Imaginable quotes:

  • I'm on every worst-dressed list imaginable. -- Kathy Griffin
  • All imaginable futures are not equally possible. -- Kevin Kelly
  • Acting is the most wildly overpaid position imaginable. -- Robert Downey, Jr.
  • The principle of the Gothic architecture is infinity made imaginable. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • I'm just a simple kid from Brooklyn who landed into the most enchanted lifestyle imaginable. -- Michael Musto
  • The flower is a jumble of thighs, the sun's harem - the most oriental thing imaginable. -- Malcolm de Chazal
  • As a pastor, I've spent 30 years talking to people and heard every kind of story imaginable. -- Andy Stanley
  • In the heat of the Russian summer a sleeping car is the most horrible instrument of martyrdom imaginable. -- Manfred von Richthofen
  • Canada's north is going to change a lot in the new few years. We have every resource imaginable up north. -- Jean Charest
  • Surely being a Professional Beauty - let alone an ageing one - is one of the most insecure and doomed careers imaginable. -- Julie Burchill
  • What should exist? To me, that's the most exciting question imaginable. What do we need that we don't have? How can we realize our potential? -- Paul Allen
  • Leaving my house and getting on to a red carpet is always crazy for me, because you have to find a way to be comfortable in the most uncomfortable situation imaginable. -- Sandra Bullock
  • My only advice is don't tattoo some guy's name on yourself. Ever. I've done it twice. Twice! I'm in the process of getting both removed. It's the most painful thing imaginable. -- Diora Baird
  • Music and philanthropy have a long, benevolent relationship with one another. Record bins are rife with charity singles, and concert history is filled with benefit shows for every imaginable cause. Musicians like to give back. -- Shawn Amos
  • So every day I'm mindful as I watch the Bush crowd extend their sway into policies of every imaginable variety, and over almost every square foot of earth, that the control of the American state is a matter of urgency. -- Todd Gitlin
  • On the other hand, it is not fair to say that changes in federal policy have caused our tuition to rise faster. Every economic argument imaginable would indicate that we should raise tuition at a faster rate than we do. -- Charles Vest
  • While I will always have the utmost respect for the superhuman out-of-bounds freestyle and extreme stunts that seem to continually progress beyond our imaginable limits, my highest appreciation goes out to the simple rider who's out there just for the experience. -- Craig Kelly
  • Our career path has tended to be the most perverse and contrary approach to the entertainment industry imaginable, while at the same time doing the kinds of things that you have to do, the videos, the photos and all that sort of stuff. -- Peter Garrett
  • We have scaled the heights of Mount Everest, dominated the Southeast Asian games, we have won international beauty titles, and of course punched our way to triumph in the boxing world. Our people compete and win every day in every imaginable job throughout the world. -- Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
  • The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body; after all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind, and they are in continual danger of breaking the skin and bursting out again. -- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  • I definitely live to eat. I love food in every way imaginable, and it does not have to be fancy. Whether we stay in or go out, I like a hardy meal. My grandmother taught me how to cook, and it was all about no fuss and lots of it. -- Bill Rancic
  • If you're a short-seller, that's a cacophony of negative reinforcement. You're basically told that you're wrong in every way imaginable every day. It takes a certain type of individual to drown that noise and negative reinforcement out and to remind oneself that their work is accurate and what they're hearing is not. -- James Chanos
  • I would feel no hesitation in saying that it is the responsibility of a decent human being to give assistance to a child who is being attacked by a rabid dog, but I would not intend this to imply that in all imaginable circumstances one must, necessarily, act in accordance with this general responsibility. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Men there have been who have done the essayist's part so well as to have earned an immortality in the doing; but we have had not many of them, and they make but a poor figure on our shelves. It is a pity that things should be thus with us, for a good essayist is the pleasantest companion imaginable. -- William Ernest Henley
  • Anyone working in the media can tell you that there seems to be an always-ready-to-explode segment of the populace for whom offense is a fate worse than anything imaginable. You'd think offense is one of the most calamitous things that could happen to a human being; right up there with the loss of a limb, or just missing a parking space. -- Dick Cavett
  • I've written in every imaginable location; a repurposed closet, the kitchen table, the bleachers while my kids had basketball practice, the front seat of the car when they were at soccer. In airports. On trains. In the break room when I was supposed to be wolfing down dinner. In the back of classrooms when I was supposed to be paying attention. -- Laurie Halse Anderson
  • I've had every hair style imaginable. -- Lacey Schwimmer
  • The greatest contribution to the Mexican table imaginable -- Rick Bayless
  • Honesty, for me, is usually the worst policy imaginable. -- Patricia Highsmith
  • The energy of gratitude catapults us into the most profound experiences imaginable. -- James F. Twyman
  • If I must start somewhere, right here and now is the best place imaginable. -- Richelle E. Goodrich
  • Every morning is new as the last one, uncreased as the not quite imaginable first. -- Jane Hirshfield
  • Men sunk in the greatest darkness imaginable retain some sense and awe of the Deity. -- John Tillotson
  • Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Wine is drinkable sunlight. It's the most glorious summer's day imaginable, captured in a bottle. -- Walter Moers
  • The best vaccine imaginable is only valuable to the extent we get it to everyone who needs it. -- Seth Berkley
  • But there is much to be said for giving up ... grand ambitions and living the most ordinary life imaginable. -- Walker Percy
  • We have embarked upon the world's largest and longest cocktail party, and every issue imaginable is up for grabs. -- Geoffrey Moore
  • There are no circumstances imaginable, not even victory, under which the proletariat should give up its possession of arms. -- Karl Marx
  • Being our Self is the wisest philosophy, the bravest action, the kindest consideration and the greatest act of healing imaginable. -- Robert Holden
  • The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular? -- David Sarnoff
  • It's unimaginable to me that I wouldn't write, but it's very imaginable that I won't write for a little while. -- Anne Rivers Siddons
  • As for me, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are now only the subtlest imaginable essences, which would not stain the morning sky. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • "when the person beside you is making you alert and keen and the idea of being with anyone else is not imaginable" -- Steve Martin
  • Totalitarian rule marks the sharpest contrast imaginable with political rule, and ideological thinking is an explicit and direct challenge to political thinking. -- Bernard Crick
  • If I place love above everything, it is because for me it is the most desperate, the most despairing state of affairs imaginable. -- Andre Breton
  • It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined. -- John Green
  • If I place love above everything, it is because for me it is the most desperate, the most despairing state of affairs imaginable." -- Andre Breton
  • Madame Bovary is the sexiest book imaginable. The woman's virtually a nyphomaniac but you won't find a vulgar word in the entire thing. -- Noel Coward
  • I am lucky because I get to work with the smartest, most creative, and most devoted group of students and postdoctoral fellows imaginable. -- Bonnie Bassler
  • The Christian religion is so manifestly contrary to the facts, belief in it can only be held with the most delusional gerrymandering imaginable. -- Richard Carrier
  • The loveliest tune imaginable becomes vulgar and insupportable as soon as the public begins to hum it and the hurdy-gurdies make it their own. -- Joris-Karl Huysmans
  • Nothing can prepare you for living or working with a sociopathic serial bully. It is the most devastating, draining, misunderstood, and ultimately futile experience imaginable. -- Tim Field
  • To be human is to be challenged to be more divine. Not even to try to meet such a challenge is the biggest defeat imaginable. -- Maya Angelou
  • I have memories of the clearest crystal mountain days imaginable, when we fortunates in the height seemed to be sky people living in light alone... -- J. E. H. MacDonald
  • The debate analysis in the media is rampant with contest analogies of war, baseball, boxing, football; you name it. Any testosterone contest imaginable is fair game. -- Jonathan Raymond
  • The words "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" which I saw on an Italian movie poster, are perhaps the briefest statement imaginable of the basic appeal of movies -- Pauline Kael
  • There are all the activist groups on every imaginable topic - solidarity groups, environmental and feminist groups - sectors of these movements do very valuable work. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Horror writers can write about everything in the real world that a mainstream novelist can--plus the supernatural, which is the most fertile field for metaphor imaginable. -- Bentley Little
  • We are within measurable, or imaginable, distance of a real Armageddon. Happily there seems to be no reason why we should be anything more than spectators. -- H. H. Asquith
  • Theological religion is the source of all imaginable follies and disturbances. It is the parent of fanaticism and civil discord; it is the enemy of mankind. -- Voltaire
  • My hobby (politics) has become my life. I have the greatest life imaginable. I think I have a greater life than anyone in the universe, in fact. -- Ann Coulter
  • Never think, because you cannot write a letter easily, that it is better not to write at all. The most awkward note imaginable is better than none. -- Emily Post
  • Since films and television have staged everything imaginable before it happens, a true event, taking place in the real world, brings to mind the landscape of films. -- Elizabeth Hardwick
  • What's surprised me most about the demands of blogging - the relentlessness of it. 24-hour news cycle, every media imaginable right here in New York, totally fair game. -- Rachel Sklar
  • By giving the government unlimited powers, the most arbitrary rule can be made legal; and in this way a democracy may set up the most complete despotism imaginable. -- Friedrich August von Hayek
  • Newspaper companies are losing advertisers, readers, market value, and, in some cases, their sense of mission at a pace that would have been barely imaginable just four years ago. -- Eric Alterman
  • We got together in a few days a company of the toughest old salts imaginable--not pretty to look at, but fellows, by their faces, of the most indomitable spirit. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • I believe in choosing the hardest book imaginable. I believe in reading up on what others have to say about this difficult book, and then making up my own mind. -- Rick Moody
  • We have ample evidence that the Lord is able to guide. The promises cover every imaginable situation. All we need to do is to take the hand he stretches out. -- Elisabeth Elliot
  • I was drinking in the surroundings: air so crisp you could snap it with your fingers and greens in every lush shade imaginable offset by autumnal flashes of red and yellow. -- Wendy Delsol
  • when I started doing chemistry, I did it the way I fished - for the excitement, the discovery, the adventure, for going after the most elusive catch imaginable in uncharted seas. -- Karl Barry Sharpless
  • Every day as it comes should be welcomed and reduced forthwith into our own possession as if it were the finest day imaginable. What flies past has to be seized at. -- Seneca
  • The African, because of the violent differences between what was native and what he was forced to in slavery, developed some of the most complex and complicated ideas about the world imaginable. -- Amiri Baraka
  • The truth isn't just the facts. You can have all the facts imaginable and miss the truth, just as you can have facts missing or some wrong, and reach the larger truth. -- David McCullough
  • Remember this: once the human race is established on more than one planet and especially, in more than one solar system, there is no way now imaginable to kill off the human race. -- Robert A. Heinlein
  • The world will provide you with every imaginable obstacle, but the one most difficult to overcome will be the lack of faith in yourself. Leave it to others to have doubts about you. -- Callie Khouri
  • Amazon is a marvelous conglomeration and delivery system for products of every imaginable function. But the book 'business' is really not the same as the sale of lawn rakes or adapters for telephones. -- Janet Fitch
  • With surgical insight, Inside Madeline delves into the most complex female territory imaginable and dissects until every honest bone is revealed. Bomer's prose doesn't flinch, doesn't filter-the bravery of these stories left me breathless. -- Alissa Nutting
  • I was the angriest little person imaginable when I was younger. I woke up with a frown every morning. I barely talked, wore black all the time and had some serious teenage rebellion years -- Holly Marie Combs
  • The principle of the Gothic architecture is infinity made imaginable. It is no doubt a sublimer effort of genius than the Greek style; but then it depends much more on execution for its effect. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • He only can create the greatest imaginable beauty who has endured all imaginable pangs, for only when we have seen and foreseen what we dread shall we be rewarded by that dazzling unforeseen wing-footed wanderer. -- William Butler Yeats
  • Getting to the top of any given mountain was considered much less important than how one got there: prestige was earned by tackling the most unforgiving routes with minimal equipment, in the boldest style imaginable. -- Jon Krakauer
  • In our reasonings concerning matter of fact, there are all imaginable degrees of assurance, from the highest certainty to the lowest species of moral evidence. A wise man, therefore, proportions his belief to the evidence. -- David Hume
  • Appetites have only one word in their vocabulary - MORE. Appetites are never fully and finally satisfied. Even after the most satisfying meal imaginable, we eventually find ourselves rummaging through the pantry for a snack. -- Andy Stanley
  • It was just so elaborate and so luxurious. We had every gadget imaginable. You know, I had the little gun that came out, and I had the little gun in the heel of the shoe. -- Robert Conrad