily takes to itself further authority to govern the country without express constitutional authority. -- Byron White
  • ...if photos can reproduce the world more perfectly than any painter, can capture an instant, a look, a gesture, then what makes a painting good anymore? Painting subverts this subversion of its traditional nature by redefining itself - art is idea, not simply skillful execution. So, a work can be crudely made, or even machine made - but it has to be practically and functionally useless. -- David Byrne
  • We are redefining and we are restating our socialism in terms of the scientific revolution. -- Harold Wilson
  • There's always hurdles. So I just keep moving, just constantly redefining myself. That's how you stay in the race. -- Isaac Hayes
  • You can focus on things that are barriers or you can focus on scaling the wall or redefining the problem. -- Tim Cook
  • The problem when arguing with those who believe in atheistic evolution is that they move goal posts by redefining atheism or evolution or the word 'species.' -- Ray Comfort
  • The American Dream is a phrase we'll have to wrestle with all of our lives. It means a lot of things to different people. I think we're redefining it now. -- Rita Dove
  • An adaptable company is one that captures more than its fair share of new opportunities. It's always redefining its 'core business' in ways that open up new avenues for growth. -- Gary Hamel
  • At my core, what I think we need to do is to get the basics right again. We need to rebuild our family structure, stay away from redefining marriage, and stand by marriage as a union between a man and a woman. -- Sam Brownback
  • I go back to family: 'Ice Age' was about disparate characters rejected by their own kind. They come together to save the child. 'Despicable Me' is about redefining what a family could be. It has a visual distinction and an experimental quality. -- Chris Meledandri
  • If the rights of civil partners are met differently in law to those of married couples, there is no discrimination in law, and if civil partnerships are seen as somehow 'second class' that is a social attitude which will change and cannot, in any case, be turned around by redefining the law of marriage. -- John Sentamu
  • Adrian Peterson is redefining the way teams defend the running ability. -- Emmitt Smith
  • We're no longer intimidated by math, because we're slowly redefining what math is. -- Dan Meyer
  • On the artist's journey we are redefining and reconfiguring ourselves and our lives. -- Steven Pressfield
  • Things that Hillary Clinton advocates are antithetical to Christian values: killing babies, redefining institutions established by God. -- Benjamin Carson
  • Art's primary social function is to define the communal self, which includes redefining it when the community is changing. -- Thomas McEvilley
  • Cultivate the habit of defining, refining, redefining and redeeming your opportunities. Failure is a temporal event, not a permanent trademark. -- Israelmore Ayivor
  • The media is constantly redefining what luxury is. Luxury can be a dirty sock if dressed up in the right way. -- Zac Posen
  • I was born in 1970 and I got to see a little bit of [Richard] Nixon's attempts at redefining himself. I saw [Gerald] Ford. -- David Mandel
  • Prove yourself and others wrong everyday by redefining who you THINK you are, through performing actions you would normally deem impossible or uncharacteristic of you. -- Miya Yamanouchi
  • Schiaparelli's collaborations with Dali and Cocteau as well as Prada's Fondazione Prada push art and fashion ever closer, in a direct, synergistic, and culturally redefining relationship. -- Thomas P. Campbell
  • At a time when the American family is threatened as never before, redefining it away from the union of one man and one woman only promises to weaken it as a child-rearing, values-conveying institution. -- Marco Rubio