Libraries quotes:

  • Libraries can take the place of God. -- Umberto Eco
  • Exclusively oral cultures are unencumbered by dead knowledge, dead facts. Libraries, on the other hand, are full of them. -- Huston Smith
  • Libraries are the ultimate restaurants for brain food. I sleep better knowing there are libraries. I would take a bullet for a librarian. -- Simon Van Booy
  • Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark. -- Germaine Greer
  • Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open. -- Laura Bush
  • Libraries are our friends. -- Neil Gaiman
  • our dreams. -- Nikki Giovanni
  • Libraries help you to dream! -- Jennifer L. Holm
  • Libraries are the wardrobes of literature. -- George Dyer
  • Libraries are the future of reading. -- Courtney Milan
  • Libraries are where it all begins. -- Rita Dove
  • Libraries are not made, they grow. -- Augustine Birrell
  • Libraries are the pride of the city. -- Amy Tan
  • Libraries really are the gates to the future. -- Neil Gaiman
  • Libraries are the latest fashion for the brain. -- E. Jean Carroll
  • Libraries Are Neccessary Gardens, Unsurpassed At Growing Excitement -- J. Patrick Lewis
  • Libraries and museums are the DNA of our culture. -- Vartan Gregorian
  • Libraries and demons," she muttered. "What is the attraction? -- Jana Oliver
  • Libraries are the thin red line between civilization and barbarism. -- Neil Gaiman
  • Libraries are the one American institution you shouldn't rip off. -- Barbara Kingsolver
  • Libraries are sexual dream factories. The langour brings it on." -- Siri Hustvedt
  • Libraries are sexual dream factories. The langour brings it on. -- Siri Hustvedt
  • Libraries are places where the damaged go to find friends -- Tamora Pierce
  • Libraries change lives. They are the soul of a people. -- Diane Ackerman
  • Libraries should be open to all - except the censor. -- John F. Kennedy
  • Libraries have always been humanities' way of preserving its collective wisdom -- Umberto Eco
  • Libraries collect the works of genius of every language and every age. -- George Bancroft
  • Libraries are a consistent and major source of books for free reading. -- Stephen D. Krashen
  • Libraries were full of ideas-perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons. -- Sarah J. Maas
  • Libraries are places that house our dreams, our fantasies, our thirst for adventure. -- Nicholas Sparks
  • Libraries can in general be too narrow or too wide for the soul. -- Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • Libraries have always been there for me. Of course I'll stand up for them! -- Marilyn Johnson
  • Libraries are fun, educational, and the biggest bargain on the face of the earth. -- Madeleine Albright
  • Libraries are the vessels in which the seed corn for the future is stored. -- Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  • Libraries made me - as a reader, as a writer, and as a human being. -- Laurie R. King
  • Libraries do one thing that no other institution does and that's provide access to all. -- LeVar Burton
  • Libraries can be of indispensable service in lifting the dead weight of poverty and ignorance. -- Francis Keppel
  • Libraries: Here is where people, one frequently finds, lower their voices, and raise their minds. -- Richard Armour
  • ...I spent many, many hours in...libraries. Libraries became courts of last resort, as it were. -- Arthur Ashe
  • Libraries offer, for free, the wisdom of the ages--and sages--and, simply put, there's something for everyone inside. -- Laura Bush
  • Libraries should be open to all - except the censor. [Response to questionnaire in Saturday Review, October 29 1960] -- John F. Kennedy
  • Libraries are what is best about us as a society: open, exciting, rich, informative, free, inclusive, engaging. -- Susan Orlean
  • Libraries remind us that truth isn't about who yells the loudest but who has the right information. -- Barack Obama
  • Libraries are always bigger on the inside because every book has an entire word inside of it. -- Robert Arger
  • Controller Borasus sighed with relief. Libraries were not places of danger. It had to be a hoax. -- Diana Wynne Jones
  • Libraries are a hallmark of a civilized culture, and librarians represent that culture to all facets of society. -- Janis Ian
  • Much have I travelled in the realms of gold for which I thank the Paddington and Westminster Public Libraries. -- Peter Porter
  • Libraries hold the wisdom of the world and the stories of the ages - available to everyone, free of charge! -- Linda Sue Park
  • Libraries never let us forget who we are, for their worth stands by the knowledge they keep and save for us. -- Virginia Hamilton
  • Libraries keep the records on behalf of all humanity. the unique and the absurd, the wise and the fragments of stupidity. -- Vartan Gregorian
  • Libraries are the center of our lives. There's no use going to a university if you don't live at the library. -- Ray Bradbury
  • My work has taken me from historical research to involvement in electronic publishing ventures to the directorship of the Harvard University Libraries. -- Robert Darnton
  • Libraries are brothels for the mind. Which means that librarians are the madams, greeting punters, understanding their strange tastes and needs, and pimping their books. -- Guy Browning
  • Libraries rock! Not a sermon, just a fact. As a kid I was a library rat and books changed my life. They can change yours. -- David Baldacci
  • Libraries are the torch of the world, illuminating the path when it feels too dark to see. We mustn't allow that torch to be extinguished. -- Libba Bray
  • Libraries are as the shrine where all the relics of the ancient saints, full of true virtue, and that without delusion or imposture, are preserved and reposed. -- Francis Bacon
  • Schools and libraries are the twin cornerstones of a civilized society. Libraries are only good if people use them, like books only exist when someone reads them. -- Nicholas Meyer
  • Libraries function as crucial technology hubs, not merely for free Web access, but those who need computer training and assistance. Library business centers help support entrepreneurship and retraining. -- Scott Turow
  • Libraries are public treasuries. They're ways in which well-meaning societies leave the wealth of the past arranged A to Z so that anyone walking past can find it. -- Francis Spufford
  • Libraries function as crucial technology hubs, not merely for free Web access, but for those who need computer training and assistance. Library business centers help support entrepreneurship and retraining. -- Scott Turow
  • Libraries have had a long history of dealing with authoritarian organizations demanding reader records - who's read what - and this has led to people being rounded up and killed. -- Brewster Kahle
  • We all love to hear a good story. We save our stories in books. We save our books in libraries. Libraries are the storyhouses full of all those stories and secrets. -- Kathy Bates
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  • Libraries aren't in the real world, after all. They're places apart, sanctuaries of pure thought. In this way I can go on living on the moon for the rest of my life. -- Paul Auster
  • Libraries promote the sharing of knowledge, connecting people of all ages with valuable information resources. These dynamic and modern institutions, and the librarians who staff them, add immeasurably to our quality of life. -- George W. Bush
  • Libraries are starting places for the adventure of learning that can go on whatever one's vocation and location in life. Reading is an adventure like that of discovery itself. Libraries are our base camp. -- James H. Billington
  • Libraries really are wonderful. They're better than bookshops, even. I mean bookshops make a profit on selling you books, but libraries just sit there lending you books quietly out of the goodness of their hearts. -- Jo Walton
  • We're competing with everything: the beach, the mall, bookstores. Libraries are in a transition right now, caught between two forces, the old ways and technology. Libraries are under a lot of pressure to provide both. -- John Callahan
  • Libraries are magical places. There's nothing quite like strolling the hushed aisles, letting your eye rove along dimly lit shelves. Each spine, each title, seems to beckon with a promise of incredible wonders, surprises, and adventures. -- John Jakes
  • Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better. -- Sidney Sheldon
  • Libraries have a special role to play in our knowledge economy. Your institutions have been and should be a place where parents and children come to read together and learn together. We should take our kids there more. -- Barack Obama
  • I'm not precisely saying that a really good board meeting at the MLA (Museums, Libraries and Archives Coucil) makes me want to go and write poetry, but there is a pleasure in doing that sort of thing well. -- Andrew Motion
  • Libraries are where most of us really fall in love with books, where we can browse and choose on our own. Its really one of the first autonomous things we do, picking the books we want to read. -- Kim Boykin
  • Libraries are community treasure chests, loaded with a wealth of information available to everyone equally, and the key to that treasure chest is the library card. I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card. -- Laura Bush
  • Libraries shelter the spirit, provide food for the mind, and answer the questions raised by the problems of life. They have been the home of my heart since I was a very young child, in whatever place I happened to live. -- Roberta Gellis
  • Throughout my formal education I spent many, many hours in public and school libraries. Libraries became courts of last resort, as it were. The current definitive answer to almost any question can be found within the four walls of most libraries. -- Arthur Ashe
  • Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm and continuity, lakes of mental energy, neither warm nor cold, light nor dark.... In any library in the world, I am at home, unselfconscious, still and absorbed. ~Germaine Greer -- Andrew Carnegie
  • Libraries are my passion in life. Before I became mayor (of Los Angeles), I used to sneak out here during lunchtime...and I'd go to a corner and take a book-any book almost-and read it for a while, and then feel rejuvenated. -- Richard Riordan
  • Libraries are absolutely at the center of my life. Since I couldn't afford to go to college, I attended the library three or four days a week from the age of eighteen on, and graduated from the library when I was twenty-eight. -- Ray Bradbury
  • Libraries have always seemed like the richest places in the world to me, and I?ve done some of my best learning and thinking thanks to them. Libraries and librarians have definitely changed my life ? and the lives of countless other Americans. -- Barbara Bush
  • Libraries remind us that truth isn't about who yells the loudest, but who has the right information. Because even as we're the most religious of people, America's innovative genius has always been preserved because we also have a deep faith in facts. -- Barack Obama
  • Libraries' most powerful asset is the conversation they provide - between books and readers, between children and parents, between individuals and the collective world. Take them away and those voices turn inwards or vanish. Turns out that libraries have nothing at all to do with silence. -- Bella Bathurst
  • Libraries, whether my own or shared with a greater reading public, have always seemed to me pleasantly mad places, and for as long as I can remember I've been seduced by their labyrinthine logic, which suggests that reason (if not art) rules over a cacophonous arrangement of books. -- Alberto Manguel
  • To a historian libraries are food, shelter, and even muse. -- Barbara Tuchman
  • Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future. -- Ray Bradbury
  • People can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned. -- Saul Bellow
  • Learning sleeps and snores in libraries, but wisdom is everywhere, wide awake, on tiptoe. -- Josh Billings
  • There were two free public libraries within walking distance of my home; I remember taking six books home from every visit, the limit set by the library. -- Martin Lewis Perl
  • I was a very keen reader of science fiction, and during the time I was going to libraries, it was good, written by people who knew their science. -- Terry Pratchett
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  • What do we, as a nation, care about books? How much do you think we spend altogether on our libraries, public or private, as compared with what we spend on our horses? -- John Ruskin
  • Heroes to me are guys that sit in libraries. They absorb knowledge and then the risks they take are calculated on the basis of the courage it took to become replete with knowledge. -- William Hurt
  • Living in Edinburgh, I consider myself particularly lucky - we have the biggest book festival in the world, a plethora of fascinating libraries and museums, and some of the greatest architecture in Europe. -- Sara Sheridan
  • Our libraries are valuable centers of education, learning and enrichment for people of all ages. In recent years, libraries have taken on an increasingly important role. today's libraries are about much more than books. -- Jodi Rell
  • Just as we outgrow a pair of trousers, we outgrow acquaintances, libraries, principles, etc., at times before they're worn out and times - and this is the worst of all - before we have new ones. -- Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • The message is clear: libraries matter. Their solid presence at the heart of our towns sends the proud signal that everyone - whoever they are, whatever their educational background, whatever their age or their needs - is welcome. -- Kate Mosse
  • We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States. -- Barack Obama
  • It is easier to go to the Internet than to go to the library, undoubtedly. But the shift from no libraries to the existence of libraries was a much greater shift than what we've seen with the Internet's development. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Schools across India do not have teachers, libraries, playing grounds and even toilets. I do not want to see empty classrooms, empty libraries. I do not want to see cattle grazing on fields meant to be cricket or football grounds. -- Sachin Tendulkar
  • A society - any society - is defined as a set of mutual benefits and duties embodied most visibly in public institutions: public schools, public libraries, public transportation, public hospitals, public parks, public museums, public recreation, public universities, and so on. -- Robert Reich
  • A drop in younger children visiting libraries is of great concern. As children's laureate, I am passionate about the role of libraries, both in schools and in the wider community. They are unique places where children can begin their journey as readers, as well as being creative hubs. -- Chris Riddell
  • For a person who grew up in the '30s and '40s in the segregated South, with so many doors closed without explanation to me, libraries and books said, 'Here I am, read me.' Over time I have learned I am at my best around books. -- Maya Angelou
  • Every comedian is furious. Age makes me angry. I'm unhappy at not being able to open packages anymore. I'm angry that libraries have gone. I hate children on planes. I'm very shallow, so they tend to be little things. To be honest, I think I was probably angry the day I was born, you know, about diapers or something. -- Joan Rivers
  • My parents didn't know much science; in fact, they didn't know science at all. But they could recognize a science book when they saw it, and they spent a lot of time at bookstores, combing the remainder tables for science books to buy for me. I had one of the biggest libraries of any kid in school, built on books that cost 50 cents or a dollar. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • No libraries, no progress. -- Willard Scott
  • invaders always destroy libraries. -- Storm Jameson
  • Support your libraries... or else! -- Margaret Atwood
  • I've got libraries in my blood. -- Charlaine Harris
  • ... bums on the outside, libraries inside. -- Ray Bradbury
  • Meek young men grow up in libraries. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The richest minds need not large libraries. -- Amos Bronson Alcott
  • With enough libraries, all content is free. -- Jessamyn West
  • It's wrong for libraries to have limited budgets. -- Jo Walton
  • Shut not your doors to me proud libraries. -- Walt Whitman
  • America, why are your libraries full of tears? -- Allen Ginsberg
  • I grew up on second hand bookshops and libraries. -- Charles Stross
  • I would encourage nonproprietary standards for tools and libraries -- Bjarne Stroustrup
  • Errors belong to libraries; truth, to the human mind. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Live in the serene peace of laboratories and libraries -- Louis Pasteur
  • Accessible local libraries are vital to communities and to children. -- Nick Cave