Max Klein Quotes in Argo (2012)


Max Klein Quotes:

  • Max Klein: You want me to be honest with you, Les?

    Lester Siegel: No, I would like you to bullshit me, Max.

  • Max Klein: You want me to be honest with you, Les?

    Lester Siegel: No, I would like you to bullshit me, Max.

    Max Klein: All right. I enjoyed your films, the early ones. I took this meeting out of respect, because I wanted to say no to your face.

    Lester Siegel: Thank you. Very respectful.

    Max Klein: You're finished, Lester. Get your cataracts fixed, read the trades. MGM just capitalized for six new films, they're screaming for sci-fi! They're offering me four times what you guys are offering me.

    Lester Siegel: Well, what can I say? Congratulations. But see, if kind of worries me what you said, let me tell you why. A couple of weeks ago I was sitting in Trader Vic's, I was enjoying a mai tai, when my pal Warren Beatty comes in. He wishes me well, and we have a little chat. Seems he was attached to star in 'Zulu Empire,' which was gonna anchor that MGM slate, but Warren confided in me that the picture's gone over budget because the Zulu extras want to unionize. They may be cannibals, but they want health and dental. Which means the movie's kaput, so the MGM deal ain't gonna happen, and your script ain't worth the buffalo shit on a nickel. So the way it looks to me, through the cataracts I grant you, is that you can either sign here and take ten thousand dollars for your toilet paper script, or you can go fuck yourself! With all due respect.

  • Laura Klein: Why didn't you call and say you were alive?

    Max Klein: I thought I was dead.

  • Carla Rodrigo: You told me I was going to be safe with you.

    Max Klein: You're safe. You're safe because we died already.

  • Dr. Bill Perlman: She won't talk. Very Catholic. Old World, you know. Full of guilt, shame.

    Max Klein: I'm full of guilt and shame. How is that Old World?

  • [to himself]

    Max Klein: This is it. This is the moment of your death.

  • Max Klein: [comforting a child during plane crash] Put you head down... it will be over soon. Now close your eyes... everything is wonderful.

  • Max Klein: People say they want to know the truth, but what they really want to know is that they already know the truth.

  • Max Klein: [talking to God] You want to kill me but you can't!

  • Max Klein: Let's buy gifts for the dead!

  • Max Klein: Did you hear that?

    Jeff Gordon: Max, this is a very important meeting. I need you to calm down. I need you to be with me. All right? God, you're such a neurotic.


    Max Klein: Something's not right.

    [an explosion rocks the cabin, and the passengers scream]

    Max Klein: Oh shit!

    Pilot: [over the P.A., frantically] This is your Captain. Please return to your seats, put your tray tables up and fasten your seatbelts.

    Flight Attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, please be sure to fasten your seatbelts tightly around your waist! The flight attendants will be coming by to collect all your trays!

    [the cabin shakes heavily, bags drop from the overhead compartments]

    Passenger #2: Is everything okay?

    Flight Attendant: We're just fine. We just hit a little unexpected turbulence.

    Pilot: [over the P.A., calmly] This is your Captain speaking.

    Passenger #1: I don't think this is turbulence!

    Pilot: We're experiencing problems with our hydraulic system.

    Max Klein: The hydraulics!

    Jeff Gordon: What?

    Max Klein: [screaming] He can't steer! We're going down!

    [the plane starts spiraling down]

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