Humanness quotes:

  • Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness. -- Sigmund Freud
  • The only bond worth anything between human beings is their humanness. -- Jesse Owens
  • When humanness is lost the radical difference between the bodies in the pit and people walking on the street is lost. -- Edward Bond
  • It is one thing to photograph people. It is another to make others care about them by revealing the core of their humanness. -- Paul Strand
  • We need to remember that politics is all about people, not programs. We shouldn't want to take the humanness out of the political arena. -- J. C. Watts
  • I have seen in the Halls of Congress more idealism, more humanness, more compassion, more profiles of courage than in any other institution that I have ever known. -- Hubert H. Humphrey
  • No one's death comes to pass without making some impression, and those close to the deceased inherit part of the liberated soul and become richer in their humanness. -- Hermann Broch
  • Anyone determined to find another person or group inferior can always find whole lists of grounds that demonstrate inferiority because we are all inferior to the ideals of humanness we have erected. -- Marilyn French
  • Language was invented to ask questions. Answers may be given by grunts and gestures, but questions must be spoken. Humanness came of age when man asked the first question. Social stagnation results not from a lack of answers but from the absence of the impulse to ask questions. -- Eric Hoffer
  • Humanness consists in harmony of thought, word and deed. -- Sathya Sai Baba
  • Keeping young people away from Shakespeare is like removing a link to their humanness. -- Tim Crouch
  • I've learned that to expose yourself, to reveal yourself is a test of your humanness. -- Isabelle Adjani
  • Buddhism has turned me on to my humanness, and is challenging my humanness so that I can become more human. -- Herbie Hancock
  • If the world is to change for the better it must start with a change in human consciousness, in the very humanness of modern man. -- Vaclav Havel
  • Let us be those creative dissenters who will call our beloved nation to a higher destiny. To a new plateau of compassion, to a more noble expression of humanness. -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Strong women- precious jewels all- their humanness is evident in their accessibility. We are able to enter into the spirit of these women and rejoice in their warmth and courage. -- Maya Angelou
  • If God were to remove all evil from our world (but somehow leave human beings on the planet), it would mean that the essence of 'humanness' would be destroyed. We would become robots. -- Billy Graham
  • Compassion constitutes a radical form of criticism, for it announces that the hurt is to be taken seriously, that the hurt is not to be accepted as normal and natural but is an abnormal and unacceptable condition for humanness. -- Walter Brueggemann
  • I'm not a universalist, and the way I talk about final loss is this: People worship idols - money, whatever. Their humanness gets reshaped around the idol - you become like what you worship. That's one of the basic spiritual laws. -- N. T. Wright
  • I don't like this romanticization of Indian people in which Indian people are looked at as spiritual saviors, as people who have always taken care of the land. We're human beings. But I think different cultures have developed different aspects of humanness. -- Joy Harjo
  • To write about the monstrous sense of alienation the poet feels in this culture of polarized hatreds is a way of staying sane. With the poem, I reach out to an audience equally at odds with official policy, and I celebrate our mutual humanness in an inhuman world. -- Maxine Kumin
  • Existence as entirety remains beyond any one meaning and it is the conscious presence of humanness in the world inasmuch as this is nonmeaning, having nothing to do other than be what it is, no longer able to go beyond itself or give itself some kind of meaning through action. -- Georges Bataille
  • Get it into your head once and for all, my simple and very fainthearted fellow, that what fools call humanness is nothing but a weakness born of fear and egoism; that this chimerical virtue, enslaving only weak men, is unknown to those whose character is formed by stoicism, courage, and philosophy. -- Marquis de Sade
  • If our hearts are ready for anything, we can open to our inevitable losses, and to the depths of our sorrow. We can grieve our lost loves, our lost youth, our lost health, our lost capacities. This is part of our humanness, part of the expression of our love for life. -- Tara Brach
  • Only when we accept and forgive all that is or has been the good, the bad, and the ugly of our human lives can we get off the guilt trip and back into the flow. That means we must love our humanness and all of our failings; we must accept, learn from, and yes, even love our mistakes. -- Sonia Choquette
  • Loneliness comes over us sometimes as a sudden tide. It is one of the terms of our humanness, and, in a sense, therefore, incurable. Yet I have found peace in my loneliest times not only through acceptance of the situation, but through making it an offering to God, who can transfigure it into something for the good of others. -- Elisabeth Elliot
  • Never let your success interfere with your humanness. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Be willing to laugh at your humanness and at your divinity. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Lighten up on yourself. No one is perfect. Gently accept your humanness. -- Deborah Day
  • Human society needs essntially fellow-feeling and unity. When these two are present, humanness will flourish. -- Sathya Sai Baba
  • Celebrate your humanness, celebrate your craziness, celebrate your inadequacies, celebrate your loneliness ... but celebrate YOU! -- Leo Buscaglia
  • I'm human, you're human, let me greet your humanness. Let's be people together for a while. -- Anne Lamott
  • The essence of forgiveness is seeing our humanness and seeing that we all have our limitations and follies. -- Mark Coleman
  • Leaders must display their humanness. Those under their authority must be empowered & have the courage to engage in honest dialogue. -- Patrick Lencioni
  • We cannot grow spiritually if we ignore our humanness, just as we cannot become fully human if we ignore our spirituality. -- Jean Vanier
  • We're not here to get over our humanness, but rather to accept and make peace with it... and to remember our Divine nature. -- Sonia Choquette
  • We're being asked to bring our humanness along in holding that love and compassion for ourselves as we make our way through this energetic time of transformation. -- Christine McCormick Day
  • Honor your humanness and all of your feelings - the messy ones, the growing pains, the ache - because we can't have the dark without the light. -- Sabrina Ward Harrison
  • The more that you are being your ideas, the less human you are. The deeper your realization, being in your heart, the more of your humanness you come into. -- John de Ruiter
  • Language is the most elementary aspect to our humanness, probably. In addition to that, it's the embodiment, it's the apotheosis of the human experience, it's the way we summarize ourselves. -- George Carlin
  • We need to be willing to witness ourselves in all the shades of our humanness, and to come into the heart space daily and just hold ourselves with love and compassion. -- Christine McCormick Day
  • Zen is a totally different kind of religion. It brings humanness to religion. It is not bothered about anything superhuman; its whole concern is how to make ordinary life a blessing. -- Rajneesh
  • When we listen for feelings and needs - we can see that people who seem like monsters are simply human beings whose language and behavior sometimes keep us from seeing their humanness. -- Marshall B. Rosenberg
  • Gambling is not a vice, it is an expression of our humanness. We gamble. Some do it at the gaming table, some do not. You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play. -- Jeanette Winterson
  • Our humanness is the part of us that we try and push away, that we don't want to see, that we don't like. It's about self-acceptance, number one, and it's also about accepting our creation. -- Christine McCormick Day
  • This self-respect and sense of self-worth, the innermost armament of the soul, lies at the heart of humanness; to be deprived of it is to be dehumanized, to be cleaved from, and cast below, mankind. -- Laura Hillenbrand
  • However great an intellectual may be, however great one may be as a scholar or a man of learning, one has also to acquire humanness. Without humanness, scholarship and intellectual eminence are of no value. -- Sathya Sai Baba