Krokov Quotes in Condorman (1981)


Krokov Quotes:

  • Krokov: Have you seen this report on this Condorman? On this man Wilkins? He is an AMATEUR, do you hear? He is NOT an agent of the CIA! He is a WRITER OF COMIC BOOKS!

  • Krokov: [turns on the lamp] Hello, Natalia. Welcome home.

    Natalia: Sergei. I didn't expect you.

    Krokov: I'm sure you didn't, my dear. Nor did I expect you to travel to Istanbul to meet our American friend.

    Natalia: As I was going to tell you about. The meeting was supposed to be a civillian operation, eh? They sent a *top* agent. He was good.

    [steps behind the dressing screen to change clothes]

    Natalia: . Very smooth. And very tough. Almost as tough as you, Sergei.

    Krokov: And his name? Surely, when you were finding out how... tough... and how smooth he was, you found out his name?

    Natalia: He called himself Condorman.

    Krokov: Condorman? Quaint. But he is good. The way he handled those three turks was impressive. But, you were stupid to be seen by a chinese agent. And I cannot afford costly mistakes. Oh, my dear Natalia, that is why I have changed my mind about taking you with me to Monte Carlo. You need to be... re-educated, on the, teachings, of our masters.

  • Woody Wilkins: [in disguise as a wealthy sheik, Woody approaches Natalia on an outcropping of the estate] A thing of beauty!

    Natalia: Yes it is. I do not believe we have met. Natalia Rombovia.

    [holds out her hand to shake]

    Woody Wilkins: [takes off his sunglasses and whispers] Don't scream out, the calvary's here!

    Natalia: [surprised] Woo...!

    Woody Wilkins: Shhh!

    [gently places his hand over her mouth]

    Natalia: [whispering] Woody! They told me you were dead!

    Woody Wilkins: I've come to get you out. Come on!

    [reaches to take her hand]

    Natalia: [sees Krokov looking her way] No. I cannot go with you.

    Woody Wilkins: What do you mean?

    Natalia: Krokov will...

    Woody Wilkins: Krokov, forget Krokov! Now come with me!

    Natalia: No! No! Krokov...

    [sees Krokov walking towards them, and calms down]

    Natalia: Krokov had a plan. It was a plan. Don't be stupid. Krokov thought you were a top agent. My defection was a ruse. To kidnap you. But now he knows you are nothing but a foolish dreamer who draws comic books, not worth the bullet to kill you. So go now, please, and don't...

    Krokov: [interupts] I see you have already met the shiek.

    Natalia: Yes. He thought we had met before!

    Krokov: Is that so?

    Woody Wilkins: But I was... mistaken. A foolish dream, perhaps.

    Natalia: [walks away and takes Krokov's arm] It was a pleasure meeting you. I'm sorry we didn't have more time. Some other day, perhaps.

    [Woody nods, Natalia turns to leave with Krokov, then turns back momentarily]

    Natalia: If you bring the dip, I'll bring the dostoevsky!

    Woody Wilkins: [looks away, heartbroken, then realizes Natalia's hidden message] I'll bring the dip...


    Woody Wilkins: I'll bring the dip... Natalia!

    Harry Oslo: [looking at his watch] 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

    [presses a button on his remote which sets off a series of detonations]

  • Woody Wilkins: Oooooooohhhhh! Way to go, Russ! He got it exactly right!

    Natalia: What is it?

    Woody Wilkins: I'll show you!

    [unpacks the jet trolly]

    Woody Wilkins: See, you just, hook it onto the cable, then you open the stirrups, climb aboard, flip this switch, and Zowee! Right up the mountain!

    Harry Oslo: Whoa... hold on!

    Woody Wilkins: Harry, there's nothing to be afraid of.

    Harry Oslo: Woody... I can't handle heights.

    Woody Wilkins: OK. Then you climb on with me, and hold on.

    Harry Oslo: [climbs on] Whhhooooooaaaaaa!

    [holds on to Woody for dear life, squinting his eyes shut]

    Natalia: Ready?

    [she flips the switch for Woody, and the jet trolly takes off. Natalia then gets on hers, flips the switch and is right behind Woody and Harry]

    Krokov: [Krokov, on the mountaintop, watches the three crossing the Alps. He picks up his radio] Morovich? Do you see them?

    Morovich: [Morovich, a little lower on the mountain, is on an outcropping with a sniper gun] Da.

    [He target's Woody and Harry's jet trolly at the junction where the pole and the wheels on the cable meet]

    Krokov: Shoot.

    Natalia: [a shot rings out and Harry and Woody fall to the snowy embankment below, leaving impressions in the snow upon impact. There is no movement from either of them] Woody! Wooooddddyyyyyy!

  • Natalia: [Krokov walks into Natalia's room] . I hate you.

    Krokov: I am going to save your life. Our story will be that your defection was a ruse to kidnap this Condorman. Our agencies in Monte Carlo and Yugoslavia have already been informed. The failure, however, will fall on Morovich. Of course, we will have to have him killed. We certaintly can't have him going off telling his side of the story. Hmm?

    Natalia: You pig! Do you think that things will ever be the same again between us?

    Krokov: For the moment, I don't care. But remember, Natalia, while you are here in this comfortable, but inpenetrable fortress, your every move will be watched.

    Natalia: Get out of here!

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