Gordon quotes:

  • I had a bet with Gordon Kane of Michigan University that the Higgs particle wouldn't be found. -- Stephen Hawking
  • Paris Hilton, it turns out, is related to fellow celebrity jailbirds Zsa Zsa Gabor and G. Gordon Liddy. -- Steven Pinker
  • I love Chris Crutcher, Sara Zarr, Lois Lowry, Elizabeth Scott, Madeleine L'Engle, Gordon Korman, Michelle Magorian, Heather Bouwman. -- Lisa McMann
  • Banking types should take their cue from Gordon Gekko. Or pick the best-looking banker in their firm and copy him. -- Tom Ford
  • I love Opening Ceremony, Kenzo - anything Humberto Leon and Carol Lim touch. I drool over Christopher Kane, Mary Katrantzou, Delpozo, and Wes Gordon. -- Gillian Jacobs
  • I love good food and I love to eat in nice restaurants. I love Japanese food. I love Gordon Ramsay in London; he is pretty amazing. -- Isla Fisher
  • When Gordon Brown becomes prime minister, the balance sheet that reflects his economic stewardship could look very sickly indeed. He could become Labour's biggest liability, not its most marketable asset. -- Vince Cable
  • I guarantee you that's what Jeff Gordon does. He uses everything the fans throw at him to stoke his fire and it drives him to be better at what he does. -- Bo Jackson
  • I'm a very loyal person and I allowed myself to be defined as somebody who was doing Gordon's bidding. I should have fought back harder to define myself at an earlier stage. -- Ed Balls
  • In the movie 'Wall Street' I play Gordon Gekko, a greedy corporate executive who cheated to profit while innocent investors lost their savings. The movie was fiction, but the problem is real. -- Michael Douglas
  • Billions of taxpayers' money has been wasted in bad deals. The London Underground modernisation, personally negotiated by one of Gordon Brown's team, was a disaster, as the National Audit Office has confirmed. -- Vince Cable
  • Life's short, so if you're going to spend months doing something, it's gotta be pretty special... But I'm very happy to enter my Baby Jane years, and hopefully segue into the Ruth Gordon years. -- Winona Ryder
  • Sir Gordon Richards was the most successful jockey - flat or jumps - there's ever been: champion jockey for 26 years. He set a record of 269 winners in the season 55 years before I broke it. That was my greatest achievement. -- Tony McCoy
  • I'm not saying that Sam J. Jones was Flash Gordon - there's no such thing. No actor can be the person, that's a bunch of crap. People pay to see an actor be himself, whether he plays Hamlet or whatever. -- Sam J. Jones
  • I love anything to do with cooking, from watching the Food Network to reading recipe books by Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and Levi Roots. My favourite types of cuisine are Asian and Caribbean, and I love cooking new recipes for my family. -- Jourdan Dunn
  • When I was young, I ran to see Astaire and Rogers, Huston, Lubitsch - they were formative for me. I also read 'Flash Gordon' when I was 6, but if I were still reading it when I was 16, I'd have been an imbecile. -- Lina Wertmuller
  • Many of our problems are home-grown. Gordon Brown regularly advised the rest of the world to follow his British model of growth. But the model was flawed. It led to the highest level of household debt in relation to income in the world. -- Vince Cable
  • What is it that unites, on the left of British politics, George Orwell, Billy Bragg, Gordon Brown and myself? An understanding that identity and a sense of belonging need to be linked to our commitment to nationhood and a modern form of patriotism. -- David Blunkett
  • When New Labour came to power, we got a Right-wing Conservative government. I came to realise that voting Labour wasn't in Scotland's interests any more. Any doubt I had about that was cast aside for ever when I saw Gordon Brown cosying up to Margaret Thatcher in Downing Street. -- Jimmy Reid
  • I fully support U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his Global Education First Initiative and the work of U.N. Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown and the respectful president of the U.N. General Assembly Vuk Jeremic. I thank them for the leadership they continue to give. -- Malala Yousafzai
  • I'm Gordon Ramsay, for goodness sake: people know I'm volatile. -- Gordon Ramsay
  • Gordon Keith was the son a gentleman. -- Thomas Nelson Page
  • People have told me I look like Gordon Lightfoot. -- Chris Pratt
  • David Cameron has a different style to Gordon Brown. -- Louis Susman
  • Only he [Gordon Gekko] is a lot smarter than [Donald] Trump. -- Rich Fulcher
  • I grew up in the golden age of Flash Gordon and sci-fi. -- Margaret Atwood
  • Gordon Ramsay makes me laugh because he knows that I'm not a chef. -- Nigella Lawson
  • [Gordon Ramsay] knows about being bullied, because look at the size of him. -- Chelsea Handler
  • The shortest way out of Manchester is notoriously a bottle of Gordon's gin. -- William Bolitho
  • Thank God for books and music and things I can think about."--Charlie Gordon -- Daniel Keyes
  • Gordon Brown promised to abolish boom and bust. He has kept half his promise. -- William Hague
  • Guys like Josh Gordon need to stay in his sport and mind his own business. -- Kyrie Irving
  • Impersonating a quiet, gentle librarian like Barbara Gordon--You deserve to be taken out of circulation! -- Karl Kesel
  • I want the scripts Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't have time for. Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't available? Call me. -- Michael B. Jordan
  • In the Arctic I met some Russian sailors on a submarine and they chorused, "Gordon's alive!" -- Brian Blessed
  • As for Gordon Brown - I've described him and Blair as two cheeks of the same arse. -- George Galloway
  • Gordon Brown now bestrides politics and the media like the Colossus of Dunfermline. Whatever happened to Tony Blair? -- Austin Mitchell
  • Gordon Way's astonishment at being suddenly shot dead was nothing compared to his astonishment at what happened next. -- Douglas Adams
  • As a Scot Gordon Brown will find it hard to convince people in England he should be prime minister -- Boris Johnson
  • ...science is confirming what we know in our hearts: that, as psychiatrist James Gordon put it," massage is medicine." -- George Howe Colt
  • I hate to date myself, but my earliest memories are Flash Gordon. I would love playing Flash Gordon in the neighborhood. -- Bruce Davison
  • There are 101 websites out there for debate - this was a blatant last attempt to get someone to stand against Gordon Brown. -- Diane Abbott
  • I would put forward a modest proposition that we were very much better governed by Henry VIII than we are by King Gordon. -- David Starkey
  • I wouldn't want to get you into trouble." Gordon hesitated still...Maddie laughed carelessly. "Wouldn't be the first time. Probably wouldn't be the last. -- John Flanagan
  • People wonder whether I got my presenting job as a result of my own abilities or because of Gordon, which is a little unfair. -- Tana Ramsay
  • Do you think George Bush actually knows who Gordon Brown is? He probably just thinks Tony Blair's put on weight and had a mild stroke. -- Frankie Boyle
  • As Tony [Blair] said in his book, Gordon [Brown] was brilliant and impossible. If he'd just been one of those things, the options are obvious. -- Alastair Campbell
  • It is now in Gordon Brown's - and the Labour party's - best interests for those seeking the prime minister's immediate departure to back off -- David Blunkett
  • Football is becoming all about money. I would like to be in a lift with Gordon Brown and say, 'Please do something about football.' -- Delia Smith
  • I'm one of three judges on 'MasterChef' with Gordon Ramsay, but I don't want my own show. I'm kind of used to the sidekick gig. -- Joe Bastianich
  • I think everyone would love to see Jeff Gordon lose or get run into the wall, but I think he uses that - similar to me. -- Bo Jackson
  • One of the laws of nature," Gordon said, "is that half the people have got to be below average.""For a Gaussian distribution, yeah," Cooper said. "Sad, though. -- Gregory Benford
  • I had a little teddy bear called Gordon the gopher. I took him to bed with me, he'd come to school with me cos he was my favourite. -- John Terry
  • I have a nightmare about Tony [Blair] and Gordon [Brown] killing each other. Not every month, but now and then. I also have a recurring dream about losing. -- Alastair Campbell
  • I'm kind of quoting Thurston [Moore] and Kim [Gordon] in saying that about not being great with addicts, because they are the ones who said it to me. -- Michael Stipe
  • I am absolutely delighted to give my full support to Gordon as the next leader of the Labour Party and as prime minister and to endorse him fully. -- Tony Blair
  • Gordon Lightfoot looms pretty large in my life as a writer and an artist in general. I never travel anywhere without at least two of his records with me. -- Ron Sexsmith
  • I've always been trying to write songs like Lightfoot. A song of mine like 'Come Monday' is a direct result of me trying to write a Gordon Lightfoot song. -- Jimmy Buffett
  • I sometimes think 'Gordon' must be the most bootlegged album in U.S history, since it sold only 200,000 copies in the country, yet 800,000 kids know the words to every song. -- Steven Page
  • My colleague Bill Keegan has written a very short book ('Saving the World?') on an unlikely topic - he is the first economist to try to rehabilitate Gordon Brown. -- Simon Hoggart
  • When I was in Downing Street, David Cameron saw me and said, "Please, shout it all around and let it penetrate to my cabinet meeting." So I bellowed: "Gordon's alive!" -- Brian Blessed
  • Looking back at those great singers like Gordon MacRae and Howard Keel - they have such a specific kind of style that it seems like we don't really appreciate anymore. -- Julian Ovenden
  • I don't think I've ever sent a text to Gordon Brown because I'm confident that he would absolutely have no idea how to receive it. He barely managed to master WordPerfect 4.1. -- Ed Balls
  • It was not until I got my first job, at the University of Washington in Seattle, and began playing chess with Don Gordon, a brilliant young theorist, that I learned economic theory. -- Douglass North
  • Jeff [Gordon] doesn't sit down and explain things. We don't sit and have meetings where I'm the student. He really teaches by example. I've learned a lot on and off the racetrack. -- Jimmie Johnson
  • Gordon eyed them with inert hatred. At this moment he hated all books, and novels most of all. Horrible to think of all that soggy, half-baked trash massed together in one place. -- George Orwell
  • They had to ask spain I think, they've had to say to Spain, can you lend us some stuff for the roads, and it's Gordon Brown phoning up going 'pass the salt' -- Michael McIntyre
  • In the news this week, the polls continue to slide for Gordon Brown and some people are saying he's dead and buried. But I think the opposite - I say GORDON'S ALIVE! -- Brian Blessed
  • The prima ballerinas who taught me were far more scary than Gordon Ramsay. They'd scream at me and pull my legs and arms, so after them Gordon was a piece of cake. -- Jennifer Ellison
  • Gordon Ramsay grew up in a tourist town, Stratford-Upon-Avon, but in a part tourists don't visit - a council estate: a concrete bunker subsidized by the local government, synonymous with deprivation and blight. -- Bill Buford
  • Among contemporaries, I hugely admire Alice Munro, our Chekhov, Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, and John Updike, American masters all. I also believe that the voice of Gordon Lish is astoundingly original and sorrowful. -- Cynthia Ozick
  • I hate the stereotype of the pitfalls of the child actor. There are so many amazing examples - Natalie Portman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jodie Foster, Drew Barrymore - of people who have made it through. -- Jamie Bell
  • You were talking to that niche in the wall again, Gwyneth. I saw you." "Yes, but it's my favorite bit of wall, Gordon. I'd hurt its feelings if I didn't stop and talk to it. -- Kerstin Gier
  • I love to hate [Wall Street] it, and I like it. I love the fact that I hate it and like it at the same time. Plus, Gordon Gekko is now [Donald] Trump, isn't he? -- Rich Fulcher
  • When I was a young writer if you went to a party and told somebody you were a science-fiction writer you would be insulted. They would call you Flash Gordon all evening, or Buck Rogers. -- Ray Bradbury
  • I always just wanted to be a movie actress, like Lily Tomlin or Ruth Gordon. I just imagined myself being in a movie, wearing stylish women's clothing the way I saw Amy Irving wearing it. -- Jenny Slate
  • I think around that time I met David [Gordon Green] or, well, we all met at Superbad and Judd [Apatow] said, 'I'm thinking about having him direct [ Knocked Up].' Sounded like a good idea. -- Seth Rogen
  • Gordon Lightfoot has created some of the most beautiful and lasting music of our time. He is Bob Dylan's favorite singer/songwriter - high praise from the best of us, applauded by the rest of us. -- Kris Kristofferson
  • I do a mean beef Wellington. Gordon Ramsay's is a phenomenal recipe. But that's a lot of prep. The secret to wrap it in Parma ham before wrapping in pastry. I'm so pro smuggling more meat in. -- James Corden
  • Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling, in hosting the G20 summit and in the budget, must display the same boldness in tackling the instability at home that they do in promoting a worldwide answer to the global meltdown. -- David Blunkett
  • Tony [Blair] slowly sucked me back in for the 2005 campaign, and from six months out, I was basically working full time trying to keep the Tony[Blair]-Gordon[Brown] thing together for the campaign. It was awful. -- Alastair Campbell
  • The huge turnout for Live 8 here and around the world proves that thanks to the leadership from people like Tony Blair and Gordon Brown the world is beginning to demand more action on global health and poverty. -- Bill Gates
  • Surely, the best and most effective measure is to get the economy moving and shorten the period of recession or slowdown. That's the rationale for Gordon Brown's 'fiscal stimulus' and it sounds like a good one to me. -- Lucy Powell
  • The choices politicians make must be based on values - not an arbitrary, axe-wielding approach to public spending or a dismal exchange between Gordon Brown and David Cameron about percentages that sounds like an argument between different book-keepers. -- Nick Clegg
  • Ariel Gordon is superbly, supremely, a poet of the body. She finds words for the physicality of the forest, of the garden, of pregnancy. Hump speaks the erotics of being alive and being in love with being alive. -- Robert Kroetsch
  • I was a Gordon Lightfoot fan before he ever had a song out. You just knew he was pure talent and he was going to be successful. Gordon has written and recorded some of the greatest music ever. -- Ronnie Hawkins
  • We're not actors, we're people behaving like ourselves on TV. We're both [me and Gordon Ramsay] exactly who we are on TV. I don't think either one is an exaggerated version. You just have to be who you are. -- Chelsea Handler
  • When Gordon the Brown, in London in 1997, commissioned a great inquisition or survey of his new realm, the result was the so-called national asset register, which was immediately dubbed by the boomers of the UK Treasury 'the modern Domesday Book.' -- James Buchan
  • The show was number one in the ratings, Gordon Russell was our head writer, the story lines were magnificent and the acting most exciting. I loved working with Judith Light and all the other actors on the show at that time. -- Michael Storm
  • --
  • Yes is the answer to that question. I've enjoyed being in government... if it would be useful for me to serve I would like to do that. [saying he would like to work for Gordon Brown despite his previous opinions of him!] -- Charles Clarke
  • The Irish Duke' is a sequel to 'The Decadent Duke' about Lady Georgina Gordon who married the Duke of Bedford. 'The Irish Duke' tells the story of their daughter, Lady Louisa, who married James Hamilton, the powerful and wealthy Duke of Abercorn. -- Virginia Henley
  • Gordon Gekko was right: greed is good. Because, the potty-trained Republicans have now stepped forward - like the Koch brothers - to say, 'You know what? You yokels stop talking about defaulting on the debt, because I'm going to lose a fortune!' -- Bill Maher
  • ... when I heard Apache by the Shadows, that was it ! ...then there was a guitar player named Steve Gordon, he was "the player" in town ... I still remember him saying to me 'Is there any reason you're not using your little finger?'... -- Ray Flacke
  • It is a strange thing that many truly spiritual men, such as General Gordon, have actually spent some hours in speculating upon the precise location of the Garden of Eden. Most probably we are in Eden still. It is only our eyes that have changed. -- Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • The scumbags are taking over the streets. I don't know what David Cameron and Gordon Brown are going to do about it. It all goes back to the Thatcher (Margaret Thatcher) years. It sounds like a cliché but that's when the rot set in. -- Noel Gallagher
  • A dry martini,' he said. 'One. In a deep champagne goblet.' ... Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon-peel. Got it? -- Ian Fleming
  • When you look at the things people are really fed up with, like the collapse of the pension system, like the failure to get money to the frontline of the health service, Gordon Brown is more responsible for that than any other politician including Tony Blair -- George Osborne
  • Blasto' is a new game for Sony Playstation. It's an awesome three-dimensional game, and I play the character Blasto who's sort of a Flash Gordon barrel-chested superhero who goes to Uranus and shoots these little green alien Fascist guys. He rescues babes; he goes on wild rides. -- Phil Hartman
  • My favorite actor that I look up to is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. His career is something I look up to, I just want to be that guy. He's always part of projects that have a lot of soul and that's what I want to do as an actor. -- Grant Gustin
  • The clock struck half past two. In the little office at the back of Mr. McKechnie's bookshop, Gordon--Gordon Comstock, last member of the Comstock family, aged twenty-nine and rather moth-eaten already--lounged across the table, pushing a fourpenny packet of Player's Weights open and shut with his thumb. -- George Orwell
  • I fear that the rising personal bankruptcies and repossessions are the first signs of bigger problems to come and personal debt - Gordon Brown's legacy to millions of Britain's families - will hang like a millstone around the neck of the British people for years to come. -- Vince Cable
  • We are all socialists now, it seems. John McCain, David Cameron and Gordon Brown attack bankers' irresponsible behaviour and salaries, and call for state intervention in the financial markets. But these calls will not get them elected or re-elected if they are addressed only to the banking sector. -- Noreena Hertz
  • "I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effect on a long-range basis. Any attempt to use the water this way is deplorable." Charles Gordon Heyd, M.D., Past President, American Medical Association. -- Charles Bernhard Heyd
  • Even before he came to power in 1997, Gordon Brown promised to change the accounts to parliament from simple litanies of cash in and cash out, to a more commercial system that took notice of the public property the departments were using. This system is known as resource accounting. -- James Buchan
  • How does a woman gain such wisdom in only twenty-nine years~?Gordon asked, escorting her across the lawns toward the mansion.The same way a man does."Which is?"Lady Keely cast him an ambiguous smile. Either you are born with wisdom, my lord, or you make dowithout it... -- Patricia Grasso
  • In Kamby Bolongo Mean River damage and delusion walk hand in hand, and everything we think we know is gradually called into question. Reading like a cross between Samuel Beckett's 'The Calmative' and Gordon Lish's Dear Mr. Capote, Robert Lopez's new novel gets under your skin and latches on. -- Brian Evenson
  • I got fired from a movie that ended up being called 'Windows,' which Gordon Willis, the cinematographer, directed. I got fired because he refused to cast Meryl Streep, who at the time was at Yale. I told him I thought he was an idiot, and he fired me. -- Scott Rudin
  • All the BEAUTY in the earth bears the FINGERPRINT of the master creator" Gordon B. Hinckley -- Gordon B. Hinckley
  • I understand what the dynamic of the brand Ed Gordon has been all these years. I'm just trying to keep that as real and as honest as I can and I don't take it lightly. -- Ed Gordon
  • I Daniel Gordon Sparrow,choose money worthyness of money.the eye. good or evil,the eye,of life experiance of c/o god and serpent in the beginning or anyother,anything.nothing forgoten.all percaution or better -- daniel gordon sparrow
  • Stand tall and be strong in defense of those great virtues which have been the backbone of our social progress. When you are united, your power is limitless. You can accomplish anything you wish to accomplish. -President Gordon B. Hinckley, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints -- Gordon B. Hinckley
  • I've been into Sonic Youth since junior high school. I think I kind of have ADD, so it's good music for ADD because it just throws you in different directions all the time. I really like Kim Gordon's voice and Thurston Moore's voice, and I like the guitars going off on tangents. -- Norman Reedus
  • Just as the England football manager starts with bells and flags and balloons and ends up reviled, so do prime ministers. Tony Blair - is there anyone more despised now? Gordon Brown - all right, nobody voted for him but, you know... just think of any of them. Margaret Thatcher. John Major. Steve McLaren. Fabio Capello. -- Terry Wogan
  • Imagine a State occasion where the Queen is wearing trainers with her tiara because she thinks it will make people like her better, more folksy. It's unthinkable. But that's patently the thought process Gordon Brown (or his spin doctor) went through before the Prime Minister appeared on the world stage in Beijing without his suit and tie. -- Peter York
  • I used to watch the old 'Flash Gordon' series on TV, and it was thrilling to rocket to the planet Mongo every week. But after a while, I figured out that although Flash got the girl and all the accolades, it was really Dr. Zarkov who made the series work. Without Dr. Zarkov, there could be no Flash Gordon. -- Michio Kaku
  • In 2011, I announced that I was going to retire, and my agent panicked. So she says: 'No, no, no. You have to write a book with your husband.' My husband is a writer of crime novels. His name is William Gordon. And so I had to accommodate to his style because that's what he writes. So we decided we'd give it a try. Well, we almost divorced. -- Isabel Allende