Medicine quotes:

  • Medicine heals doubts as well as diseases. -- Karl Marx
  • Medicine rests upon four pillars - philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics. -- Paracelsus
  • Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability. -- William Osler
  • The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. -- Voltaire
  • The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 9 out of 10 doctors agree that 1 out of 10 doctors is an idiot. -- Jay Leno
  • There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow. -- Orison Swett Marden
  • Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other. -- Anton Chekhov
  • I will say that there is an inordinate amount of medicine in my novels, especially the first one. There are a lot of medical things that happen. A hip fracture, three different kinds of lung cancer, pneumonia, blood poisoning, and so on. -- Khaled Hosseini
  • Medicine is incredibly ritualistic. -- Eric Topol
  • Medicine is so fascinating. -- Ellen Pompeo
  • Medicine for the soul. -- Diodorus Siculus
  • Medicine also disregards national boundaries. -- Irving Langmuir
  • Ready mony is a ready Medicine. -- George Herbert
  • Medicine has always been my calling. -- Mehmet Oz
  • Medicine and writing are natural companions. -- Kevin Patterson
  • Medicine for the dead is too late -- Quintilian
  • Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements. -- Leonardo da Vinci
  • Medicine sometimes snatches away health, sometimes gives it. -- Ovid
  • Medicine's good for some people. Not for me. -- Shaun Alexander
  • Medicine has its limitations, Life Force has none. -- Paramahansa Yogananda
  • The next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine. -- Mehmet Oz
  • Energy Medicine is the last great frontier in medicine. -- Mehmet Oz
  • Medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • Medicine is a jealous mistress. It demands all your time. -- Mehmet Oz
  • Medicine is a very old joke, but it still goes on. -- Andre Maurois
  • Let your Medicine be somthing of the Nature of the Sign ascending. -- Nicholas Culpeper
  • Let your Medicine be something of the Nature of the Sign ascending. -- Nicholas Culpeper
  • Medicine heals diseases of the body, wisdom frees the soul from passions. -- Democritus
  • I completed medical school at Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1984. -- Samuel Wilson
  • Medicine makes people ill, mathematics make them sad and theology makes them sinful. -- Martin Luther
  • Medicine is intention. Those who are proficient at using intention are good doctors. -- Sun Simiao
  • Medicine would be the ideal profession if it did not involve giving pain. -- Samuel Hopkins Adams
  • Medicine grounds me, it centers me, that's why I continue to do it. -- Mehmet Oz
  • You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? - Medicine. -- Tim Minchin
  • Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its existence. -- James Bryce
  • Medicine in the future will give everyone the ability to become their own best healer. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Medicine cabinets are dangerous. Those doors, man. They'll just spring on you like a ninja. -- Barry Lyga
  • Medicine, the only profession that labors incessantly to destroy the reason for its own existence. -- James Bryce
  • Over the door of the library in Thebes is the inscription "Medicine for the soul. -- Diodorus Siculus
  • Medicine to produce health must examine disease; and music, to create harmony must investigate discord. -- Plutarch
  • Medicine is still all about treating populations, not people - one-size-fits all treatments and diagnoses. -- Eric Topol
  • Medicine is for the patient. Medicine is for the people. It is not for the profits. -- George W. Merck
  • Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing more than medicine on a grand scale. -- Rudolf Virchow
  • Medicine is the means by which we poor feeble creatures try to keep from dying or aching. -- P. T. Barnum
  • I've always wanted to be a cardiologist. If I have time I want to study Medicine someday. -- Alessandra Ambrosio
  • Medicine is only palliative. For behind disease lies the cause and this cause NO DRUG can reach. -- Silas Weir Mitchell
  • Medicine is about disease and what makes people die. Chiropractic is about life and what makes people live. -- B. J. Palmer
  • I studied at a grammar school and later at the University of Vienna in the Faculty of Medicine. -- Karl von Frisch
  • Medicine is magical and magical is art, the boy in the bubble, and the baby with the baboon heart. -- Paul Simon
  • Medicine comes with hope: the hope of having a healthy child, the hope of being able to raise your family. -- Annie Lennox
  • The ones who complain and talk the most about giving away Medicine Secrets, are always those who know the least. -- Frank Fools Crow
  • Medicine is a very tough thing. I mean, everyone is going to die. Sooner or later. That's a tough thing to face. -- Bernie Siegel
  • Medicine considers the human body as to the means by which it is cured and by which it is driven away from health. -- Avicenna
  • Walking is man's best medicine. -- Hippocrates
  • Medicine: "Your money and your life! -- Karl Kraus
  • The best doctor gives the least medicines. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • Learn from the beasts the physic of the field. -- Alexander Pope
  • Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. -- Lord Byron
  • Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food -- Hippocrates
  • Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food. -- Hippocrates
  • By medicine life may be prolonged, yet death will seize the doctor too. -- William Shakespeare
  • The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals. -- William Osler
  • Adrian, the Emperor, exclaimed incessantly, when dying, "That the crowd of physicians had killed him. -- Michel de Montaigne
  • The best medicine I know for rheumatism is to thank the Lord that it ain't gout. -- Josh Billings
  • The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine. -- William Osler
  • Laughter is the best medicine - unless you're diabetic, then insulin comes pretty high on the list. -- Jasper Carrott
  • The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine. -- Hippocrates
  • Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. -- Luther Burbank
  • Medicine is the restoration of discordant elements; sickness is the discord of the elements infused into the living body. -- Leonardo da Vinci
  • Medicine is a collection of uncertain prescriptions, the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • I find medicine is the best of all trades because whether you do any good or not you still. Get your money. -- Moliere
  • Lost wealth may be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone forever. -- Samuel Smiles
  • The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. -- Thomas A. Edison
  • Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • He who studies medicine without books sails an uncharted sea, but he who studies medicine without patients does not go to sea at all. -- William Osler
  • Music is therapy. Music moves people. It connects people in ways that no other medium can. It pulls heart strings. It acts as medicine. -- Macklemore
  • Formerly, when religion was strong and science weak, men mistook magic for medicine; now, when science is strong and religion weak, men mistake medicine for magic. -- Thomas Szasz
  • I'm thankful for the incredible advances in medicine that have taken place during my lifetime. I almost certainly wouldn't still be here if it weren't for them. -- Billy Graham
  • Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn't organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals. -- Ivan Illich
  • There are, in truth, no specialties in medicine, since to know fully many of the most important diseases a man must be familiar with their manifestations in many organs. -- William Osler
  • If the U.S. became the undisputed superpower that it is today, it was primarily because of its technology, whether it is in transportation, agriculture, high-tech industry, medicine, etc. -- N. R. Narayana Murthy
  • I'm a big believer in what's called personalized medicine, which refers to customizing your health care to your specific needs based on your physiology, genetics, value system and unique conditions. -- David Agus
  • Through Love all that is bitter will be sweet, Through Love all that is copper will be gold, Through Love all dregs will become wine, through Love all pain will turn to medicine. -- Rumi
  • Engineering, medicine, business, architecture and painting are concerned not with the necessary but with the contingent - not with how things are but with how they might be - in short, with design. -- Herbert Simon
  • In fourth grade, I learned that reading was serious business, not just a pleasant way to pass the time, and that like medicine or engineering, it had a definite, valuable purpose: to foster 'comprehension.' -- Walter Kirn
  • We know from our clinical experience in the practice of medicine that in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, the individual and his background of heredity are just as important, if not more so, as the disease itself. -- Paul Dudley White
  • Medicine is not only a science; it is also an art. It does not consist of compounding pills and plasters; it deals with the very processes of life, which must be understood before they may be guided. -- Paracelsus
  • I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale; handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail; only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalised a brick; I'm so mean I make medicine sick. -- Muhammad Ali
  • Childhood vaccines are one of the great triumphs of modern medicine. Indeed, parents whose children are vaccinated no longer have to worry about their child's death or disability from whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, hepatitis, or a host of other infections. -- Ezekiel Emanuel
  • A permanent base on Mars would have a number of advantages beyond being a bonanza for planetary science and geology. If, as some evidence suggests, exotic micro-organisms have arisen independently of terrestrial life, studying them could revolutionise biology, medicine and biotechnology. -- Paul Davies
  • Our great struggle in medicine these days is not just with ignorance and uncertainty. It's also with complexity: how much you have to make sure you have in your head and think about. There are a thousand ways things can go wrong. -- Atul Gawande
  • My sense is that we're ready for another industrial revolution in this country. The great minds and innovators of Silicon Valley would come through China and say, The pipeline is full of ideas - there's personalized medicine, biotechnology, new forms to power ourselves, clean energy, etc., etc. -- Jon Huntsman, Jr.
  • Written in 1895, Alfred Nobel's will endowed prizes for scientific research in chemistry, physics, and medicine. At that time, these fields were narrowly defined, and researchers were often classically trained in only one discipline. In the late 19th century, knowledge of science was not a requisite for success in other walks of life. -- Peter Agre
  • Cultures have long heard wisdom in non-human voices: Apollo, god of music, medicine and knowledge, came to Delphi in the form of a dolphin. But dolphins, which fill the oceans with blipping and chirping, and whales, which mew and caw in ultramarine jazz - a true rhapsody in blue - are hunted to the edge of silence. -- Jay Griffiths
  • Stories are medicine. -- Clarissa Pinkola Estes
  • Fasting is a medicine. -- Saint John Chrysostom
  • Mirth is God's medicine. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • Equanimity is calamity's medicine. -- Publilius Syrus
  • Labor: a powerful medicine. -- Saint John Chrysostom
  • Conscience, man's moral medicine chest. -- Mark Twain
  • The rosary is spiritual medicine. -- Pope Francis
  • Great griefs medicine the less. -- William Shakespeare
  • Marijuana is a proven medicine. -- Tommy Chong
  • Love is the strongest medicine. -- Neem Karoli Baba
  • Other people are not medicine. -- Amy Poehler
  • Patience is the best medicine. -- John Florio
  • Grief is itself a medicine. -- William Cowper
  • Love will be our medicine. -- Marianne Williamson
  • Love is the best medicine. -- Oskar Homolka
  • I can't get my medicine. -- Russell Simmons
  • The medicine increases the disease. -- Virgil
  • I see poetry as spiritual medicine. -- Mahmoud Darwish
  • Dermatology ... this young daughter of medicine ... -- Paul Gerson Unna
  • No medicine cures what happiness cannot. -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • No medicine cures what happiness cannot. -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Botany, the eldest daughter of medicine. -- Johann Hermann Baas
  • Laughter is the best creative medicine. -- John Cleese
  • it's best fiction is medicine. -- Dean Koontz
  • He who knows syphilis knows medicine -- William Osler
  • Good information is the best medicine. -- Michael E. DeBakey