Insulted quotes:

  • He who allows himself to be insulted deserves to be. -- Pierre Corneille
  • If there is anyone here whom I have not insulted, I beg his pardon. -- Johannes Brahms
  • If a player is racially insulted, he should have the right to leave the field. -- Ruud Gullit
  • What white woman, however lonely, was ever captive or insulted by me? Yet they say I am a bad Indian. -- Sitting Bull
  • Looking back at all the people I have insulted, I am mildly surprised that I am still allowed to exist. -- Auberon Waugh
  • I was asked to memorise what I did not understand; and, my memory being so good, it refused to be insulted in that manner. -- Aleister Crowley
  • When I'm explaining something to you, if I'm being long-winded, and twisty in a non-productive way, I could make you feel vaguely insulted. And you'd have a right to be. -- George Saunders
  • Let us rise in the moral power of womanhood; and give utterance to the voice of outraged mercy, and insulted justice, and eternal truth, and mighty love and holy freedom. -- Maria Weston Chapman
  • Back when George W. Bush was identifying his Axis of Evil, it struck me that a longer and more instructive list could be compiled of the Axis of the Humiliated (or Insulted and Injured, to borrow from Dostoevsky). -- Serge Schmemann
  • We shall suffer no attachment to literature, no taste for abstract discussion, no love of purely intellectual theories, to seduce us from our devotion to the cause of the oppressed, the down trodden, the insulted and injured masses of our fellow men. -- George Ripley
  • The Supreme Court has insulted you over and over again, Lord. They've taken your Bible away from the schools. They've forbidden little children to pray. They've taken the knowledge of God as best they can, and organizations have come into court to take the knowledge of God out of the public square of America. -- Pat Robertson
  • I'd strike the sun if it insulted me. -- Moby
  • I'm sensitive and get easily upset and insulted. -- Sia Furler
  • Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me. -- Herman Melville
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  • Many people are target people. Once when Louis B. Mayer insulted me I poured a glass of water over his head. -- Hedy Lamarr
  • Why should we stunt our ambitions and impoverish our lives in order to be insulted and looked down upon in our old age? -- Joseph A. Schumpeter
  • Being a star has made it possible for me to get insulted in places where the average Negro could never hope to get insulted. -- Sammy Davis, Jr.
  • Being a star has made it possible for me to get insulted in places where the average Negro could never hope to go and get insulted. -- Sammy Davis, Jr.
  • ... the thwarting of the instinct to love is the root of all sorrow and not sex only but divinity itself is insulted when it is repressed. -- Freya Stark
  • The attacks of which I have been the object have broken the spring of life in me... People don't realize what it feels like to be constantly insulted. -- Edouard Manet
  • Somebody said I sound like an old lady, and I was really insulted by that. I'm trying to sound like Skip James and Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye. -- Tom Waits
  • I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. -- John Wayne
  • It is only the vulgar who are always fancying themselves insulted. If a man treads on another's toe in good society, do you think it is taken as an insult? -- Lady Hester Stanhope
  • It's better to get smart than to get mad. I try not to get so insulted that I will not take advantage of an opportunity to persuade people to change their minds. -- John H. Johnson
  • Its better to get smart than to get mad. I try not to get so insulted that I will not take advantage of an opportunity to persuade people to change their minds. -- John H. Johnson
  • Most men would feel insulted if it were proposed to employ them in throwing stones over a wall, and then in throwing them back, merely that they might earn their wages. But many are no more worthily employed now. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • Laughter is the greatest music in the world and audiences come to my shows to escape the cares of life. They don't want to be embarrassed or insulted. They want to laugh and so do I - which is probably why it works. -- Ken Dodd
  • If someone has offended you, insulted you, or disappointed you, let it go! If you are remembering all the ways you have been hurt or forgotten, let it go! Ask yourself, what good does it do for me to hold on to this? -- Iyanla Vanzant
  • I grew up singing and dancing, so people have been calling me gay since fifth grade. I've heard everything you could possibly hear about it. But I do love gay people, so I'm not going to act like I was insulted or angry about it. -- Matthew Morrison
  • I am not one of those fat birds who feels miserable because models are thin. Frankly, I feel more insulted by the idea that unless I see other fat birds in fashion magazines, I will be reduced to a sniveling wreck of a human being. -- Julie Burchill
  • There is nothing like the way people feel after they've seen 'The Intouchables.' They feel amazing. The word of mouth on this film is incredible. It's intelligent-feeling good. You're not insulted by the low-browness or stupidity of some of the humor. It's so smart and terrific. -- Harvey Weinstein
  • Well, I think when you come here and wave a Mexican flag in our face in a country that's giving a lot of these people an opportunity that they've never had before, I think a lot of Americans are insulted, whether they're first-, second-, third-, fourth- or fifth-generation Americans. -- Henry Bonilla
  • Particularly black Americans, many of them, from quotes that I have seen and conversations I've had, are sort of insulted that the civil rights movement is being hijacked - the rhetoric of the civil rights movement is being hijacked for something like same sex marriage. Black Americans tend to have a higher degree of religiosity. -- Gary Bauer
  • The American middle class always wants to be upper class and is scared to death of being lower class. It's a highly mobile group of people. They're not like the people that want to be shopkeepers forever, have always been shopkeepers and want always to be shopkeepers. These people mostly are insulted by being called middle class. -- Sloan Wilson
  • Religious people know deep down that that is the most vulnerable area of their lives, and when others question it, they are liable to hit out and feel insulted. You know it is absolutely without proof, yet people still commit themselves totally to this belief. They cannot refute it because it is so central to their lives. -- John Hurt
  • I will not play just an evil part. In fact, I got offered $7 million several years ago to play the part that Faye Dunaway played in 'Supergirl.' I was kind of insulted. I was impressed with the money, but I said, 'Why are you asking me to play an evil witch? Do I come across as an evil witch to you?' -- Dolly Parton
  • The British are the last national group who can be insulted by Hollywood without any comeback. These days if you depict Italians as gangsters, Saudis as terrorists or Mexicans as violent drug dealers you'll never hear the end of it. But as still the largest - and possibly the richest - ethnic group in the States, the British just have to take it. -- Simon Hoggart
  • One time at the University of Colorado, at a faculty dinner, this professor said to me, 'Well, my goodness, a boy from Appa-lay-chee-a with a Ph.D!' The dinner was in her house. And I said, 'My grandparents didn't have indoor plumbing, but they had more books in their house than you do.' I was a little insulted by the Appa-lay-chee-a business. -- Charles Frazier
  • Perhaps the best function of parenthood is to teach the young creature to love with safety, so that it may be able to venture unafraid when later emotion comes; the thwarting of the instinct to love is the root of all sorrow and not sex only but divinity itself is insulted when it is repressed. To disapprove, to condemn the human soul shrivels under barren righteousness. -- Freya Stark
  • Intelligence can't be insulted. -- Nick Rhodes
  • Hi. I haven't insulted you yet, have I? -- Tucker Max
  • Science burrows its insulted head in the filth of slaughterous inventions. -- Winston Churchill
  • Keep your talent in the dark and you'll never be insulted. -- Elsa Maxwell
  • It wasn't enough to be kidnapped, I had to be insulted too. -- Charlaine Harris
  • If you are capable of submitting to insult you ought to be insulted. -- Juvenal
  • Why should I? When someone insulted Caruso, did he sing an aria for him? -- Joe Louis
  • The white working class likes being pandered to even less than it likes being insulted. -- Timothy Noah
  • Can't react every time you're insulted. Free people absorb destructive things and refuse to be destroyed -- Hillary Clinton
  • Hour after hour, they shouted at me, accused me, insulted me and members of my family. -- Sam Sheppard
  • It is when people are told their own thoughts that they think they are being insulted. -- Isak Dinesen
  • IĆ¢??ve never dreamed of becoming a model. As a child I was bullied and insulted as ugly -- Lara Stone
  • You don't just walk out because you think someone has insulted you and your pride has been hurt. -- Jimmy Iovine
  • I won't play with you anymore. You have insulted my friend -when an opponent cursed himself for a blunder -- Miguel Najdorf
  • Are you proud of yourself tonight that you have insulted a total stranger whose circumstances you know nothing about? -- Harper Lee
  • Rodney the ghoul?...Oh, I liked him. He didn't get angry no matter how many times my mother insulted him. -- Jeaniene Frost
  • I am insulted by the persistent asertion that I want war. Am I a fool? War! It would settle nothing. -- Adolf Hitler
  • I will not say nothing. I will defend my church and my religion when it is insulted and spit on. -- James Joyce
  • There are some people who can receive a truth by no other way than to have their understanding shocked and insulted -- Carl Sandburg
  • I'm ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious ... I am for secret, dark debates -- Jean-Claude Juncker
  • I will not stand here to be insulted by you, hedgepig," Mangiz fumed. "Then stand somewhere else and I'll insult you there, featherbag!! -- Brian Jacques
  • I've never been insulted by hateful satanists for not believing in their devil. Only by loving Christians for not believing in their God. -- Ricky Gervais
  • We have this weird thing in the world where you don't get insulted for what you do, you get insulted for who you are. -- John Green
  • No woman deserves to be disrespected; to be beaten up, to be called bitches or sluts. Assaulted or insulted. Even if she's a hooker. -- Imam Shah
  • Congress is responsible for everything and unable to do anything, hated by the public creditors, insulted by the soldiers and unsupported by the citizens. -- Benjamin Hawkins
  • Donald Trump has consistently insulted Muslims abroad, Muslims at home, when we need to be cooperating with Muslim nations and with the American Muslim community. -- Hillary Clinton
  • Governments are not overthrown by the poor, who have no power, but by the rich-when they are insulted by their inferiors and cannot obtain justice. -- Dionysius of Halicarnassus
  • Do you know how to wrap a leg?" "I was born wrapping legs," I say stiffly, because I'm insulted. "Must've been a challenging delivery," Sean notes.... -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • You gotta wonder about someone who would be dumb enough to fallo a person as crazy as him! wait, I think I just insulted myself - ganju -- Tite Kubo
  • The incessant witless repetition of advertisers' moron-fodder has become so much a part of life that, if we are not careful, we forget to be insulted by it. -- The London Times 1886
  • Christians have abused, oppressed, enslaved, insulted, tormented, tortured, and killed people in the name of God for centuries, on the basis of a thelogically defensible reading of the Bible. -- Sam Harris
  • When we have to reply to anyone who has insulted us, we should be careful to do it always with gentleness. A soft answer extinguishes the fire of wrath. -- Alphonsus Liguori
  • Love Egoist:Let me tell you this. I've done things to be appreciated but nothing to be insulted for. After all, I'm trying my hardest not to disappoint my students. -- Bisco Hatori
  • Some men simply refuse to appear insulted. But then, having felt the sting from the slap on their cheek, know just where to slip the knife, their smile never fading. -- Andrew Levkoff
  • I had no idea how many famous people [Andy Cohen] have unintentionally and hilariously insulted of late: Charlie Rose, his cousin Amber Rose, Tori Spelling. . . . the list goes on and on. -- Anderson Cooper
  • If you are insulted, if you are accused, if they gossip about you, don't say anything bad. Don't be the one who sees the shame, be the one who corrects it. -- Shams Tabrizi
  • He who allows himself to be insulted deserves to be so; and insolence, if unpunished, increases! [Lat., Qui se laisse outrager, merite qu'on l'outrage Et l'audace impunie enfle trop un courage.] -- Pierre Corneille
  • The true mark of English conversation is not being able to tell when you've been insulted. I think the more sophisticated society becomes, the more it hides behind the masks it manufactures. -- Christopher Fowler
  • I'm very introverted, so it requires a huge effort for me to put on a smile and extend a hand and accept compliments. I would much rather be insulted than complimented any day. -- Michael Ian Black
  • Gabrielle was insulted and didn't even bother to hide it. 'Oh, and I suppose you think your dad was alone when he free-climbed the Kyoto Banking Tower on a windy day last September. -- Ally Carter
  • When people screamed novelty the first time around talking about an ugly video and stuff I was really insulted because, hold on a minute, everyone you see in the video are real life. -- Bubba Sparxxx
  • Socrates, on being insulted in the marketplace, asked by a passerby, "Don't you worry about being called names?" retorted, "Why? Do you think I should resent it if an ass had kicked me? -- Alain de Botton
  • I wasn't sure if I was charmed by his reluctance to share a bed with a girl or insulted that, apparently, I wasn't hot enough for him to charge the mattress like a bull. -- Maggie Stiefvater
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  • It would degrade our country and our judicial system to permit our courts to be bullied, insulted and humiliated and the orderly progress thwarted and obstructed by defendants brought before them charged with crimes. -- Hugo Black
  • Captain Jibby looked at the door, clenched his teeth, and worked his face into a scowl so fierce you would think the door had insulted his mother - which, for the record, it had not. -- Cuthbert Soup
  • When I was a young writer if you went to a party and told somebody you were a science-fiction writer you would be insulted. They would call you Flash Gordon all evening, or Buck Rogers. -- Ray Bradbury
  • If I'm insulted I will counterattack, or if something is unfair, I will counterattack, but I don't feel like I insult people. I don't want to do that. But if I'm attacked, I will counterattack. -- Donald Trump