Owl quotes:

  • The crow wished everything was black, the Owl, that everything was white. -- William Blake
  • The Bat that flits at close of Eve Has left the Brain that won't believe. The Owl that calls upon the Night Speaks the Unbeliever's fright. -- William Blake
  • Loggers losing their jobs because of Spotted Owl legislation is, in my eyes, no different than people being out of work after the furnaces of Dachau shut down. -- David
  • My toes are going to come,"-MariannThe Night Owl -- Emma Holly
  • Owl hasn't exactly got Brain, but he Knows Things. -- A. A. Milne
  • While Eeyore frets ... ... and Piglet hesitates ... and Rabbit calculates ... and Owl pontificates ...Pooh just is. -- Benjamin Hoff
  • The ignorant hath an Eagles wings, and an Owles eyes. [The ignorant hath an eagle's wings and an owl's eyes.] -- George Herbert
  • I consider anybody a twerp who hasn't read the greatest American short story, which is 'Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,' by Ambrose Bierce. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • My brain is dull, my sight is foul, I cannot write a verse, or read-- Then, Pallas, take away thine Owl, And let us have a lark instead. -- Thomas Hood
  • A serious writer is not to be confounded with a solemn writer. A serious writer may be a hawk or a buzzard or even a popinjay, but a solemn writer is always a bloody owl. -- Ernest Hemingway
  • And if anyone knows anything about anything," said Bear to himself, "it's Owl who knows something about something," he said, "or my name's not Winnie-the-Pooh," he said. "which it is," he added. "so there you are. -- A. A. Milne
  • Harry Potter, he sends a message on Owl Mail while us poor old muggles have to make do with instantaneous emails and texting. Oh, if only we could be like you Harry Potter, with your four day owl delivery! -- Craig Ferguson
  • Owl,' said Rabbit shortly, 'you and I have brains. The others have fluff. If there is easy thinking to be done in this Forest - and when I say thinking I mean thinking - you and I must do it. -- A. A. Milne
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  • Owl explained about the Necessary Dorsal Muscles. He had explained this to Pooh and Christopher Robin once before and had been waiting for a chance to do it again, because it is a thing you can easily explain twice before anybody knows what you are talking about. -- A. A. Milne
  • We learned to be patient observers like the owl. We learned cleverness from the crow, and courage from the jay, who will attack an owl ten times its size to drive it off its territory. But above all of them ranked the chickadee because of its indomitable spirit. -- Tom Brown, Jr.
  • The owl goes not into the nest of the lark. -- Victor Hugo
  • Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there. -- Adam Young
  • She wants to be flowers, but you make her owls. You must not complain, then, if she goes hunting. -- Alan Garner
  • First, it was not a strip bar, it was an erotic club. & And second, what can I say? I'm a night owl. -- John M Barry
  • The owl and the pussycat went to sea, / In a beautiful pea green boat. / They took some honey, and plenty of money, / Wrapped up in a five pound note. -- Edward Lear
  • A legend, Kludd, is a story that you begin to feel in your gizzard and then over time it becomes true in your heart. And perhaps makes you become a better owl. -- Kathryn Lasky
  • I plead alignment to the flakes of the untitled snakes of a merry cow and to the republicrats for which they scam: one nacho, underpants with licorice and jugs of wine for owls. -- Matt Groening
  • There was an old man with a beard, who said: 'It is just as I feared! Two owls and a hen, four larks and a wren have all built their nests in my beard. -- Edward Lear
  • That's not precisely what I had in mind." Jamie, I had found out by accident a few days previously, had never mastered the art of winking one eye. Instead, he blinked solemnly, like a large red owl. -- Diana Gabaldon
  • She is our moon. Our tidal pull. She is the rich deep beneath the sea, the buried treasure, the expression in the owl's eye, the perfume in the wild rose. She is what the water says when it moves. -- Patricia A. McKillip
  • The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, and never fails to see a bad one. He is the human owl, vigilant in darkness and blind to light, mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble game. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • This tower, patched unevenly with black ivy, arose like a mutilated finger from among the fists of knuckled masonry and pointed blasphemously at heaven. At night the owls made of it an echoing throat; by day it stood voiceless and cast its long shadow. -- Mervyn Peake
  • Other sound than the owl's voice there was none, save the falling of a fountain into its stone basin; for, it was one of those dark nights that hold their breath by the hour together, and then heave a long low sigh, and hold their breath again. -- Charles Dickens
  • She had always lived her best life in dreams. She knew no greater pleasure than that moment of passage into the other place, when her limbs grew warm and heavy and the sparkling darkness behind her lids became ordered and doors opened; when conscious thought grew owl's wings and talons and became other than conscious. -- John Crowley
  • May your trails be dim, lonesome, stony, narrow, winding and only slightly uphill. May the wind bring rain for the slickrock potholes fourteen miles on the other side of yonder blue ridge. May God's dog serenade your campfire, may the rattlesnake and the screech owl amuse your reverie, may the Great Sun dazzle your eyes by day and the Great Bear watch over you by night. -- Edward Abbey
  • Christopher Robin was home by this time, because it was the afternoon, and he was so glad to see them that they stayed there until very nearly tea-time, and then they had a Very Nearly tea, which is one you forget about afterwards, and hurried on to Pooh Corner, so as to see Eeyore before it was too late to have a Proper Tea with Owl. -- A. A. Milne
  • I'm a night owl. -- Joni Mitchell
  • I'm a night owl. -- Joni Mitchell
  • I'm a night owl. -- Joni Mitchell
  • I'm a night owl. -- Joni Mitchell
  • I'm an early-morning owl. -- Patrick Wilson
  • I've always been a night owl. -- Blake Lively
  • The wailing owl Screams solitary to the mournful moon. -- David Mallet
  • I'm a bit of a night owl because that's when I feel the most creative and alive. -- Christina Aguilera
  • An owl sound wandered along the road with me. I didn't hear it--I breathed it into my ears. -- William Stafford
  • I'm a night owl for sure. I was born at 1 A.M., and that's the excuse I use. -- Karla Souza
  • At home, I love reaching out into that absolute silence, when you can hear the owl or the wind. -- Amanda Harlech
  • I'm a night owl, and luckily my profession supports that. The best ideas come to me in the dead of night. -- Josh Fox
  • First, it was not a strip bar, it was an erotic club. And second, what can I say? I'm a night owl. -- Marion Barry
  • I write in the mornings or afternoons - I'm not a night owl and can write for only four or five hours maximum. -- Sarah Hall
  • Why should I copy this owl, this sea urchin? Why should I try to imitate nature? I might just as well try to trace a perfect circle. -- Pablo Picasso
  • Like some winter animal the moon licks the salt of your hand,Yet still your hair foams violet as a lilac treeFrom which a small wood-owl calls. -- Johannes Bobrowski
  • In New York, everybody looks great and is well dressed, but seeing someone in Ohio wearing Marc Jacobs is like spotting an owl in Central Park. Rare. -- Isabel Gillies
  • I am a night owl. I always have been... and I'd like to think I always will be, although surely having children will put a stop to my nightly affairs with myself. -- Rachel Nichols
  • Just then, with a wink and a sly normal lurch, The owl very gravely got down from his perch, Walked round, and regarded his fault-finding critic (Who thought he was stuffed) with a glance analytic. -- James Thomas Fields
  • I do not set specific work hours as some writers do. I generally stay with a chapter until I am satisfied, do very little rewriting, and if a scene is going well, I've been known to keep night owl hours. -- Sharon Kay Penman
  • Now, you two "? this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've "? you've blown up a toilet or "?" "Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet." "Great idea though, thanks, Mum. -- J. K. Rowling
  • The eastern light our spires touch at morning, The light that slants upon our western doors at evening, The twilight over stagnant pools at batflight, Moon light and star light, owl and moth light, Glow-worm glowlight on a grassblade. O Light Invisible, we worship Thee! -- T. S. Eliot
  • We filmed one scene on the beach and there was definitely weird energy around, and we were followed around by a white owl to several different locations, and little things like that, or certain mishaps would happen and you'd have to wonder what that was about. -- Rachel True
  • It's the little details I love. How to fletch your arrows with owl feathers, because owls fly silently, so maybe your arrows will, too. How to carry fire in a piece of smouldering fungus wrapped in birchbark. These are the things which help a world come alive. -- Michelle Paver
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  • There was a wise old owl who sat in a tree The less he spoke the more he heard The more he heard the less he spoke Why can't we be like that wise old owl in the tree? Speech must die to serve that which is spoken. -- Paul Ricoeur
  • In the hierarchy of public lands, national parks by law have been above the rest: America's most special places, where natural beauty and all its attendant pleasures - quiet waters, the scents of fir and balsam, the hoot of an owl, and the dark of a night sky unsullied by city lights - are sacrosanct. -- Michael Shnayerson
  • Some kinds of animals burrow in the ground; others do not. Some animals are nocturnal, as the owl and the bat; others use the hours of daylight. There are tame animals and wild animals. Man and the mule are always tame; the leopard and the wolf are invariably wild, and others, as the elephant, are easily tamed. -- Aristotle
  • When you realize my best selling books are 'Owl Moon,' the 'How Do Dinosaur' books, and 'Devil's Arithmetic,' how can the public make sense of that! I have fans who think I only write picture books or only write SF and fantasy. I have fanatics of my poetry and are stunned to find out I write prose, too! -- Jane Yolen
  • The significant owl hoots in the night. -- Terry Pratchett
  • I'm like an owl... I don't give a HOOT! -- Si Robertson
  • The wailing owl screams solitary to the mournful moon..... -- David Mallet
  • I come alive at night. I'm such a night owl. -- Mpho Koaho
  • A professional model is like a stuffed owl. These girls are alive. -- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
  • The clamorous owl, that nightly hoots and wonders At out quaint spirits. -- William Shakespeare
  • I was born a jackdaw; why should I try to be an owl? -- Ogden Nash
  • I don't really start writing until later in the night. I'm a night owl. -- Ester Dean
  • The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk. -- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • I am an owl, bird of the night. I see everything. I know everything. -- Laurie Halse Anderson
  • Do you think I was born in a wood to be afraid of an owl? -- Jonathan Swift
  • If I was an owl, I would peck your eyes out. Wow this lyric is ****ing brilliant. -- Thom Yorke
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  • I am both a night owl and an early bird. So I am wise and I have worms. -- Michael Scott
  • An owl is the wisest of all birds because the more it sees the the less it talks. -- Christie Watson
  • No owl is afraid of the night, no snake of the swamp and no traitor of the treason! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Do not trap yourself into an owl's hooting soundwhere sad nights linger through the blackness of a hound -- Munia Khan
  • The soft, fluttering cry of a barn owl rose over the churchyard. Silent men flowed out of the dark. -- Parke Godwin
  • The inauspiciousness of the owl is nothing but the inauspiciousness of the man who thinks that owl is inauspicious! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • The owl, that bird of onomatopoetic name, is a repetitious question wrapped in feathery insulation especially for Winter delivery. -- Hal Borland
  • For the poor wren (The most diminutive of birds) will fight, Her young ones in her nest, against the owl. -- William Shakespeare
  • Lamentation is the only musician that always, like a screech-owl, alights and sits on the roof of any angry man. -- Plutarch
  • In the enemy's territory, be as silent as the owl's wings; in friend's territory, be as cheerful as the nightingale's songs. -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • I think I'm a tiny bit like Harry 'cos I'd like to have an owl. Yeah, that's the tiny bit, actually. -- Daniel Radcliffe
  • The spider is the chamberlain in the Palace of the Caesars The owl is the trumpeter on the battlements of Afrasiyah. -- Bill Vaughan
  • I will be deafer than the blue-eyed cat, And thrice as blind as any noonday owl, To holy virgins in their ecstasies. -- Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • Of all the horrid, hideous notes of woe, Sadder than owl-songs or the midnight blast; Is that portentous phrase, "I told you so. -- Lord Byron
  • Understanding is always in some sense retrospective, which is what Hegel meant by remarking that the owl of Minerva flies only at night. -- Terry Eagleton
  • As Hegel put it, only when it is dark does the owl of Minerva begin its flight. Only in extinction is the collector comprehend. -- Walter Benjamin
  • The screech-owl, with ill-boding cry, Portends strange things, old women say; Stops every fool that passes by, And frights the school-boy from his play. -- Mary Wortley Montagu
  • I sit at the piano for a couple of hours and tinker away until I get something. I am a nocturnal spirit, like an owl. -- Thomston
  • The owl flies, in the moonlight, over a field where the wounded cry out. Like the owl, I fly in the night over my own misfortune. -- Georges Bataille
  • The large white owl that with eye is blind, That hath sate for years in the old tree hollow, Is carried away in a gust of wind. -- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • I have learned that one of the most important rules in politics is poise - which means looking like an owl after you have behaved like a jackass. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Slowly my body grows a single sound, slowly I become a bell, an oval, disembodied vowel, I grow, an owl, an aureole, white fire poesia "Metamorfosi, I. Luna -- Derek Walcott
  • The worst part of it is you don't know if he's barking at an owl, the moon or a burglar!" "That's one of the drawbacks of a limited vocabulary! -- Charles M. Schulz
  • Now go to bed, you crazy night owl! You have to be at NASA early in the morning. So they can look for your penis with the Hubble telescope. -- Tina Fey
  • There was an Old Man with an owl, Who continued to bother and howl; He sate on a rail, and imbibed bitter ale, Which refreshed that Old Man and his owl. -- Edward Lear
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  • More like some small, fierce bird of prey, something with a sharp bite. An owl perhaps, that speaks only when the rest of the world sleeps. Jenny will do well enough. -- Juliet Marillier
  • The sun was set; the night came on apace, And falling dews bewet around the place; The bat takes airy rounds on leathern wings, And the hoarse owl his woeful dirges sings. -- John Gay
  • Seeing an Earl as an owl on a mantelpiece, and having part of one's face removed by a cat, both on the same morning, can temporarily undermine the self-control of any man. -- Mervyn Peake
  • Oh cat, I'd say, or pray: be-ootiful cat! Delicious cat! Exquisite cat! Satiny cat! Cat like a soft owl, cat with paws like moths, jewelled cat, miraculous cat! Cat, cat, cat, cat. -- Doris Lessing
  • Who wouldn't want to see some owl eggs?" I said, "Come on then, they are down here." He said, "Tallulah, the answer to who wouldn't want to see some owl eggs is... me!!!! -- Louise Rennison
  • Lovely are the curves of the white owl sweeping Wavy in the dusk lit by one large star. Lone on the fir-branch, his rattle-note unvaried, Brooding o'er the gloom, spins the brown eve-jar. -- George Meredith
  • So why am I depressed? That's the million-dollar question, baby, the Tootsie Roll question; not even the owl knows the answer to that one. I don't know either. All I know is the chronology. -- Ned Vizzini
  • Vamps who are dying, or think they are, give a piercing, eardrum-bursting shriek, like the love child of a screech owl and a mountain lion on crystal meth, amplified like a seventies rock band. -- Faith Hunter
  • We stand dead still and we listen to the night. The city drones. An owl hoots and a cat howls and a dog barks and a siren wails.We let the stars shine into us. -- David Almond
  • Thus will we deal with life, my little help-meet. Will we not, eh? What though it blink at us like an owl that is blinded by the sun, we will yet force it to smile. -- Leonid Andreyev
  • Our minds can go no further. The human imagination is capable of no further expression of beauty than the carved owl of Athene, the archaic, marble serpent, the arrogant selfish head of the Acropolis Apollo. -- Hilda Doolittle