Hook quotes:

  • Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -- Mitch Hedberg
  • What many people don't know about 'Peter Pan' is that it's a very violent book and Hook is one of the most finely observed villains ever. -- Eoin Colfer
  • Red Hook Road made me happy, and happy to be alive. It took me out of my home on the coast of South Carolina, placed me in the town along Red hook Road, and changed me the way good books always do. -- Pat Conroy
  • When I'm writing, I'm thinking about how the songs are going to play live. Fifty bars of rap don't translate onstage. No matter how potent the music, you lose the crowd. They want a hook; they want to sing your stuff back to you. -- Drake
  • The writing process, the way I go about it is I do whatever the beat feels like, whatever the beat is telling me to do. Usually when the beat comes on, I think of a hook or the subject I want to rap about almost instantly. Within four, eight bars of it playing I'm just like, 'Oh, OK. This is what I wanna do'. -- Eminem
  • It's every boy's dream to play Captain Hook. -- Rhys Ifans
  • 'Red Hook Summer' is another chapter in my chronicles of Brooklyn. -- Spike Lee
  • My career in Congress is a story of before Sandy Hook and after Sandy Hook. -- Chris Murphy
  • My new novel 'Red Hook Road' began many years ago as a short article in the newspaper. -- Ayelet Waldman
  • I would rather receive a Pap smear from Captain Hook than venture out on New Year's Eve. -- Jen Lancaster
  • Captain Hook's mother, who said to Little Hook, For God sakes, don't scratch it! Never got a dinner! -- Red Buttons
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  • I've talked with a lot of teachers, classroom teachers after the Sandy Hook situation, and they say, look, we need to be looking at mental health. -- Marsha Blackburn
  • I will consider my time in the Senate a failure if we don't pass some meaningful legislation to reduce the likelihood that Sandy Hook ever happens again. -- Chris Murphy
  • Hook up with us and see a quick return on your premiums.' I like it, Sammy. Think we can fit it on a bumper sticker? (Dean) -- Jeff Mariotte
  • This message is brought to you by the BCBS [Booty Call Broadcasting System]. If you are back in town, get your wet ass over here." (The Hook Up, 42%) -- Kristen Callihan
  • To dream of afar, to chase a star, to believe in Captain Hook. To dance with bears and have no cares, this is the magic of a book. -- H.L. Stephens
  • Some day,' said Smee, 'the clock will run down, and then he'll get you.' Hook wetted his dry lips, 'Aye,' he said, 'that's the fear that haunts me. -- James M. Barrie
  • Every future we imagine is transformed inexorably into a part of our children's understanding of their past, of the assumptions their parents and grandparents could not help but make.The Killer Hook -- Michael Chabon
  • The thing that I'm most passionate about, I'm writing a book called 'Jab Jab Jab Jab Jab Right Hook,' and it really focuses on how to story-tell in a noisy, ADD world. -- Gary Vaynerchuk
  • The senseless killing of 20 children and their teachers and principal at Sandy Hook Elementary School was not part of God's grand plan. It was a thwarting of God's plan. It was the misuse of human freedom. -- Adam Hamilton
  • This book is the best treatment of the best American Marxist philosopher-and the best philosopher to emerge from American slums. Young Sidney Hook is essential reading for anyone interested in democratic theory and practice in America. -- Cornel West
  • I'm not a good rapper. For whatever reason, my brain does not work that way. I just do the beginning, like, 'Yeah, yeah! Ha ha! Woo! What up? Come on! Get at me!' I'm Captain Hook. -- Adam DeVine
  • Growing up, I would have to say I loved 'Peter Pan' because I was fascinated by Captain Hook; I was fascinated by Hans Conried, who was an actor on screen and also a theatrical and television actor. -- Jonathan Freeman
  • I used to have a lot of recurring dreams about Captain Hook when I was a little kid, which I remember very vividly. But I think I just really liked Peter Pan a lot, and 'Hook' was my favorite movie. -- Cristin Milioti
  • I lived in Red Hook, Brooklyn, for about 10 years, and then we moved out to Jersey City after my wife and I bought a house up in the Catskills. I miss Brooklyn, but the commute to the Catskills is about 45 minutes shorter. -- Pablo Schreiber
  • Senators say they fear the N.R.A. and the gun lobby. But I think that fear must be nothing compared to the fear the first graders in Sandy Hook Elementary School felt as their lives ended in a hail of bullets. -- Gabrielle Giffords
  • I think after Sandy Hook, when Obama went out, and he talked a lot about gun control and met with the parents, there was a sense that something was going to happen. But then, I guess, the power of special interests was greater than public sentiment. -- Doris Kearns Goodwin
  • Let's hook up and just bring fiery death. -- Charlie Sheen
  • Hope is such a bait, it covers any hook. -- Oliver Goldsmith
  • Beauty without grace is the hook without the bait. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Luck affects everything; let your hook always be cast. -- Ovid
  • Satan like a fisher, baits his hook according to the appetite of the fish. -- Thomas Adams
  • God seems to have left the receiver off the hook and time is running out. -- Arthur Koestler
  • You never know how a horse will pull until you hook him to a heavy load. -- Bear Bryant
  • You never know how a horse will pull until you hook him to a heavy load. -- Bear Bryant
  • Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be fish. -- Ovid
  • Change is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be a fish. -- Ovid
  • Chance is always powerful. Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be fish. -- Ovid
  • Luck affects everything. Let your hook always be cast; in the stream where you least expect it there will be a fish. -- Ovid
  • When we search for something larger than our own selves to hook into, we can come through whatever life throws at us. -- Anne Lamott
  • Anger or hatred is like a fisherman's hook. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it. -- Dalai Lama
  • Ah, man, if I could ever hook up with Tom Waits, I'd be the happiest camper in Yellowstone, alright? That's the one guy. -- Al Jourgensen
  • I came up with new leads for game stories by being observant and clever, by using the many gifts of the English language to intrigue and hook a reader. -- Dick Schaap
  • If your concentration is getting bad, take up bass fishing. It will really improve your ability to focus. If you aren't ready when that fish hits, you can't set the hook. -- Lee Trevino
  • My interests are guitars, cars, and vacation. I've been playing guitar all my life. My dad was a professional guitarist, but I'm terrible, which lets me off the hook, so I just play for myself. -- Josh Hartnett
  • It's kind of like a challenge to myself to be able to hear somebody else's hook and kind of interpret the words. Because my own hooks, I already know what I mean when I write them. -- Eminem
  • We criticize mothers for closeness. We criticize fathers for distance. How many of us have expected less from our fathers and appreciated what they gave us more? How many of us always let them off the hook? -- Ellen Goodman
  • Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply. And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your maker, to the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being. It's a phenomenal lesson. -- Bob Proctor
  • Be a good steward of your gifts. Protect your time. Feed your inner life. Avoid too much noise. Read good books, have good sentences in your ears. Be by yourself as often as you can. Walk. Take the phone off the hook. Work regular hours. -- Jane Kenyon
  • Opportunities, many times, are so small that we glimpse them not and yet they are often the seeds of great enterprises. Opportunities are also everywhere and so you must always let your hook be hanging. When you least expect it, a great fish will swim by. -- Og Mandino
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  • a good writer should draw the reader in by starting in the middle of the story with a hook, then go back and fill in what happened before the hook. Once you have the reader hooked, you can write whatever you want as you slowly reel them in. -- Roland Smith
  • I push myself in a lot of aspects when I write a song. I write a piece and where most people would stop and say, 'Oh, that's the hook right there,' I'll move that to the first four bars of the verse and do a new hook. -- Drake
  • Sometimes I'll have sections that I'm not quite sure how they fit in the puzzle of a tune, they'll get moved around; what I think was originally a verse ends up becoming the chorus, or what's an intro gets dropped as a hook, things get shifted around a lot. -- Gotye
  • By hook or by crook, I hope that you will possess yourselves of money enough to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream -- Virginia Woolf
  • It's not about me - four simple words that described the life of Christ. Do you call yourself a Christian? Well then, you're not off the hook. You don't get to claim 'Me, myself, and I' as your four words. 'It's not about me' should describe your life as well. -- Monica Johnson
  • I don't like telling people where I stand on this, although I'm surprised anybody wonders. I suppose if I say I'm pro-choice, if I make that clear, it let's the audience off the hook, then they can sort of relax. Okay, it's alright he's pro-choice then I can enjoy this. -- Todd Solondz
  • I basically taught myself how to DJ, but I've been inspired by DJs throughout my whole career. I have some good friends that would hook us up with music. You learn some little things here and there from each DJ and you just take it and put your own style into to it. -- Pauly D
  • I tend to always carry a camera with me. I live next to a fire station, and I've got lots of photos of the hook and ladder coming out of the house. And I like food, so I tend to photograph wonderfully presented food all the time. To me those are very pleasant memories. -- Gordon Bell
  • I felt like my favorite writers have almost musical hooks in their work, whether it's poetry or a hook at the end of a chapter that makes you want to read the next one. And I think that my favorite writers definitely have something musical about what they do, in saying something so relatable and universal and so simple. -- Taylor Swift
  • Usually I start with a beat, I start making a beat, and my producer side is making the beat. And on a good day, my rapper side will jump in and start the writing process - maybe come up with a hook or start a verse. Sometimes it just happens like that. A song like 'Lights Please' happens like that. -- J. Cole
  • When I was a child, my father used to take me for walks, often along a river or by the sea. We would pass people fishing, perhaps reeling in their lines with struggling fish hooked at the end of them. Once I saw a man take a small fish out of a bucket and impale it, still wriggling, on an empty hook to use as bait. -- Peter Singer
  • I have the Midas touch, in the way that when I hook up with a project, I feel, not speaking cocky or conceited, but there's a confidence I have. I learned that from Muhammad Ali; I used to bodyguard him. He taught me about confidence. So when it comes to any job I work, I'm gonna do it good; I'm going to bring it over the top. -- Mr. T
  • Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say 'we are not afraid,' and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook. -- Barack Obama
  • I've got a good right hook. -- Julie Andrews
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  • I let people off the hook too easily. -- William Boyd
  • Bait the hook well. This fish will bite. -- William Shakespeare
  • A sly old fish, too cunning for the hook. -- George Crabbe
  • I took one look and fell, hook and tumble. -- Mary Oliver
  • Beauty - a deceitful bait with a deadly hook. -- John Lyly
  • I've calmed down already. I don't hook up anymore. -- Nicole Polizzi
  • Letting yourself off the hook takes the stress away. -- Gabrielle Bernstein
  • Beauty without intelligence is like a hook without bait. -- Moliere
  • People hook up. People don't hook up. I don't judge. -- Lamorne Morris
  • Love. The black hook. The spear singing through the mind. -- Louise Erdrich
  • You can talk to a fade but a hook won't listen. -- Lee Trevino
  • The whole point is to hook people and keep them interested. -- Penelope Ann Miller
  • You must use the hook of precepts to quickly remove it. -- Gautama Buddha
  • Blind mouths! That scarce themselves know how to hold A sheep-hook. -- John Milton
  • Beauty, devoid of grace, is a mere hook without the bait. -- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
  • ...her cry is a hook and it catches me in the throat. -- Catherynne M. Valente
  • When you bait the hook with your heart, the fish always bite. -- John Burroughs
  • I'm here to confuse you. Confusion is my right and left hook. -- Mona Eltahawy
  • Character design, like story design, requires a hook to grab the reader's attention. -- Ted Naifeh
  • Character design, like story design, requires a hook to grab the readers attention. -- Ted Naifeh
  • Maybe if I prayed to Miss Marple, she'd hook me up with a clue -- Ilona Andrews
  • I need to take a punch in order for me to throw that hook. -- Nonito Donaire
  • Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it. -- Rodney Dangerfield
  • He that will play with Satan's bait, will quickly be taken with Satan's hook. -- Thomas Brooks
  • Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook. -- Esther Hicks
  • By hook or by crook this peril too shall be something that we remember -- Homer
  • He who holds the hook is aware in what waters many fish are swimming. -- Ovid
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  • If I am ever put to death on the hook, expect a very human performance. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • If there were any clear investigation of 9/11, they wouldn't let Louie Freeh off the hook. -- Sidney Blumenthal
  • Forgiveness isn't about letting the other person off the hook - it's about releasing ourselves. -- Gabrielle Bernstein
  • BAIT, n. A preparation that renders the hook more palatable. The best kind is beauty. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Keep thy hook always baited, for a fish lurks even in the most unlikely swim. -- Ovid
  • A poem is a hand, a hook, a prayer. It is a soul in action. -- Edward Hirsch
  • My phone has been ringing off the hook. I have like 17 cell phones and pagers. -- Steven Cojocaru
  • The filmmakers who I'm pining to work for aren't ringing my phone off the hook -- Sean Astin
  • Serial novels have an unexpected effect; they hook the writer as well as the reader. -- Alexander McCall Smith
  • The filmmakers who I'm pining to work for aren't ringing my phone off the hook. -- Sean Astin
  • Big Poppa Pump is your hook up, and the next heavyweight championship of the world! -- Scott Steiner
  • The wolf dreads the pitfall, the hawk suspects the snare, and the kite the covered hook. -- Horace
  • I call intuition cosmic fishing. You feel a nibble, then you've got to hook the fish. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
  • Now listen little pigs, I'm gonna let you off the hook if you open the door. -- Sam the Sham
  • You fit into me like a hook into an eye a fish hook an open eye -- Margaret Atwood
  • With Saturday Night Live you're looking for any hook, any way to stay on the show. -- David Spade
  • With comedy, you have no place to go but more comedy, so you're never off the hook. -- Steve Martin
  • We cannot take the president off the hook for an illegal war that was based on lies -- Dennis Kucinich
  • The bolt of Tash falls from above!' 'Does it ever get caught on a hook halfway? -- C. S. Lewis
  • I'm not trying to fall in love on the Jersey Shore. I'm just trying to hook up. -- Pauly D
  • Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it -- Thomas Jefferson
  • People tell me it was a great left hook, but I wouldn't know. I never saw it -- Gene Fullmer
  • The goal is to be on the hook, not to let someone else do the scary parts. -- Seth Godin
  • A fishing pole is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool on the other -- Samuel Johnson