No Confidence quotes:

  • I have no confidence in a man whose faults you cannot see. -- Edward Dahlberg
  • There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Never put much confidence in such as put no confidence in others. -- Augustus Hare
  • Suicide is an extreme vote of no confidence in a society that doesn't work. -- Sharif Abdullah
  • I have no confidence in any religion that can be demonstrated only to children. -- Robert Green Ingersoll
  • If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. -- Marcus Garvey
  • No one is going to pay much attention to the person who has no confidence in himself. -- Napoleon Hill
  • I have no confidence whatsoever in BP . I think that they do not know what they are doing. -- Ed Markey
  • I am opposed to censorship. Censors are pretty sure fools. I have no confidence in the suppression of everyday facts. -- James Harvey Robinson
  • Though confidence is very fine, and makes the future sunny; I want no confidence for mine, I'd rather have the money -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • We need to put no confidence in the arm of flesh, but rather trust ourselves entirely to the arm of the Lord. -- Joyce Meyer
  • I did a lot of ridiculous television. Between 1980 and '85 I had no confidence, so I did everything I was told to do. -- Dana Carvey
  • Ignorance sheer ignorance. There is no confidence to equal it. It's only when you know something about a profession that you are timid or careful. -- Orson Welles
  • You have never had any confidence in him. And if he has no confidence in himself it is because he sees himself through your eyes. -- Simone de Beauvoir
  • If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started. -- Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • I can never tell what I'm doing when I'm in the middle of publication because I have no confidence. I have terrible self-esteem, along with boundless narcissism. -- Anne Lamott
  • There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake. -- Orison Swett Marden
  • Let the influx of money be ever so great, if there be no confidence, property will sink in value... The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money. -- James Madison
  • Truth is the band of union and the basis of human happiness. Without this virtue there is no reliance upon language, no confidence in friendship, no security in promises and oaths. -- Jeremy Collier
  • I sometimes think that the very essence of the whole Christian position and the secret of a successful spiritual life is just to realize two things... I must have complete, absolute confidence in God and no confidence in myself." -- David Lloyd-Jones
  • Marriage is the strictest tie of perpetual friendship, and there can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity; and he must expect to be wretched, who pays to beauty, riches, or politeness that regard which only virtue and piety can claim. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Never put much confidence in such as put no confidence in others. A man prone to suspect evil is mostly looking in his neighbor for what he sees in himself. As to the pure all things are pure, even so to the impure all things are impure. -- Augustus Hare
  • We who follow Christ are men and women of eternity. We must put no confidence in the passing scenes of the disappearing world. We must resist every attempt of Satan to palm off upon us the values that belong to mortality. Nothing less than forever is long enough for us. -- Aiden Wilson Tozer
  • Basically there are two types of people in the world: people who are confident because they know they have the ability to create, and then people who have been demoralised, who have no confidence in themselves because they have been told they have no creative ability, but must just take orders. The Establishment likes people who take no responsibility and cannot respect themselves. -- Yoko Ono
  • Without confidence, there is no friendship. -- Epicurus
  • There's no better makeup than self-confidence. -- Shakira
  • No one who deserves confidence ever solicits it. -- John Churton Collins
  • No exchange rate for the confidence of youth. -- Elizabeth Strout
  • There's no job too immense, when you got confidence. -- Elvis Presley
  • He is safe who admits no one to his confidence. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • Maturity: the confidence to have no opinions on many things. -- Alain de Botton
  • No goal is too high if we climb with care and confidence. -- S. Truett Cathy
  • Confidence in others' honesty is no light testimony of one's own integrity. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • Men have no confidence in an officer who doesn't know his own mind. -- Napoleon Hill
  • Only men with intelligence, confidence and absolutely no empathy at all can progress upstairs. -- Carla H. Krueger
  • No one can duplicate the confidence that RSA offers after 20 years of cryptanalytic review. -- Bruce Schneier
  • The Egyptians have grown in confidence, they've tasted freedom, and there's no way back. -- Mohamed ElBaradei
  • The Egyptians have grown in confidence, theyve tasted freedom, and theres no way back. -- Mohamed ElBaradei
  • There is no confidence in the Arab world today in the United States of America. -- John McCain
  • There's no such thing as lack of confidence. You either have it or you don't. -- Rob Andrew
  • No one is born with self confidence. Self confidence is learned and earned with experience. -- Denis Waitley
  • He who has no confidence utters falsehoods, and he who utters falsehoods has no confidence. -- Nachman of Breslov
  • I never lost confidence in myself, no matter what the years were like or the results. -- Brad Lidge
  • I haven't a particle of confidence in a man who has no redeeming petty vices whatsoever. -- Mark Twain
  • There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence. -- John Calvin
  • The churches have no confidence in each other. Why? Because they are acquainted with each other. -- Robert Green Ingersoll
  • You are affected by the surroundings, the mood of people, by confidence. I am no different. -- Michael Owen
  • Get the confidence of the public and you will have no difficulty in getting their patronage. -- Harry Gordon Selfridge
  • It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it. -- Lillian Hellman
  • Piling up material goods cannot fill the emptiness of lives which have no confidence or purpose. -- Ronald Reagan
  • No farmer-sportsman group is stronger than the ties of mutual confidence and enthusiasm which bind its members. -- Aldo Leopold
  • Confidence in golf means being able to concentrate on the problem at hand with no outside interference. -- Tom Watson
  • You can't be minimalist as a director until you have acquired the experience and confidence to say no. -- Richard Eyre
  • Never yield to gloomy anticipation. Place your hope and confidence in God. He has no record of failure -- Lettie Cowman
  • There is no country in the world with the diversity, confidence and talent and black pride like Nigeria. -- Binyavanga Wainaina
  • The four natural principles for success are: A clear goal, a definite plan, confidence, no fear of failure. -- Robin Sieger
  • Reality bites. Micron underlines that despite the market run-up recently, there's still no confidence about growth and earnings. -- David Thwaites
  • I have a lot of confidence in my shot and I'm willing to shoot it no matter what. -- Derrick Rose
  • The people no longer has confidence in its former protectors, now its exploiters and executioners. The masks have fallen. -- Jose Rizal
  • Each day, you get an ounce more confidence. When we're playing like we are, there's no reason not to. -- Drew Brees
  • In my early work I didn't use much colour. I had no confidence about how I could do this. -- Michael Craig-Martin
  • True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know your are great, you have no need to hate. -- Nicki Minaj
  • No, I am not afraid; the Lord said he would protect me, and I have full confidence in His word. -- Sam Smith
  • I had a terrible marriage the first time around because I had no self-confidence, even though I had tremendous self-confidence. -- Lynn Johnston
  • There is no shop, book, or person, that gives you confidence; it comes through reconnecting with your true authentic self. -- Ralph Smart
  • If a child cannot place implicit confidence in his parent, most assuredly no confidence can be reposed in the child. -- John S.C. Abbott
  • No activity I know is more of a confidence builder and at the same time more 'humility training' than wrestling. -- Jim Leach
  • Learn to bet on yourself and have confidence in your own decisions. No one knows your business better than you. -- Leah Busque
  • I was afraid to let other make any decisions, because I had no confidence they would be concerned for me. -- Joyce Meyer
  • The confidence in another man's virtue is no light evidence of a man's own, and God willingly favors such a confidence. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • In climbing, having confidence in your partners is no small concern. One climber's actions can affect the welfare of the entire team. -- Jon Krakauer
  • Repeat nothing - absolutely nothing - that is told you in confidence. There is no such thing as telling just one person. -- Lois Wyse
  • After watching wrestling for 20 years, I thought I had enough confidence to do it. There were no wrestling schools at the time. -- Hulk Hogan
  • Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith there is no anxiety and no doubt - just absolute confidence in yourself. -- Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • I love creepy old dudes. I love that they have so much self-confidence, despite having no evidence whatsoever to back it up. -- Kesha
  • I had no confidence at school. I was not a good student and I really thought I was pretty stupid. Just dumb. -- Tommy Hilfiger
  • People have no confidence that Washington, both sides of aisle, are coming together to try and do what's right for the economy. -- Michael Bloomberg
  • No one can realize how substantial the air is, until he feels its supporting power beneath him. It inspires confidence at once. -- Otto Lilienthal
  • A parent does not do everything for their kid. A parent that does everything for their kid produces a kid with no self-confidence. -- Simon Sinek
  • Because of the self-confidence with which he had spoken, no one could tell whether what he said was very clever or very stupid. -- Leo Tolstoy
  • Confidence has brought them out into the light, but they seem to have forgotten - light's no good for creatures of the night. -- Darren Shan
  • No man has greater confidence than I have in the spirit of the people, to a rational extent. Whatever they can, they will. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • The media no longer hesitate to whip up lurid anxieties in order to increase sales, in the process undermining social confidence and multiplying fears. -- A.C. Grayling
  • If you can do it, it ain't braggin'... it's a matter of self-confidence. I got where I did because I wasn't no shrinking violet. -- Dizzy Dean
  • No, no. Don't make that face. Every time I propose to you, you make that twisty, unhappy face. It wears on a man's confidence. -- Tessa Dare
  • I have the absolute confidence not to be number two, but then I have enough sense to realize that there can be no number one. -- Bruce Lee
  • I had confidence that as long as we did our work well and were good to our customers, there would be no limit to us. -- Sam Walton
  • We've gotta restore the American people's confidence in the ethics process by ensuring that political self-interest can no longer prevent politicians from enforcing ethics rules. -- Barack Obama
  • People who have given us their complete confidence believe that they have a right to ours. The inference is false, a gift confers no rights. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • No matter how brilliant a man may be, he will never engender confidence in his subordinates and associates if he lacks simple honesty and moral courage. -- J. Lawton Collins
  • From 1836, down to last year, there is no proof of the Government having any confidence in the duration of peace, or possessing increased security against war. -- Richard Cobden
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  • To reveal imprudently the spot where we are most sensitive and vulnerable is to invite a blow. The demigod Achilles admitted no one to his confidence. -- Sophie Swetchine
  • "The twins no longer derive their sustenance from Nature's founts - in short," said Mr. Micawber, in one of his bursts of confidence, "they are weaned..." -- Charles Dickens
  • I do strive to think well of my fellow man, but no amount of striving can give me confidence in the wisdom of a congressional vote. -- Agnes Repplier
  • Dunkirk has fallen... with it has ended the greatest battle of world history. Soldiers! My confidence in you knew no bounds. You have not disappointed me. -- Adolf Hitler
  • no one more sincerely wishes the spread of information among mankind than I do, and none has greater confidence in it's effect towards supporting free & good government. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • As long as there is no trust and confidence that there will be justice and fairness in resource distribution, political positioning will remain more important than service -- Wangari Maathai
  • It's all about confidence and how you feel about yourself. There's no such thing as a perfect woman. I like imperfections - that's what makes you unique. -- Hayley Hasselhoff
  • No state at war with another state should engage in hostilities of such a kind as to render mutual confidence impossible when peace will have been made. -- Immanuel Kant
  • There can be no failure to a man who has not lost his courage, his character, his self respect, or his self-confidence. He is still a King. -- Orison Swett Marden
  • I have terrible periods of lack of confidence. I just don't believe I can do it and no evidence to the contrary will sway me from that view. -- Douglas Adams
  • Soloing is the most beautiful way of climbing; no material constrains, just you and the rock, the sun, nature; a kind of school for courage, willpower and self-confidence. -- Alain Robert
  • Honesty is the great essential. It exalts the individual citizenship, and, without honesty, no man deserves the confidence of the people in private pursuit or in public office. -- Warren G. Harding
  • Be confident. There is no one who is not attracted to confidence. Women dig it. Men love it. Confidence adds hair, drops ten pounds, and takes off ten years. -- Larry Winget
  • Confidence is the most important single factor in this game, and no matter how great your natural talent, there is only one way to obtain and sustain it: work. -- Jack Nicklaus
  • Confidence is a belief in myself and my ability. I built my confidence through hard training. I believed there was no one out there working any harder than me. -- Joan Benoit
  • It is a mistake to think that one limits one's risk by spreading too much between enterprises about which one knows little and has no reason for special confidence. -- John Maynard Keynes
  • It was important that I learn that what I wanted was no different from what other artists wanted: confidence that I could be my own censor, audience, and competition. -- Beverly Pepper
  • Tell no one the secret that you want to keep, although he may be worthy of confidence; for no one will be so careful of your secret as yourself. -- Saadi
  • My confidence is in the idea that I may be wrong on this or that. No man in this life should ever have to bear the burden of perfection. -- Criss Jami
  • A knowledgeable physical therapist can slowly build up patients' confidence by reassuring them that there is no structural problem and reminding them of the physiologic reason for the pain. -- John E. Sarno
  • I have no confidence issues with the impact or the quality of the music. No one in hip-hop, before this point and to this point, with all due respect, has done this. -- Mos Def
  • That miracles have been, I do believe; that they may yet be wrought by the living, I do not deny; but I have no confidence on those which are fathered on the dead. -- Thomas Browne