Gosh quotes:

  • Gosh, all a kid has to do these days is spit straight and he gets forty-thousand dollars to sign. -- Cy Young
  • You always see people coming back to the sport, and I've always thought, 'Gosh, when you're done playing, wouldn't you just want to stay at home?' -- Lindsay Davenport
  • You can get sucked into the idea that, 'Gosh, this is impressive. Maybe I should do this. It will look good.' Or 'I'll write like this because it will impress that critic.' -- Amy Tan
  • You come across words all the time that are everyday sexism. I was described as 'competently bossy' and 'bossily competent' by a male journalist, and I thought, 'Gosh, 'bossy' is never used of a man.' -- Clare Balding
  • The working men, I'll go by and they'll whistle. At first they whistle because they think, 'Oh, it's a girl. She's got blond hair and she's not out of shape,' and then they say, 'Gosh, it's Marilyn Monroe!' -- Marilyn Monroe
  • Gosh, I'd like to direct Our Town on stage. -- Robert Englund
  • Gosh. The subjunctive is always the first to go. -- David Mitchell
  • Gosh, I made so many mistakes. I mean I still make mistakes. We all do. -- Ainsley Earhardt
  • He said, 'Gosh, Dad, that mean's we're not going to any more bowl games.' -- Jim Colletto
  • Gosh, it's so fun to do a movie where there's nothing dark happening in it. -- Heather Graham
  • Gosh, I couldn't even talk right until I was about 6 years old or something like that. -- Macaulay Culkin
  • Gosh, I love saying Booyakasha! I keep finding new ways to say it. I love saying Booyakasha. -- Greg Cipes
  • Have you noticed we can breathe in here too?Gosh, I wouldn't have picked up on that. -- Dan Abnett
  • I am a woman, hear me roar," I said. Gosh, what prompted that?" Amelia asked, and I jumped -- Charlaine Harris
  • Gosh, I love saying 'Booyakasha!' I keep finding new ways to say it. I love saying 'Booyakasha.' -- Greg Cipes
  • I meander and wander, like a lazy river. Gosh, why are some rivers so damn lazy? What, are they teenagers? -- Jarod Kintz
  • Gosh, if I'm gonna take a big stand on something I would hope it would be for more than flip flops! -- Rose McGowan
  • Switzerland still has a huge share of the watch market, all advertised at the airport on illuminated hoardings. Gosh, they are ugly. -- Simon Hoggart
  • I would love to find myself in a position where I have to decide, 'Gosh, do I want to be on a series? -- Wil Wheaton
  • I have no regrets about my career or retiring. Not once have I thought 'Gosh, I wish I was back on the court. -- Rebecca Lobo
  • I look back at myself, this innocent person, and I think, 'Gosh, she's okay.' I handled a lot, and I'm still here. -- Brooke Shields
  • Uhh Gosh, I.. don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those, uhh, exaggerations. -- George W. Bush
  • You always see people coming back to the sport, and I've always thought, 'Gosh, when you're done playing, wouldn't you just want to stay at home? -- Lindsay Davenport
  • I want to keep making movies, hopefully with some nominations, if I'm lucky! Movies that make people feel something, where they walk away and say, "Gosh, she's different." -- Bella Thorne
  • Is there anybody out there that will point to Hillary Clinton and say, "Gosh, my life is so much better because of her"? Why aren't they on stage? -- Rush Limbaugh
  • --
  • Do you give up?" Shezmu bellowed. "No!" I yelled. "No, we don't give up. We will name you. Just . . . Gosh, you're quite well muscled, arn't you? Do you work out? -- Rick Riordan
  • I think they assign things to students which are way over their heads, which destroy your love of reading, rather than leading you to it. I don't understand that. Gosh. -- Charles M. Schulz
  • I sure do miss that woman. Smart. Funny. Sweet. She never gave me a moment's trouble." "Gosh, I'm sorry about that. I knew it was boring between you two, but not that bad. -- Susan Elizabeth Phillips
  • Every day I think, 'Gosh, I wish I could be like George Carlin, Bill Maher: I want that edge.' But every time I start to get that edgy thing, I get kind of mean. -- Tom Smothers
  • I really choose by what I like, i thought 'Alexander' was a super smart script. Just [costar] Steve [Carell] alone would have been enough. Gosh, I love working with that guy. He's just the best. -- Jennifer Garner
  • I was talking to my mom one time, like, "Gosh, I'm 30." And she's like, "In your thirties you're even stronger than in your twenties." I didn't believe her, but I have played better in my thirties. -- Serena Williams
  • I don't think one should ever come to my stage of life and have to look back and say, Gosh. I wish I hadn't spent all those years doing that job I was never really interested in. -- Charles Kuralt
  • I don't want to turn 50 and say, 'Gosh, I wish I'd lived in that part of the world for a time. I wish I'd read that book by Faulkner.' I want time to delve back into Thoreau and Kafka. -- Charlie Trotter
  • I've shot a lot of places, and I've produced. I always thought, 'Gosh, when you shoot in a big city, it's so difficult.' And New York, I always think, 'Where are you going to park the trucks? How are you going to stop the traffic?' -- Scott Bakula
  • My gosh, I love food. If I wasn't an actor, I could be a completely different body shape right now. -- Hugh Jackman
  • Chocolate is maybe my only vice. In particular, Godiva's champagne truffles. Or Dean & Deluca vanilla cupcakes. Just thinking about them - oh my gosh! -- Shilpa Shetty
  • I can't ever remember sitting around and saying, 'gosh let's hurry up and get these debates going, that'll win it for me.' Nope. -- George H. W. Bush
  • Oh my gosh! I can't tell you the number of times people have put autotune on my voice, and I'm like, 'Please take it off!' You don't even sound human; it makes you sound like a robot! -- Leona Lewis
  • I have no time for the endless nostalgia: 'Oh gosh I used to . . . ' Life is too short; I don't have any time for sitting and saying I miss things. What's the point? Go and do something else. -- Kate Adie
  • One thing I can't do, and I hope that there are other people out there that feel the same way, is climb a rope. Oh my gosh, it's so hard to climb rope! It's all about grip and arms. -- Katy Perry
  • I actually love actresses who look like they feel really natural. I like Patricia Clarkson, Laura Linney, Frances McDormand. Those are actresses where the second they show up on screen you're like, oh my gosh, this movie just got so much better. -- Anna Kendrick
  • I just love carbs. And when I'm on vacation I definitely allow myself carbs, so it's always funny when people are like, 'Oh my gosh, you look great in your bikini.' I'm like, 'If you only knew what I had for breakfast!' -- Ashley Tisdale
  • I think if a girl is easy to talk to then that's the first thing I look for. It's great when you meet a girl and three hours later you're like, 'Oh my gosh, we've been talking for three hours, what happened to the time?' -- Zac Efron
  • When I listen to a song, I don't say, 'Oh my gosh, that vocal line she sang was the best thing I ever heard.' I'm thinking, 'That lyric just moves me. That lyric just said what I feel better than I could say it myself.' -- Taylor Swift
  • Half the time on vacation, if I'm in a bikini, I allow myself - I eat, like, waffles and pancakes for breakfast, so that's me after, like, a big meal. I'm not the one that's like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm going to be on the beach.' -- Ashley Tisdale
  • Now, the term 'friend' is a little loose. People mock the 'friending' on social media, and say, 'Gosh, no one could have 300 friends!' Well, there are all kinds of friends. Those kinds of 'friends,' and work friends, and childhood friends, and dear friends, and neighborhood friends, and we-walk-our-dogs-at-the-same-time friends, etc. -- Gretchen Rubin
  • I'm sure there were times when I wish I had thought, 'Gosh, that might really embarrass mom and dad,' but our parents didn't raise us to think about them. They're very selfless and they wanted us to have as normal of a college life as possible. So really, we didn't think of any repercussions. -- Jenna Bush
  • There was a story that I was in a shoe shop and that I threw a pair of flip flops at the wall, shouting, 'I can't believe how overpriced these are!' I thought, 'Gosh, if I'm gonna take a big stand on something I would hope it would be for more than flip flops!' -- Rose McGowan
  • It's like, if you can't focus on a movie for 90 minutes without looking at your phone, then don't go to the movies! You've got some issues, so you should probably stay home and work on those issues, and not distract everyone with lights, and sounds, oh my gosh, the tapping on the screens, it makes me crazy! -- Ginnifer Goodwin
  • As soon as I saw tattoos as a way to tell your story, I thought, 'Oh my gosh, I totally get it.' So I got my first tattoo a couple of years ago, and it's the word 'hope' on my left arm. It has a couple of dots at the end for each of my kids. -- Kristian Bush
  • The biggest thrill a ballplayer can have is when your son takes after you. That happened when my Bobby was in his championship Little League game. He really showed me something. Struck out three times. Made an error that lost the game. Parents were throwing things at our car and swearing at us as we drove off. Gosh, I was proud. -- Bob Uecker
  • I noticed there were so many people, especially women, who would come up to me having recognized me from TV and say, 'I heard you were a math person, why math? Oh my gosh, I could never do math!' I could just see their self-esteem crumbling; I thought that was silly, so I wanted to make math more friendly and accessible. -- Danica McKellar
  • It's sad when you can't make everyone happy, though. It's impossible but, at the same time, you still hope. You think, 'Maybe I can do it,' but you know you can't. But gosh, if I had to rely on giving people what they wanted, I would have had to write 40 billion different books and even then, I wouldn't get it right. -- Stephenie Meyer
  • I enjoyed 'Gossip Girl' so much. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the cast of that show. I was so intimidated doing that show because I thought, 'Oh my gosh, those people are so young and gorgeous, and I'm a million years old, and I need a spray tan, and I'm going to be wearing all these fabulous clothes.' -- Joanna Garcia
  • I was 17 when my body started changing, and I worried about what I did wrong. I went through a period where I didn't eat at all. I also had someone who was encouraging me to take diet pills. I pushed myself to the extreme because I woke up one day and had hips - and a butt - and thought, 'Oh my gosh, I'm getting fat!' -- Shantel VanSanten
  • Oh my gosh, I would love to guest star on 'Entourage.' -- Autumn Reeser
  • How's motherhood? It is absolutely wonderful. Oh, my gosh. It's truly indescribable and amazing. -- Jennie Finch
  • Golf is not sacred, and there is no use getting so gosh-darned solemn about it. -- Don Herold
  • Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm really obsessive about anything dealing with my health. -- Ginnifer Goodwin
  • I love energy and people; gosh I love people even when they got on my nerves. -- Ledisi
  • Oh gosh. I mean, I love Saxon. Yes I do. *slaps forehead* *runs fingers despairingly through hair*" -- M
  • I can't believe that people actually know my first and last name. I think it's really, really, gosh-darn neat. -- Brittany Murphy
  • I mean, gosh, my first tours I ever did were with the Ramones and Iggy Pop and Love & Rockets. -- Perry Farrell
  • Oh my gosh,Nick. You're not wearing a shirt! This must be one of those exciting days ending in Y. -- Sarah Rees Brennan
  • One of my favorite comedies is Three Amigos! Oh my gosh, me and my brother quote that all the time. -- Jason Dolley
  • One of my favorite comedies is 'Three Amigos!' Oh my gosh, me and my brother quote that all the time. -- Jason Dolley
  • Oh, gosh, Olive. I'm so embarrassed." "No need to be," Olive tells her. "We all want to kill someone at some point." (179) -- Elizabeth Strout
  • Oh, my gosh, thirty-eight hundred children are going to die tomorrow. What am I going to do to actually save some of them? -- Marjorie Dannenfelser
  • I performed at Mom and Dad's party when I was four. Oh my gosh, I was singing a Madonna song, and I peed myself! -- Britney Spears
  • Oh gosh, I noticed dramatic changes in my body after I started doing yoga, but I also think you have to shake things up. -- Jennifer Aniston
  • No parent at home is saying my gosh, if we can just get a higher minimum wage, all of our aspirations have been realized. -- Chris Christie
  • It would be amazing if something completely spiritual sounding happened. Oh, my gosh! We'd be all over it. Because it's something new about the physical universe. -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • choose now," he spat, his eyes practically shooing sparks. "me or him." gosh,Fang, you romantic fool," i said sarcastically."howw incredibly sexist pig of you. -- James Patterson
  • I was running since I was 10. Since grade one at school people looked at me and thought, oh gosh she can really run, she's a natural. -- Cathy Freeman
  • When we started in television, there was that magic box in the corner of the room, and 'Oh my gosh - look what it's doing!' -- Betty White
  • And it totally has transformed my relationship with someone like, say, Bach. You know, Bach is born 330 years ago but, you know, gosh, he really is alive. -- Mahan Esfahani
  • You know what, I had 11 great years with St. Louis. My gosh, those are the best years of my life. And I will never, ever forget that. -- Brett Hull
  • A debate actually is a policy issue but I will say this - gosh, if you guys ask one more mean question, I may have to leave the stage. -- Ted Cruz
  • Everyone in show business has had the experience of the fan who is so excited at recognizing their favorite star, they say, 'Oh my gosh, you're my biggest fan! -- Audrey Meadows
  • I'd be just another Marvel fan, only with a little bit bigger smile, when I would get the script and be like, "Oh, my gosh, Agent Coulson knows that? -- Clark Gregg
  • When you find your authentic self, your identity - your true identity - how many people work a job they hate or live a life, they're going oh my gosh. -- Paula White
  • I do not look at myself every morning and think: 'Oh, my gosh, I am so perfect, so beautiful, so talented.' No, I like to make fun of myself. -- Marion Bartoli
  • You can say any fool thing to a dog and the dog will just give you this look that says, 'My GOSH, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that! -- Dave Barry
  • My own personal rule is to tell jokes that I think the person I'm making them about can laugh at, to go home and tell their family, oh, my gosh. -- Jeff Ross
  • Sometimes I think to myself, "I wonder if Meryl Streep is ever like, 'Oh gosh, everyone thinks I'm so perfect! I wish that someone would give me a note.'" -- Bryce Dallas Howard
  • Within a few weeks of coming back from filming 'Lemonade Mouth,' I got these scripts, and 'Terra Nova' was the one that stuck out. I was like, 'Oh my gosh'. -- Naomi Scott
  • A lot of times people will say, 'Well, gosh, you're really good; you should try acting!' And I say, 'Come on! I'm thesping my little guts out over here.' -- Jim Cummings
  • It's amazing that people still feel, 'Oh my gosh, it's a black guy.' We've been here for a long time; let's get used to it. Let's get used to other cultures. -- John Boyega
  • A product is usually created to improve people's lives; otherwise, why buy it? I'm no genius, but I am an American, and gosh-darnit, I consume, so I know what I'm talking about. -- Steven Weber
  • My gosh, if you're going away, we got a million things to talk about! All the things we would've talked about next month, the month after! Praying mantises, zeppelins, acrobats, sword swallowers! -- Ray Bradbury
  • I mean it wasn't that they sat around thinking oh gosh I needed more choices in my grocery stores the way I had come to think about it as an American growing up. -- Sheena Iyengar
  • Exploring female rage on film doesn't frighten me - it might frighten a lot of people in my business, but, gosh, I know a lot about that, from personal experience and friends' experiences. -- Reese Witherspoon
  • He was making all kinds of sounds apparently with his mouth, and shaking his head and I thought, gosh, is he trying to stop the orchestra? Is it all wrong? It was just unbelievable. -- Robert Ripley
  • I've known the panic of financial struggle. I didn't grow up with money at all, and my family has certainly known the panic of, 'Oh, gosh, where's the next bit of money coming from?' -- Cate Blanchett
  • The refs are so confused themselves because there's so many rules. It's like, 'Oh my gosh I've never seen this many rules in my life.' And everybody's trying to govern this and justify that. -- Ray Lewis
  • If you're Obama, can you imagine being lectured to about honesty and integrity from a convicted perjurer, Bill Clinton? My gosh, folks, I mean, literally how far has one fallen when that is the case? -- Rush Limbaugh
  • You decide you're going to do horror, then gosh darn it, do horror. Do what's expected. Don't kind of do it. Don't dilly-dally around, because people really enjoy the genre, and they expect certain things. -- Roberta Williams