Looking at people quotes:

  • Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future. -- Gail Buckley
  • I don't want people to look at me. -- Jessica Chastain
  • I never looked at people or singing as commodities. -- Pat Benatar
  • I'm happy people look at me as a role model. -- Lara Stone
  • You must look into people as well as at them. -- Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
  • I hope people don't get tired of looking at me. -- Ana Beatriz Barros
  • I don't look at fashion the way other people do. -- Helena Christensen
  • I grew up feeling people didn't look at skin color. -- Chris Froome
  • People look at me and look, but I do not care. -- Anna Held
  • I don't think people look at how pop stars live and feel anything aspirational at all. -- Lorde
  • When I look at the world I'm pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic. -- Carl Rogers
  • I don't look at scripts in terms of commerciality. I just look at the part, the people involved. -- Linda Fiorentino
  • When two people love each other, they don't look at each other, they look in the same direction. -- Ginger Rogers
  • The biggest difference between L.A. and Edmonton was that instead of people looking at me I was looking at them. -- Wayne Gretzky
  • If you're looking at people like Patrice Lumumba, you are looking at people who had a very definite plan, and events overran them. -- Chiwetel Ejiofor
  • Well I think that, if you want to look at polarizing people right now, I wouldn't look at Palin, I'd look at Barack Obama. -- Laura Ingraham
  • I think that when people look at me, and they look at my height and my voice and my coloring, they automatically think, 'Tough.' -- Jaimie Alexander
  • Occasionally people will look at me and do a double take and they'll look at me like they're trying to think where they know me from. -- Nicholas Hoult
  • People are adamant learning is not just looking at a Google page. But it is. Learning is looking at Google pages. What is wrong with that? -- Sugata Mitra
  • I look away at car crashes, and I know people who look away at car crashes, because it makes us uncomfortable to watch other people in pain. -- John Mayer
  • People only look at me as a Beatle, but my friends look at me as a whole person. That's how life works, but it's not bugging me anymore. -- Ringo Starr
  • By looking at squinting people you learn to squint. -- Ovid
  • I like looking at geniuses and listening to beautiful people. -- Oscar Wilde
  • I don't like people looking at me; I hate the attention. -- Cathy Freeman
  • I'm surrounded by young and beautiful people. I hate looking at ugliness. -- Karl Lagerfeld
  • I'm looking at CNN and I don't trust any of these people. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • People never get tired of looking at beautiful pictures of gorgeous girls. -- Helen Gurley Brown
  • I'm looking at CNN and I don't trust any of these people. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • I love meeting famous people. I'm even happy just looking at them. -- Joey McIntyre
  • I'm quite a good listener, and I'm good at looking after people. -- Amanda Abbington
  • This looking down our noses at tea party people has got to stop, -- Chris Matthews
  • People have a very political way of looking at war, and that's understandable. -- Phil Klay
  • Pictures are so good at giving people information that they're not looking for. -- Tibor Kalman
  • Don't waste a moment of energy looking around at what other people are doing. -- Stephnie Weir
  • You should make yourself so happy, that by looking at you, other people become happy. -- Harbhajan Singh Yogi
  • People want to ignore what they can't understand. They're looking for logic at any cost. -- Alice Hoffman
  • Fashion is this obsessive narrative that people don't understand but they can't stop looking at. -- Rita Ora
  • I want people to see what's inside my head rather than just looking at me. -- FKA twigs
  • No 'we' should be taken for granted when the subject is looking at other people's pain. -- Susan Sontag
  • Who I am gets in the way of people looking innocently at the parts I play. -- Alan Rickman
  • There may be significant things to learn about people by looking at what annoys them most. -- Alain de Botton
  • We need to start thinking collectively as a people about what we should be looking at. -- Wayne Dyer
  • This world is filled with five billion people with five billion different ways of looking at things. -- Scott Thompson
  • Looking at faces of people, one gets the feeling there's a lot of work to be done. -- Wole Soyinka
  • I try to give people a different way of looking at their surroundings. That's art to me. -- Maya Lin
  • People who have passion for horror stories, their appreciation/my appreciation is looking at it as opera. -- Bryan Fuller
  • I stopped looking at people's opinions. It's easy to get caught up in what other people think. -- Jhene Aiko
  • Across the board, people are looking at the problem, but simply not changing anywhere near fast enough." -- Trevor Phillips
  • Across the board, people are looking at the problem, but simply not changing anywhere near fast enough. -- Trevor Phillips
  • Children used to be outside. Now the streets are empty. People are indoors looking at television or something. -- Helen Levitt
  • You've got people who are looking at DNA evidence and other evidence like that and they're ignoring it. -- Joseph Wambaugh
  • I want people to have a new way of looking at the world when they leave the theater. -- Jenni Olson
  • It's difficult to feel that people are looking at you in the street. I don't like the fuss. -- Audrey Tautou
  • Looking back at my career, if there's one word that most people use to describe me, it's intense. -- Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
  • Only in america will you see people circling the parking lot looking for a close space at a gym. -- Don King
  • I stopped wasting time on what [other] people claimed a stock was worth and started looking at the numbers. -- Irving Kahn
  • I will always be looking back at the things I've gone through, thinking of the struggling people I've seen. -- William Kamkwamba
  • Manic depressive people often have incredible energy and a slightly skewed, but nonetheless valid, way of looking at things. -- Kathryn Lasky
  • I'm looking for something new to believe in that isn't the way people yearn at night in the city. -- Constance Renfrow
  • One of the pleasures of being a gardener comes from the enjoyment you get looking at other people's yards. -- Thalassa Cruso
  • I think I got people confidence because I was not looking at them like insects that I would film. -- Agnes Varda
  • I'm not a tech guy. I'm looking at the technology with the eyes of my customers, normal people's eyes. -- Jack Ma
  • I am not overlooking any mail. I'm looking at all of it. I even wrote back to the Viagra people. -- Randy Newman
  • You can only inspire when you give people a new way of looking at the world in which they live. -- Robert Ballard
  • Looking back at all the people I have insulted, I am mildly surprised that I am still allowed to exist. -- Auberon Waugh
  • You can tell by looking at most people that the world remains a stone to them and a closed door. -- Meridel Le Sueur
  • You're special, if you have some power in the world. People are looking at you and they think you're special. -- Sharlto Copley
  • People had a habit of looking at me as if I were some kind of mirror instead of a person. -- Marilyn Monroe
  • It is hard to accept being different, hard to have people avoid looking at you, and still believe in yourself. -- Patricia Briggs
  • Animists are not so much people with a religion as people with a fundamentally religious way of looking at things. -- Daniel Quinn
  • A lot of people believe, including Howard Dean is looking at this, that the Democratic party demands a full-time chair. -- George Stephanopoulos
  • Paths are so much clearer when people stop looking at what everyone else is doing and instead concentrate on themselves ~Gabe -- Cecelia Ahern
  • People have a real love of looking at small worlds - something inside them is innately attracted to that 'miniature' realm. -- John Lasseter
  • Appearance matters a great deal because you can often tell a lot about people by looking at how they present themselves. -- Daniel Handler
  • Looking at the Moonies from the normal, common-sense point of view, we certainly appear to be a bunch of crazy people! -- Sun Myung Moon
  • I don't even wear shoes with heels because I hate making a noise when I walk and people looking at me. -- Grimes
  • I love looking at famous people. Because of the way they look. Because of the way photography makes them look famous. -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • The eye and brain are not like a fax machine, nor are there little people looking at the images coming in. -- Torsten Wiesel
  • Go looking for the best in people and you'll be amazed at how much talent, ingenuity, empathy and good you will find. -- Bob Burg
  • Filmmaking is to me very similar to being in a café somewhere in Paris and looking at the people walking by. -- Claire Denis
  • The beat generation is a coffeehouse full of people expectantly looking at their watches waiting for the beat generation to come on. -- Mort Sahl
  • People are always talking on their phones, or looking at their phones, because they don't want to be alone with their thoughts. -- Martin Amis
  • We cannot just look at a country by looking at charts, graphs, and modelling the economy. Behind the numbers there are people. -- Christine Lagarde
  • My favorite photos are the ones where people don't really see me. I'm more interested in looking at people looking at things. -- Nick Zinner
  • People aren't looking at how they're doing, but rather at how their neighbors are doing and at their own place in society. -- Kenneth Rogoff
  • In the recession people are going to be looking even more at what movie stars are wearing, as it provides a fantasy outlet. -- Cher
  • Not only the people of Nepal but also those who believe in the power of democracy are looking at Nepal and this assembly. -- Narendra Modi
  • I resent the idea that people would blame the messenger for the message, rather than looking at the content of the message itself. -- Anita Hill
  • I feel that we have come a long way as American people, and we have to start looking at ourselves as human beings. -- Giancarlo Esposito
  • Class is a way of looking at society that divides people into different categories based on how much money they're willing to make. -- Stephen Colbert
  • We're looking at a much worse [Hurricane] risk than people were thinking about a year ago ...some places are going to become uninsurable. -- Judith Curry
  • People looking up at her--at her smooth pretty vivacious face--had no way of knowing about the painfully articulated resolves formulating in her mind. -- Betty Smith
  • You're working with models who are looking at their watch, and it didn't work for me. I wanted to have relationships with amazing people. -- Thierry Mugler
  • Do you know the nicest thing about looking at pictures of a 1950's baseball park? The only people wearing baseball caps are the players. -- George Carlin
  • I was looking at people like Jim Morrison and David Bowie and Mick Jagger and I thought, Ah! I want to look like them. -- Tommy Hilfiger
  • This is the snobbery of the people on the Mayflower looking down their noses at the people who came over ON THE SECOND BOAT! -- Mitchell Kapor
  • I'd like a telescope, but I probably wouldn't look at the stars that often. I'd definitely be looking into people's flats most of the time. -- Alison Goldfrapp
  • There are too many people sympathetic to radical Islam. We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them. -- Peter T. King
  • Because you are beautiful. I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided a while ago not to deny myself the simpler pleasures of existence -- John Green
  • There are too many people sympathetic to radical Islam. We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them. -- Peter T. King
  • You can't make anything authentic by asking people what they want because they don't know what they want. That's what they're looking at you for. -- Thom Mayne
  • I think people start rumors because it creates interest and it makes people look at things and become more interested in what they're looking at. -- Keith Carradine
  • I spend my time sitting in train stations, parks, parking lots, cafes, just looking at people - eavesdropping, basically. I'm vulnerable to all of it. -- Saul Williams
  • If the use of leisure time is confined to looking at TV for a few extra hours every day, we will deteriorate as a people. -- Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Looking at these issues as a businessman, I believe that investing in the world's poorest people is the smartest way that our government spends money. -- Bill Gates
  • We're a nation of sheep. If you go out and look up at the sky, people around you will start looking up at the sky. -- Alan Abel
  • People come from a certain generation and a certain whole way of looking at things, and you really do become a prisoner of your own world. -- Matthew Shipp
  • Each year, several million people are looking for new clothes. The fashion they are looking at cannot be too expensive, but it has to be stylish. -- Luciano Benetton
  • 'What is' is more important than 'what should be.' Too many people are looking at 'what is' from a position of thinking 'what should be'. -- Bruce Lee
  • People get caught up in worshipping certain rappers, or they try to demonise hip hop by looking at what certain rappers are doin' in their lives. -- Afrika Bambaataa
  • In reality things reveal nothing to us. It is people who, by looking into at things, discover a way of penetrating the Soul of the World. -- Paulo Coelho
  • Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. -- Sam Levenson
  • I won't be satisfied until people want to hear me sing without looking at me. Of course, that doesn't mean I want them to stop looking. -- Marilyn Monroe
  • I've always had a way with the little people, making it a point to humor them without looking down my nose at their wasted empty lives. -- David Sedaris
  • Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. -- Sam Levenson
  • We are accustomed to use our eyes only with the memory of what other people before us have thought about the object we are looking at. -- Guy de Maupassant
  • I'm not into the Oscar and Emmys as much as I used to be because I'm tired of looking at people who don't look like me. -- Sherri Shepherd
  • Well-being is how I feel in my skin, not about how other people are looking at me and what they see... its what I feel like. -- Josie Loren
  • They [letters] are my friends Some people look at bottles of wine, or whatever - girls' bottoms - I get kicks out of looking at type. -- Erik Spiekermann
  • Well-being is how I feel in my skin, not about how other people are looking at me and what they see... it's what I feel like. -- Josie Loren