Experiments quotes:

  • I love fools' experiments. I am always making them. -- Charles Darwin
  • All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. -- Nikola Tesla
  • Experiments were not attempted at that time, we did not believe in the usefulness of the concept anyway, and I finished my thesis in 1962 with a feeling like an artist balancing on a high rope without any interested spectators. -- Richard Ernst
  • Experiments are mediators between nature and idea. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Experiments that crash atoms together could start a chain reaction that erodes everything on Earth. -- Martin Rees
  • Experiments work when, and only when, they call into action cognitive capacities that might reliably deliver the conclusions drawn. -- Philip Kitcher
  • Classical physics has been superseded by quantum theory: quantum theory is verified by experiments. Experiments must be described in terms of classical physics. -- Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker
  • Experiments with the "as if" of fiction are often more lively in poetry and criticism and other modes of writing than in weak short stories or novels. -- Ben Lerner
  • It should now be clear why the method of Philosophy is so different from that of the natural sciences. Experiments are not made, because they would be utterly useless. -- Charles D. Broad
  • Experiments with animals have long been handicapped by our anthropocentric attitude: We often test them in ways that work fine with humans but not so well with other species. -- Frans de Waal
  • Experiments upon vegetation give reason to believe that light combines with certain parts of vegetables, and that the green of their leaves, and the various colors of flowers, is chiefly owing to this combination. -- Antoine Lavoisier
  • My Design in this Book is not to explain the Properties of Light by Hypotheses, but to propose and prove them by Reason and Experiments: In order to which, I shall premise the following Definitions and Axioms. -- Isaac Newton
  • In my totally unscientific yet enthusiastic survey of Communal Experiments Throughout American History, I've discovered that the thing most likely to break up said experiments is: Sex, all that murky, dark, dirty gunk simmering beneath human relations. -- Lauren Groff
  • The business and design of the Royal Society is: To improve the knowledge of naturall things, and all useful Arts, Manufactures, Mechanic practices, Engines and Inventions by Experiments-(not meddling with Divinity, Metaphysics, Moralls, Politicks, Grammar, Rhetoric or Logick). -- Robert Hooke
  • Experiments in digitizing and running neural wetware under emulation are well established; some radical libertarians claim that, as the technology matures, death with its draconian curtailment of property and voting rights will become the biggest civil rights issue of all. -- Charles Stross
  • Experiments suggest that if one particle of Ebola enters a person's bloodstream, it can cause a fatal infection. This may explain why many of the medical workers who came down with Ebola couldn't remember making any mistakes that might have exposed them. -- Richard Preston
  • Experiments show that children in unsupervised groups are capable of answering questions many years ahead of the material they're learning in school. In fact, they seem to enjoy the absence of adult supervision, and they are very confident of finding the right answer. -- Sugata Mitra
  • In going on with these Experiments, how many pretty systems do we build, which we soon find ourselves oblig'd to destroy! If there is no other Use discover'd of Electricity, this, however, is something considerable, that it may help to make a vain Man humble. -- Benjamin Franklin
  • All life is an experiment. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The true method of knowledge is experiment. -- William Blake
  • It is the weight, not numbers of experiments that is to be regarded. -- Isaac Newton
  • I have always appreciated those who dare to experiment with materials and proportions. -- Zaha Hadid
  • There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only experiments with unexpected outcomes. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
  • Every experiment, by multitudes or by individuals, that has a sensual and selfish aim, will fail. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong. -- Albert Einstein
  • The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification. -- Thomas Huxley
  • How could youths better learn to live than by at once trying the experiment of living? -- Henry David Thoreau
  • It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians. -- Henrik Ibsen
  • Ideas do not always come in a flash but by diligent trial-and-error experiments that take time and thought. -- Charles K. Kao
  • The doubter is a true man of science: he doubts only himself and his interpretations, but he believes in science. -- Claude Bernard
  • I get offers all the time from film makers, but they are unknown quantities. I don't go there and do experiments. -- Dan Aykroyd
  • The experiments show quite clearly that, as you resist more and more temptation, you're actually more and more likely to fail. -- Dan Ariely
  • We're giving our freedoms away. The American experiment was about freedom. Freedom to be stupid, freedom to fail, freedom to succeed. -- Glenn Beck
  • I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the Scriptures, but with experiments, and demonstrations. -- Galileo Galilei
  • Crucial to science education is hands-on involvement: showing, not just telling; real experiments and field trips and not just 'virtual reality.' -- Martin Rees
  • Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
  • Experience never errs; it is only your judgments that err by promising themselves effects such as are not caused by your experiments. -- Leonardo da Vinci
  • A magazine or a newspaper is a shop. Each is an experiment and represents a new focus, a new ratio between commerce and intellect. -- John Jay Chapman
  • To assume all the powers is not good for anybody. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. All those experiments have a bad ending. -- Rafael Correa
  • You accept failure as a possible outcome of some of the experiments. If you don't get failures, you're not pushing hard enough on the objectives. -- John Poindexter
  • Ideas for my first experiments in human aggression came from discussions we had in a research seminar about William Golding's 'Lord of the Flies.' -- Philip Zimbardo
  • It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment. -- Galileo Galilei
  • I get to experiment with a lot of looks with my character so that's really fun for me. It's like getting to paint a new canvas everyday. -- Sophia Bush
  • The studio is a laboratory, not a factory. An exhibition is the result of your experiments, but the process is never-ending. So an exhibition is not a conclusion. -- Chris Ofili
  • Everybody's a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We're all trying to experiment to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos. -- David Cronenberg
  • Our observation of nature must be diligent, our reflection profound, and our experiments exact. We rarely see these three means combined; and for this reason, creative geniuses are not common. -- Denis Diderot
  • To consult the statistician after an experiment is finished is often merely to ask him to conduct a post mortem examination. He can perhaps say what the experiment died of. -- Ronald Fisher
  • Doctoral training is devoted almost entirely to learning to do research, even though most Ph.Ds who enter academic life spend far more time teaching than they do conducting experiments or writing books. -- Derek Bok
  • I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Business is not a science; it is not susceptible to experiments that can be controlled and replicated. Everything in business is too unpredictable for that - every business, employee, product, market is different and keeps changing. -- Margaret Heffernan
  • In the discovery of secret things and in the investigation of hidden causes, stronger reasons are obtained from sure experiments and demonstrated arguments than from probable conjectures and the opinions of philosophical speculators of the common sort. -- W.S. Gilbert
  • Chemistry, until my childhood, not that long ago, was regarded as a calculating device. Because you couldn't reduce to physics. So it's just some way of calculating the result of experiments. The Bohr atom was treated that way. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Geometric shapes hold an energy pattern, and scientists did some experiments which say certain geometric shapes can affect matter around them. It's simply because when a human looks at a shape, they instantly receive energy from their brain. -- Tom DeLonge
  • Whether it's the experiments on 'MythBusters' or my earlier work in special effects for movies, I've regularly had to do things that were never done before, from designing complex motion-control rigs to figuring out how to animate chocolate. -- Adam Savage
  • Nothing you'll read as breaking news will ever hold a candle to the sheer beauty of settled science. Textbook science has carefully phrased explanations for new students, math derived step by step, plenty of experiments as illustration, and test problems. -- Eliezer Yudkowsky
  • Most of us were probably less than immaculately honest as teenagers; it's practically encoded into adolescence that you savor your secrets, dress in disguise, carve out some space for experiments and accidents and all the combustible lab work of becoming who you are. -- Nancy Gibbs
  • I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office. -- Andrew Jackson
  • The New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive 'policies' and 'Plans' of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word 'socialism', but what else can one call it? -- H. G. Wells
  • We must trust to nothing but facts: These are presented to us by Nature, and cannot deceive. We ought, in every instance, to submit our reasoning to the test of experiment, and never to search for truth but by the natural road of experiment and observation. -- Antoine Lavoisier
  • In our gliding experiments we had had a number of experiences in which we had landed upon one wing, but the crushing of the wing had absorbed the shock, so that we were not uneasy about the motor in case of a landing of that kind. -- Orville Wright
  • All my time not devoted to my master's service was spent either in prayer, or in making experiments in casting different things in moulds made of earth, in attempting to make paper, gunpowder, and many other experiments, that, although I could not perfect, yet convinced me of its practicability if I had the means. -- Nat Turner
  • I think it's science and physics are just starting to learn from all these experiments. These experiments have been carried out hundreds and hundreds of times in all sorts of ways that no physicist really questions the end point. I think that these experiments are very clearly telling us that consciousness is limitless and the ultimate reality. -- Robert Lanza
  • Unperformed experiments have no results. -- Asher Peres
  • In politics experiments means revolutions. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  • I consider all my films experiments. -- Michael Haneke
  • All the months are crude experiments, -- Virginia Woolf
  • Cleverly designed experiments are the key. -- Carl Sagan
  • Without proper experiments I conclude nothing. -- Johannes Kepler
  • You must make bold experiments in life! -- Meher Baba
  • Life is but an endless series of experiments. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Progress in science comes when experiments contradict theory. -- Richard P. Feynman
  • We've made science experiments of ourselves and our children. -- Jonathan Safran Foer
  • Theories might inspire you, but experiments will advance you. -- Amit Kalantri
  • I give them experiments and they respond with speeches. -- Louis Pasteur
  • When the chemistry is right, all the experiments work. -- Gregory Benford
  • Heresies are experiments in man's unsatisfied search for truth. -- H. G. Wells
  • We are all experiments in enthusiasms, narrow and preordained. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • Have lots of experiments, but make sure they're strategically focused. -- Adam Smith
  • One experiments and has to choose always the best results. -- Karlheinz Stockhausen
  • Success depends on how many experiments you can fit into 24 hours -- Thomas A. Edison
  • Don't believe the results of experiments until they're confirmed by theory. -- Arthur Eddington
  • Experiences are the chemicals of life with which the philosopher experiments -- Manly Hall
  • Simultaneously, the movie business now experiments with a colorblind approach to casting. -- Michael Medved
  • But experiments went for nothing,-dualism had sworn to uphold its position. -- Auguste Laurent
  • Science is not about making predictions or performing experiments. Science is about explaining. -- Bill Gaede
  • Psychologists really aim to be scientists, white-coat stuff, with elaborate statistics, running experiments. -- Daniel Kahneman
  • Spaceflight isn't just about doing experiments, it's about an extension of human culture. -- Chris Hadfield
  • I can envision observations and experiments that would disprove any evolutionary theory I know. -- Stephen Jay Gould
  • Developmental scientists like me explore the basic science of learning by designing controlled experiments. -- Alison Gopnik
  • All the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect September is made. -- Virginia Woolf
  • To engage in experiments on heat was always one of my most agreeable employments. -- Benjamin Thompson
  • We must never make experiments to confirm our ideas, but simply to control them. -- Claude Bernard
  • Ever since I was little, I've always had a few science experiments going on. -- Leslie Dewan
  • You have not succeeded in your experiments, that is all there is to it. -- Louis Pasteur
  • I want medical experiments on animals stopped. They don't do anything, and they don't work. -- Sam Simon
  • I want medical experiments on animals stopped. They don't do anything, and they don't work, -- Sam Simon
  • You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must undergo it. -- Albert Camus
  • In the big experiments, Atlas and CMS, we have something like 3,000 scientists each, and over 60 nationalities. -- Fabiola Gianotti
  • With science, there is this culture of experimentation, and most of the time, those experiments fail. -- John Lasseter
  • I wanted to understand the secrets behind my chemical experiments and behind the processes in nature. -- Richard Ernst
  • They had not yet attained the stupefying boredom of omnipotence; their experiments did not always succeed. -- Arthur C. Clarke
  • Psycho-galvonic experiments show clearly that every emotion or thought is always connected with some electrical current. -- Alfred Korzybski
  • I don't place much faith in my intuitions, except as a starting place for designing experiments. -- Elizabeth Spelke
  • The real measure of success is the number of experiments that can be crowded into 24 hours. -- Thomas A. Edison
  • If I had been a member of the academic establishment, I could have done other experiments. -- Albert Ellis
  • Every experiment destroys some of the knowledge of the system which was obtained by previous experiments. -- Werner Heisenberg
  • If you double the number of experiments you do per year you're going to double your inventiveness. -- Jeff Bezos
  • Biologically the species is the accumulation of the experiments of all its successful individuals since the beginning. -- H. G. Wells
  • If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements. -- Mason Cooley
  • The history of using mice to stand in for humans in medical experiments is replete with failures. -- Gary Wolf
  • One of the nice things about science fiction is that it lets us carry out thought experiments. -- Rudy Rucker
  • If experiments on animals were abandoned on grounds of compassion, mankind would have made a fundamental advance. -- Richard Wagner
  • The loveliest theories are being overthrown by these damned experiments; it's no fun being a chemist anymore. -- Justus von Liebig
  • If you give people literacy, bad ideas can be attacked and experiments tried, and lessons will accumulate. -- Steven Pinker
  • Theory provides the maps that turn an uncoordinated set of experiments or computer simulations into a cumulative exploration. -- David E. Goldberg
  • All my experiments in Ahimsa have taught me that nonviolence in practice means common labour with the body. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • Their experiments caused them to destabilize the structure of the continent and thus Atlantis sank beneath the waves. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • The right to err, which means the freedom to try experiments, is the universal condition of all progress. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • In real life, as well as in experiments, people can come to believe things that never really happened. -- Elizabeth Loftus