Nuclear War quotes:

  • There are two problems for our species' survival - nuclear war and environmental catastrophe - and we're hurtling towards them. Knowingly. -- Noam Chomsky
  • This programme to stop nuclear by 2020 is just crazy. If there were a nuclear war, and humanity were wiped out, the Earth would breathe a sigh of relief. -- James Lovelock
  • Nuclear war can ruin your whole compile. -- Karl Lehenbauer
  • In nuclear war, all men are cremated equal. -- Dexter Gordon
  • I remember fear and I remember the potential of nuclear war. -- Jack Scalia
  • There is no such thing as a survivable or local nuclear war. -- Jill Stein
  • It's a near miracle that nuclear war has so far been avoided. -- Noam Chomsky
  • I'm going to destroy Android, because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this. -- Steve Jobs
  • Even with the best intentions, you can have a nuclear war, a nuclear holocaust, through miscalculation, through accidents. -- Mohamed ElBaradei
  • today's children are the first generation to grow up in a world that has the power to destroy itself. -- Margaret Mead
  • Nuclear war is such an emotional subject that many people see the weapons themselves as the common enemy of humanity. -- Herman Kahn
  • The human species really could have faced global thermonuclear war. During seventy years of Cold War we grew used to it. -- Larry Niven
  • Firing off 1,000 or 500 or 2,000 nuclear warheads on a few minutes' consideration has always struck me as an absurd way to go to war. -- William Eldridge Odom
  • One of the things that ultimately led me to leave mathematics and go into political science was thinking I could prevent nuclear war. -- Paul Wolfowitz
  • If we are to assume that North Korea becomes a nuclear-power state, of course the danger of having an all-out nuclear war, that possibility is very slim. -- Lee Myung-bak
  • There is nothing worth having that can be obtained by nuclear war - nothing material or ideological - no tradition that it can defend. It is utterly self-defeating. -- George Wald
  • The politicians always told us that the Cold War stand-off could only change by way of nuclear war. None of them believed that such systemic change was possible. -- Lech Walesa
  • There is nothing worth having that can he obtained by nuclear war - nothing material or ideological - no tradition that it can defend. It is utterly self-defeating. -- George Wald
  • Without perestroika, the cold war simply would not have ended. But the world could not continue developing as it had, with the stark menace of nuclear war ever present. -- Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Look at what President Kennedy managed to achieve during the Cuban missile crisis. If Bush had been president in 1962, do you think he would have avoided a nuclear war? -- Bianca Jagger
  • Mankind needs peace more than ever, for our entire planet, threatened by nuclear war, is in danger of total destruction. A destruction only man can provoke, only man can prevent. -- Elie Wiesel
  • Kennedy said that if we had nuclear war we'd kill 300 million people in the first hour. McNamara, who is a good businessman and likes to save, says it would be only 200 million. -- Norman Thomas
  • Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of. -- Stephen Hawking
  • There has been a transition from a nuclear-annihilation scenario to an isolated-terrorist-nuclear-bomb scenario. But we're still locked into a mind-set that nuclear war would be so overwhelming that any kind of preparedness would be futile. -- Irwin Redlener
  • How well a posse policy will fare in a world with 3 billion people below the poverty line and nuclear warheads scattered around a dozen or more regions like melons in a field, is not easy to imagine. -- Herbert Schiller
  • One nuclear war is going to be the last nuclear - the last war, frankly, if it really gets out of hand. And I just don't think we ought to be prepared to accept that sort of thing. -- Lawrence Eagleburger
  • The first thing that matters: I am a child of the eighties. I grew up in a neon wonderland of talking horses, compassionate bears, hair that didn't move in a stiff wind, and the constant threat of nuclear war. -- Seanan McGuire
  • My feelings of revulsion and foreboding about nuclear weapons had not changed an iota since 1945, and they have never left me. Since I was 14, the overriding objective of my life has been to prevent the occurrence of nuclear war. -- Daniel Ellsberg
  • Hiroshima has become a metaphor not just for nuclear war but for war and destruction and violence toward civilians. It's not just the idea we should not use nuclear arms. We should not start another war because it's madness. -- Max von Sydow
  • An asteroid or a supervolcano could certainly destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered virus, nuclear war, inadvertent creation of a micro black hole, or some as-yet-unknown technology could spell the end of us. -- Elon Musk
  • Sometimes people ask me why I began perestroika. Were the causes basically domestic or foreign? The domestic reasons were undoubtedly the main ones, but the danger of nuclear war was so serious that it was a no less significant factor. -- Mikhail Gorbachev
  • In a nuclear war, even if one side were to come out ahead by systems analytical standards, both sides would be so weakened, that it would - they would be in the position of Europe after the two World Wars. -- Henry A. Kissinger
  • We will not prematurely or unnecessarily risk the costs of a worldwide nuclear war in which even the fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth - but neither shall we shrink from that risk any time it must be faced. -- John F. Kennedy
  • We must eliminate all nuclear weapons in order to eliminate the grave risk they pose to our world. This will require persistent efforts by all countries and peoples. A nuclear war would affect everyone, and all have a stake in preventing this nightmare. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. The only value in our two nations possessing nuclear weapons is to make sure they will never be used. But then would it not be better to do away with them entirely? -- Ronald Reagan
  • We still live with this unbelievable threat over our heads of nuclear war. I mean, are we stupid? Do we think that the nuclear threat has gone, that the nuclear destruction of the planet is not imminent? It's a delusion to think it's gone away. -- Kevin Costner
  • A nuclear war does not defend a country and it does not defend a system. I've put it the same way many times; not even the most accomplished ideologue will be able to tell the difference between the ashes of capitalism and the ashes of communism. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
  • From a scientific perspective there is some indication that a nuclear war could deplete the earth's ozone layer or, less likely, could bring on a new Ice Age - but there is no suggestion that either the created order or mankind would be destroyed in the process. -- Herman Kahn
  • If there is anything more frightening than the threat of global nuclear war, it is the certainty that humans not only stand on the verge of producing new life forms but may soon be able to tinker with them as if they were vintage convertibles or bonsai trees. -- Michael Specter
  • The surrealists, and the modern movement in painting as a whole, seemed to offer a key to the strange postwar world with its threat of nuclear war. The dislocations and ambiguities, in cubism and abstract art as well as the surrealists, reminded me of my childhood in Shanghai. -- J. G. Ballard
  • Much as Cold War nuclear strategists could argue about winning a nuclear war by having more survivors, advocates of a Global Warming War might see the United States, Western Europe, or Russia as better able to ride out climate disruption and manipulation than, say, China or the countries of the Middle East. -- Jamais Cascio
  • Five million Jews are regarding me as a traitor, but six billion people around the world think me as a hero and a good man who bring the message to all the human beings that we should survive and prevent the use of nuclear weapons and to prevent the nuclear preparations and to prevent nuclear war in the future. -- Mordechai Vanunu
  • I want to say, and this is very important: at the end we lucked out. It was luck that prevented nuclear war. We came that close to nuclear war at the end. Rational individuals: Kennedy was rational; Khrushchev was rational; Castro was rational. Rational individuals came that close to total destruction of their societies. And that danger exists today. -- Robert McNamara
  • We must contemplate some extremely unpleasant possibilities, just because we want to avoid them and achieve something better. Nobody, however, likes to think about anything unpleasant, even to avoid it. And so the crucial problem of thermonuclear war is frequently dispatched with the label 'War is unthinkable' -- which, translated freely, means we don't want to think about it. -- Albert Wohlstetter
  • A Pentagon official once said the people who would actually push the button probably have never seen a person die. He said the only hope -and it's a strange thought - is if they put the button to launch the nuclear war behind a man's heart. The President, then, with a rusty knife, would have to cut out the man's heart, kill the man, to get to the button. -- Robin Williams
  • [Nuclear war]... may not be desirable. -- Edwin Meese
  • Nuclear war would really set back cable. -- Ted Turner
  • The idea of all-out nuclear war is unsettling. -- Walter Goodman
  • In nuclear war all men are cremated equal. -- Dexter Gordon
  • I'm still bothered by the threat of nuclear war. -- Alastair Reynolds
  • The Nuclear Industry is conducting a war against humanity. -- Dr. John
  • The nuclear bomb took all the fun out of war. -- Edward Abbey
  • The survivors (of a nuclear war) would envy the dead. -- Nikita Khrushchev
  • It's like going into a nuclear war with bows and arrows. -- Joe Kinnear
  • Raul, man, he's like a Twinkie. He would survive a nuclear war. -- Ray Hudson
  • There will never be a nuclear war; there's too much real estate involved. -- Frank Zappa
  • With proper tactics, nuclear war need not be as destructive as it appears. -- Henry A. Kissinger
  • In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself. -- Denzel Washington
  • Violent ground-acquisition games such as football are in fact a crypto-fascist metaphor for nuclear war. -- Robert Downey, Jr.
  • The last major childhood disease remains and it's the worst of them all: nuclear war. -- Beverly Sills
  • If they don't close these [nuclear] reactors down, we'll have civil war in five years. -- Ralph Nader
  • Except for fools and madmen, everyone knows that nuclear war would he an unprecedented human catastrophe. -- Carl Sagan
  • We are plunging headlong into a cold war, and we have 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert. -- Jill Stein
  • She [Hillary Clinton] wants to start an air war over Syria with Russia, a nuclear-armed power. -- Jill Stein
  • It is madness for any country to build its policy with an eye to nuclear war. -- Leonid Brezhnev
  • Some programs have been theatrical masterpieces, but all we're seeing is the negative side of nuclear war. -- Barry Goldwater
  • I would eat fruitcake if there'd been a nuclear war and I'd run out of canned goods. -- Deb Caletti
  • My short-term vision is the abolition of nuclear weapons. My long-term vision is the abolition of war. -- Joseph Rotblat
  • We don't want to start a nuclear war unless we really have to, now do we Jack? -- Peter Sellers
  • Nuclear war would mean abolition of most comforts, and disruption of normal routines, for children and adults alike. -- Willard Libby
  • To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle and lose the war, -- Benjamin Netanyahu
  • The entire world will be in nuclear war, and only the Swiss will be going, 'what's that noise?' -- Robin Williams
  • Women don't go to war to kill other women. Wars and armies and nuclear weapons are essentially heterosexual hobbies. -- Steven Patrick Morrissey
  • Women don't go to war to kill other women. Wars and armies and nuclear weapons are essentially heterosexual hobbies. -- Steven Patrick Morrissey
  • Some of the American military obviously were thinking in terms of fighting a nuclear war. I was opposed to that. -- Helmut Schmidt
  • Nixon did have a secret plan, and I knew that it involved making threats of nuclear war to North Vietnam. -- Daniel Ellsberg
  • It is absolutely right that President Reagan considers SDI and thank goodness people considered nuclear research before the last war. -- Margaret Thatcher
  • There is no direct evidence that nuclear weapons prevented a world war. Conversely, it is known that they nearly caused one. -- Joseph Rotblat
  • The Fukushima nuclear complex went on to become the worst man-made engineering disaster in all of human history, outside of war. -- Steven Magee
  • [Nuclear weapons] now I think I mentioned around 27,000 and during the Cold War the total global arsenal was on the order of 70,000. -- John Burroughs
  • I don't wanna die in a nuclear war, I want to sail away to a distant shore, and make like an apeman. -- Ray Davies
  • From 1965 to 1973, more munitions fell on Cambodia than on all of World War II Japan, including the two nuclear bombs of August 1945. -- Sophal Ear
  • We do not believe that a nuclear war should be fought and we do not believe that a nuclear war can be won. -- Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • This is the reality of nuclear weapons: they may trigger a world war; a war which, unlike previous ones, destroys all of civilization. -- Joseph Rotblat
  • [Donald] Trump was born on June 14, 1946, less than a year after the first and, thus far, only nuclear weapons were used in war. -- David Krieger
  • Firing off 1,000 or 500 or 2,000 nuclear warheads on a few minutes' consideration has always struck me as an absurd way to go to war. -- William Eldridge Odom
  • I didn't want to be so shortsighted as to be worrying about diaper rash, and not taking care of bigger things, like nuclear war -- Barbara Donachy
  • The nightmare of the Cold War was nuclear weapons in the hands of an irrational person. I don't want to live through that nightmare. -- Rudy Giuliani
  • Only in America can you be Pro-Death Penalty, Pro-War, Pro-Unmanned Drone Bombs, Pro-Nuclear Weapons, Pro-Guns, Pro-Torture, Pro-Land Mines, AND still call yourself 'Pro-Life.' -- John Fugelsang
  • Every thinking person fears nuclear war, and every technological state plans for it. Everyone knows it is madness, and every nation has an excuse -- Carl Sagan
  • The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind. -- Nigel Calder
  • I mean science was blamed for all the horrors of World War I, just as it's blamed today for nuclear weapons and quite rightly. -- Freeman Dyson
  • An arguing couple spiraling into negativity and teetering on the brink of divorce is actually mathematically equivalent to the beginning of a nuclear war. -- Hannah Fry
  • We have to risk a nuclear war in order to escape capitulation to Communism. For all I know, we may stumble into this terrible war. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • [Donald Trump] even said, well, you know, if there were nuclear war in East Asia, well, you know, that's fine have a good time, folks. -- Hillary Clinton
  • I firmly believe that nuclear war is absolutely impossible. I don't think anyone in the world wants a nuclear war - not even the Russians. -- Frank Sinatra
  • Nuclear war is inevitable, says the pessimists; Nuclear war is impossible, says the optimists; Nuclear war is inevitable unless we make it impossible, says the realists. -- Sydney J. Harris
  • In a nuclear war there would be no victors, only victims. The truth of peace requires that all ... strive for a progressive and concerted nuclear disarmament. -- Pope Benedict XVI
  • We believe US threats of an approaching World War III and their use of Iran's nuclear issue as an excuse is another form of American insanity. -- Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
  • The current situation of the earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear plants is in a way the most severe crisis in the 65 years since World War II. -- Naoto Kan
  • Even a fool could see that one didn't need a war, nuclear or otherwise, to destroy oneself; the rising cost of weaponry could do that quite nicely. -- Stanislaw Lem
  • Trying to win a power struggle is like trying to win a nuclear war. You may achieve your goal, but not without catastrophic casualties on both sides. -- Jamie Raser
  • The world's deteriorating ecology poses as great a danger to mankind today as did the nuclear standoff between the superpowers at the height of the Cold War. -- Mikhail Gorbachev
  • I not only saw the possibility of nuclear war, I feared it very much. If they started a military conflagration, it would automatically lead to nuclear warfare. -- Stefan Heym
  • Both we and the Soviets face the common threat of nuclear destruction and there is no likelihood that either capitalism or communism will survive a nuclear war. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
  • ...nuclear threats and nuclear weapons are the last argument of weak, stressed and irresponsible politicians. People must act very quicky to stop the movement to nuclear war. -- Alla Yaroshinskaya
  • Our moral imperative is to work with all our powers for that day when the children of the world grow up without the fear of nuclear war. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war that we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living. -- Omar N. Bradley
  • Any fool can start a war, and once he's done so, even the wisest of men are helpless to stop it - especially if it's a nuclear war. -- Nikita Khrushchev
  • One of these days they'll be making a film where the whole human race gets wiped out in a nuclear war, but everything works out in the end. -- Haruki Murakami
  • Some people believe that the nuclear bomb should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, since it scared the major powers away from war by equating it with doomsday. -- Steven Pinker
  • I came into politics because of a real childhood concern about the Cold War. So to me the importance of the nuclear deterrent is actually really ingrained in me. -- Andrea Leadsom
  • In fact, the United States is building up its trident nuclear sub fleet in the Pacific, based at Bangor, Washington to build up its capabilities to wage nuclear war. -- John Burroughs
  • Nuclear weapons are infinitely less important in our foreign policy than they were in the days of the Cold War. I don't think we need nuclear weapons any longer. -- Des Browne
  • Mammoth organizations, these ponderous processes. Many people don't realize that the nuclear capability that this country [USA] amassed and maintained over the period of the Cold War cost $6 trillion . -- George Lee Butler
  • If you asked me to name the three scariest threats facing the human race, I would give the same answer that most people would: nuclear war, global warming and Windows -- Dave Barry
  • If you asked me to name the three scariest threats facing the human race, I would give the same answer that most people would: nuclear war, global warming and Windows. -- Dave Barry
  • Short of nuclear war itself, population growth is the gravest issue the world faces. If we do not act, the problem will be solved by famine, riots, insurrection and war. -- Robert McNamara
  • Their talk was endless, compulsive, and indulgent, sometimes sounding like the remains of the English language after having been hashed over by nuclear war survivors for a few hundred years. -- Douglas Coupland
  • The prediction of nuclear winter is drawn not, of course, from any direct experience with the consequences of global nuclear war, but rather from an investigation of the governing physics. -- Carl Sagan