Itchy quotes:

  • Homemade sweaters are always itchy. -- Mo Rocca
  • If things are going slow, I'm itchy. -- Levon Helm
  • I get a little itchy if I don't have some control. -- Amy Poehler
  • As an actor, you get a bit itchy to do something entirely different. -- Lily James
  • I'm not very good at cooking, and I'm away all the time, and I like transient living. I get really itchy feet if I stay in one place. -- Alison Goldfrapp
  • There are so many cute vintage dresses made out of synthetics from the '60s and '70s - but they're so itchy and hot. It's not worth it! -- Zooey Deschanel
  • I'm one of those people who has to write. If I don't write, I feel itchy and depressed and cranky. So everybody's glad when I write and stop complaining already. -- Libba Bray
  • The reaction to this album has just been fabulous around the world... and I've had offers to perform from around the world and I'm tempted to do it. I've got itchy lips. -- Herb Alpert
  • If you're in a forest, the quality of the echo is very strange because echoes back off so many surfaces of all those trees that you get this strange, itchy ricochet effect. -- Brian Eno
  • I'm a hometown girl, and my personality at home is the opposite of the performer in me. But then, when I'm home and haven't done anything for a while, I get really itchy and nervous and weird-feeling. -- Britney Spears
  • The inspiration to write? Perhaps it's not so much inspiration, as a NEED to write. I get itchy and guilty and dissatisfied when I haven't written for a while. Ideas come to me and need to be written down. -- Eric Brown
  • We humans are here because nothing can be perfect. There always have to be some living things that are unsatisfied, itchy, trying too hard. If it was all just animals and rocks and lettuce, the gods wouldn't feel like they had enough to do. -- Miranda July
  • Sometimes in the heart of the summer, I look at people with their faces shaved and think it'd be nice, but once you get used to it, it's not as hot. Most guys say it gets itchy, but once you grow it out into a big man beard, the itching is gone. -- Willie Robertson
  • I'll just have itchy, watery eyes! -- Jeff Foxworthy
  • If I'm off the stage after two or three years I get itchy and I have to get back onstage. -- Edward Herrmann
  • Morning: Slept. Afternoon: Slept. Evening: Ate grass. Night: Ate grass. Decided grass is boring. Scratched. Hard to reach the itchy bits. Slept. -- Jackie French
  • He's helped me a lot over the years." "I'm sure he has. You scratch his back. He scratches yours." "I have skin allergies. I'm itchy. -- Darynda Jones
  • I believe God put that itchy spot on our backs just exactly where we can't reach it in order to encourage us be nice to each other. -- Teresa Nielsen Hayden
  • Marriage is a big word for all guys," Shane said. "You know that. It's kind of an allergy. We get itchy and sweaty just trying to spell it, much less do it. -- Rachel Caine
  • Rachel, my itchy witch," Al said as he tugged the lace at his cuffs. "We've talked about this. You simply must stop collecting nasty little men. How many do you really need, love? -- Kim Harrison
  • An itchy feeling began to work its way through my body, as though a thousand mosquitoes were circulating through my blood, biting me from the inside, making me want to scream, jump, squirm. I ran. -- Lauren Oliver
  • But we disposable women have to be realistic in this life, you know. Else we get itchy and discontented and start contemplating the kitchen knife and wondering whether it wouldn't look nicer between someone's shoulder-blades. -- Jude Morgan