Intelligent Life quotes:

  • Perhaps, as some wit remarked, the best proof that there is Intelligent Life in Outer Space is the fact it hasn't come here. Well, it can't hide forever - one day we will overhear it. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician. -- Marty Feldman
  • Intelligent Life' is kind of a companion piece to 'Safety Not Guaranteed.' Internally, it's a sci-fi romantic thriller. -- Colin Trevorrow
  • The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. -- Bill Watterson
  • If this is the only planet on which not only life, but intelligent life, has arisen, that would be very unusual. -- Seth Shostak
  • We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking
  • Perhaps we've never been visited by aliens because they have looked upon Earth and decided there's no sign of intelligent life. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • I think space exploration is very important. I think there is very intelligent life on Mars. I believe that Martians are spying on us from the bottom of the ocean. -- Annabella Sciorra
  • I believe that there may be intelligent life on other planets. -- Pat Buckley
  • It's hard enougth to find intelligent life right here in Washington! -- William Proxmire
  • The best proof of intelligent life in space is that it hasn't come here. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • The higher you go in a company, the less oxygen there is, so supporting intelligent life becomes difficult. -- Guy Kawasaki
  • Chances are, when we meet intelligent life forms in outer space they're going to be descended from predators. -- Michio Kaku
  • Intelligent life on a planet comes of age when it first works out the reason for its own existence. -- Richard Dawkins
  • Coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life the universe. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Personally, I don't think there's intelligent life on other planets. Why should other planets be any different from this one? -- Bob Monkhouse
  • Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. -- Bill Watterson
  • My scratching I don't really think communicates to intelligent life forms. Anyone with more than one brain cell would think Kid Koala music is completely retarded. -- Eric San
  • I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth. -- Stephen Hawking
  • [In the Universe it may be that] Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth. -- Stephen Hawking
  • The universe is eight billion years old, the last two billion of which have produced intelligent life. During this time not one hour of absolute equity has prevailed. -- Jack Vance
  • I wonder if, in fact, we have been observed by aliens and upon close examination of human conduct and human behavior they have concluded that there is no sign of intelligent life on Earth. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • What we expect to find, certainly in our own solar system, are probably simple single or multiple-cell forms of life. To get to intelligent life takes stability of conditions over huge, long periods of time. -- Ellen Stofan
  • While the Baroque rules of Chess could only have been created by humans, the rules of Go are so elegant, organic, and rigorously logical that if intelligent life forms exist elsewhere in the universe, they almost certainly play Go. -- Emanuel Lasker
  • Only when science and technology are used with human concern in a world in which all of the earth's resources are held as the common heritage of all of the earth's people can we truly say that there is intelligent life on Earth. -- Jacque Fresco
  • It seems hopelessly improbable that any particular rules accidentally led to the miracle of intelligent life. Nevertheless, this is exactly what most physicists have believed: intelligent life is a purely serendipitous consequence of physical principles that have nothing to do with our own existence. -- Leonard Susskind
  • If we ever established contact with intelligent life on another world, there would be barriers to communication. First, they would be many light years away, so signals would take many years to reach them: there would be no scope for quick repartee. There might be an IQ gap. -- Martin Rees
  • As we gain satisfaction from artificial substitutes for nature we forget that there is no known substitute for Nature, the real thing and its eons of intelligent, life supportive, experience. Each substitute we create falls short of nature's balanced perfection, thus producing our pollution, garbage and relationship conflicts. -- Michael J Cohen
  • Death is not necessarily what gives meaning to life LIFE gives meaning to life, and what we do with life, which is to create knowledge like music, art, science To this end, I believe intelligent life might be evolution's secret weapon: the ultimate hack that might help us transcend entropy. -- Jason Silva
  • I was sleeping in a water bed for a couple of years, recommended by my doctor. I was never comfortable in that water bed. In the middle of the night you would hear something happening - water and bubbles. I would always think there was some intelligent life in the water bed. -- Jo Nesbo
  • There are 400 billion stars out there, just in our galaxy alone. If just one out of a million of those had planets, and just one in a million of those had life, and just one out of a million of those had intelligent life, there would be literally millions of civilizations out there. -- Jodie Foster
  • Intelligent life can't be all that common because it's really rare on Earth and especially since we define ourselves to be intelligent. But in the eyes of an alien coming here who has the technology to make it here, they might observe us and conclude that there's no sign of intelligent life on Earth. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • There is a universal, intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment. -- Shakti Gawain
  • Is there intelligent life on Earth? -- Frank Drake
  • Symbiosis is a much higher reflection of intelligent life. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Symbiosis is a much higher reflection of intelligent life. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Heaven gives long life to the just and the intelligent. -- Confucius
  • I believe life is an intelligent thing: that things aren't random. -- Steve Jobs
  • All my life I've been looking for someone intelligent to talk to. -- Susan Sontag
  • Life, without the dignity of an intelligent being, is not worth having. -- Louis Riel
  • Intelligent life on other planets? I'm not even sure there is on earth! -- Albert Einstein
  • Courage, hard work, self-mastery, and intelligent effort are all essential to successful life. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • I don't see why there is no intelligent alien life in the universe. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • The most intelligent thing you can possibly do with your life is to grow. -- Steve Pavlina
  • Obama is an intelligent man whose life and work experience sensitize him to class distinctions. -- Timothy Noah
  • I've been saying for a long time that I'm hoping to find intelligent life in Washington. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • Every intelligent being, whether it breathes or not, coughs nervously at some time in its life. -- Terry Pratchett
  • I went through all the musicians in my life who I admire as bright, intelligent, virtuosic players. -- David Bowie
  • The air is crowded with birds -- beautiful, tender, intelligent birds -- to whom life is a song. -- George Henry Lewes
  • I hope that someday we will find evidence that there is intelligent life among humans on this planet. -- Sylvia Earle
  • Even if there is intelligent life somewhere, which perhaps there is, I'm agnostic about it, I don't know. -- Luka Jones
  • The surviving intelligent life form on Earth is not going to be carbon-based; it's going to be silicon-based. -- Paul MacCready
  • To the intelligent man or woman, life appears infinitely mysterious. But the stupid have an answer for every question. -- Edward Abbey
  • When new turns of behavior cease to appear in the life of the individual, its behavior ceases to be intelligent. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • Women owe Friedan an incalculable debt for The Feminine Mystique. Domesticity was not a satisfactory story of an intelligent woman's life. -- Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
  • Did you know, in the entire universe, we are the only intelligent life forms thought to have a Miss Universe contest? -- Lily Tomlin
  • To be poor, ugly and, moreover, intelligent condemns one in our society to a dark and disillusioned beauty all is forgiven. -- Muriel Barbery
  • I am not afraid of the possibility of finding intelligent life in the universe, I am afraid of the possibility of them finding us -- Peyton J Glenn
  • Perhaps I really regard myself as an intelligent man only because throughout my entire life I've never been able to start or finish anything. -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • Intelligence is something that is not just thinking, it's feeling. Ultimately, the highest reflection of intelligent life is cooperative life in which all benefit. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • You can go through life and actually speak your mind and do it in an articulate fashion and with a really intelligent point of view. -- David Duchovny
  • Although whenever you have intelligent life in the presence of large explosions, a safe bet is that the intelligent life is responsible for the large explosion. -- Terence McKenna
  • My scratching I don't really think communicates to intelligent life forms. Anyone with more than one brain cell would think Kid Koala music is completely retarded. -- Eric San
  • My whole life has been basically trying to find intelligent students or, you know, highly motivated students and giving them an opportunity to do good science. -- James D. Watson
  • NASA even sent Chuck Berry's music on a space probe searching for intelligent life in outer space. Well, now, if they're out there, they're duck walking -- William J. Clinton
  • I spent my whole life figuring out how to get out of work. I would say I was intelligent, but intelligent in a very surreptitious, invisible way. -- Bruce Davison
  • The hardware and the software used in the Breakthrough project will be compatible with other telescopes around the world, so they too can search for intelligent life. -- Yuri Milner
  • I think people who believe that life emerged naturalistically need to have a great deal more faith than people who reasonably infer that there's an Intelligent Designer. -- Lee Strobel
  • The more intelligent and competent a woman is in her adult life, the less likely she is to have received an adequate amount of romantic attention in adolescence. -- Susan Jacoby
  • [My study of the universe] leaves little doubt that life has occurred on other planets. I doubt if the human race is the most intelligent form of life. -- Harold Urey
  • Through writing, through that process, they realize that they become more intelligent, and more honest and more imaginative than they can be in any other part of their life. -- Russell Banks
  • The waste, the insane freaks of these money men, the cynicism and egotism of their life... I'll show that they are not brilliant, not romantic, not delightful, not intelligent. -- Christina Stead
  • and weâ??ll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere â?¦ and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys. -- Douglas Adams
  • Other intelligent life-forms will differ greatly in appearance - they may resemble the creature in E.T. or startle us with their beauty - but life itself is common, I'm certain. -- Frank Drake
  • A society that destroys the environment that supports it, I would not consider to be intelligent life. It's like the cancer that ultimately kills itself by destroying the host it feeds on. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • A stunning survey of the latest evidence for intelligent life on Mars. Mac Tonnies brings a thoughtful, balanced and highly accessible approach to one of the most fascinating enigmas of our time. -- Herbie Brennan
  • Did you know, throughout the cosmos they found intelligent life forms that play to play? We are the only ones that play to win. Explains why we have more than our share of losers. -- Lily Tomlin
  • Thar's only two possibilities: Thar is life out there in the universe which is smarter than we are, or we're the most intelligent life in the universe. Either way, it's a mighty sobering thought. (Porkypine) -- Walt Kelly