Governed quotes:

  • I must govern the clock, not be governed by it. -- Golda Meir
  • Mankind are governed more by their feelings than by reason. -- Samuel Adams
  • Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their virtues. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants. -- William Penn
  • Men are governed by lines of intellect - women: by curves of emotion. -- James Joyce
  • People are governed with the head; kindness of heart is little use in chess. -- Nicolas Chamfort
  • A state is better governed which has few laws, and those laws strictly observed. -- Rene Descartes
  • Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude. -- Dale Carnegie
  • Democracy is a device that insures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • Nothing is more surprising than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few. -- David Hume
  • The world is governed by institutions that are not democratic - the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO. -- Jose Saramago
  • The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. -- G.K. Chesterton
  • One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato
  • Daily life is governed by an economic system in which the production and consumption of insults tends to balance out. -- Raoul Vaneigem
  • In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of. -- Confucius
  • Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. -- Bertrand Russell
  • Government itself is founded upon the great doctrine of the consent of the governed, and has its cornerstone in the memorable principle that men are endowed with inalienable rights. -- Leland Stanford
  • We can allow satellites, planets, suns, universe, nay whole systems of universes, to be governed by laws, but the smallest insect, we wish to be created at once by special act. -- Charles Darwin
  • Indians today are governed by two different ideologies. Their political ideal set in the preamble of the Constitution affirms a life of liberty, equality and fraternity. Their social ideal embodied in their religion denies them. -- B. R. Ambedkar
  • In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself. -- Alexander Hamilton
  • Today we stand on a bridge leading from the territorial state to the world community. Politically, we are still governed by the concept of the territorial state; economically and technically, we live under the auspices of worldwide communications and worldwide markets. -- Christian Lous Lange
  • The human being is a self-propelled automaton entirely under the control of external influences. Willful and predetermined though they appear, his actions are governed not from within, but from without. He is like a float tossed about by the waves of a turbulent sea. -- Nikola Tesla
  • The more we're governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible. Or, what's impossible? What's a fantasy? -- Alan Rickman
  • A democracy which makes or even effectively prepares for modern, scientific war must necessarily cease to be democratic. No country can be really well prepared for modern war unless it is governed by a tyrant, at the head of a highly trained and perfectly obedient bureaucracy. -- Aldous Huxley
  • And it's a human need to be told stories. The more we're governed by idiots and have no control over our destinies, the more we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible. -- Alan Rickman
  • Democracy is a daring concept - a hope that we'll be best governed if all of us participate in the act of government. It is meant to be a conversation, a place where the intelligence and local knowledge of the electorate sums together to arrive at actions that reflect the participation of the largest possible number of people. -- Brian Eno
  • The world is governed by opinion. -- Thomas Hobbes
  • The world cannot be governed without juggling. -- John Selden
  • France has usually been governed by prostitutes -- Mark Twain
  • The world is governed by love,--self-love. -- Antoine Rivarol
  • An educated people can be easily governed. -- Frederick the Great
  • Government governed least is government governed best. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Warre and Physicke are governed by the eye. -- George Herbert
  • I've governed from a consistent set of principles -- Scott Gessler
  • Man is primarily governed by passion and instinct. -- Muhammad Iqbal
  • The human race is governed by its imagination. -- Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Men still have to be governed by deception. -- Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • Chaos is lawless behavior governed entirely by law. -- Ian Stewart
  • Those are governed best who are governed least. -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Fanaticism is governed by imagination rather than judgment. -- Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • For the world is only governed by self-interest. -- Friedrich Schiller
  • Be governed by your calling, not your circumstance. -- Steven Furtick
  • Government exists only for the good of the governed. -- Pythagoras
  • A well-governed appetite is a great part of liberty -- Seneca the Younger
  • A virtuous and industrious people may be cheaply governed. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • Human action is governed largely by instinct and emotion. -- Clarence Darrow
  • Ninety percent of our lives is governed by emotion. -- Alfred North Whitehead
  • Government [is] an illusion the governed should not encourage. -- John Updike
  • We are governed not by armies, but by ideas. -- Mona Caird
  • The characteristic of coquettes is affectation governed by whim. -- Henry Fielding
  • Voters will decide how they want to be governed. -- Evangelos Venizelos
  • Woe to that land that's governed by a child. -- William Shakespeare
  • Governments must conform to the nature of the men governed. -- Giambattista Vico
  • Favouritism governed kissage, Even as it does in this age. -- Rudyard Kipling
  • Countries are rarely governed by the ethical and good people. -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Every age that has historical status is governed by aristocracies. -- Joseph Goebbels
  • The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. -- Hugo Black
  • I will not be governed by the tyranny of immediacy. -- Mary Anne Radmacher
  • To me, a good event is governed by the audience. -- Jodi Picoult
  • He governed as if he felt predestined to never die -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • As a rule, our largest cities are the worst governed. -- Josiah Strong
  • Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • Fear has governed my life, if I think about it. -- Trent Reznor
  • I do not wish to be either governor nor governed! -- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
  • A country governed by a despot is an inverted cone. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Excusations, cessions, modesty itself well governed, are but arts of ostentation. -- Francis Bacon
  • I'm too old to be governed by fear of dumb people. -- Sam Waterston
  • Boldness governed by superior intellect is the mark of a hero. -- Carl von Clausewitz
  • We are not governed by armies or police, but by ideas. -- Mona Caird
  • Let the people think they govern and they will be governed. -- William Penn
  • The economy is not governed with the bottom half in mind. -- William Greider
  • Limitless opportunities abound, governed only by your focus on achieving them. -- Steven Redhead
  • A very populous city can rarely, if ever, be well governed. -- Aristotle
  • I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity. -- Bob Dylan
  • passion of any sort is seldom governed by the rules of etiquette. -- Nayantara Sahgal
  • A woman is easily governed, if a man takes her in hand. -- Jean de la Bruyere
  • The boy is not governed by don't, but is led by do. -- Baden Powell de Aquino
  • The laws governed people's happiness. To be lawless was to be happy. -- Jess C Scott
  • Politics is largely governed by sententious platitudes which are devoid of truth -- Bertrand Russell
  • All the known world, excepting only savage nations, is governed by books. -- Voltaire
  • How can a thing possibly govern others when it cannot be governed itself? -- Seneca the Younger
  • The imagination is never governed, it is always the ruling and divine power. -- John Ruskin
  • Our soul is governed by four invisible forces: love, death, power and time. -- Paulo Coelho
  • I try never to be governed by fear; that's how I choose things. -- Nicole Kidman
  • Man, as a physical being, is like other bodies governed by invariable laws. -- Baron de Montesquieu
  • A government builds its prestige upon the apparently voluntary association of the governed. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Take mankind as they are, and what are they governed by? Their passions. -- Alexander Hamilton
  • Without forgiveness life is governed by... an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. -- Roberto Assagioli
  • The consent of the governed is not consent if it is not informed -- Edward Snowden
  • Be governed by your internal compass, not by some clock on the wall. -- Stephen Covey
  • A well governed people are generally a people who do not think much. -- Andre Siegfried
  • Order is manifestly maintained in the universe... governed by the sovereign will of God. -- James Prescott Joule
  • A wise man neither suffers himself to be governed, nor attempts to govern others. -- Jean de la Bruyere
  • Consequences are governed by principles, and behavior is governed by values; therefore, value principles! -- Stephen Covey
  • This weakening is worsened by the widening distance between the governed and their governments. -- Jacques Delors
  • If I wished to punish a province, I would have it governed by philosophers. -- Frederick the Great
  • Where can I find a man governed by reason instead of habits and urges? -- Khalil Gibran
  • All of our lives are governed by a certain degree of faith in bullshit. -- Dan Simmons
  • We are most of us governed by epistemologies that we know to be wrong -- Gregory Bateson
  • It is for men to choose whether they will govern themselves or be governed. -- Henry Ward Beecher
  • We must be governed by the force of law, not by the law of force. -- William Sloane Coffin
  • There is something absurd in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island. -- Thomas Paine
  • I can conceive of nothing worse than a man-governed world -- except a woman-governed world. -- Nancy Astor
  • Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed -- Walter E. Williams
  • Your longevity in the sport is governed by how you live in between the fights. -- Carl Froch
  • MIT is governed by a second, even higher rule: the inalienable right of academic freedom. -- Nicholas Negroponte
  • People are governed by the head; a kind heart is of little value in chess. -- Nicolas Chamfort
  • The effects of outcome expectancies on performance motivation are partly governed by self-beliefs of efficacy -- Albert Bandura
  • Forgetting and remembering are governed by laws, but we cannot find out what they are. -- Mason Cooley
  • Systems governed by only one set of rules are more vulnerable than those with variety. -- Geoff Mulgan
  • I think everything should be governed by law. We don't want to keep secrets anymore. -- Nong ?uc Manh
  • The only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed. -- William Henry Harrison
  • ... my whole existence is governed by abstract ideas.... the ideal must be preserved regardless of fact. -- Mary Corinna Putnam Jacobi
  • The lesson of the book is that the universe is governed by the laws of science. -- Stephen Hawking
  • Human beings seem to be far more autonomous and self-governed than modern psychological theory allows for. -- Abraham Maslow
  • In the business world, everyone is always working at legitimate cross purposes, governed by self interest. -- Harold Geneen
  • Society is well governed when its people obey the magistrates, and the magistrates obey the law. -- Solon
  • Hollywood is so governed by the ego, and I never wanted to fall into that trap. -- Kimberly Elise
  • [Knowledge is governed not by] a theory of knowledge, but by a theory of discursive practice. -- Michel Foucault
  • We justly consider women to be weaker than ourselves, and yet we are governed by them. -- Nicolas Chamfort