Enhancing quotes:

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  • Enhancing revenues will help us improve education and solve our infrastructure problems. -- Roy Barnes
  • Making each others lives easier is true love. Enhancing each other this way, is what makes a wonderful relationship. -- Ron Baratono
  • Enhancing long term national security requires that we have a clear-eyed view of radical Islamic terrorism without ascribing radical Islamic terrorist views to all Muslims. -- Jeff Flake
  • People have mistaken my break, I took a break from competition, it was because of mental problems, and because I was not agreeing with Performance Enhancing Drugs. I put the things on pause for a while, but I didn't retire. -- Georges St-Pierre
  • I don't want to be an exception, because I was very outspoken about Performance Enhancing Drugs. It would be bad for my reputation if I would have an exemption [for doping test] - I don't want to have a free pass, I want to be like everybody else. -- Georges St-Pierre
  • All makeovers should be about enhancing who you are. -- Bethany Mota
  • I'm on performance enhancing drugs, so I may cause drowsiness. -- Jay London
  • Acting is about enhancing your life, not representing something that's missing. -- Katherine Parkinson
  • Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing. -- Tom Peters
  • Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. -- Khalil Gibran
  • Regional exchange can be a source of growth and development, and of enhancing good governance. -- Anna Lindh
  • Modesty: the gentle art of enhancing your charm by pretending not to be aware of it. -- Oliver Herford
  • Starbucks is committed to evolving and enhancing our customer experience with innovative and wholesome food offerings. -- Howard Schultz
  • Barley and mushroom is a soothing combination. It's mainly a textural thing, with the barley both gently breaking and enhancing the mushroomy gloopiness. -- Yotam Ottolenghi
  • Boone Pickens should be commended for his leadership on American energy security, and for bringing Ted Turner along on some sensible approaches to enhancing it. -- Frank Gaffney
  • If you go back to the Greeks and Romans, they talk about all three - wine, food, and art - as a way of enhancing life. -- Robert Mondavi
  • When I looked at the addictive qualities of video games and how they captivate people's attention, I decided to try the same technology for enhancing well-being. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Nothing is more important for young people than enhancing their life chances, liberating their potential and encouraging their contribution to a globally competitive and modern economy. -- David Blunkett
  • Speaking as a builder, if you start something, you must have a vision of the thing which arises from your instinct about preserving and enhancing what is there. -- Christopher Alexander
  • Lucid dreaming has considerable potential for promoting personal growth and self-development, enhancing self-confidence, improving mental and physical health, facilitating creative problem solving and helping you to progress on the path to self-mastery. -- Stephen LaBerge
  • The world awaits Beijing's hosting of the 2008 Olympics, an occasion which will bring into the global spotlight the dramatic advances China is making in enhancing the quality of life for its people. -- Alexander Haig
  • When Congress passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002, I was thrilled to learn that the federal government would offer resources to all states to assist them in enhancing the voting process in America. -- DeForest Soaries
  • Our goal has been to stay true to what people most love about the original Pirates! while upgrading, enhancing, and in some cases, re-inventing the game to make it a great experience for today's gamers. -- Sid Meier
  • Touch seems to be such an important tool for enhancing social cooperation and affiliation that we have evolved a special physical route along which those subliminal feelings of social connection travel from skin to brain. -- Leonard Mlodinow
  • Speaking as a builder, if you start something, you must have a vision of the thing which arises from your instinct about preserving and enhancing what is there... If you're working correctly, the feeling doesn't wander about. -- Christopher Alexander
  • We need to make sure parents and coaches are aware of the dangers an on the look-out for the warning signs. Performance enhancing drugs are too damaging to young people for parents and coaches to not be involved. -- Chuck Grassley
  • The developers, if they decide to move a tortoise, have to pay the long-term costs for enhancing the areas that take care of the tortoise, and it gives us the opportunity to manage an area that is going to be protected. -- Gale Norton
  • I think newspapers shouldn't try to compete directly with the Web, and should do what they can do better, which may be long-form journalism and using photos and art, and making connections with large-form graphics and really enhancing the tactile experience of paper. -- Dave Eggers
  • The giant white cube is now impeding rather than enhancing the rhythms of art. It preprograms a viewer's journey, shifts the emphasis from process to product, and lacks individuality and openness. It's not that art should be seen only in rutty bombed-out environments, but it should seem alive. -- Jerry Saltz
  • What we know for sure from our work and from others' is that mice have a life span of 1,000 days, dogs have 5,000 days, and we humans have 29,000 days. Recognizing that the duration is limited, and aging is inevitable, focus the attention on enhancing the quality of the days you have. -- S. Jay Olshansky
  • Laughter heals, gives solace, and is life enhancing. -- Liz Carpenter
  • Some think there is something wrong about enhancing people. -- James D. Watson
  • Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through. -- Janelle Monae
  • Racing should never be an ordeal, rather an enjoyable and life-enhancing experience. -- Bruce Fordyce
  • If art is not to be life-enhancing, what is it to be? -- May Sarton
  • Motherhood:The most exhausting, emotional, rewardingand life-enhancing journey a woman can take. -- Charlotte Pearson
  • What we call art would seem to be specialist artifacts for enhancing human perception. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Don't get stuck on small. Don't stop dreaming, reaching and enhancing what you have. -- T. D. Jakes
  • Overcoming negative tendencies and enhancing positive potential are the very essence of the spiritual path. -- Dalai Lama
  • Give the benefit of the doubt; assume that your beloved's intentions are life-enhancing and positive. -- John Friend
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  • Nobody has ever said anything about Marion Jones every using performance-enhancing drugs and they never will. -- Marion Jones
  • Nobody has ever said anything about Marion Jones every using performance-enhancing drugs and they never will -- Marion Jones
  • Passion is the relentless pursuit of those life-enhancing activities or experiences that give our souls meaning. -- Janet Hagberg
  • I have never had a single positive doping test, and I do not take performance-enhancing drugs. -- Lance Armstrong
  • I am against performance-enhancing drugs. I have never taken them and I never will take them. -- Marion Jones
  • Fashion is life-enhancing and I think it's a lovely, generous thing to do for other people -- Vivienne Westwood
  • Fashion is life-enhancing, and I think it's a lovely, generous thing to do for other people. -- Vivienne Westwood
  • If life gives you lemons, drink the juice in order to mask the presence of performing-enhancing drugs. -- Lance Armstrong
  • Used throughout a room, orange can become surprisingly neutral, and yet it can be bright and mood-enhancing. -- Jonathan Adler
  • The perception is that baseball's players' union is protecting players to use steroids and other illegal performance-enhancing drugs. -- Jim Bunning
  • Space travel is life-enhancing, and anything that's life-enhancing is worth doing. It makes you want to live forever. -- Ray Bradbury
  • Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well. -- Vivienne Westwood
  • If you're taking performance-enhancing drugs and you get caught, in my mind, you should be banned for life. -- Michael Bisping
  • Colleges would compete by adding professors, enhancing programs, or building nicer facilities. So they competed by making institutions better. -- Clayton Christensen
  • Any food that requires enhancing by the use of chemical substances should in no way be considered a food. -- John H. Tobe
  • Colleges would compete by adding professors, enhancing programmes or building nicer facilities. So they competed by making institutions better. -- Clayton M. Christensen
  • Performance-enhancing drugs are an illusion. I wish I had never gotten involved with steroids. It was wrong. It was stupid. -- Mark McGwire
  • Make no mistake: When I told Senator Mitchell that I injected Roger Clemens with performance-enhancing drugs, I told the truth. -- Jim Lehrer
  • My guess is many top athletes, distance runners included, use performance-enhancing drugs, enough so that the problem must be tackled. -- Bill Rodgers
  • Spiritual process is not about chanting a mantra or closing your eyes, spiritual process is essentially about enhancing your perception. -- Jaggi Vasudev
  • We currently have a system for taking care of sickness. We do not have a system for enhancing and promoting health. -- Hillary Clinton
  • Your ideas need not have anything to do with reality. Making conclusions is a sure way of not enhancing our perception. -- Jaggi Vasudev
  • The more I photograph women, the less it is about transformation. Women are beautiful. All that really matters is enhancing that -- Mario Testino
  • Instead of bringing back 1600 plants, we might return from our journeys with a collection of small unfêted but life-enhancing thoughts. -- Alain de Botton
  • Our deep collaboration with ABC News further strengthens Yahoo! as the No. 1 online news source, greatly enhancing our already robust news content. -- Ross Levinsohn
  • Experiential team exercises can be valuable tools for enhancing teamwork as long as they are layered upon more fundamental and relevant processes. -- Patrick Lencioni
  • Man is not a beast of burden, and the Sabbath is not for the purpose of enhancing the efficiency of his work. -- Abraham Joshua Heschel
  • Connectivity and technologies are not only solving some of the biggest problems in the world, but they're also enhancing the experience for everyone. -- Gary Shapiro
  • Contraceptives have a proven track record of enhancing the health of women and children, preventing unintended pregnancy, and reducing the need for abortion. -- Louise Slaughter
  • When you move toward that which is most fulfilling and life-enhancing, healing follows regardless of what your health is like in that moment. -- Christiane Northrup
  • I'm a big fan of music, I'm a student of music, and I just wanna learn and keep enhancing my education about the music. -- Troy Andrews
  • We need to stop spending money on death, the war in Iraq and on enhancing the lives of the people in our own country. -- Dick Morris
  • Lance Armstrong admitted he used performance-enhancing drugs throughout his career. He confessed in front of the most respected judge in the land, Oprah Winfrey. -- Craig Ferguson
  • Philanthropy, like Red Cross voluntarism, is realizing the enhancing influence of cultural diversity. Inviting the full participation of all the community's resources leads to win-win situations. -- Gwen Jackson
  • There is a need for everyone's brain to be imprinted with more self-enhancing impulses: the impulse to peace over violence, love over fear, compassion over selfishness. -- Deepak Chopra
  • I think that natural beauty is very charismatic... I just believe in enhancing who we are rather than trying to manipulate or change it too much. -- Elle Macpherson
  • It's about enhancing your body and accentuating your good areas. Shapewear isn't the ugly, embarrassing granny undies they used to be - they really are sexy. -- Ricki-Lee Coulter
  • Cocoa boosts brain serotonin. Almost every single antidepressant aims at either enhancing serotonin or keeping it in the brain longer. Chocolate or cocoa does that very well. -- Chris Kilham
  • Nothing must be left to chance in a magical performance. Everything conducive to enhancing the mystery of the illusions must be arranged with painstaking care and thought. -- David Devant
  • Cooking is for capturing the taste of the food and then enhancing it, as a composer may take a theme and then delight us with his variations. -- Fernand Point
  • To me, being Australian is about looking after your mates, taking care of the less fortunate, supporting the underdog and enhancing the spirit that makes all Australians unique. -- Steve Waugh
  • All human activities, professions, programs, and institutions must henceforth be judged primarily by the extent to which they inhibit, ignore, or foster a mutually enhancing human/Earth relationship. -- Thomas Berry
  • It is quite possible that the truest and most eloquent art is a successful fusion of both the visible and visionary worlds, each enhancing and reinforcing the other. -- Edward Betts
  • Knowing who you really are and dressing the part -- with an air of amused recklessness -- is life affirming for you and life enhancing for other people. -- Simon Doonan
  • The fans appreciate the success the young guys are having now because they know the game is clean, that they've finally got rid of all the performance-enhancing drug issues. -- Ryan Braun
  • We have the knowledge, resources, and capabilities to make global capitalism work in a more inclusive and socially responsible manner while retaining - indeed enhancing - its economic benefits. -- John Dunning
  • Mr. Anwar is a respected colleague and a man of integrity, who in his capacity as finance minister showed strong dedication to enhancing the financial well-being of the Malaysian people, -- Paul Martin
  • What is called a high standard of living consists, in considerable measure, in arrangements for avoiding muscular energy, for increasing sensual pleasure and enhancing caloric intake above any conceivable nutritional requirement. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
  • Imagine the word CANCEL being a huge rubber stamp in your mind. Stamp CANCEL on any self-defeating image you place in your head, and begin to think in a self-enhancing way. -- Wayne Dyer
  • I have never taken performance-enhancing drugs whether banned or unbanned, on or off the list, at any time. In fact, I underwent hundreds of tests during my career and all were negative. -- Stephen Roche
  • Readable, faithful, accurate-what more could you ask for in a modern translation of the Bible? GOD'S WORD Translation is a great version for enhancing your love for God's Word. I recommend it. -- Ann Spangler
  • Zuckerberg had the good sense to know both his own limitations and interests. He wanted an executive who would free him to do what he loved: code, and enhancing the Facebook platform. -- Ken Auletta
  • The most significant learning occurs when emotions are integrated with instruction because all body systems are united. The Arts are strongly linked to emotions, enhancing the likelihood that students will remember something. -- Eric Jensen
  • Saddam's goal is to achieve the lifting of U.N. sanctions while retaining and enhancing Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. We cannot, we must not and we will not let him succeed. -- Madeleine Albright
  • Instead of constantly enhancing the norm - forever upping the ante of the 'normal' with new technologies - we should work on enhancing the concept of normal by broadening appreciation of anatomical variation. -- Alice Dreger
  • The atheist view is correspondingly life-affirming and life-enhancing, while at the same time never being tainted with self-delusion, wishful thinking, or the whingeing self-pity of those who feel that life owes them something. -- Richard Dawkins
  • Intellectuals that approach me, only serve to feeding my intellectualism. Imaginists that approach me, only serve to enhancing my Imaginism. It's impossible to feed my I, for I am the Greatest 'I AM. -- Lionel Suggs
  • I have never taken performance-enhancing drugs in my life and I never will, over the course of my career I have taken hundreds of drugs tests and every single one has been negative. -- Mohamed Farah
  • The difference between me and other people in my generation is instead of saying the Internet's killing the record business, I say, 'Who cares about the record business, the Internet is enhancing music. -- Daryl Hall
  • The nanofibrillar scaffolds designed to guide the process of cellular repopulation is an important step towards prolonging life and enhancing the quality of life for patients with advanced heart disease with defective valve. -- Magdi Yacoub
  • Recognizing our responsibilities as industrialists, we will devote ourselves to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people through our business activities, thereby enhancing the quality of life throughout the world. -- Konosuke Matsushita
  • The advent of digitally enhancing images - and the fact that actresses weren't protesting against that - created an environment where big corporations felt like they had total ownership over the bodies of actresses. -- Romola Garai
  • The difference between me and other people in my generation is instead of saying the Internet's killing the record business, I say, 'Who cares about the record business, the Internet is enhancing music.' -- Daryl Hall
  • Our goal has been to stay true to what people most love about the original Pirates! while upgrading, enhancing, and in some cases, re-inventing the game to make it a great experience for todays gamers. -- Sid Meier
  • I've never used performance-enhancing drugs of any kind, and I never will. I've never met or spoken with Tony Bosch or used any substances provided by him. Anything said to the contrary is a lie. -- Gio Gonzalez
  • Indian IT corporations have made work in the U.S. much more efficient by enhancing their productivity and quality of work. We have helped to add sufficient value to the corporations in the U.S. -- N. R. Narayana Murthy
  • The main purpose of production is to manufacture items of good quality for daily use in abundant supply, thereby enhancing and improving the life for everyone and it is this goal that I am dedicated. -- Konosuke Matsushita